Abstract:Cognitive decline is a natural process that occurs as individuals age. Early diagnosis of anomalous decline is crucial for initiating professional treatment that can enhance the quality of life of those affected. To address this issue, we propose a multimodal model capable of predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment and cognitive scores. The TAUKADIAL dataset is used to conduct the evaluation, which comprises audio recordings of clinical interviews. The proposed model demonstrates the ability to transcribe and differentiate between languages used in the interviews. Subsequently, the model extracts audio and text features, combining them into a multimodal architecture to achieve robust and generalized results. Our approach involves in-depth research to implement various features obtained from the proposed modalities.
Abstract:Generating human-human motion interactions conditioned on textual descriptions is a very useful application in many areas such as robotics, gaming, animation, and the metaverse. Alongside this utility also comes a great difficulty in modeling the highly dimensional inter-personal dynamics. In addition, properly capturing the intra-personal diversity of interactions has a lot of challenges. Current methods generate interactions with limited diversity of intra-person dynamics due to the limitations of the available datasets and conditioning strategies. For this, we introduce in2IN, a novel diffusion model for human-human motion generation which is conditioned not only on the textual description of the overall interaction but also on the individual descriptions of the actions performed by each person involved in the interaction. To train this model, we use a large language model to extend the InterHuman dataset with individual descriptions. As a result, in2IN achieves state-of-the-art performance in the InterHuman dataset. Furthermore, in order to increase the intra-personal diversity on the existing interaction datasets, we propose DualMDM, a model composition technique that combines the motions generated with in2IN and the motions generated by a single-person motion prior pre-trained on HumanML3D. As a result, DualMDM generates motions with higher individual diversity and improves control over the intra-person dynamics while maintaining inter-personal coherence.
Abstract:Object pose estimation is important for object manipulation and scene understanding. In order to improve the general applicability of pose estimators, recent research focuses on providing estimates for novel objects, that is objects unseen during training. Such works use deep template matching strategies to retrieve the closest template connected to a query image. This template retrieval implicitly provides object class and pose. Despite the recent success and improvements of Vision Transformers over CNNs for many vision tasks, the state of the art uses CNN-based approaches for novel object pose estimation. This work evaluates and demonstrates the differences between self-supervised CNNs and Vision Transformers for deep template matching. In detail, both types of approaches are trained using contrastive learning to match training images against rendered templates of isolated objects. At test time, such templates are matched against query images of known and novel objects under challenging settings, such as clutter, occlusion and object symmetries, using masked cosine similarity. The presented results not only demonstrate that Vision Transformers improve in matching accuracy over CNNs, but also that for some cases pre-trained Vision Transformers do not need fine-tuning to do so. Furthermore, we highlight the differences in optimization and network architecture when comparing these two types of network for deep template matching.
Abstract:One of the main issues related to unsupervised machine learning is the cost of processing and extracting useful information from large datasets. In this work, we propose a classifier ensemble based on the transferable learning capabilities of the CLIP neural network architecture in multimodal environments (image and text) from social media. For this purpose, we used the InstaNY100K dataset and proposed a validation approach based on sampling techniques. Our experiments, based on image classification tasks according to the labels of the Places dataset, are performed by first considering only the visual part, and then adding the associated texts as support. The results obtained demonstrated that trained neural networks such as CLIP can be successfully applied to image classification with little fine-tuning, and considering the associated texts to the images can help to improve the accuracy depending on the goal. The results demonstrated what seems to be a promising research direction.
Abstract:Synthetic data generation has become essential in last years for feeding data-driven algorithms, which surpassed traditional techniques performance in almost every computer vision problem. Gathering and labelling the amount of data needed for these data-hungry models in the real world may become unfeasible and error-prone, while synthetic data give us the possibility of generating huge amounts of data with pixel-perfect annotations. However, most synthetic datasets lack from enough realism in their rendered images. In that context UnrealROX generation tool was presented in 2019, allowing to generate highly realistic data, at high resolutions and framerates, with an efficient pipeline based on Unreal Engine, a cutting-edge videogame engine. UnrealROX enabled robotic vision researchers to generate realistic and visually plausible data with full ground truth for a wide variety of problems such as class and instance semantic segmentation, object detection, depth estimation, visual grasping, and navigation. Nevertheless, its workflow was very tied to generate image sequences from a robotic on-board camera, making hard to generate data for other purposes. In this work, we present UnrealROX+, an improved version of UnrealROX where its decoupled and easy-to-use data acquisition system allows to quickly design and generate data in a much more flexible and customizable way. Moreover, it is packaged as an Unreal plug-in, which makes it more comfortable to use with already existing Unreal projects, and it also includes new features such as generating albedo or a Python API for interacting with the virtual environment from Deep Learning frameworks.
