Abstract:Efficiently reconstructing accurate 3D models from monocular video is a key challenge in computer vision, critical for advancing applications in virtual reality, robotics, and scene understanding. Existing approaches typically require pre-computed camera parameters and frame-by-frame reconstruction pipelines, which are prone to error accumulation and entail significant computational overhead. To address these limitations, we introduce VideoLifter, a novel framework that leverages geometric priors from a learnable model to incrementally optimize a globally sparse to dense 3D representation directly from video sequences. VideoLifter segments the video sequence into local windows, where it matches and registers frames, constructs consistent fragments, and aligns them hierarchically to produce a unified 3D model. By tracking and propagating sparse point correspondences across frames and fragments, VideoLifter incrementally refines camera poses and 3D structure, minimizing reprojection error for improved accuracy and robustness. This approach significantly accelerates the reconstruction process, reducing training time by over 82% while surpassing current state-of-the-art methods in visual fidelity and computational efficiency.
Abstract:To address the challenge of short-term object pose tracking in dynamic environments with monocular RGB input, we introduce a large-scale synthetic dataset OmniPose6D, crafted to mirror the diversity of real-world conditions. We additionally present a benchmarking framework for a comprehensive comparison of pose tracking algorithms. We propose a pipeline featuring an uncertainty-aware keypoint refinement network, employing probabilistic modeling to refine pose estimation. Comparative evaluations demonstrate that our approach achieves performance superior to existing baselines on real datasets, underscoring the effectiveness of our synthetic dataset and refinement technique in enhancing tracking precision in dynamic contexts. Our contributions set a new precedent for the development and assessment of object pose tracking methodologies in complex scenes.
Abstract:Recovering camera poses from a set of images is a foundational task in 3D computer vision, which powers key applications such as 3D scene/object reconstructions. Classic methods often depend on feature correspondence, such as keypoints, which require the input images to have large overlap and small viewpoint changes. Such requirements present considerable challenges in scenarios with sparse views. Recent data-driven approaches aim to directly output camera poses, either through regressing the 6DoF camera poses or formulating rotation as a probability distribution. However, each approach has its limitations. On one hand, directly regressing the camera poses can be ill-posed, since it assumes a single mode, which is not true under symmetry and leads to sub-optimal solutions. On the other hand, probabilistic approaches are capable of modeling the symmetry ambiguity, yet they sample the entire space of rotation uniformly by brute-force. This leads to an inevitable trade-off between high sample density, which improves model precision, and sample efficiency that determines the runtime. In this paper, we propose ADen to unify the two frameworks by employing a generator and a discriminator: the generator is trained to output multiple hypotheses of 6DoF camera pose to represent a distribution and handle multi-mode ambiguity, and the discriminator is trained to identify the hypothesis that best explains the data. This allows ADen to combine the best of both worlds, achieving substantially higher precision as well as lower runtime than previous methods in empirical evaluations.
Abstract:Deploying machine learning algorithms for robot tasks in real-world applications presents a core challenge: overcoming the domain gap between the training and the deployment environment. This is particularly difficult for visuomotor policies that utilize high-dimensional images as input, particularly when those images are generated via simulation. A common method to tackle this issue is through domain randomization, which aims to broaden the span of the training distribution to cover the test-time distribution. However, this approach is only effective when the domain randomization encompasses the actual shifts in the test-time distribution. We take a different approach, where we make use of a single demonstration (a prompt) to learn policy that adapts to the testing target environment. Our proposed framework, PromptAdapt, leverages the Transformer architecture's capacity to model sequential data to learn demonstration-conditioned visual policies, allowing for in-context adaptation to a target domain that is distinct from training. Our experiments in both simulation and real-world settings show that PromptAdapt is a strong domain-adapting policy that outperforms baseline methods by a large margin under a range of domain shifts, including variations in lighting, color, texture, and camera pose. Videos and more information can be viewed at project webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/promptadapt.
Abstract:Image-based reinforcement learning (RL) faces significant challenges in generalization when the visual environment undergoes substantial changes between training and deployment. Under such circumstances, learned policies may not perform well leading to degraded results. Previous approaches to this problem have largely focused on broadening the training observation distribution, employing techniques like data augmentation and domain randomization. However, given the sequential nature of the RL decision-making problem, it is often the case that residual errors are propagated by the learned policy model and accumulate throughout the trajectory, resulting in highly degraded performance. In this paper, we leverage the observation that predicted rewards under domain shift, even though imperfect, can still be a useful signal to guide fine-tuning. We exploit this property to fine-tune a policy using reward prediction in the target domain. We have found that, even under significant domain shift, the predicted reward can still provide meaningful signal and fine-tuning substantially improves the original policy. Our approach, termed Predicted Reward Fine-tuning (PRFT), improves performance across diverse tasks in both simulated benchmarks and real-world experiments. More information is available at project web page: https://sites.google.com/view/prft.
