Abstract:In reinforcement learning, off-policy actor-critic approaches like DDPG and TD3 are based on the deterministic policy gradient. Herein, the Q-function is trained from off-policy environment data and the actor (policy) is trained to maximize the Q-function via gradient ascent. We observe that in complex tasks like dexterous manipulation and restricted locomotion, the Q-value is a complex function of action, having several local optima or discontinuities. This poses a challenge for gradient ascent to traverse and makes the actor prone to get stuck at local optima. To address this, we introduce a new actor architecture that combines two simple insights: (i) use multiple actors and evaluate the Q-value maximizing action, and (ii) learn surrogates to the Q-function that are simpler to optimize with gradient-based methods. We evaluate tasks such as restricted locomotion, dexterous manipulation, and large discrete-action space recommender systems and show that our actor finds optimal actions more frequently and outperforms alternate actor architectures.
Abstract:We propose a framework that leverages foundation models as teachers, guiding a reinforcement learning agent to acquire semantically meaningful behavior without human feedback. In our framework, the agent receives task instructions grounded in a training environment from large language models. Then, a vision-language model guides the agent in learning the multi-task language-conditioned policy by providing reward feedback. We demonstrate that our method can learn semantically meaningful skills in a challenging open-ended MineDojo environment while prior unsupervised skill discovery methods struggle. Additionally, we discuss observed challenges of using off-the-shelf foundation models as teachers and our efforts to address them.
Abstract:We propose BOSS, an approach that automatically learns to solve new long-horizon, complex, and meaningful tasks by growing a learned skill library with minimal supervision. Prior work in reinforcement learning require expert supervision, in the form of demonstrations or rich reward functions, to learn long-horizon tasks. Instead, our approach BOSS (BOotStrapping your own Skills) learns to accomplish new tasks by performing "skill bootstrapping," where an agent with a set of primitive skills interacts with the environment to practice new skills without receiving reward feedback for tasks outside of the initial skill set. This bootstrapping phase is guided by large language models (LLMs) that inform the agent of meaningful skills to chain together. Through this process, BOSS builds a wide range of complex and useful behaviors from a basic set of primitive skills. We demonstrate through experiments in realistic household environments that agents trained with our LLM-guided bootstrapping procedure outperform those trained with naive bootstrapping as well as prior unsupervised skill acquisition methods on zero-shot execution of unseen, long-horizon tasks in new environments. Website at clvrai.com/boss.
Abstract:Large, high-capacity models trained on diverse datasets have shown remarkable successes on efficiently tackling downstream applications. In domains from NLP to Computer Vision, this has led to a consolidation of pretrained models, with general pretrained backbones serving as a starting point for many applications. Can such a consolidation happen in robotics? Conventionally, robotic learning methods train a separate model for every application, every robot, and even every environment. Can we instead train generalist X-robot policy that can be adapted efficiently to new robots, tasks, and environments? In this paper, we provide datasets in standardized data formats and models to make it possible to explore this possibility in the context of robotic manipulation, alongside experimental results that provide an example of effective X-robot policies. We assemble a dataset from 22 different robots collected through a collaboration between 21 institutions, demonstrating 527 skills (160266 tasks). We show that a high-capacity model trained on this data, which we call RT-X, exhibits positive transfer and improves the capabilities of multiple robots by leveraging experience from other platforms. More details can be found on the project website $\href{https://robotics-transformer-x.github.io}{\text{robotics-transformer-x.github.io}}$.
Abstract:Pre-training robot policies with a rich set of skills can substantially accelerate the learning of downstream tasks. Prior works have defined pre-training tasks via natural language instructions, but doing so requires tedious human annotation of hundreds of thousands of instructions. Thus, we propose SPRINT, a scalable offline policy pre-training approach which substantially reduces the human effort needed for pre-training a diverse set of skills. Our method uses two core ideas to automatically expand a base set of pre-training tasks: instruction relabeling via large language models and cross-trajectory skill chaining through offline reinforcement learning. As a result, SPRINT pre-training equips robots with a much richer repertoire of skills. Experimental results in a household simulator and on a real robot kitchen manipulation task show that SPRINT leads to substantially faster learning of new long-horizon tasks than previous pre-training approaches. Website at https://clvrai.com/sprint.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL), imitation learning (IL), and task and motion planning (TAMP) have demonstrated impressive performance across various robotic manipulation tasks. However, these approaches have been limited to learning simple behaviors in current real-world manipulation benchmarks, such as pushing or pick-and-place. To enable more complex, long-horizon behaviors of an autonomous robot, we propose to focus on real-world furniture assembly, a complex, long-horizon robot manipulation task that requires addressing many current robotic manipulation challenges to solve. We present FurnitureBench, a reproducible real-world furniture assembly benchmark aimed at providing a low barrier for entry and being easily reproducible, so that researchers across the world can reliably test their algorithms and compare them against prior work. For ease of use, we provide 200+ hours of pre-collected data (5000+ demonstrations), 3D printable furniture models, a robotic environment setup guide, and systematic task initialization. Furthermore, we provide FurnitureSim, a fast and realistic simulator of FurnitureBench. We benchmark the performance of offline RL and IL algorithms on our assembly tasks and demonstrate the need to improve such algorithms to be able to solve our tasks in the real world, providing ample opportunities for future research.
