Abstract:The rapid development of vision language models (VLMs) demands rigorous and reliable evaluation. However, current visual question answering (VQA) benchmarks often depend on open-ended questions, making accurate evaluation difficult due to the variability in natural language responses. To address this, we introduce AutoConverter, an agentic framework that automatically converts these open-ended questions into multiple-choice format, enabling objective evaluation while reducing the costly question creation process. Our experiments demonstrate that AutoConverter can generate correct and challenging multiple-choice questions, with VLMs demonstrating consistently similar or lower accuracy on these questions compared to human-created ones. Using AutoConverter, we construct VMCBench, a benchmark created by transforming 20 existing VQA datasets into a unified multiple-choice format, totaling 9,018 questions. We comprehensively evaluate 33 state-of-the-art VLMs on VMCBench, setting a new standard for scalable, consistent, and reproducible VLM evaluation.
Abstract:Radiology report generation (RRG) has shown great potential in assisting radiologists by automating the labor-intensive task of report writing. While recent advancements have improved the quality and coherence of generated reports, ensuring their factual correctness remains a critical challenge. Although generative medical Vision Large Language Models (VLLMs) have been proposed to address this issue, these models are prone to hallucinations and can produce inaccurate diagnostic information. To address these concerns, we introduce a novel Semantic Consistency-Based Uncertainty Quantification framework that provides both report-level and sentence-level uncertainties. Unlike existing approaches, our method does not require modifications to the underlying model or access to its inner state, such as output token logits, thus serving as a plug-and-play module that can be seamlessly integrated with state-of-the-art models. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our method in detecting hallucinations and enhancing the factual accuracy of automatically generated radiology reports. By abstaining from high-uncertainty reports, our approach improves factuality scores by $10$%, achieved by rejecting $20$% of reports using the Radialog model on the MIMIC-CXR dataset. Furthermore, sentence-level uncertainty flags the lowest-precision sentence in each report with an $82.9$% success rate.
Abstract:This paper aims to design a unified Computer-Aided Design (CAD) generation system that can easily generate CAD models based on the user's inputs in the form of textual description, images, point clouds, or even a combination of them. Towards this goal, we introduce the CAD-MLLM, the first system capable of generating parametric CAD models conditioned on the multimodal input. Specifically, within the CAD-MLLM framework, we leverage the command sequences of CAD models and then employ advanced large language models (LLMs) to align the feature space across these diverse multi-modalities data and CAD models' vectorized representations. To facilitate the model training, we design a comprehensive data construction and annotation pipeline that equips each CAD model with corresponding multimodal data. Our resulting dataset, named Omni-CAD, is the first multimodal CAD dataset that contains textual description, multi-view images, points, and command sequence for each CAD model. It contains approximately 450K instances and their CAD construction sequences. To thoroughly evaluate the quality of our generated CAD models, we go beyond current evaluation metrics that focus on reconstruction quality by introducing additional metrics that assess topology quality and surface enclosure extent. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that CAD-MLLM significantly outperforms existing conditional generative methods and remains highly robust to noises and missing points. The project page and more visualizations can be found at: https://cad-mllm.github.io/
Abstract:Multimodal representation learning seeks to relate and decompose information inherent in multiple modalities. By disentangling modality-specific information from information that is shared across modalities, we can improve interpretability and robustness and enable downstream tasks such as the generation of counterfactual outcomes. Separating the two types of information is challenging since they are often deeply entangled in many real-world applications. We propose Disentangled Self-Supervised Learning (DisentangledSSL), a novel self-supervised approach for learning disentangled representations. We present a comprehensive analysis of the optimality of each disentangled representation, particularly focusing on the scenario not covered in prior work where the so-called Minimum Necessary Information (MNI) point is not attainable. We demonstrate that DisentangledSSL successfully learns shared and modality-specific features on multiple synthetic and real-world datasets and consistently outperforms baselines on various downstream tasks, including prediction tasks for vision-language data, as well as molecule-phenotype retrieval tasks for biological data.
