Abstract:Sample-efficient online reinforcement learning often uses replay buffers to store experience for reuse when updating the value function. However, uniform replay is inefficient, since certain classes of transitions can be more relevant to learning. While prioritization of more useful samples is helpful, this strategy can also lead to overfitting, as useful samples are likely to be more rare. In this work, we instead propose a prioritized, parametric version of an agent's memory, using generative models to capture online experience. This paradigm enables (1) densification of past experience, with new generations that benefit from the generative model's generalization capacity and (2) guidance via a family of "relevance functions" that push these generations towards more useful parts of an agent's acquired history. We show this recipe can be instantiated using conditional diffusion models and simple relevance functions such as curiosity- or value-based metrics. Our approach consistently improves performance and sample efficiency in both state- and pixel-based domains. We expose the mechanisms underlying these gains, showing how guidance promotes diversity in our generated transitions and reduces overfitting. We also showcase how our approach can train policies with even higher update-to-data ratios than before, opening up avenues to better scale online RL agents.
Abstract:This paper introduces Idempotent Test-Time Training (IT$^3$), a novel approach to addressing the challenge of distribution shift. While supervised-learning methods assume matching train and test distributions, this is rarely the case for machine learning systems deployed in the real world. Test-Time Training (TTT) approaches address this by adapting models during inference, but they are limited by a domain specific auxiliary task. IT$^3$ is based on the universal property of idempotence. An idempotent operator is one that can be applied sequentially without changing the result beyond the initial application, that is $f(f(x))=f(x)$. At training, the model receives an input $x$ along with another signal that can either be the ground truth label $y$ or a neutral "don't know" signal $0$. At test time, the additional signal can only be $0$. When sequentially applying the model, first predicting $y_0 = f(x, 0)$ and then $y_1 = f(x, y_0)$, the distance between $y_0$ and $y_1$ measures certainty and indicates out-of-distribution input $x$ if high. We use this distance, that can be expressed as $||f(x, f(x, 0)) - f(x, 0)||$ as our TTT loss during inference. By carefully optimizing this objective, we effectively train $f(x,\cdot)$ to be idempotent, projecting the internal representation of the input onto the training distribution. We demonstrate the versatility of our approach across various tasks, including corrupted image classification, aerodynamic predictions, tabular data with missing information, age prediction from face, and large-scale aerial photo segmentation. Moreover, these tasks span different architectures such as MLPs, CNNs, and GNNs.
Abstract:We introduce a benchmark to directly evaluate the alignment between human observers and vision models on a 3D shape inference task. We leverage an experimental design from the cognitive sciences which requires zero-shot visual inferences about object shape: given a set of images, participants identify which contain the same/different objects, despite considerable viewpoint variation. We draw from a diverse range of images that include common objects (e.g., chairs) as well as abstract shapes (i.e., procedurally generated `nonsense' objects). After constructing over 2000 unique image sets, we administer these tasks to human participants, collecting 35K trials of behavioral data from over 500 participants. This includes explicit choice behaviors as well as intermediate measures, such as reaction time and gaze data. We then evaluate the performance of common vision models (e.g., DINOv2, MAE, CLIP). We find that humans outperform all models by a wide margin. Using a multi-scale evaluation approach, we identify underlying similarities and differences between models and humans: while human-model performance is correlated, humans allocate more time/processing on challenging trials. All images, data, and code can be accessed via our project page.
Abstract:This paper demonstrates how to use generative models trained for image synthesis as tools for visual data mining. Our insight is that since contemporary generative models learn an accurate representation of their training data, we can use them to summarize the data by mining for visual patterns. Concretely, we show that after finetuning conditional diffusion models to synthesize images from a specific dataset, we can use these models to define a typicality measure on that dataset. This measure assesses how typical visual elements are for different data labels, such as geographic location, time stamps, semantic labels, or even the presence of a disease. This analysis-by-synthesis approach to data mining has two key advantages. First, it scales much better than traditional correspondence-based approaches since it does not require explicitly comparing all pairs of visual elements. Second, while most previous works on visual data mining focus on a single dataset, our approach works on diverse datasets in terms of content and scale, including a historical car dataset, a historical face dataset, a large worldwide street-view dataset, and an even larger scene dataset. Furthermore, our approach allows for translating visual elements across class labels and analyzing consistent changes.
Abstract:We investigate the space of weights spanned by a large collection of customized diffusion models. We populate this space by creating a dataset of over 60,000 models, each of which is a base model fine-tuned to insert a different person's visual identity. We model the underlying manifold of these weights as a subspace, which we term weights2weights. We demonstrate three immediate applications of this space -- sampling, editing, and inversion. First, as each point in the space corresponds to an identity, sampling a set of weights from it results in a model encoding a novel identity. Next, we find linear directions in this space corresponding to semantic edits of the identity (e.g., adding a beard). These edits persist in appearance across generated samples. Finally, we show that inverting a single image into this space reconstructs a realistic identity, even if the input image is out of distribution (e.g., a painting). Our results indicate that the weight space of fine-tuned diffusion models behaves as an interpretable latent space of identities.