Abstract:Program synthesis aims to automatically construct human-readable programs that satisfy given task specifications, such as input/output pairs or demonstrations. Recent works have demonstrated encouraging results in a variety of domains, such as string transformation, tensor manipulation, and describing behaviors of embodied agents. Most existing program synthesis methods are designed to synthesize programs from scratch, generating a program token by token, line by line. This fundamentally prevents these methods from scaling up to synthesize programs that are longer or more complex. In this work, we present a scalable program synthesis framework that instead synthesizes a program by hierarchically composing programs. Specifically, we first learn a task embedding space and a program decoder that can decode a task embedding into a program. Then, we train a high-level module to comprehend the task specification (e.g., input/output pairs or demonstrations) from long programs and produce a sequence of task embeddings, which are then decoded by the program decoder and composed to yield the synthesized program. We extensively evaluate our proposed framework in a string transformation domain with input/output pairs. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework can synthesize programs that are significantly longer and more complex than the programs considered in prior program synthesis works. Website at https://thoughtp0lice.github.io/hnps_web/
Abstract:The ability to leverage shared behaviors between tasks is critical for sample-efficient multi-task reinforcement learning (MTRL). While prior methods have primarily explored parameter and data sharing, direct behavior-sharing has been limited to task families requiring similar behaviors. Our goal is to extend the efficacy of behavior-sharing to more general task families that could require a mix of shareable and conflicting behaviors. Our key insight is an agent's behavior across tasks can be used for mutually beneficial exploration. To this end, we propose a simple MTRL framework for identifying shareable behaviors over tasks and incorporating them to guide exploration. We empirically demonstrate how behavior sharing improves sample efficiency and final performance on manipulation and navigation MTRL tasks and is even complementary to parameter sharing. Result videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/qmp-mtrl.
Abstract:We propose an approach for semantic imitation, which uses demonstrations from a source domain, e.g. human videos, to accelerate reinforcement learning (RL) in a different target domain, e.g. a robotic manipulator in a simulated kitchen. Instead of imitating low-level actions like joint velocities, our approach imitates the sequence of demonstrated semantic skills like "opening the microwave" or "turning on the stove". This allows us to transfer demonstrations across environments (e.g. real-world to simulated kitchen) and agent embodiments (e.g. bimanual human demonstration to robotic arm). We evaluate on three challenging cross-domain learning problems and match the performance of demonstration-accelerated RL approaches that require in-domain demonstrations. In a simulated kitchen environment, our approach learns long-horizon robot manipulation tasks, using less than 3 minutes of human video demonstrations from a real-world kitchen. This enables scaling robot learning via the reuse of demonstrations, e.g. collected as human videos, for learning in any number of target domains.
Abstract:Large-scale data is an essential component of machine learning as demonstrated in recent advances in natural language processing and computer vision research. However, collecting large-scale robotic data is much more expensive and slower as each operator can control only a single robot at a time. To make this costly data collection process efficient and scalable, we propose Policy Assisted TeleOperation (PATO), a system which automates part of the demonstration collection process using a learned assistive policy. PATO autonomously executes repetitive behaviors in data collection and asks for human input only when it is uncertain about which subtask or behavior to execute. We conduct teleoperation user studies both with a real robot and a simulated robot fleet and demonstrate that our assisted teleoperation system reduces human operators' mental load while improving data collection efficiency. Further, it enables a single operator to control multiple robots in parallel, which is a first step towards scalable robotic data collection. For code and video results, see https://clvrai.com/pato