Abstract:3D object part segmentation is essential in computer vision applications. While substantial progress has been made in 2D object part segmentation, the 3D counterpart has received less attention, in part due to the scarcity of annotated 3D datasets, which are expensive to collect. In this work, we propose to leverage a few annotated 3D shapes or richly annotated 2D datasets to perform 3D object part segmentation. We present our novel approach, termed 3-By-2 that achieves SOTA performance on different benchmarks with various granularity levels. By using features from pretrained foundation models and exploiting semantic and geometric correspondences, we are able to overcome the challenges of limited 3D annotations. Our approach leverages available 2D labels, enabling effective 3D object part segmentation. Our method 3-By-2 can accommodate various part taxonomies and granularities, demonstrating interesting part label transfer ability across different object categories. Project website: \url{https://ngailapdi.github.io/projects/3by2/}.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce the Virtual In-Hand Eye Transformer (VIHE), a novel method designed to enhance 3D manipulation capabilities through action-aware view rendering. VIHE autoregressively refines actions in multiple stages by conditioning on rendered views posed from action predictions in the earlier stages. These virtual in-hand views provide a strong inductive bias for effectively recognizing the correct pose for the hand, especially for challenging high-precision tasks such as peg insertion. On 18 manipulation tasks in RLBench simulated environments, VIHE achieves a new state-of-the-art, with a 12% absolute improvement, increasing from 65% to 77% over the existing state-of-the-art model using 100 demonstrations per task. In real-world scenarios, VIHE can learn manipulation tasks with just a handful of demonstrations, highlighting its practical utility. Videos and code implementation can be found at our project site: https://vihe-3d.github.io.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) exhibit remarkable performance for Novel View Synthesis (NVS) given a set of 2D images. However, NeRF training requires accurate camera pose for each input view, typically obtained by Structure-from-Motion (SfM) pipelines. Recent works have attempted to relax this constraint, but they still often rely on decent initial poses which they can refine. Here we aim at removing the requirement for pose initialization. We present Incremental CONfidence (ICON), an optimization procedure for training NeRFs from 2D video frames. ICON only assumes smooth camera motion to estimate initial guess for poses. Further, ICON introduces ``confidence": an adaptive measure of model quality used to dynamically reweight gradients. ICON relies on high-confidence poses to learn NeRF, and high-confidence 3D structure (as encoded by NeRF) to learn poses. We show that ICON, without prior pose initialization, achieves superior performance in both CO3D and HO3D versus methods which use SfM pose.
Abstract:Keypoint detection & descriptors are foundational tech-nologies for computer vision tasks like image matching, 3D reconstruction and visual odometry. Hand-engineered methods like Harris corners, SIFT, and HOG descriptors have been used for decades; more recently, there has been a trend to introduce learning in an attempt to improve keypoint detectors. On inspection however, the results are difficult to interpret; recent learning-based methods employ a vast diversity of experimental setups and design choices: empirical results are often reported using different backbones, protocols, datasets, types of supervisions or tasks. Since these differences are often coupled together, it raises a natural question on what makes a good learned keypoint detector. In this work, we revisit the design of existing keypoint detectors by deconstructing their methodologies and identifying the key components. We re-design each component from first-principle and propose Simple Learned Keypoints (SiLK) that is fully-differentiable, lightweight, and flexible. Despite its simplicity, SiLK advances new state-of-the-art on Detection Repeatability and Homography Estimation tasks on HPatches and 3D Point-Cloud Registration task on ScanNet, and achieves competitive performance to state-of-the-art on camera pose estimation in 2022 Image Matching Challenge and ScanNet.
Abstract:Many top-down architectures for instance segmentation achieve significant success when trained and tested on pre-defined closed-world taxonomy. However, when deployed in the open world, they exhibit notable bias towards seen classes and suffer from significant performance drop. In this work, we propose a novel approach for open world instance segmentation called bottom-Up and top-Down Open-world Segmentation (UDOS) that combines classical bottom-up segmentation algorithms within a top-down learning framework. UDOS first predicts parts of objects using a top-down network trained with weak supervision from bottom-up segmentations. The bottom-up segmentations are class-agnostic and do not overfit to specific taxonomies. The part-masks are then fed into affinity-based grouping and refinement modules to predict robust instance-level segmentations. UDOS enjoys both the speed and efficiency from the top-down architectures and the generalization ability to unseen categories from bottom-up supervision. We validate the strengths of UDOS on multiple cross-category as well as cross-dataset transfer tasks from 5 challenging datasets including MS-COCO, LVIS, ADE20k, UVO and OpenImages, achieving significant improvements over state-of-the-art across the board. Our code and models are available on our project page.