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Abstract:Achieving human-level speed and performance on real world tasks is a north star for the robotics research community. This work takes a step towards that goal and presents the first learned robot agent that reaches amateur human-level performance in competitive table tennis. Table tennis is a physically demanding sport which requires human players to undergo years of training to achieve an advanced level of proficiency. In this paper, we contribute (1) a hierarchical and modular policy architecture consisting of (i) low level controllers with their detailed skill descriptors which model the agent's capabilities and help to bridge the sim-to-real gap and (ii) a high level controller that chooses the low level skills, (2) techniques for enabling zero-shot sim-to-real including an iterative approach to defining the task distribution that is grounded in the real-world and defines an automatic curriculum, and (3) real time adaptation to unseen opponents. Policy performance was assessed through 29 robot vs. human matches of which the robot won 45% (13/29). All humans were unseen players and their skill level varied from beginner to tournament level. Whilst the robot lost all matches vs. the most advanced players it won 100% matches vs. beginners and 55% matches vs. intermediate players, demonstrating solidly amateur human-level performance. Videos of the matches can be viewed at
Abstract:We present High-Density Visual Particle Dynamics (HD-VPD), a learned world model that can emulate the physical dynamics of real scenes by processing massive latent point clouds containing 100K+ particles. To enable efficiency at this scale, we introduce a novel family of Point Cloud Transformers (PCTs) called Interlacers leveraging intertwined linear-attention Performer layers and graph-based neighbour attention layers. We demonstrate the capabilities of HD-VPD by modeling the dynamics of high degree-of-freedom bi-manual robots with two RGB-D cameras. Compared to the previous graph neural network approach, our Interlacer dynamics is twice as fast with the same prediction quality, and can achieve higher quality using 4x as many particles. We illustrate how HD-VPD can evaluate motion plan quality with robotic box pushing and can grasping tasks. See videos and particle dynamics rendered by HD-VPD at
Abstract:Recent efforts to scale Transformer models have demonstrated rapid progress across a wide range of tasks (Wei et al., 2022). However, fine-tuning these models for downstream tasks is expensive due to their large parameter counts. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches have emerged as a viable alternative by allowing us to fine-tune models by updating only a small number of parameters. In this work, we propose a general framework for parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), based on structured unrestricted-rank matrices (SURM) which can serve as a drop-in replacement for popular approaches such as Adapters and LoRA. Unlike other methods like LoRA, SURMs provides more flexibility in finding the right balance between compactness and expressiveness. This is achieved by using low displacement rank matrices (LDRMs), which hasn't been used in this context before. SURMs remain competitive with baselines, often providing significant quality improvements while using a smaller parameter budget. SURMs achieve 5-7% accuracy gains on various image classification tasks while replacing low-rank matrices in LoRA. It also results in up to 12x reduction of the number of parameters in adapters (with virtually no loss in quality) on the GLUE benchmark.
Abstract:Machine unlearning is the process of efficiently removing the influence of a training data instance from a trained machine learning model without retraining it from scratch. A popular subclass of unlearning approaches is exact machine unlearning, which focuses on techniques that explicitly guarantee the removal of the influence of a data instance from a model. Exact unlearning approaches use a machine learning model in which individual components are trained on disjoint subsets of the data. During deletion, exact unlearning approaches only retrain the affected components rather than the entire model. While existing approaches reduce retraining costs, it can still be expensive for an organization to retrain a model component as it requires halting a system in production, which leads to service failure and adversely impacts customers. To address these challenges, we introduce an exact unlearning framework -- Sequence-aware Sharded Sliced Training (S3T), designed to enhance the deletion capabilities of an exact unlearning system while minimizing the impact on model's performance. At the core of S3T, we utilize a lightweight parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach that enables parameter isolation by sequentially training layers with disjoint data slices. This enables efficient unlearning by simply deactivating the layers affected by data deletion. Furthermore, to reduce the retraining cost and improve model performance, we train the model on multiple data sequences, which allows S3T to handle an increased number of deletion requests. Both theoretically and empirically, we demonstrate that S3T attains superior deletion capabilities and enhanced performance compared to baselines across a wide range of settings.
Abstract:We present a new class of fast polylog-linear algorithms based on the theory of structured matrices (in particular low displacement rank) for integrating tensor fields defined on weighted trees. Several applications of the resulting fast tree-field integrators (FTFIs) are presented, including (a) approximation of graph metrics with tree metrics, (b) graph classification, (c) modeling on meshes, and finally (d) Topological Transformers (TTs) (Choromanski et al., 2022) for images. For Topological Transformers, we propose new relative position encoding (RPE) masking mechanisms with as few as three extra learnable parameters per Transformer layer, leading to 1.0-1.5%+ accuracy gains. Importantly, most of FTFIs are exact methods, thus numerically equivalent to their brute-force counterparts. When applied to graphs with thousands of nodes, those exact algorithms provide 5.7-13x speedups. We also provide an extensive theoretical analysis of our methods.