Abstract:Recent studies have demonstrated the strong empirical performance of diffusion models on discrete sequences across domains from natural language to biological sequence generation. For example, in the protein inverse folding task, conditional diffusion models have achieved impressive results in generating natural-like sequences that fold back into the original structure. However, practical design tasks often require not only modeling a conditional distribution but also optimizing specific task objectives. For instance, we may prefer protein sequences with high stability. To address this, we consider the scenario where we have pre-trained discrete diffusion models that can generate natural-like sequences, as well as reward models that map sequences to task objectives. We then formulate the reward maximization problem within discrete diffusion models, analogous to reinforcement learning (RL), while minimizing the KL divergence against pretrained diffusion models to preserve naturalness. To solve this RL problem, we propose a novel algorithm, DRAKES, that enables direct backpropagation of rewards through entire trajectories generated by diffusion models, by making the originally non-differentiable trajectories differentiable using the Gumbel-Softmax trick. Our theoretical analysis indicates that our approach can generate sequences that are both natural-like and yield high rewards. While similar tasks have been recently explored in diffusion models for continuous domains, our work addresses unique algorithmic and theoretical challenges specific to discrete diffusion models, which arise from their foundation in continuous-time Markov chains rather than Brownian motion. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of DRAKES in generating DNA and protein sequences that optimize enhancer activity and protein stability, respectively, important tasks for gene therapies and protein-based therapeutics.
Abstract:Working memory $\unicode{x2013}$ the ability to remember recent events as they recede continuously into the past $\unicode{x2013}$ requires the ability to represent any stimulus at any time delay. This property requires neurons coding working memory to show mixed selectivity, with conjunctive receptive fields (RFs) for stimuli and time, forming a representation of 'what' $\times$ 'when'. We study the properties of such a working memory in simple experiments where a single stimulus must be remembered for a short time. The requirement of conjunctive receptive fields allows the covariance matrix of the network to decouple neatly, allowing an understanding of the low-dimensional dynamics of the population. Different choices of temporal basis functions lead to qualitatively different dynamics. We study a specific choice $\unicode{x2013}$ a Laplace space with exponential basis functions for time coupled to an "Inverse Laplace" space with circumscribed basis functions in time. We refer to this choice with basis functions that evenly tile log time as a Laplace Neural Manifold. Despite the fact that they are related to one another by a linear projection, the Laplace population shows a stable stimulus-specific subspace whereas the Inverse Laplace population shows rotational dynamics. The growth of the rank of the covariance matrix with time depends on the density of the temporal basis set; logarithmic tiling shows good agreement with data. We sketch a continuous attractor CANN that constructs a Laplace Neural Manifold. The attractor in the Laplace space appears as an edge; the attractor for the inverse space appears as a bump. This work provides a map for going from more abstract cognitive models of WM to circuit-level implementation using continuous attractor neural networks, and places constraints on the types of neural dynamics that support working memory.
Abstract:Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is a crucial technique in neuroimaging studies, allowing for the non-invasive probing of the underlying structures of brain tissues. Clinical dMRI data is susceptible to various artifacts during acquisition, which can lead to unreliable subsequent analyses. Therefore, dMRI preprocessing is essential for improving image quality, and manual inspection is often required to ensure that the preprocessed data is sufficiently corrected. However, manual inspection requires expertise and is time-consuming, especially with large-scale dMRI datasets. Given these challenges, an automated dMRI artifact detection tool is necessary to increase the productivity and reliability of dMRI data analysis. To this end, we propose a novel unsupervised deep learning framework called $\textbf{U}$nsupervised $\textbf{d}$MRI $\textbf{A}$rtifact $\textbf{D}$etection via $\textbf{A}$ngular Resolution Enhancement and $\textbf{C}$ycle Consistency Learning (UdAD-AC). UdAD-AC leverages dMRI angular resolution enhancement and cycle consistency learning to capture the effective representation of artifact-free dMRI data during training, and it identifies data containing artifacts using designed confidence score during inference. To assess the capability of UdAD-AC, several commonly reported dMRI artifacts, including bias field, susceptibility distortion, and corrupted volume, were added to the testing data. Experimental results demonstrate that UdAD-AC achieves the best performance compared to competitive methods in unsupervised dMRI artifact detection.
