Autonomous Motion Department at the MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany
Abstract:We present Points2Plans, a framework for composable planning with a relational dynamics model that enables robots to solve long-horizon manipulation tasks from partial-view point clouds. Given a language instruction and a point cloud of the scene, our framework initiates a hierarchical planning procedure, whereby a language model generates a high-level plan and a sampling-based planner produces constraint-satisfying continuous parameters for manipulation primitives sequenced according to the high-level plan. Key to our approach is the use of a relational dynamics model as a unifying interface between the continuous and symbolic representations of states and actions, thus facilitating language-driven planning from high-dimensional perceptual input such as point clouds. Whereas previous relational dynamics models require training on datasets of multi-step manipulation scenarios that align with the intended test scenarios, Points2Plans uses only single-step simulated training data while generalizing zero-shot to a variable number of steps during real-world evaluations. We evaluate our approach on tasks involving geometric reasoning, multi-object interactions, and occluded object reasoning in both simulated and real-world settings. Results demonstrate that Points2Plans offers strong generalization to unseen long-horizon tasks in the real world, where it solves over 85% of evaluated tasks while the next best baseline solves only 50%. Qualitative demonstrations of our approach operating on a mobile manipulator platform are made available at
Abstract:Building effective imitation learning methods that enable robots to learn from limited data and still generalize across diverse real-world environments is a long-standing problem in robot learning. We propose EquiBot, a robust, data-efficient, and generalizable approach for robot manipulation task learning. Our approach combines SIM(3)-equivariant neural network architectures with diffusion models. This ensures that our learned policies are invariant to changes in scale, rotation, and translation, enhancing their applicability to unseen environments while retaining the benefits of diffusion-based policy learning such as multi-modality and robustness. We show in a suite of 6 simulation tasks that our proposed method reduces the data requirements and improves generalization to novel scenarios. In the real world, we show with in total 10 variations of 6 mobile manipulation tasks that our method can easily generalize to novel objects and scenes after learning from just 5 minutes of human demonstrations in each task.
Abstract:Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) algorithms solve long-horizon robotics tasks by integrating task planning with motion planning; the task planner proposes a sequence of actions towards a goal state and the motion planner verifies whether this action sequence is geometrically feasible for the robot. However, state-of-the-art TAMP algorithms do not scale well with the difficulty of the task and require an impractical amount of time to solve relatively small problems. We propose Constraints and Streams for Task and Motion Planning (COAST), a probabilistically-complete, sampling-based TAMP algorithm that combines stream-based motion planning with an efficient, constrained task planning strategy. We validate COAST on three challenging TAMP domains and demonstrate that our method outperforms baselines in terms of cumulative task planning time by an order of magnitude. You can find more supplementary materials on our project \href{}{website}.
Abstract:Many robotic systems, such as mobile manipulators or quadrotors, cannot be equipped with high-end GPUs due to space, weight, and power constraints. These constraints prevent these systems from leveraging recent developments in visuomotor policy architectures that require high-end GPUs to achieve fast policy inference. In this paper, we propose Consistency Policy, a faster and similarly powerful alternative to Diffusion Policy for learning visuomotor robot control. By virtue of its fast inference speed, Consistency Policy can enable low latency decision making in resource-constrained robotic setups. A Consistency Policy is distilled from a pretrained Diffusion Policy by enforcing self-consistency along the Diffusion Policy's learned trajectories. We compare Consistency Policy with Diffusion Policy and other related speed-up methods across 6 simulation tasks as well as two real-world tasks where we demonstrate inference on a laptop GPU. For all these tasks, Consistency Policy speeds up inference by an order of magnitude compared to the fastest alternative method and maintains competitive success rates. We also show that the Conistency Policy training procedure is robust to the pretrained Diffusion Policy's quality, a useful result that helps practioners avoid extensive testing of the pretrained model. Key design decisions that enabled this performance are the choice of consistency objective, reduced initial sample variance, and the choice of preset chaining steps. Code and training details will be released publicly.
Abstract:Generating stable and robust grasps on arbitrary objects is critical for dexterous robotic hands, marking a significant step towards advanced dexterous manipulation. Previous studies have mostly focused on improving differentiable grasping metrics with the assumption of precisely known object geometry. However, shape uncertainty is ubiquitous due to noisy and partial shape observations, which introduce challenges in grasp planning. We propose, SpringGrasp planner, a planner that considers uncertain observations of the object surface for synthesizing compliant dexterous grasps. A compliant dexterous grasp could minimize the effect of unexpected contact with the object, leading to more stable grasp with shape-uncertain objects. We introduce an analytical and differentiable metric, SpringGrasp metric, that evaluates the dynamic behavior of the entire compliant grasping process. Planning with SpringGrasp planner, our method achieves a grasp success rate of 89% from two viewpoints and 84% from a single viewpoints in experiment with a real robot on 14 common objects. Compared with a force-closure based planner, our method achieves at least 18% higher grasp success rate.