Abstract:We present HandGAN (H-GAN), a cycle-consistent adversarial learning approach implementing multi-scale perceptual discriminators. It is designed to translate synthetic images of hands to the real domain. Synthetic hands provide complete ground-truth annotations, yet they are not representative of the target distribution of real-world data. We strive to provide the perfect blend of a realistic hand appearance with synthetic annotations. Relying on image-to-image translation, we improve the appearance of synthetic hands to approximate the statistical distribution underlying a collection of real images of hands. H-GAN tackles not only the cross-domain tone mapping but also structural differences in localized areas such as shading discontinuities. Results are evaluated on a qualitative and quantitative basis improving previous works. Furthermore, we relied on the hand classification task to claim our generated hands are statistically similar to the real domain of hands.
Abstract:The ability to predict, anticipate and reason about future outcomes is a key component of intelligent decision-making systems. In light of the success of deep learning in computer vision, deep-learning-based video prediction emerged as a promising research direction. Defined as a self-supervised learning task, video prediction represents a suitable framework for representation learning, as it demonstrated potential capabilities for extracting meaningful representations of the underlying patterns in natural videos. Motivated by the increasing interest in this task, we provide a review on the deep learning methods for prediction in video sequences. We firstly define the video prediction fundamentals, as well as mandatory background concepts and the most used datasets. Next, we carefully analyze existing video prediction models organized according to a proposed taxonomy, highlighting their contributions and their significance in the field. The summary of the datasets and methods is accompanied with experimental results that facilitate the assessment of the state of the art on a quantitative basis. The paper is summarized by drawing some general conclusions, identifying open research challenges and by pointing out future research directions.
Abstract:Interaction in virtual reality (VR) environments is essential to achieve a pleasant and immersive experience. Most of the currently existing VR applications, lack of robust object grasping and manipulation, which are the cornerstone of interactive systems. Therefore, we propose a realistic, flexible and robust grasping system that enables rich and real-time interactions in virtual environments. It is visually realistic because it is completely user-controlled, flexible because it can be used for different hand configurations, and robust because it allows the manipulation of objects regardless their geometry, i.e. hand is automatically fitted to the object shape. In order to validate our proposal, an exhaustive qualitative and quantitative performance analysis has been carried out. On the one hand, qualitative evaluation was used in the assessment of the abstract aspects such as: hand movement realism, interaction realism and motor control. On the other hand, for the quantitative evaluation a novel error metric has been proposed to visually analyze the performed grips. This metric is based on the computation of the distance from the finger phalanges to the nearest contact point on the object surface. These contact points can be used with different application purposes, mainly in the field of robotics. As a conclusion, system evaluation reports a similar performance between users with previous experience in virtual reality applications and inexperienced users, referring to a steep learning curve.
Abstract:Enter the RobotriX, an extremely photorealistic indoor dataset designed to enable the application of deep learning techniques to a wide variety of robotic vision problems. The RobotriX consists of hyperrealistic indoor scenes which are explored by robot agents which also interact with objects in a visually realistic manner in that simulated world. Photorealistic scenes and robots are rendered by Unreal Engine into a virtual reality headset which captures gaze so that a human operator can move the robot and use controllers for the robotic hands; scene information is dumped on a per-frame basis so that it can be reproduced offline to generate raw data and ground truth labels. By taking this approach, we were able to generate a dataset of 38 semantic classes totaling 8M stills recorded at +60 frames per second with full HD resolution. For each frame, RGB-D and 3D information is provided with full annotations in both spaces. Thanks to the high quality and quantity of both raw information and annotations, the RobotriX will serve as a new milestone for investigating 2D and 3D robotic vision tasks with large-scale data-driven techniques.
Abstract:Tactile sensors provide useful contact data during the interaction with an object which can be used to accurately learn to determine the stability of a grasp. Most of the works in the literature represented tactile readings as plain feature vectors or matrix-like tactile images, using them to train machine learning models. In this work, we explore an alternative way of exploiting tactile information to predict grasp stability by leveraging graph-like representations of tactile data, which preserve the actual spatial arrangement of the sensor's taxels and their locality. In experimentation, we trained a Graph Neural Network to binary classify grasps as stable or slippery ones. To train such network and prove its predictive capabilities for the problem at hand, we captured a novel dataset of approximately 5000 three-fingered grasps across 41 objects for training and 1000 grasps with 10 unknown objects for testing. Our experiments prove that this novel approach can be effectively used to predict grasp stability.