Abstract:Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a type of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique sensitised to the diffusivity of water molecules, offering the capability to inspect tissue microstructures and is the only in-vivo method to reconstruct white matter fiber tracts non-invasively. The DWI signal can be analysed with the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model to estimate the directionality of water diffusion within voxels. Several scalar metrics, including axial diffusivity (AD), mean diffusivity (MD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA), can be further derived from DTI to quantitatively summarise the microstructural integrity of brain tissue. These scalar metrics have played an important role in understanding the organisation and health of brain tissue at a microscopic level in clinical studies. However, reliable DTI metrics rely on DWI acquisitions with high gradient directions, which often go beyond the commonly used clinical protocols. To enhance the utility of clinically acquired DWI and save scanning time for robust DTI analysis, this work proposes DirGeo-DTI, a deep learning-based method to estimate reliable DTI metrics even from a set of DWIs acquired with the minimum theoretical number (6) of gradient directions. DirGeo-DTI leverages directional encoding and geometric constraints to facilitate the training process. Two public DWI datasets were used for evaluation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the best performance compared to existing DTI enhancement methods and potentially reveals further clinical insights with routine clinical DWI scans.
Abstract:Diffusion models excel at capturing the natural design spaces of images, molecules, DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. However, rather than merely generating designs that are natural, we often aim to optimize downstream reward functions while preserving the naturalness of these design spaces. Existing methods for achieving this goal often require ``differentiable'' proxy models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier guidance or DPS) or involve computationally expensive fine-tuning of diffusion models (\textit{e.g.}, classifier-free guidance, RL-based fine-tuning). In our work, we propose a new method to address these challenges. Our algorithm is an iterative sampling method that integrates soft value functions, which looks ahead to how intermediate noisy states lead to high rewards in the future, into the standard inference procedure of pre-trained diffusion models. Notably, our approach avoids fine-tuning generative models and eliminates the need to construct differentiable models. This enables us to (1) directly utilize non-differentiable features/reward feedback, commonly used in many scientific domains, and (2) apply our method to recent discrete diffusion models in a principled way. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm across several domains, including image generation, molecule generation, and DNA/RNA sequence generation. The code is available at \href{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}{https://github.com/masa-ue/SVDD}.
Abstract:The heterogeneity of neurological conditions, ranging from structural anomalies to functional impairments, presents a significant challenge in medical imaging analysis tasks. Moreover, the limited availability of well-annotated datasets constrains the development of robust analysis models. Against this backdrop, this study introduces a novel approach leveraging the inherent anatomical symmetrical features of the human brain to enhance the subsequent detection and segmentation analysis for brain diseases. A novel Symmetry-Aware Cross-Attention (SACA) module is proposed to encode symmetrical features of left and right hemispheres, and a proxy task to detect symmetrical features as the Symmetry-Aware Head (SAH) is proposed, which guides the pretraining of the whole network on a vast 3D brain imaging dataset comprising both healthy and diseased brain images across various MRI and CT. Through meticulous experimentation on downstream tasks, including both classification and segmentation for brain diseases, our model demonstrates superior performance over state-of-the-art methodologies, particularly highlighting the significance of symmetry-aware learning. Our findings advocate for the effectiveness of incorporating symmetry awareness into pretraining and set a new benchmark for medical imaging analysis, promising significant strides toward accurate and efficient diagnostic processes. Code is available at https://github.com/bitMyron/sa-swin.