Abstract:Text-based talking-head video editing aims to efficiently insert, delete, and substitute segments of talking videos through a user-friendly text editing approach. It is challenging because of \textbf{1)} generalizable talking-face representation, \textbf{2)} seamless audio-visual transitions, and \textbf{3)} identity-preserved talking faces. Previous works either require minutes of talking-face video training data and expensive test-time optimization for customized talking video editing or directly generate a video sequence without considering in-context information, leading to a poor generalizable representation, or incoherent transitions, or even inconsistent identity. In this paper, we propose an efficient cascaded conditional diffusion-based framework, which consists of two stages: audio to dense-landmark motion and motion to video. \textit{\textbf{In the first stage}}, we first propose a dynamic weighted in-context diffusion module to synthesize dense-landmark motions given an edited audio. \textit{\textbf{In the second stage}}, we introduce a warping-guided conditional diffusion module. The module first interpolates between the start and end frames of the editing interval to generate smooth intermediate frames. Then, with the help of the audio-to-dense motion images, these intermediate frames are warped to obtain coarse intermediate frames. Conditioned on the warped intermedia frames, a diffusion model is adopted to generate detailed and high-resolution target frames, which guarantees coherent and identity-preserved transitions. The cascaded conditional diffusion model decomposes the complex talking editing task into two flexible generation tasks, which provides a generalizable talking-face representation, seamless audio-visual transitions, and identity-preserved faces on a small dataset. Experiments show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
Abstract:Existing human datasets for avatar creation are typically limited to laboratory environments, wherein high-quality annotations (e.g., SMPL estimation from 3D scans or multi-view images) can be ideally provided. However, their annotating requirements are impractical for real-world images or videos, posing challenges toward real-world applications on current avatar creation methods. To this end, we propose the WildAvatar dataset, a web-scale in-the-wild human avatar creation dataset extracted from YouTube, with $10,000+$ different human subjects and scenes. WildAvatar is at least $10\times$ richer than previous datasets for 3D human avatar creation. We evaluate several state-of-the-art avatar creation methods on our dataset, highlighting the unexplored challenges in real-world applications on avatar creation. We also demonstrate the potential for generalizability of avatar creation methods, when provided with data at scale. We will publicly release our data source links and annotations, to push forward 3D human avatar creation and other related fields for real-world applications.
Abstract:We present MVSGaussian, a new generalizable 3D Gaussian representation approach derived from Multi-View Stereo (MVS) that can efficiently reconstruct unseen scenes. Specifically, 1) we leverage MVS to encode geometry-aware Gaussian representations and decode them into Gaussian parameters. 2) To further enhance performance, we propose a hybrid Gaussian rendering that integrates an efficient volume rendering design for novel view synthesis. 3) To support fast fine-tuning for specific scenes, we introduce a multi-view geometric consistent aggregation strategy to effectively aggregate the point clouds generated by the generalizable model, serving as the initialization for per-scene optimization. Compared with previous generalizable NeRF-based methods, which typically require minutes of fine-tuning and seconds of rendering per image, MVSGaussian achieves real-time rendering with better synthesis quality for each scene. Compared with the vanilla 3D-GS, MVSGaussian achieves better view synthesis with less training computational cost. Extensive experiments on DTU, Real Forward-facing, NeRF Synthetic, and Tanks and Temples datasets validate that MVSGaussian attains state-of-the-art performance with convincing generalizability, real-time rendering speed, and fast per-scene optimization.
