Abstract:Automated heuristic design (AHD) has gained considerable attention for its potential to automate the development of effective heuristics. The recent advent of large language models (LLMs) has paved a new avenue for AHD, with initial efforts focusing on framing AHD as an evolutionary program search (EPS) problem. However, inconsistent benchmark settings, inadequate baselines, and a lack of detailed component analysis have left the necessity of integrating LLMs with search strategies and the true progress achieved by existing LLM-based EPS methods to be inadequately justified. This work seeks to fulfill these research queries by conducting a large-scale benchmark comprising four LLM-based EPS methods and four AHD problems across nine LLMs and five independent runs. Our extensive experiments yield meaningful insights, providing empirical grounding for the importance of evolutionary search in LLM-based AHD approaches, while also contributing to the advancement of future EPS algorithmic development. To foster accessibility and reproducibility, we have fully open-sourced our benchmark and corresponding results.
Abstract:Single-stage neural combinatorial optimization solvers have achieved near-optimal results on various small-scale combinatorial optimization (CO) problems without needing expert knowledge. However, these solvers exhibit significant performance degradation when applied to large-scale CO problems. Recently, two-stage neural methods with divide-and-conquer strategies have shown superiorities in addressing large-scale CO problems. Nevertheless, the efficiency of these methods highly relies on problem-specific heuristics in either the divide or the conquer procedure, which limits their applicability to general CO problems. Moreover, these methods employ separate training schemes and ignore the interdependencies between the dividing and conquering strategies, which often leads to sub-optimal solutions. To tackle these drawbacks, this article develops a unified neural divide-and-conquer framework (i.e., UDC) for solving general large-scale CO problems. UDC offers a Divide-Conquer-Reunion (DCR) training method to eliminate the negative impact of a sub-optimal dividing policy. Employing a high-efficiency Graph Neural Network (GNN) for global dividing and a fixed-length sub-path solver for conquering sub-problems, the proposed UDC framework demonstrates extensive applicability, achieving superior performance in 10 representative large-scale CO problems.
Abstract:Multi-objective optimization can be found in many real-world applications where some conflicting objectives can not be optimized by a single solution. Existing optimization methods often focus on finding a set of Pareto solutions with different optimal trade-offs among the objectives. However, the required number of solutions to well approximate the whole Pareto optimal set could be exponentially large with respect to the number of objectives, which makes these methods unsuitable for handling many optimization objectives. In this work, instead of finding a dense set of Pareto solutions, we propose a novel Tchebycheff set scalarization method to find a few representative solutions (e.g., 5) to cover a large number of objectives (e.g., $>100$) in a collaborative and complementary manner. In this way, each objective can be well addressed by at least one solution in the small solution set. In addition, we further develop a smooth Tchebycheff set scalarization approach for efficient optimization with good theoretical guarantees. Experimental studies on different problems with many optimization objectives demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Abstract:The min-max vehicle routing problem (min-max VRP) traverses all given customers by assigning several routes and aims to minimize the length of the longest route. Recently, reinforcement learning (RL)-based sequential planning methods have exhibited advantages in solving efficiency and optimality. However, these methods fail to exploit the problem-specific properties in learning representations, resulting in less effective features for decoding optimal routes. This paper considers the sequential planning process of min-max VRPs as two coupled optimization tasks: customer partition for different routes and customer navigation in each route (i.e., partition and navigation). To effectively process min-max VRP instances, we present a novel attention-based Partition-and-Navigation encoder (P&N Encoder) that learns distinct embeddings for partition and navigation. Furthermore, we utilize an inherent symmetry in decoding routes and develop an effective agent-permutation-symmetric (APS) loss function. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Decoupling-Partition-Navigation (DPN) method significantly surpasses existing learning-based methods in both single-depot and multi-depot min-max VRPs. Our code is available at
Abstract:Neural combinatorial optimization (NCO) is a promising learning-based approach to solving various vehicle routing problems without much manual algorithm design. However, the current NCO methods mainly focus on the in-distribution performance, while the real-world problem instances usually come from different distributions. A costly fine-tuning approach or generalized model retraining from scratch could be needed to tackle the out-of-distribution instances. Unlike the existing methods, this work investigates an efficient prompt learning approach in NCO for cross-distribution adaptation. To be concrete, we propose a novel prompt learning method to facilitate fast zero-shot adaptation of a pre-trained model to solve routing problem instances from different distributions. The proposed model learns a set of prompts among various distributions and then selects the best-matched one to prompt a pre-trained attention model for each problem instance. Extensive experiments show that the proposed prompt learning approach facilitates the fast adaptation of pre-trained routing models. It also outperforms existing generalized models on both in-distribution prediction and zero-shot generalization to a diverse set of new tasks. Our code implementation is available online https://github.com/FeiLiu36/PromptVRP.
