Abstract:Deep metric learning (DML) aims to learn a discriminative high-dimensional embedding space for downstream tasks like classification, clustering, and retrieval. Prior literature predominantly focuses on pair-based and proxy-based methods to maximize inter-class discrepancy and minimize intra-class diversity. However, these methods tend to suffer from the collapse of the embedding space due to their over-reliance on label information. This leads to sub-optimal feature representation and inferior model performance. To maintain the structure of embedding space and avoid feature collapse, we propose a novel loss function called Anti-Collapse Loss. Specifically, our proposed loss primarily draws inspiration from the principle of Maximal Coding Rate Reduction. It promotes the sparseness of feature clusters in the embedding space to prevent collapse by maximizing the average coding rate of sample features or class proxies. Moreover, we integrate our proposed loss with pair-based and proxy-based methods, resulting in notable performance improvement. Comprehensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Extensive ablation studies verify the effectiveness of our method in preventing embedding space collapse and promoting generalization performance.
Abstract:Large image diffusion models have demonstrated zero-shot capability in novel view synthesis (NVS). However, existing diffusion-based NVS methods struggle to generate novel views that are accurately consistent with the corresponding ground truth poses and appearances, even on the training set. This consequently limits the performance of downstream tasks, such as image-to-multiview generation and 3D reconstruction. We realize that such inconsistency is largely due to the fact that it is difficult to enforce accurate pose and appearance alignment directly in the diffusion training, as mostly done by existing methods such as Zero123. To remedy this problem, we propose Ctrl123, a closed-loop transcription-based NVS diffusion method that enforces alignment between the generated view and ground truth in a pose-sensitive feature space. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of Ctrl123 on the tasks of NVS and 3D reconstruction, achieving significant improvements in both multiview-consistency and pose-consistency over existing methods.
Abstract:The advent of large pre-trained models has brought about a paradigm shift in both visual representation learning and natural language processing. However, clustering unlabeled images, as a fundamental and classic machine learning problem, still lacks effective solution, particularly for large-scale datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel image clustering pipeline that leverages the powerful feature representation of large pre-trained models such as CLIP and cluster images effectively and efficiently at scale. We show that the pre-trained features are significantly more structured by further optimizing the rate reduction objective. The resulting features may significantly improve the clustering accuracy, e.g., from 57\% to 66\% on ImageNet-1k. Furthermore, by leveraging CLIP's image-text binding, we show how the new clustering method leads to a simple yet effective self-labeling algorithm that successfully works on unlabeled large datasets such as MS-COCO and LAION-Aesthetics. We will release the code in https://github.com/LeslieTrue/CPP.
Abstract:Autoencoding has achieved great empirical success as a framework for learning generative models for natural images. Autoencoders often use generic deep networks as the encoder or decoder, which are difficult to interpret, and the learned representations lack clear structure. In this work, we make the explicit assumption that the image distribution is generated from a multi-stage sparse deconvolution. The corresponding inverse map, which we use as an encoder, is a multi-stage convolution sparse coding (CSC), with each stage obtained from unrolling an optimization algorithm for solving the corresponding (convexified) sparse coding program. To avoid computational difficulties in minimizing distributional distance between the real and generated images, we utilize the recent closed-loop transcription (CTRL) framework that optimizes the rate reduction of the learned sparse representations. Conceptually, our method has high-level connections to score-matching methods such as diffusion models. Empirically, our framework demonstrates competitive performance on large-scale datasets, such as ImageNet-1K, compared to existing autoencoding and generative methods under fair conditions. Even with simpler networks and fewer computational resources, our method demonstrates high visual quality in regenerated images. More surprisingly, the learned autoencoder performs well on unseen datasets. Our method enjoys several side benefits, including more structured and interpretable representations, more stable convergence, and scalability to large datasets. Our method is arguably the first to demonstrate that a concatenation of multiple convolution sparse coding/decoding layers leads to an interpretable and effective autoencoder for modeling the distribution of large-scale natural image datasets.
Abstract:Clustering data lying close to a union of low-dimensional manifolds, with each manifold as a cluster, is a fundamental problem in machine learning. When the manifolds are assumed to be linear subspaces, many methods succeed using low-rank and sparse priors, which have been studied extensively over the past two decades. Unfortunately, most real-world datasets can not be well approximated by linear subspaces. On the other hand, several works have proposed to identify the manifolds by learning a feature map such that the data transformed by the map lie in a union of linear subspaces, even though the original data are from non-linear manifolds. However, most works either assume knowledge of the membership of samples to clusters, or are shown to learn trivial representations. In this paper, we propose to simultaneously perform clustering and learn a union-of-subspace representation via Maximal Coding Rate Reduction. Experiments on synthetic and realistic datasets show that the proposed method achieves clustering accuracy comparable with state-of-the-art alternatives, while being more scalable and learning geometrically meaningful representations.
