Abstract:Multimodal Recommendation focuses mainly on how to effectively integrate behavior and multimodal information in the recommendation task. Previous works suffer from two major issues. Firstly, the training process tightly couples the behavior module and multimodal module by jointly optimizing them using the sharing model parameters, which leads to suboptimal performance since behavior signals and modality signals often provide opposite guidance for the parameters updates. Secondly, previous approaches fail to take into account the significant distribution differences between behavior and modality when they attempt to fuse behavior and modality information. This resulted in a misalignment between the representations of behavior and modality. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose a novel Dual Representation learning framework for Multimodal Recommendation called DRepMRec, which introduce separate dual lines for coupling problem and Behavior-Modal Alignment (BMA) for misalignment problem. Specifically, DRepMRec leverages two independent lines of representation learning to calculate behavior and modal representations. After obtaining separate behavior and modal representations, we design a Behavior-Modal Alignment Module (BMA) to align and fuse the dual representations to solve the misalignment problem. Furthermore, we integrate the BMA into other recommendation models, resulting in consistent performance improvements. To ensure dual representations maintain their semantic independence during alignment, we introduce Similarity-Supervised Signal (SSS) for representation learning. We conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets and our method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) results. The source code will be available upon acceptance.
Abstract:With the development of multimedia applications, multimodal recommendations are playing an essential role, as they can leverage rich contexts beyond user interactions. Existing methods mainly regard multimodal information as an auxiliary, using them to help learn ID features; however, there exist semantic gaps among multimodal content features and ID features, for which directly using multimodal information as an auxiliary would lead to misalignment in representations of users and items. In this paper, we first systematically investigate the misalignment issue in multimodal recommendations, and propose a solution named AlignRec. In AlignRec, the recommendation objective is decomposed into three alignments, namely alignment within contents, alignment between content and categorical ID, and alignment between users and items. Each alignment is characterized by a specific objective function and is integrated into our multimodal recommendation framework. To effectively train our AlignRec, we propose starting from pre-training the first alignment to obtain unified multimodal features and subsequently training the following two alignments together with these features as input. As it is essential to analyze whether each multimodal feature helps in training, we design three new classes of metrics to evaluate intermediate performance. Our extensive experiments on three real-world datasets consistently verify the superiority of AlignRec compared to nine baselines. We also find that the multimodal features generated by AlignRec are better than currently used ones, which are to be open-sourced.
Abstract:Ranking items regarding individual user interests is a core technique of multiple downstream tasks such as recommender systems. Learning such a personalized ranker typically relies on the implicit feedback from users' past click-through behaviors. However, collected feedback is biased toward previously highly-ranked items and directly learning from it would result in a "rich-get-richer" phenomenon. In this paper, we propose a simple yet sufficient unbiased learning-to-rank paradigm named InfoRank that aims to simultaneously address both position and popularity biases. We begin by consolidating the impacts of those biases into a single observation factor, thereby providing a unified approach to addressing bias-related issues. Subsequently, we minimize the mutual information between the observation estimation and the relevance estimation conditioned on the input features. By doing so, our relevance estimation can be proved to be free of bias. To implement InfoRank, we first incorporate an attention mechanism to capture latent correlations within user-item features, thereby generating estimations of observation and relevance. We then introduce a regularization term, grounded in conditional mutual information, to promote conditional independence between relevance estimation and observation estimation. Experimental evaluations conducted across three extensive recommendation and search datasets reveal that InfoRank learns more precise and unbiased ranking strategies.
