Abstract:Multiplayer games, when the number of players exceeds two, present unique challenges that fundamentally distinguish them from the extensively studied two-player zero-sum games. These challenges arise from the non-uniqueness of equilibria and the risk of agents performing highly suboptimally when adopting equilibrium strategies. While a line of recent works developed learning systems successfully achieving human-level or even superhuman performance in popular multiplayer games such as Mahjong, Poker, and Diplomacy, two critical questions remain unaddressed: (1) What is the correct solution concept that AI agents should find? and (2) What is the general algorithmic framework that provably solves all games within this class? This paper takes the first step towards solving these unique challenges of multiplayer games by provably addressing both questions in multiplayer symmetric normal-form games. We also demonstrate that many meta-algorithms developed in prior practical systems for multiplayer games can fail to achieve even the basic goal of obtaining agent's equal share of the total reward.
Abstract:As machine learning models are increasingly deployed in dynamic environments, it becomes paramount to assess and quantify uncertainties associated with distribution shifts. A distribution shift occurs when the underlying data-generating process changes, leading to a deviation in the model's performance. The prediction interval, which captures the range of likely outcomes for a given prediction, serves as a crucial tool for characterizing uncertainties induced by their underlying distribution. In this paper, we propose methodologies for aggregating prediction intervals to obtain one with minimal width and adequate coverage on the target domain under unsupervised domain shift, under which we have labeled samples from a related source domain and unlabeled covariates from the target domain. Our analysis encompasses scenarios where the source and the target domain are related via i) a bounded density ratio, and ii) a measure-preserving transformation. Our proposed methodologies are computationally efficient and easy to implement. Beyond illustrating the performance of our method through a real-world dataset, we also delve into the theoretical details. This includes establishing rigorous theoretical guarantees, coupled with finite sample bounds, regarding the coverage and width of our prediction intervals. Our approach excels in practical applications and is underpinned by a solid theoretical framework, ensuring its reliability and effectiveness across diverse contexts.
Abstract:Identifying labels that did not appear during training, known as multi-label zero-shot learning, is a non-trivial task in computer vision. To this end, recent studies have attempted to explore the multi-modal knowledge of vision-language pre-training (VLP) models by knowledge distillation, allowing to recognize unseen labels in an open-vocabulary manner. However, experimental evidence shows that knowledge distillation is suboptimal and provides limited performance gain in unseen label prediction. In this paper, a novel query-based knowledge sharing paradigm is proposed to explore the multi-modal knowledge from the pretrained VLP model for open-vocabulary multi-label classification. Specifically, a set of learnable label-agnostic query tokens is trained to extract critical vision knowledge from the input image, and further shared across all labels, allowing them to select tokens of interest as visual clues for recognition. Besides, we propose an effective prompt pool for robust label embedding, and reformulate the standard ranking learning into a form of classification to allow the magnitude of feature vectors for matching, which both significantly benefit label recognition. Experimental results show that our framework significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on zero-shot task by 5.9% and 4.5% in mAP on the NUS-WIDE and Open Images, respectively.
Abstract:Pre-trained vision-language models have notably accelerated progress of open-world concept recognition. Their impressive zero-shot ability has recently been transferred to multi-label image classification via prompt tuning, enabling to discover novel labels in an open-vocabulary manner. However, this paradigm suffers from non-trivial training costs, and becomes computationally prohibitive for a large number of candidate labels. To address this issue, we note that vision-language pre-training aligns images and texts in a unified embedding space, making it potential for an adapter network to identify labels in visual modality while be trained in text modality. To enhance such cross-modal transfer ability, a simple yet effective method termed random perturbation is proposed, which enables the adapter to search for potential visual embeddings by perturbing text embeddings with noise during training, resulting in better performance in visual modality. Furthermore, we introduce an effective approach to employ large language models for multi-label instruction-following text generation. In this way, a fully automated pipeline for visual label recognition is developed without relying on any manual data. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks show the superiority of our method in various multi-label classification tasks.
Abstract:Single object tracking aims to locate one specific target in video sequences, given its initial state. Classical trackers rely solely on visual cues, restricting their ability to handle challenges such as appearance variations, ambiguity, and distractions. Hence, Vision-Language (VL) tracking has emerged as a promising approach, incorporating language descriptions to directly provide high-level semantics and enhance tracking performance. However, current VL trackers have not fully exploited the power of VL learning, as they suffer from limitations such as heavily relying on off-the-shelf backbones for feature extraction, ineffective VL fusion designs, and the absence of VL-related loss functions. Consequently, we present a novel tracker that progressively explores target-centric semantics for VL tracking. Specifically, we propose the first Synchronous Learning Backbone (SLB) for VL tracking, which consists of two novel modules: the Target Enhance Module (TEM) and the Semantic Aware Module (SAM). These modules enable the tracker to perceive target-related semantics and comprehend the context of both visual and textual modalities at the same pace, facilitating VL feature extraction and fusion at different semantic levels. Moreover, we devise the dense matching loss to further strengthen multi-modal representation learning. Extensive experiments on VL tracking datasets demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our methods.