Abstract:The creation of large, diverse, high-quality robot manipulation datasets is an important stepping stone on the path toward more capable and robust robotic manipulation policies. However, creating such datasets is challenging: collecting robot manipulation data in diverse environments poses logistical and safety challenges and requires substantial investments in hardware and human labour. As a result, even the most general robot manipulation policies today are mostly trained on data collected in a small number of environments with limited scene and task diversity. In this work, we introduce DROID (Distributed Robot Interaction Dataset), a diverse robot manipulation dataset with 76k demonstration trajectories or 350 hours of interaction data, collected across 564 scenes and 84 tasks by 50 data collectors in North America, Asia, and Europe over the course of 12 months. We demonstrate that training with DROID leads to policies with higher performance and improved generalization ability. We open source the full dataset, policy learning code, and a detailed guide for reproducing our robot hardware setup.
Abstract:Natural language and images are commonly used as goal representations in goal-conditioned imitation learning (IL). However, natural language can be ambiguous and images can be over-specified. In this work, we propose hand-drawn sketches as a modality for goal specification in visual imitation learning. Sketches are easy for users to provide on the fly like language, but similar to images they can also help a downstream policy to be spatially-aware and even go beyond images to disambiguate task-relevant from task-irrelevant objects. We present RT-Sketch, a goal-conditioned policy for manipulation that takes a hand-drawn sketch of the desired scene as input, and outputs actions. We train RT-Sketch on a dataset of paired trajectories and corresponding synthetically generated goal sketches. We evaluate this approach on six manipulation skills involving tabletop object rearrangements on an articulated countertop. Experimentally we find that RT-Sketch is able to perform on a similar level to image or language-conditioned agents in straightforward settings, while achieving greater robustness when language goals are ambiguous or visual distractors are present. Additionally, we show that RT-Sketch has the capacity to interpret and act upon sketches with varied levels of specificity, ranging from minimal line drawings to detailed, colored drawings. For supplementary material and videos, please refer to our website:
Abstract:It is difficult for robots to retrieve objects in densely cluttered lateral access scenes with movable objects as jamming against adjacent objects and walls can inhibit progress. We propose the use of two action primitives -- burrowing and excavating -- that can fluidize the scene to un-jam obstacles and enable continued progress. Even when these primitives are implemented in an open loop manner at clock-driven intervals, we observe a decrease in the final distance to the target location. Furthermore, we combine the primitives into a closed loop hybrid control strategy using tactile and proprioceptive information to leverage the advantages of both primitives without being overly disruptive. In doing so, we achieve a 10-fold increase in success rate above the baseline control strategy and significantly improve completion times as compared to the primitives alone or a naive combination of them.
Abstract:If a robot masters folding a kitchen towel, we would also expect it to master folding a beach towel. However, existing works for policy learning that rely on data set augmentations are still limited in achieving this level of generalization. Our insight is to add equivariance to both the visual object representation and policy architecture. We propose EquivAct which utilizes SIM(3)-equivariant network structures that guarantee generalization across all possible object translations, 3D rotations, and scales by construction. Training of EquivAct is done in two phases. We first pre-train a SIM(3)-equivariant visual representation on simulated scene point clouds. Then, we learn a SIM(3)-equivariant visuomotor policy on top of the pre-trained visual representation using a small amount of source task demonstrations. We demonstrate that after training, the learned policy directly transfers to objects that substantially differ in scale, position and orientation from the source demonstrations. In simulation, we evaluate our method in three manipulation tasks involving deformable and articulated objects thereby going beyond the typical rigid object manipulation tasks that prior works considered. We show that our method outperforms prior works that do not use equivariant architectures or do not use our contrastive pre-training procedure. We also show quantitative and qualitative experiments on three real robot tasks, where the robot watches twenty demonstrations of a tabletop task and transfers zero-shot to a mobile manipulation task in a much larger setup. Project website:
Abstract:We introduce AO-Grasp, a grasp proposal method that generates stable and actionable 6 degree-of-freedom grasps for articulated objects. Our generated grasps enable robots to interact with articulated objects, such as opening and closing cabinets and appliances. Given a segmented partial point cloud of a single articulated object, AO-Grasp predicts the best grasp points on the object with a novel Actionable Grasp Point Predictor model and then finds corresponding grasp orientations for each point by leveraging a state-of-the-art rigid object grasping method. We train AO-Grasp on our new AO-Grasp Dataset, which contains 48K actionable parallel-jaw grasps on synthetic articulated objects. In simulation, AO-Grasp achieves higher grasp success rates than existing rigid object grasping and articulated object interaction baselines on both train and test categories. Additionally, we evaluate AO-Grasp on 120 realworld scenes of objects with varied geometries, articulation axes, and joint states, where AO-Grasp produces successful grasps on 67.5% of scenes, while the baseline only produces successful grasps on 33.3% of scenes.