Abstract:The neural combinatorial optimization (NCO) approach has shown great potential for solving routing problems without the requirement of expert knowledge. However, existing constructive NCO methods cannot directly solve large-scale instances, which significantly limits their application prospects. To address these crucial shortcomings, this work proposes a novel Instance-Conditioned Adaptation Model (ICAM) for better large-scale generalization of neural combinatorial optimization. In particular, we design a powerful yet lightweight instance-conditioned adaptation module for the NCO model to generate better solutions for instances across different scales. In addition, we develop an efficient three-stage reinforcement learning-based training scheme that enables the model to learn cross-scale features without any labeled optimal solution. Experimental results show that our proposed method is capable of obtaining excellent results with a very fast inference time in solving Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs) and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems (CVRPs) across different scales. To the best of our knowledge, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance among all RL-based constructive methods for TSP and CVRP with up to 1,000 nodes.
Abstract:The end-to-end neural combinatorial optimization (NCO) method shows promising performance in solving complex combinatorial optimization problems without the need for expert design. However, existing methods struggle with large-scale problems, hindering their practical applicability. To overcome this limitation, this work proposes a novel Self-Improved Learning (SIL) method for better scalability of neural combinatorial optimization. Specifically, we develop an efficient self-improved mechanism that enables direct model training on large-scale problem instances without any labeled data. Powered by an innovative local reconstruction approach, this method can iteratively generate better solutions by itself as pseudo-labels to guide efficient model training. In addition, we design a linear complexity attention mechanism for the model to efficiently handle large-scale combinatorial problem instances with low computation overhead. Comprehensive experiments on the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) with up to 100K nodes in both uniform and real-world distributions demonstrate the superior scalability of our method.
Abstract:Multi-objective optimization problems can be found in many real-world applications, where the objectives often conflict each other and cannot be optimized by a single solution. In the past few decades, numerous methods have been proposed to find Pareto solutions that represent different optimal trade-offs among the objectives for a given problem. However, these existing methods could have high computational complexity or may not have good theoretical properties for solving a general differentiable multi-objective optimization problem. In this work, by leveraging the smooth optimization technique, we propose a novel and lightweight smooth Tchebycheff scalarization approach for gradient-based multi-objective optimization. It has good theoretical properties for finding all Pareto solutions with valid trade-off preferences, while enjoying significantly lower computational complexity compared to other methods. Experimental results on various real-world application problems fully demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Abstract:It is often very tedious for human experts to design efficient algorithms. Recently, we have proposed a novel Algorithm Evolution using Large Language Model (AEL) framework for automatic algorithm design. AEL combines the power of a large language model and the paradigm of evolutionary computation to design, combine, and modify algorithms automatically. In this paper, we use AEL to design the guide algorithm for guided local search (GLS) to solve the well-known traveling salesman problem (TSP). AEL automatically evolves elite GLS algorithms in two days, with minimal human effort and no model training. Experimental results on 1,000 TSP20-TSP100 instances and TSPLib instances show that AEL-designed GLS outperforms state-of-the-art human-designed GLS with the same iteration budget. It achieves a 0% gap on TSP20 and TSP50 and a 0.032% gap on TSP100 in 1,000 iterations. Our findings mark the emergence of a new era in automatic algorithm design.
Abstract:Backpropagation (BP) has been a successful optimization technique for deep learning models. However, its limitations, such as backward- and update-locking, and its biological implausibility, hinder the concurrent updating of layers and do not mimic the local learning processes observed in the human brain. To address these issues, recent research has suggested using local error signals to asynchronously train network blocks. However, this approach often involves extensive trial-and-error iterations to determine the best configuration for local training. This includes decisions on how to decouple network blocks and which auxiliary networks to use for each block. In our work, we introduce a novel BP-free approach: a block-wise BP-free (BWBPF) neural network that leverages local error signals to optimize distinct sub-neural networks separately, where the global loss is only responsible for updating the output layer. The local error signals used in the BP-free model can be computed in parallel, enabling a potential speed-up in the weight update process through parallel implementation. Our experimental results consistently show that this approach can identify transferable decoupled architectures for VGG and ResNet variations, outperforming models trained with end-to-end backpropagation and other state-of-the-art block-wise learning techniques on datasets such as CIFAR-10 and Tiny-ImageNet. The code is released at https://github.com/Belis0811/BWBPF.