Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning algorithms hold the promise of enabling data-driven RL methods that do not require costly or dangerous real-world exploration and benefit from large pre-collected datasets. This in turn can facilitate real-world applications, as well as a more standardized approach to RL research. Furthermore, offline RL methods can provide effective initializations for online finetuning to overcome challenges with exploration. However, evaluating progress on offline RL algorithms requires effective and challenging benchmarks that capture properties of real-world tasks, provide a range of task difficulties, and cover a range of challenges both in terms of the parameters of the domain (e.g., length of the horizon, sparsity of rewards) and the parameters of the data (e.g., narrow demonstration data or broad exploratory data). While considerable progress in offline RL in recent years has been enabled by simpler benchmark tasks, the most widely used datasets are increasingly saturating in performance and may fail to reflect properties of realistic tasks. We propose a new benchmark for offline RL that focuses on realistic simulations of robotic manipulation and locomotion environments, based on models of real-world robotic systems, and comprising a variety of data sources, including scripted data, play-style data collected by human teleoperators, and other data sources. Our proposed benchmark covers state-based and image-based domains, and supports both offline RL and online fine-tuning evaluation, with some of the tasks specifically designed to require both pre-training and fine-tuning. We hope that our proposed benchmark will facilitate further progress on both offline RL and fine-tuning algorithms. Website with code, examples, tasks, and data is available at \url{https://sites.google.com/view/d5rl/}
Abstract:This work presents HiLMa-Res, a hierarchical framework leveraging reinforcement learning to tackle manipulation tasks while performing continuous locomotion using quadrupedal robots. Unlike most previous efforts that focus on solving a specific task, HiLMa-Res is designed to be general for various loco-manipulation tasks that require quadrupedal robots to maintain sustained mobility. The novel design of this framework tackles the challenges of integrating continuous locomotion control and manipulation using legs. It develops an operational space locomotion controller that can track arbitrary robot end-effector (toe) trajectories while walking at different velocities. This controller is designed to be general to different downstream tasks, and therefore, can be utilized in high-level manipulation planning policy to address specific tasks. To demonstrate the versatility of this framework, we utilize HiLMa-Res to tackle several challenging loco-manipulation tasks using a quadrupedal robot in the real world. These tasks span from leveraging state-based policy to vision-based policy, from training purely from the simulation data to learning from real-world data. In these tasks, HiLMa-Res shows better performance than other methods.
Abstract:Legged robots are physically capable of navigating a diverse variety of environments and overcoming a wide range of obstructions. For example, in a search and rescue mission, a legged robot could climb over debris, crawl through gaps, and navigate out of dead ends. However, the robot's controller needs to respond intelligently to such varied obstacles, and this requires handling unexpected and unusual scenarios successfully. This presents an open challenge to current learning methods, which often struggle with generalization to the long tail of unexpected situations without heavy human supervision. To address this issue, we investigate how to leverage the broad knowledge about the structure of the world and commonsense reasoning capabilities of vision-language models (VLMs) to aid legged robots in handling difficult, ambiguous situations. We propose a system, VLM-Predictive Control (VLM-PC), combining two key components that we find to be crucial for eliciting on-the-fly, adaptive behavior selection with VLMs: (1) in-context adaptation over previous robot interactions and (2) planning multiple skills into the future and replanning. We evaluate VLM-PC on several challenging real-world obstacle courses, involving dead ends and climbing and crawling, on a Go1 quadruped robot. Our experiments show that by reasoning over the history of interactions and future plans, VLMs enable the robot to autonomously perceive, navigate, and act in a wide range of complex scenarios that would otherwise require environment-specific engineering or human guidance.
Abstract:Skill discovery methods enable agents to learn diverse emergent behaviors without explicit rewards. To make learned skills useful for unknown downstream tasks, obtaining a semantically diverse repertoire of skills is essential. While some approaches introduce a discriminator to distinguish skills and others aim to increase state coverage, no existing work directly addresses the "semantic diversity" of skills. We hypothesize that leveraging the semantic knowledge of large language models (LLMs) can lead us to improve semantic diversity of resulting behaviors. In this sense, we introduce Language Guided Skill Discovery (LGSD), a skill discovery framework that aims to directly maximize the semantic diversity between skills. LGSD takes user prompts as input and outputs a set of semantically distinctive skills. The prompts serve as a means to constrain the search space into a semantically desired subspace, and the generated LLM outputs guide the agent to visit semantically diverse states within the subspace. We demonstrate that LGSD enables legged robots to visit different user-intended areas on a plane by simply changing the prompt. Furthermore, we show that language guidance aids in discovering more diverse skills compared to five existing skill discovery methods in robot-arm manipulation environments. Lastly, LGSD provides a simple way of utilizing learned skills via natural language.
