Abstract:Training text-to-image models with web scale image-text pairs enables the generation of a wide range of visual concepts from text. However, these pre-trained models often face challenges when it comes to generating highly aesthetic images. This creates the need for aesthetic alignment post pre-training. In this paper, we propose quality-tuning to effectively guide a pre-trained model to exclusively generate highly visually appealing images, while maintaining generality across visual concepts. Our key insight is that supervised fine-tuning with a set of surprisingly small but extremely visually appealing images can significantly improve the generation quality. We pre-train a latent diffusion model on $1.1$ billion image-text pairs and fine-tune it with only a few thousand carefully selected high-quality images. The resulting model, Emu, achieves a win rate of $82.9\%$ compared with its pre-trained only counterpart. Compared to the state-of-the-art SDXLv1.0, Emu is preferred $68.4\%$ and $71.3\%$ of the time on visual appeal on the standard PartiPrompts and our Open User Input benchmark based on the real-world usage of text-to-image models. In addition, we show that quality-tuning is a generic approach that is also effective for other architectures, including pixel diffusion and masked generative transformer models.
Abstract:We present the design of a productionized end-to-end stereo depth sensing system that does pre-processing, online stereo rectification, and stereo depth estimation with a fallback to monocular depth estimation when rectification is unreliable. The output of our depth sensing system is then used in a novel view generation pipeline to create 3D computational photography effect using point-of-view images captured by smart glasses. All these steps are executed on-device on the stringent compute budget of a mobile phone, and because we expect the users can use a wide range of smartphones, our design needs to be general and cannot be dependent on a particular hardware or ML accelerator such as a smartphone GPU. Although each of these steps is well-studied, a description of a practical system is still lacking. For such a system, each of these steps need to work in tandem with one another and fallback gracefully on failures within the system or less than ideal input data. We show how we handle unforeseen changes to calibration, e.g. due to heat, robustly support depth estimation in the wild, and still abide by the memory and latency constraints required for a smooth user experience. We show that our trained models are fast, that run in less than 1s on a six-year-old Samsung Galaxy S8 phone's CPU. Our models generalize well to unseen data and achieve good results on Middlebury and in-the-wild images captured from the smart glasses.
Abstract:Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has been widely adopted to design accurate and efficient image classification models. However, applying NAS to a new computer vision task still requires a huge amount of effort. This is because 1) previous NAS research has been over-prioritized on image classification while largely ignoring other tasks; 2) many NAS works focus on optimizing task-specific components that cannot be favorably transferred to other tasks; and 3) existing NAS methods are typically designed to be "proxyless" and require significant effort to be integrated with each new task's training pipelines. To tackle these challenges, we propose FBNetV5, a NAS framework that can search for neural architectures for a variety of vision tasks with much reduced computational cost and human effort. Specifically, we design 1) a search space that is simple yet inclusive and transferable; 2) a multitask search process that is disentangled with target tasks' training pipeline; and 3) an algorithm to simultaneously search for architectures for multiple tasks with a computational cost agnostic to the number of tasks. We evaluate the proposed FBNetV5 targeting three fundamental vision tasks -- image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. Models searched by FBNetV5 in a single run of search have outperformed the previous stateof-the-art in all the three tasks: image classification (e.g., +1.3% ImageNet top-1 accuracy under the same FLOPs as compared to FBNetV3), semantic segmentation (e.g., +1.8% higher ADE20K val. mIoU than SegFormer with 3.6x fewer FLOPs), and object detection (e.g., +1.1% COCO val. mAP with 1.2x fewer FLOPs as compared to YOLOX).
Abstract:3D photography is a new medium that allows viewers to more fully experience a captured moment. In this work, we refer to a 3D photo as one that displays parallax induced by moving the viewpoint (as opposed to a stereo pair with a fixed viewpoint). 3D photos are static in time, like traditional photos, but are displayed with interactive parallax on mobile or desktop screens, as well as on Virtual Reality devices, where viewing it also includes stereo. We present an end-to-end system for creating and viewing 3D photos, and the algorithmic and design choices therein. Our 3D photos are captured in a single shot and processed directly on a mobile device. The method starts by estimating depth from the 2D input image using a new monocular depth estimation network that is optimized for mobile devices. It performs competitively to the state-of-the-art, but has lower latency and peak memory consumption and uses an order of magnitude fewer parameters. The resulting depth is lifted to a layered depth image, and new geometry is synthesized in parallax regions. We synthesize color texture and structures in the parallax regions as well, using an inpainting network, also optimized for mobile devices, on the LDI directly. Finally, we convert the result into a mesh-based representation that can be efficiently transmitted and rendered even on low-end devices and over poor network connections. Altogether, the processing takes just a few seconds on a mobile device, and the result can be instantly viewed and shared. We perform extensive quantitative evaluation to validate our system and compare its new components against the current state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Neural Architecture Search (NAS) yields state-of-the-art neural networks that outperform their best manually-designed counterparts. However, previous NAS methods search for architectures under one training recipe (i.e., training hyperparameters), ignoring the significance of training recipes and overlooking superior architectures under other training recipes. Thus, they fail to find higher-accuracy architecture-recipe combinations. To address this oversight, we present JointNAS to search both (a) architectures and (b) their corresponding training recipes. To accomplish this, we introduce a neural acquisition function that scores architectures and training recipes jointly. Following pre-training on a proxy dataset, this acquisition function guides both coarse-grained and fine-grained searches to produce FBNetV3. FBNetV3 is a family of state-of-the-art compact ImageNet models, outperforming both automatically and manually-designed architectures. For example, FBNetV3 matches both EfficientNet and ResNeSt accuracy with 1.4x and 5.0x fewer FLOPs, respectively. Furthermore, the JointNAS-searched training recipe yields significant performance gains across different networks and tasks.
Abstract:Differentiable Neural Architecture Search (DNAS) has demonstrated great success in designing state-of-the-art, efficient neural networks. However, DARTS-based DNAS's search space is small when compared to other search methods', since all candidate network layers must be explicitly instantiated in memory. To address this bottleneck, we propose a memory and computationally efficient DNAS variant: DMaskingNAS. This algorithm expands the search space by up to $10^{14}\times$ over conventional DNAS, supporting searches over spatial and channel dimensions that are otherwise prohibitively expensive: input resolution and number of filters. We propose a masking mechanism for feature map reuse, so that memory and computational costs stay nearly constant as the search space expands. Furthermore, we employ effective shape propagation to maximize per-FLOP or per-parameter accuracy. The searched FBNetV2s yield state-of-the-art performance when compared with all previous architectures. With up to 421$\times$ less search cost, DMaskingNAS finds models with 0.9% higher accuracy, 15% fewer FLOPs than MobileNetV3-Small; and with similar accuracy but 20% fewer FLOPs than Efficient-B0. Furthermore, our FBNetV2 outperforms MobileNetV3 by 2.6% in accuracy, with equivalent model size. FBNetV2 models are open-sourced at https://github.com/facebookresearch/mobile-vision.