Abstract:We introduce a novel framework for 3D human avatar generation and personalization, leveraging text prompts to enhance user engagement and customization. Central to our approach are key innovations aimed at overcoming the challenges in photo-realistic avatar synthesis. Firstly, we utilize a conditional Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) model, trained on a large-scale unannotated multi-view dataset, to create a versatile initial solution space that accelerates and diversifies avatar generation. Secondly, we develop a geometric prior, leveraging the capabilities of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models, to ensure superior view invariance and enable direct optimization of avatar geometry. These foundational ideas are complemented by our optimization pipeline built on Variational Score Distillation (VSD), which mitigates texture loss and over-saturation issues. As supported by our extensive experiments, these strategies collectively enable the creation of custom avatars with unparalleled visual quality and better adherence to input text prompts. You can find more results and videos in our website: https://syntec-research.github.io/MagicMirror
Abstract:NeRFs have enabled highly realistic synthesis of human faces including complex appearance and reflectance effects of hair and skin. These methods typically require a large number of multi-view input images, making the process hardware intensive and cumbersome, limiting applicability to unconstrained settings. We propose a novel volumetric human face prior that enables the synthesis of ultra high-resolution novel views of subjects that are not part of the prior's training distribution. This prior model consists of an identity-conditioned NeRF, trained on a dataset of low-resolution multi-view images of diverse humans with known camera calibration. A simple sparse landmark-based 3D alignment of the training dataset allows our model to learn a smooth latent space of geometry and appearance despite a limited number of training identities. A high-quality volumetric representation of a novel subject can be obtained by model fitting to 2 or 3 camera views of arbitrary resolution. Importantly, our method requires as few as two views of casually captured images as input at inference time.
Abstract:We introduce light diffusion, a novel method to improve lighting in portraits, softening harsh shadows and specular highlights while preserving overall scene illumination. Inspired by professional photographers' diffusers and scrims, our method softens lighting given only a single portrait photo. Previous portrait relighting approaches focus on changing the entire lighting environment, removing shadows (ignoring strong specular highlights), or removing shading entirely. In contrast, we propose a learning based method that allows us to control the amount of light diffusion and apply it on in-the-wild portraits. Additionally, we design a method to synthetically generate plausible external shadows with sub-surface scattering effects while conforming to the shape of the subject's face. Finally, we show how our approach can increase the robustness of higher level vision applications, such as albedo estimation, geometry estimation and semantic segmentation.
Abstract:We propose a method to learn a high-quality implicit 3D head avatar from a monocular RGB video captured in the wild. The learnt avatar is driven by a parametric face model to achieve user-controlled facial expressions and head poses. Our hybrid pipeline combines the geometry prior and dynamic tracking of a 3DMM with a neural radiance field to achieve fine-grained control and photorealism. To reduce over-smoothing and improve out-of-model expressions synthesis, we propose to predict local features anchored on the 3DMM geometry. These learnt features are driven by 3DMM deformation and interpolated in 3D space to yield the volumetric radiance at a designated query point. We further show that using a Convolutional Neural Network in the UV space is critical in incorporating spatial context and producing representative local features. Extensive experiments show that we are able to reconstruct high-quality avatars, with more accurate expression-dependent details, good generalization to out-of-training expressions, and quantitatively superior renderings compared to other state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:We propose VoLux-GAN, a generative framework to synthesize 3D-aware faces with convincing relighting. Our main contribution is a volumetric HDRI relighting method that can efficiently accumulate albedo, diffuse and specular lighting contributions along each 3D ray for any desired HDR environmental map. Additionally, we show the importance of supervising the image decomposition process using multiple discriminators. In particular, we propose a data augmentation technique that leverages recent advances in single image portrait relighting to enforce consistent geometry, albedo, diffuse and specular components. Multiple experiments and comparisons with other generative frameworks show how our model is a step forward towards photorealistic relightable 3D generative models.
Abstract:Building upon the recent progress in novel view synthesis, we propose its application to improve monocular depth estimation. In particular, we propose a novel training method split in three main steps. First, the prediction results of a monocular depth network are warped to an additional view point. Second, we apply an additional image synthesis network, which corrects and improves the quality of the warped RGB image. The output of this network is required to look as similar as possible to the ground-truth view by minimizing the pixel-wise RGB reconstruction error. Third, we reapply the same monocular depth estimation onto the synthesized second view point and ensure that the depth predictions are consistent with the associated ground truth depth. Experimental results prove that our method achieves state-of-the-art or comparable performance on the KITTI and NYU-Depth-v2 datasets with a lightweight and simple vanilla U-Net architecture.