Abstract:To succeed in the real world, robots must cope with situations that differ from those seen during training. We study the problem of adapting on-the-fly to such novel scenarios during deployment, by drawing upon a diverse repertoire of previously learned behaviors. Our approach, RObust Autonomous Modulation (ROAM), introduces a mechanism based on the perceived value of pre-trained behaviors to select and adapt pre-trained behaviors to the situation at hand. Crucially, this adaptation process all happens within a single episode at test time, without any human supervision. We provide theoretical analysis of our selection mechanism and demonstrate that ROAM enables a robot to adapt rapidly to changes in dynamics both in simulation and on a real Go1 quadruped, even successfully moving forward with roller skates on its feet. Our approach adapts over 2x as efficiently compared to existing methods when facing a variety of out-of-distribution situations during deployment by effectively choosing and adapting relevant behaviors on-the-fly.
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning (RL) can enable robots to autonomously acquire complex behaviors, such as legged locomotion. However, RL in the real world is complicated by constraints on efficiency, safety, and overall training stability, which limits its practical applicability. We present APRL, a policy regularization framework that modulates the robot's exploration over the course of training, striking a balance between flexible improvement potential and focused, efficient exploration. APRL enables a quadrupedal robot to efficiently learn to walk entirely in the real world within minutes and continue to improve with more training where prior work saturates in performance. We demonstrate that continued training with APRL results in a policy that is substantially more capable of navigating challenging situations and is able to adapt to changes in dynamics with continued training.
Abstract:Legged robots have enormous potential in their range of capabilities, from navigating unstructured terrains to high-speed running. However, designing robust controllers for highly agile dynamic motions remains a substantial challenge for roboticists. Reinforcement learning (RL) offers a promising data-driven approach for automatically training such controllers. However, exploration in these high-dimensional, underactuated systems remains a significant hurdle for enabling legged robots to learn performant, naturalistic, and versatile agility skills. We propose a framework for training complex robotic skills by transferring experience from existing controllers to jumpstart learning new tasks. To leverage controllers we can acquire in practice, we design this framework to be flexible in terms of their source -- that is, the controllers may have been optimized for a different objective under different dynamics, or may require different knowledge of the surroundings -- and thus may be highly suboptimal for the target task. We show that our method enables learning complex agile jumping behaviors, navigating to goal locations while walking on hind legs, and adapting to new environments. We also demonstrate that the agile behaviors learned in this way are graceful and safe enough to deploy in the real world.
Abstract:We introduce a new benchmarking suite for high-dimensional control, targeted at testing high spatial and temporal precision, coordination, and planning, all with an underactuated system frequently making-and-breaking contacts. The proposed challenge is mastering the piano through bi-manual dexterity, using a pair of simulated anthropomorphic robot hands. We call it RoboPianist, and the initial version covers a broad set of 150 variable-difficulty songs. We investigate both model-free and model-based methods on the benchmark, characterizing their performance envelopes. We observe that while certain existing methods, when well-tuned, can achieve impressive levels of performance in certain aspects, there is significant room for improvement. RoboPianist provides a rich quantitative benchmarking environment, with human-interpretable results, high ease of expansion by simply augmenting the repertoire with new songs, and opportunities for further research, including in multi-task learning, zero-shot generalization, multimodal (sound, vision, touch) learning, and imitation. Supplementary information, including videos of our control policies, can be found at https://kzakka.com/robopianist/
Abstract:Sample efficiency and exploration remain major challenges in online reinforcement learning (RL). A powerful approach that can be applied to address these issues is the inclusion of offline data, such as prior trajectories from a human expert or a sub-optimal exploration policy. Previous methods have relied on extensive modifications and additional complexity to ensure the effective use of this data. Instead, we ask: can we simply apply existing off-policy methods to leverage offline data when learning online? In this work, we demonstrate that the answer is yes; however, a set of minimal but important changes to existing off-policy RL algorithms are required to achieve reliable performance. We extensively ablate these design choices, demonstrating the key factors that most affect performance, and arrive at a set of recommendations that practitioners can readily apply, whether their data comprise a small number of expert demonstrations or large volumes of sub-optimal trajectories. We see that correct application of these simple recommendations can provide a $\mathbf{2.5\times}$ improvement over existing approaches across a diverse set of competitive benchmarks, with no additional computational overhead.
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning is a promising approach to learning policies in uncontrolled environments that do not require domain knowledge. Unfortunately, due to sample inefficiency, deep RL applications have primarily focused on simulated environments. In this work, we demonstrate that the recent advancements in machine learning algorithms and libraries combined with a carefully tuned robot controller lead to learning quadruped locomotion in only 20 minutes in the real world. We evaluate our approach on several indoor and outdoor terrains which are known to be challenging for classical model-based controllers. We observe the robot to be able to learn walking gait consistently on all of these terrains. Finally, we evaluate our design decisions in a simulated environment.