Abstract:The goal of data attribution for text-to-image models is to identify the training images that most influence the generation of a new image. We can define "influence" by saying that, for a given output, if a model is retrained from scratch without that output's most influential images, the model should then fail to generate that output image. Unfortunately, directly searching for these influential images is computationally infeasible, since it would require repeatedly retraining from scratch. We propose a new approach that efficiently identifies highly-influential images. Specifically, we simulate unlearning the synthesized image, proposing a method to increase the training loss on the output image, without catastrophic forgetting of other, unrelated concepts. Then, we find training images that are forgotten by proxy, identifying ones with significant loss deviations after the unlearning process, and label these as influential. We evaluate our method with a computationally intensive but "gold-standard" retraining from scratch and demonstrate our method's advantages over previous methods.
Abstract:Score distillation sampling (SDS) has proven to be an important tool, enabling the use of large-scale diffusion priors for tasks operating in data-poor domains. Unfortunately, SDS has a number of characteristic artifacts that limit its usefulness in general-purpose applications. In this paper, we make progress toward understanding the behavior of SDS and its variants by viewing them as solving an optimal-cost transport path from a source distribution to a target distribution. Under this new interpretation, these methods seek to transport corrupted images (source) to the natural image distribution (target). We argue that current methods' characteristic artifacts are caused by (1) linear approximation of the optimal path and (2) poor estimates of the source distribution. We show that calibrating the text conditioning of the source distribution can produce high-quality generation and translation results with little extra overhead. Our method can be easily applied across many domains, matching or beating the performance of specialized methods. We demonstrate its utility in text-to-2D, text-based NeRF optimization, translating paintings to real images, optical illusion generation, and 3D sketch-to-real. We compare our method to existing approaches for score distillation sampling and show that it can produce high-frequency details with realistic colors.
Abstract:We interpret the function of individual neurons in CLIP by automatically describing them using text. Analyzing the direct effects (i.e. the flow from a neuron through the residual stream to the output) or the indirect effects (overall contribution) fails to capture the neurons' function in CLIP. Therefore, we present the "second-order lens", analyzing the effect flowing from a neuron through the later attention heads, directly to the output. We find that these effects are highly selective: for each neuron, the effect is significant for <2% of the images. Moreover, each effect can be approximated by a single direction in the text-image space of CLIP. We describe neurons by decomposing these directions into sparse sets of text representations. The sets reveal polysemantic behavior - each neuron corresponds to multiple, often unrelated, concepts (e.g. ships and cars). Exploiting this neuron polysemy, we mass-produce "semantic" adversarial examples by generating images with concepts spuriously correlated to the incorrect class. Additionally, we use the second-order effects for zero-shot segmentation and attribute discovery in images. Our results indicate that a scalable understanding of neurons can be used for model deception and for introducing new model capabilities.
Abstract:In this work, we recover the underlying 3D structure of non-geometrically consistent scenes. We focus our analysis on hand-drawn images from cartoons and anime. Many cartoons are created by artists without a 3D rendering engine, which means that any new image of a scene is hand-drawn. The hand-drawn images are usually faithful representations of the world, but only in a qualitative sense, since it is difficult for humans to draw multiple perspectives of an object or scene 3D consistently. Nevertheless, people can easily perceive 3D scenes from inconsistent inputs! In this work, we correct for 2D drawing inconsistencies to recover a plausible 3D structure such that the newly warped drawings are consistent with each other. Our pipeline consists of a user-friendly annotation tool, camera pose estimation, and image deformation to recover a dense structure. Our method warps images to obey a perspective camera model, enabling our aligned results to be plugged into novel-view synthesis reconstruction methods to experience cartoons from viewpoints never drawn before. Our project page is https://toon3d.studio .
Abstract:We introduce a method to generate 3D scenes that are disentangled into their component objects. This disentanglement is unsupervised, relying only on the knowledge of a large pretrained text-to-image model. Our key insight is that objects can be discovered by finding parts of a 3D scene that, when rearranged spatially, still produce valid configurations of the same scene. Concretely, our method jointly optimizes multiple NeRFs from scratch - each representing its own object - along with a set of layouts that composite these objects into scenes. We then encourage these composited scenes to be in-distribution according to the image generator. We show that despite its simplicity, our approach successfully generates 3D scenes decomposed into individual objects, enabling new capabilities in text-to-3D content creation. For results and an interactive demo, see our project page at https://dave.ml/layoutlearning/