Abstract:Synthetic data generation has become essential in last years for feeding data-driven algorithms, which surpassed traditional techniques performance in almost every computer vision problem. Gathering and labelling the amount of data needed for these data-hungry models in the real world may become unfeasible and error-prone, while synthetic data give us the possibility of generating huge amounts of data with pixel-perfect annotations. However, most synthetic datasets lack from enough realism in their rendered images. In that context UnrealROX generation tool was presented in 2019, allowing to generate highly realistic data, at high resolutions and framerates, with an efficient pipeline based on Unreal Engine, a cutting-edge videogame engine. UnrealROX enabled robotic vision researchers to generate realistic and visually plausible data with full ground truth for a wide variety of problems such as class and instance semantic segmentation, object detection, depth estimation, visual grasping, and navigation. Nevertheless, its workflow was very tied to generate image sequences from a robotic on-board camera, making hard to generate data for other purposes. In this work, we present UnrealROX+, an improved version of UnrealROX where its decoupled and easy-to-use data acquisition system allows to quickly design and generate data in a much more flexible and customizable way. Moreover, it is packaged as an Unreal plug-in, which makes it more comfortable to use with already existing Unreal projects, and it also includes new features such as generating albedo or a Python API for interacting with the virtual environment from Deep Learning frameworks.
Abstract:We present HandGAN (H-GAN), a cycle-consistent adversarial learning approach implementing multi-scale perceptual discriminators. It is designed to translate synthetic images of hands to the real domain. Synthetic hands provide complete ground-truth annotations, yet they are not representative of the target distribution of real-world data. We strive to provide the perfect blend of a realistic hand appearance with synthetic annotations. Relying on image-to-image translation, we improve the appearance of synthetic hands to approximate the statistical distribution underlying a collection of real images of hands. H-GAN tackles not only the cross-domain tone mapping but also structural differences in localized areas such as shading discontinuities. Results are evaluated on a qualitative and quantitative basis improving previous works. Furthermore, we relied on the hand classification task to claim our generated hands are statistically similar to the real domain of hands.
Abstract:The light transport (LT) of a scene describes how it appears under different lighting and viewing directions, and complete knowledge of a scene's LT enables the synthesis of novel views under arbitrary lighting. In this paper, we focus on image-based LT acquisition, primarily for human bodies within a light stage setup. We propose a semi-parametric approach to learn a neural representation of LT that is embedded in the space of a texture atlas of known geometric properties, and model all non-diffuse and global LT as residuals added to a physically-accurate diffuse base rendering. In particular, we show how to fuse previously seen observations of illuminants and views to synthesize a new image of the same scene under a desired lighting condition from a chosen viewpoint. This strategy allows the network to learn complex material effects (such as subsurface scattering) and global illumination, while guaranteeing the physical correctness of the diffuse LT (such as hard shadows). With this learned LT, one can relight the scene photorealistically with a directional light or an HDRI map, synthesize novel views with view-dependent effects, or do both simultaneously, all in a unified framework using a set of sparse, previously seen observations. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our neural LT (NLT) outperforms state-of-the-art solutions for relighting and view synthesis, without separate treatment for both problems that prior work requires.
Abstract:The ability to predict, anticipate and reason about future outcomes is a key component of intelligent decision-making systems. In light of the success of deep learning in computer vision, deep-learning-based video prediction emerged as a promising research direction. Defined as a self-supervised learning task, video prediction represents a suitable framework for representation learning, as it demonstrated potential capabilities for extracting meaningful representations of the underlying patterns in natural videos. Motivated by the increasing interest in this task, we provide a review on the deep learning methods for prediction in video sequences. We firstly define the video prediction fundamentals, as well as mandatory background concepts and the most used datasets. Next, we carefully analyze existing video prediction models organized according to a proposed taxonomy, highlighting their contributions and their significance in the field. The summary of the datasets and methods is accompanied with experimental results that facilitate the assessment of the state of the art on a quantitative basis. The paper is summarized by drawing some general conclusions, identifying open research challenges and by pointing out future research directions.