Abstract:Recommender systems trained on offline historical user behaviors are embracing conversational techniques to online query user preference. Unlike prior conversational recommendation approaches that systemically combine conversational and recommender parts through a reinforcement learning framework, we propose CORE, a new offline-training and online-checking paradigm that bridges a COnversational agent and REcommender systems via a unified uncertainty minimization framework. It can benefit any recommendation platform in a plug-and-play style. Here, CORE treats a recommender system as an offline relevance score estimator to produce an estimated relevance score for each item; while a conversational agent is regarded as an online relevance score checker to check these estimated scores in each session. We define uncertainty as the summation of unchecked relevance scores. In this regard, the conversational agent acts to minimize uncertainty via querying either attributes or items. Based on the uncertainty minimization framework, we derive the expected certainty gain of querying each attribute and item, and develop a novel online decision tree algorithm to decide what to query at each turn. Experimental results on 8 industrial datasets show that CORE could be seamlessly employed on 9 popular recommendation approaches. We further demonstrate that our conversational agent could communicate as a human if empowered by a pre-trained large language model.
Abstract:Learning-to-rank is a core technique in the top-N recommendation task, where an ideal ranker would be a mapping from an item set to an arrangement (a.k.a. permutation). Most existing solutions fall in the paradigm of probabilistic ranking principle (PRP), i.e., first score each item in the candidate set and then perform a sort operation to generate the top ranking list. However, these approaches neglect the contextual dependence among candidate items during individual scoring, and the sort operation is non-differentiable. To bypass the above issues, we propose Set-To-Arrangement Ranking (STARank), a new framework directly generates the permutations of the candidate items without the need for individually scoring and sort operations; and is end-to-end differentiable. As a result, STARank can operate when only the ground-truth permutations are accessible without requiring access to the ground-truth relevance scores for items. For this purpose, STARank first reads the candidate items in the context of the user browsing history, whose representations are fed into a Plackett-Luce module to arrange the given items into a list. To effectively utilize the given ground-truth permutations for supervising STARank, we leverage the internal consistency property of Plackett-Luce models to derive a computationally efficient list-wise loss. Experimental comparisons against 9 the state-of-the-art methods on 2 learning-to-rank benchmark datasets and 3 top-N real-world recommendation datasets demonstrate the superiority of STARank in terms of conventional ranking metrics. Notice that these ranking metrics do not consider the effects of the contextual dependence among the items in the list, we design a new family of simulation-based ranking metrics, where existing metrics can be regarded as special cases. STARank can consistently achieve better performance in terms of PBM and UBM simulation-based metrics.
Abstract:With the development of the online education system, personalized education recommendation has played an essential role. In this paper, we focus on developing path recommendation systems that aim to generating and recommending an entire learning path to the given user in each session. Noticing that existing approaches fail to consider the correlations of concepts in the path, we propose a novel framework named Set-to-Sequence Ranking-based Concept-aware Learning Path Recommendation (SRC), which formulates the recommendation task under a set-to-sequence paradigm. Specifically, we first design a concept-aware encoder module which can capture the correlations among the input learning concepts. The outputs are then fed into a decoder module that sequentially generates a path through an attention mechanism that handles correlations between the learning and target concepts. Our recommendation policy is optimized by policy gradient. In addition, we also introduce an auxiliary module based on knowledge tracing to enhance the model's stability by evaluating students' learning effects on learning concepts. We conduct extensive experiments on two real-world public datasets and one industrial dataset, and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of SRC. Code will be available at https://gitee.com/mindspore/models/tree/master/research/recommend/SRC.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), originally proposed for node classification, have also motivated many recent works on edge prediction (a.k.a., link prediction). However, existing methods lack elaborate design regarding the distinctions between two tasks that have been frequently overlooked: (i) edges only constitute the topology in the node classification task but can be used as both the topology and the supervisions (i.e., labels) in the edge prediction task; (ii) the node classification makes prediction over each individual node, while the edge prediction is determinated by each pair of nodes. To this end, we propose a novel edge prediction paradigm named Edge-aware Message PassIng neuRal nEtworks (EMPIRE). Concretely, we first introduce an edge splitting technique to specify use of each edge where each edge is solely used as either the topology or the supervision (named as topology edge or supervision edge). We then develop a new message passing mechanism that generates the messages to source nodes (through topology edges) being aware of target nodes (through supervision edges). In order to emphasize the differences between pairs connected by supervision edges and pairs unconnected, we further weight the messages to highlight the relative ones that can reflect the differences. In addition, we design a novel negative node-pair sampling trick that efficiently samples 'hard' negative instances in the supervision instances, and can significantly improve the performance. Experimental results verify that the proposed method can significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art models regarding the edge prediction task on multiple homogeneous and heterogeneous graph datasets.