Abstract:Random features (RFs) are a popular technique to scale up kernel methods in machine learning, replacing exact kernel evaluations with stochastic Monte Carlo estimates. They underpin models as diverse as efficient transformers (by approximating attention) to sparse spectrum Gaussian processes (by approximating the covariance function). Efficiency can be further improved by speeding up the convergence of these estimates: a variance reduction problem. We tackle this through the unifying framework of optimal transport, using theoretical insights and numerical algorithms to develop novel, high-performing RF couplings for kernels defined on Euclidean and discrete input spaces. They enjoy concrete theoretical performance guarantees and sometimes provide strong empirical downstream gains, including for scalable approximate inference on graphs. We reach surprising conclusions about the benefits and limitations of variance reduction as a paradigm.
Abstract:We present an embodied AI system which receives open-ended natural language instructions from a human, and controls two arms to collaboratively accomplish potentially long-horizon tasks over a large workspace. Our system is modular: it deploys state of the art Large Language Models for task planning,Vision-Language models for semantic perception, and Point Cloud transformers for grasping. With semantic and physical safety in mind, these modules are interfaced with a real-time trajectory optimizer and a compliant tracking controller to enable human-robot proximity. We demonstrate performance for the following tasks: bi-arm sorting, bottle opening, and trash disposal tasks. These are done zero-shot where the models used have not been trained with any real world data from this bi-arm robot, scenes or workspace.Composing both learning- and non-learning-based components in a modular fashion with interpretable inputs and outputs allows the user to easily debug points of failures and fragilities. One may also in-place swap modules to improve the robustness of the overall platform, for instance with imitation-learned policies.
Abstract:We present Self-Adaptive Robust Attention for Robotics Transformers (SARA-RT): a new paradigm for addressing the emerging challenge of scaling up Robotics Transformers (RT) for on-robot deployment. SARA-RT relies on the new method of fine-tuning proposed by us, called up-training. It converts pre-trained or already fine-tuned Transformer-based robotic policies of quadratic time complexity (including massive billion-parameter vision-language-action models or VLAs), into their efficient linear-attention counterparts maintaining high quality. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SARA-RT by speeding up: (a) the class of recently introduced RT-2 models, the first VLA robotic policies pre-trained on internet-scale data, as well as (b) Point Cloud Transformer (PCT) robotic policies operating on large point clouds. We complement our results with the rigorous mathematical analysis providing deeper insight into the phenomenon of SARA.
Abstract:We introduce the concept of scalable neural network kernels (SNNKs), the replacements of regular feedforward layers (FFLs), capable of approximating the latter, but with favorable computational properties. SNNKs effectively disentangle the inputs from the parameters of the neural network in the FFL, only to connect them in the final computation via the dot-product kernel. They are also strictly more expressive, as allowing to model complicated relationships beyond the functions of the dot-products of parameter-input vectors. We also introduce the neural network bundling process that applies SNNKs to compactify deep neural network architectures, resulting in additional compression gains. In its extreme version, it leads to the fully bundled network whose optimal parameters can be expressed via explicit formulae for several loss functions (e.g. mean squared error), opening a possibility to bypass backpropagation. As a by-product of our analysis, we introduce the mechanism of the universal random features (or URFs), applied to instantiate several SNNK variants, and interesting on its own in the context of scalable kernel methods. We provide rigorous theoretical analysis of all these concepts as well as an extensive empirical evaluation, ranging from point-wise kernel estimation to Transformers' fine-tuning with novel adapter layers inspired by SNNKs. Our mechanism provides up to 5x reduction in the number of trainable parameters, while maintaining competitive accuracy.
Abstract:We propose a novel random walk-based algorithm for unbiased estimation of arbitrary functions of a weighted adjacency matrix, coined universal graph random features (u-GRFs). This includes many of the most popular examples of kernels defined on the nodes of a graph. Our algorithm enjoys subquadratic time complexity with respect to the number of nodes, overcoming the notoriously prohibitive cubic scaling of exact graph kernel evaluation. It can also be trivially distributed across machines, permitting learning on much larger networks. At the heart of the algorithm is a modulation function which upweights or downweights the contribution from different random walks depending on their lengths. We show that by parameterising it with a neural network we can obtain u-GRFs that give higher-quality kernel estimates or perform efficient, scalable kernel learning. We provide robust theoretical analysis and support our findings with experiments including pointwise estimation of fixed graph kernels, solving non-homogeneous graph ordinary differential equations, node clustering and kernel regression on triangular meshes.