Abstract:We present PrimDiffusion, the first diffusion-based framework for 3D human generation. Devising diffusion models for 3D human generation is difficult due to the intensive computational cost of 3D representations and the articulated topology of 3D humans. To tackle these challenges, our key insight is operating the denoising diffusion process directly on a set of volumetric primitives, which models the human body as a number of small volumes with radiance and kinematic information. This volumetric primitives representation marries the capacity of volumetric representations with the efficiency of primitive-based rendering. Our PrimDiffusion framework has three appealing properties: 1) compact and expressive parameter space for the diffusion model, 2) flexible 3D representation that incorporates human prior, and 3) decoder-free rendering for efficient novel-view and novel-pose synthesis. Extensive experiments validate that PrimDiffusion outperforms state-of-the-art methods in 3D human generation. Notably, compared to GAN-based methods, our PrimDiffusion supports real-time rendering of high-quality 3D humans at a resolution of $512\times512$ once the denoising process is done. We also demonstrate the flexibility of our framework on training-free conditional generation such as texture transfer and 3D inpainting.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has achieved substantial progress in novel view synthesis given multi-view images. Recently, some works have attempted to train a NeRF from a single image with 3D priors. They mainly focus on a limited field of view with a few occlusions, which greatly limits their scalability to real-world 360-degree panoramic scenarios with large-size occlusions. In this paper, we present PERF, a 360-degree novel view synthesis framework that trains a panoramic neural radiance field from a single panorama. Notably, PERF allows 3D roaming in a complex scene without expensive and tedious image collection. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel collaborative RGBD inpainting method and a progressive inpainting-and-erasing method to lift up a 360-degree 2D scene to a 3D scene. Specifically, we first predict a panoramic depth map as initialization given a single panorama and reconstruct visible 3D regions with volume rendering. Then we introduce a collaborative RGBD inpainting approach into a NeRF for completing RGB images and depth maps from random views, which is derived from an RGB Stable Diffusion model and a monocular depth estimator. Finally, we introduce an inpainting-and-erasing strategy to avoid inconsistent geometry between a newly-sampled view and reference views. The two components are integrated into the learning of NeRFs in a unified optimization framework and achieve promising results. Extensive experiments on Replica and a new dataset PERF-in-the-wild demonstrate the superiority of our PERF over state-of-the-art methods. Our PERF can be widely used for real-world applications, such as panorama-to-3D, text-to-3D, and 3D scene stylization applications. Project page and code are available at https://perf-project.github.io/ and https://github.com/perf-project/PeRF.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) significantly degrades when only a limited number of views are available. To complement the lack of 3D information, depth-based models, such as DSNeRF and MonoSDF, explicitly assume the availability of accurate depth maps of multiple views. They linearly scale the accurate depth maps as supervision to guide the predicted depth of few-shot NeRFs. However, accurate depth maps are difficult and expensive to capture due to wide-range depth distances in the wild. In this work, we present a new Sparse-view NeRF (SparseNeRF) framework that exploits depth priors from real-world inaccurate observations. The inaccurate depth observations are either from pre-trained depth models or coarse depth maps of consumer-level depth sensors. Since coarse depth maps are not strictly scaled to the ground-truth depth maps, we propose a simple yet effective constraint, a local depth ranking method, on NeRFs such that the expected depth ranking of the NeRF is consistent with that of the coarse depth maps in local patches. To preserve the spatial continuity of the estimated depth of NeRF, we further propose a spatial continuity constraint to encourage the consistency of the expected depth continuity of NeRF with coarse depth maps. Surprisingly, with simple depth ranking constraints, SparseNeRF outperforms all state-of-the-art few-shot NeRF methods (including depth-based models) on standard LLFF and DTU datasets. Moreover, we collect a new dataset NVS-RGBD that contains real-world depth maps from Azure Kinect, ZED 2, and iPhone 13 Pro. Extensive experiments on NVS-RGBD dataset also validate the superiority and generalizability of SparseNeRF. Project page is available at https://sparsenerf.github.io/.
Abstract:In this work, we present SceneDreamer, an unconditional generative model for unbounded 3D scenes, which synthesizes large-scale 3D landscapes from random noises. Our framework is learned from in-the-wild 2D image collections only, without any 3D annotations. At the core of SceneDreamer is a principled learning paradigm comprising 1) an efficient yet expressive 3D scene representation, 2) a generative scene parameterization, and 3) an effective renderer that can leverage the knowledge from 2D images. Our framework starts from an efficient bird's-eye-view (BEV) representation generated from simplex noise, which consists of a height field and a semantic field. The height field represents the surface elevation of 3D scenes, while the semantic field provides detailed scene semantics. This BEV scene representation enables 1) representing a 3D scene with quadratic complexity, 2) disentangled geometry and semantics, and 3) efficient training. Furthermore, we propose a novel generative neural hash grid to parameterize the latent space given 3D positions and the scene semantics, which aims to encode generalizable features across scenes. Lastly, a neural volumetric renderer, learned from 2D image collections through adversarial training, is employed to produce photorealistic images. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SceneDreamer and superiority over state-of-the-art methods in generating vivid yet diverse unbounded 3D worlds.