Abstract:Modelling the user's multiple behaviors is an essential part of modern e-commerce, whose widely adopted application is to jointly optimize click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) predictions. Most of existing methods overlook the effect of two key characteristics of the user's behaviors: for each item list, (i) contextual dependence refers to that the user's behaviors on any item are not purely determinated by the item itself but also are influenced by the user's previous behaviors (e.g., clicks, purchases) on other items in the same sequence; (ii) multiple time scales means that users are likely to click frequently but purchase periodically. To this end, we develop a new multi-scale user behavior network named Hierarchical rEcurrent Ranking On the Entire Space (HEROES) which incorporates the contextual information to estimate the user multiple behaviors in a multi-scale fashion. Concretely, we introduce a hierarchical framework, where the lower layer models the user's engagement behaviors while the upper layer estimates the user's satisfaction behaviors. The proposed architecture can automatically learn a suitable time scale for each layer to capture the dynamic user's behavioral patterns. Besides the architecture, we also introduce the Hawkes process to form a novel recurrent unit which can not only encode the items' features in the context but also formulate the excitation or discouragement from the user's previous behaviors. We further show that HEROES can be extended to build unbiased ranking systems through combinations with the survival analysis technique. Extensive experiments over three large-scale industrial datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model compared with the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Prediction over tabular data is an essential and fundamental problem in many important downstream tasks. However, existing methods either take a data instance of the table independently as input or do not fully utilize the multi-rows features and labels to directly change and enhance the target data representations. In this paper, we propose to 1) construct a hypergraph from relevant data instance retrieval to model the cross-row and cross-column patterns of those instances, and 2) perform message Propagation to Enhance the target data instance representation for Tabular prediction tasks. Specifically, our specially-designed message propagation step benefits from 1) fusion of label and features during propagation, and 2) locality-aware high-order feature interactions. Experiments on two important tabular data prediction tasks validate the superiority of the proposed PET model against other baselines. Additionally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the model components and the feature enhancement ability of PET via various ablation studies and visualizations. The code is included in https://github.com/KounianhuaDu/PET.
Abstract:With the prevalence of live broadcast business nowadays, a new type of recommendation service, called live broadcast recommendation, is widely used in many mobile e-commerce Apps. Different from classical item recommendation, live broadcast recommendation is to automatically recommend user anchors instead of items considering the interactions among triple-objects (i.e., users, anchors, items) rather than binary interactions between users and items. Existing methods based on binary objects, ranging from early matrix factorization to recently emerged deep learning, obtain objects' embeddings by mapping from pre-existing features. Directly applying these techniques would lead to limited performance, as they are failing to encode collaborative signals among triple-objects. In this paper, we propose a novel TWo-side Interactive NetworkS (TWINS) for live broadcast recommendation. In order to fully use both static and dynamic information on user and anchor sides, we combine a product-based neural network with a recurrent neural network to learn the embedding of each object. In addition, instead of directly measuring the similarity, TWINS effectively injects the collaborative effects into the embedding process in an explicit manner by modeling interactive patterns between the user's browsing history and the anchor's broadcast history in both item and anchor aspects. Furthermore, we design a novel co-retrieval technique to select key items among massive historic records efficiently. Offline experiments on real large-scale data show the superior performance of the proposed TWINS, compared to representative methods; and further results of online experiments on Diantao App show that TWINS gains average performance improvement of around 8% on ACTR metric, 3% on UCTR metric, 3.5% on UCVR metric.