Abstract:This paper proposes an unsupervised method for learning a unified representation that serves both discriminative and generative purposes. While most existing unsupervised learning approaches focus on a representation for only one of these two goals, we show that a unified representation can enjoy the mutual benefits of having both. Such a representation is attainable by generalizing the recently proposed \textit{closed-loop transcription} framework, known as CTRL, to the unsupervised setting. This entails solving a constrained maximin game over a rate reduction objective that expands features of all samples while compressing features of augmentations of each sample. Through this process, we see discriminative low-dimensional structures emerge in the resulting representations. Under comparable experimental conditions and network complexities, we demonstrate that these structured representations enable classification performance close to state-of-the-art unsupervised discriminative representations, and conditionally generated image quality significantly higher than that of state-of-the-art unsupervised generative models. Source code can be found at https://github.com/Delay-Xili/uCTRL.
Abstract:Despite strong empirical performance for image classification, deep neural networks are often regarded as ``black boxes'' and they are difficult to interpret. On the other hand, sparse convolutional models, which assume that a signal can be expressed by a linear combination of a few elements from a convolutional dictionary, are powerful tools for analyzing natural images with good theoretical interpretability and biological plausibility. However, such principled models have not demonstrated competitive performance when compared with empirically designed deep networks. This paper revisits the sparse convolutional modeling for image classification and bridges the gap between good empirical performance (of deep learning) and good interpretability (of sparse convolutional models). Our method uses differentiable optimization layers that are defined from convolutional sparse coding as drop-in replacements of standard convolutional layers in conventional deep neural networks. We show that such models have equally strong empirical performance on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets when compared to conventional neural networks. By leveraging stable recovery property of sparse modeling, we further show that such models can be much more robust to input corruptions as well as adversarial perturbations in testing through a simple proper trade-off between sparse regularization and data reconstruction terms. Source code can be found at https://github.com/Delay-Xili/SDNet.
Abstract:This work proposes a minimal computational model for learning a structured memory of multiple object classes in an incremental setting. Our approach is based on establishing a closed-loop transcription between multiple classes and their corresponding subspaces, known as a linear discriminative representation, in a low-dimensional feature space. Our method is both simpler and more efficient than existing approaches to incremental learning, in terms of model size, storage, and computation: it requires only a single, fixed-capacity autoencoding network with a feature space that is used for both discriminative and generative purposes. All network parameters are optimized simultaneously without architectural manipulations, by solving a constrained minimax game between the encoding and decoding maps over a single rate reduction-based objective. Experimental results show that our method can effectively alleviate catastrophic forgetting, achieving significantly better performance than prior work for both generative and discriminative purposes.
Abstract:This work proposes a new computational framework for learning an explicit generative model for real-world datasets. In particular we propose to learn {\em a closed-loop transcription} between a multi-class multi-dimensional data distribution and a { linear discriminative representation (LDR)} in the feature space that consists of multiple independent multi-dimensional linear subspaces. In particular, we argue that the optimal encoding and decoding mappings sought can be formulated as the equilibrium point of a {\em two-player minimax game between the encoder and decoder}. A natural utility function for this game is the so-called {\em rate reduction}, a simple information-theoretic measure for distances between mixtures of subspace-like Gaussians in the feature space. Our formulation draws inspiration from closed-loop error feedback from control systems and avoids expensive evaluating and minimizing approximated distances between arbitrary distributions in either the data space or the feature space. To a large extent, this new formulation unifies the concepts and benefits of Auto-Encoding and GAN and naturally extends them to the settings of learning a {\em both discriminative and generative} representation for multi-class and multi-dimensional real-world data. Our extensive experiments on many benchmark imagery datasets demonstrate tremendous potential of this new closed-loop formulation: under fair comparison, visual quality of the learned decoder and classification performance of the encoder is competitive and often better than existing methods based on GAN, VAE, or a combination of both. We notice that the so learned features of different classes are explicitly mapped onto approximately {\em independent principal subspaces} in the feature space; and diverse visual attributes within each class are modeled by the {\em independent principal components} within each subspace.
Abstract:We present a one-stage Fully Convolutional Line Parsing network (F-Clip) that detects line segments from images. The proposed network is very simple and flexible with variations that gracefully trade off between speed and accuracy for different applications. F-Clip detects line segments in an end-to-end fashion by predicting them with each line's center position, length, and angle. Based on empirical observation of the distribution of line angles in real image datasets, we further customize the design of convolution kernels of our fully convolutional network to effectively exploit such statistical priors. We conduct extensive experiments and show that our method achieves a significantly better trade-off between efficiency and accuracy, resulting in a real-time line detector at up to 73 FPS on a single GPU. Such inference speed makes our method readily applicable to real-time tasks without compromising any accuracy of previous methods. Moreover, when equipped with a performance-improving backbone network, F-Clip is able to significantly outperform all state-of-the-art line detectors on accuracy at a similar or even higher frame rate. Source code https://github.com/Delay-Xili/F-Clip.