Abstract:High-quality HDRIs(High Dynamic Range Images), typically HDR panoramas, are one of the most popular ways to create photorealistic lighting and 360-degree reflections of 3D scenes in graphics. Given the difficulty of capturing HDRIs, a versatile and controllable generative model is highly desired, where layman users can intuitively control the generation process. However, existing state-of-the-art methods still struggle to synthesize high-quality panoramas for complex scenes. In this work, we propose a zero-shot text-driven framework, Text2Light, to generate 4K+ resolution HDRIs without paired training data. Given a free-form text as the description of the scene, we synthesize the corresponding HDRI with two dedicated steps: 1) text-driven panorama generation in low dynamic range(LDR) and low resolution, and 2) super-resolution inverse tone mapping to scale up the LDR panorama both in resolution and dynamic range. Specifically, to achieve zero-shot text-driven panorama generation, we first build dual codebooks as the discrete representation for diverse environmental textures. Then, driven by the pre-trained CLIP model, a text-conditioned global sampler learns to sample holistic semantics from the global codebook according to the input text. Furthermore, a structure-aware local sampler learns to synthesize LDR panoramas patch-by-patch, guided by holistic semantics. To achieve super-resolution inverse tone mapping, we derive a continuous representation of 360-degree imaging from the LDR panorama as a set of structured latent codes anchored to the sphere. This continuous representation enables a versatile module to upscale the resolution and dynamic range simultaneously. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior capability of Text2Light in generating high-quality HDR panoramas. In addition, we show the feasibility of our work in realistic rendering and immersive VR.
Abstract:We present a weight similarity measure method that can quantify the weight similarity of non-convex neural networks. To understand the weight similarity of different trained models, we propose to extract the feature representation from the weights of neural networks. We first normalize the weights of neural networks by introducing a chain normalization rule, which is used for weight representation learning and weight similarity measure. We extend the traditional hypothesis-testing method to a hypothesis-training-testing statistical inference method to validate the hypothesis on the weight similarity of neural networks. With the chain normalization rule and the new statistical inference, we study the weight similarity measure on Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and find that the weights of an identical neural network optimized with the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm converge to a similar local solution in a metric space. The weight similarity measure provides more insight into the local solutions of neural networks. Experiments on several datasets consistently validate the hypothesis of weight similarity measure.
Abstract:We present a new lighting estimation and editing framework to generate high-dynamic-range (HDR) indoor panorama lighting from a single limited field-of-view (LFOV) image captured by low-dynamic-range (LDR) cameras. Existing lighting estimation methods either directly regress lighting representation parameters or decompose this problem into LFOV-to-panorama and LDR-to-HDR lighting generation sub-tasks. However, due to the partial observation, the high-dynamic-range lighting, and the intrinsic ambiguity of a scene, lighting estimation remains a challenging task. To tackle this problem, we propose a coupled dual-StyleGAN panorama synthesis network (StyleLight) that integrates LDR and HDR panorama synthesis into a unified framework. The LDR and HDR panorama synthesis share a similar generator but have separate discriminators. During inference, given an LDR LFOV image, we propose a focal-masked GAN inversion method to find its latent code by the LDR panorama synthesis branch and then synthesize the HDR panorama by the HDR panorama synthesis branch. StyleLight takes LFOV-to-panorama and LDR-to-HDR lighting generation into a unified framework and thus greatly improves lighting estimation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework achieves superior performance over state-of-the-art methods on indoor lighting estimation. Notably, StyleLight also enables intuitive lighting editing on indoor HDR panoramas, which is suitable for real-world applications. Code is available at https://style-light.github.io.