Abstract:A key challenge of modern machine learning systems is to achieve Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization -- generalizing to target data whose distribution differs from that of source data. Despite its significant importance, the fundamental question of ``what are the most effective algorithms for OOD generalization'' remains open even under the standard setting of covariate shift. This paper addresses this fundamental question by proving that, surprisingly, classical Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) purely using source data (without any modification) achieves the minimax optimality for covariate shift under the well-specified setting. That is, no algorithm performs better than MLE in this setting (up to a constant factor), justifying MLE is all you need. Our result holds for a very rich class of parametric models, and does not require any boundedness condition on the density ratio. We illustrate the wide applicability of our framework by instantiating it to three concrete examples -- linear regression, logistic regression, and phase retrieval. This paper further complement the study by proving that, under the misspecified setting, MLE is no longer the optimal choice, whereas Maximum Weighted Likelihood Estimator (MWLE) emerges as minimax optimal in certain scenarios.
Abstract:Uncertainty quantification for prediction is an intriguing problem with significant applications in various fields, such as biomedical science, economic studies, and weather forecasts. Numerous methods are available for constructing prediction intervals, such as quantile regression and conformal predictions, among others. Nevertheless, model misspecification (especially in high-dimension) or sub-optimal constructions can frequently result in biased or unnecessarily-wide prediction intervals. In this paper, we propose a novel and widely applicable technique for aggregating multiple prediction intervals to minimize the average width of the prediction band along with coverage guarantee, called Universally Trainable Optimal Predictive Intervals Aggregation (UTOPIA). The method also allows us to directly construct predictive bands based on elementary basis functions. Our approach is based on linear or convex programming which is easy to implement. All of our proposed methodologies are supported by theoretical guarantees on the coverage probability and optimal average length, which are detailed in this paper. The effectiveness of our approach is convincingly demonstrated by applying it to synthetic data and two real datasets on finance and macroeconomics.
Abstract:Unsupervised pretraining, which learns a useful representation using a large amount of unlabeled data to facilitate the learning of downstream tasks, is a critical component of modern large-scale machine learning systems. Despite its tremendous empirical success, the rigorous theoretical understanding of why unsupervised pretraining generally helps remains rather limited -- most existing results are restricted to particular methods or approaches for unsupervised pretraining with specialized structural assumptions. This paper studies a generic framework, where the unsupervised representation learning task is specified by an abstract class of latent variable models $\Phi$ and the downstream task is specified by a class of prediction functions $\Psi$. We consider a natural approach of using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for unsupervised pretraining and Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) for learning downstream tasks. We prove that, under a mild ''informative'' condition, our algorithm achieves an excess risk of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{\mathcal{C}_\Phi/m} + \sqrt{\mathcal{C}_\Psi/n})$ for downstream tasks, where $\mathcal{C}_\Phi, \mathcal{C}_\Psi$ are complexity measures of function classes $\Phi, \Psi$, and $m, n$ are the number of unlabeled and labeled data respectively. Comparing to the baseline of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{\mathcal{C}_{\Phi \circ \Psi}/n})$ achieved by performing supervised learning using only the labeled data, our result rigorously shows the benefit of unsupervised pretraining when $m \gg n$ and $\mathcal{C}_{\Phi\circ \Psi} > \mathcal{C}_\Psi$. This paper further shows that our generic framework covers a wide range of approaches for unsupervised pretraining, including factor models, Gaussian mixture models, and contrastive learning.
Abstract:Magnetic robotics obviate the physical connections between the actuators and end effectors resulting in ultra-minimally invasive surgeries. Even though such a wireless actuation method is highly advantageous in medical applications, the trade-off between the applied force and miniature magnetic end effector dimensions has been one of the main challenges in practical applications in clinically relevant conditions. This trade-off is crucial for applications where in-tissue penetration is required (e.g., needle access, biopsy, and suturing). To increase the forces of such magnetic miniature end effectors to practically useful levels, we propose an impact-force-based suturing needle that is capable of penetrating into in-vitro and ex-vivo samples with 3-DoF planar freedom (planar positioning and in-plane orienting). The proposed optimized design is a custom-built 12 G needle that can generate 1.16 N penetration force which is 56 times stronger than its magnetic counterparts with the same size without such an impact force. By containing the fast-moving permanent magnet within the needle in a confined tubular structure, the movement of the overall needle remains slow and easily controllable. The achieved force is in the range of tissue penetration limits allowing the needle to be able to penetrate through tissues to follow a suturing method in a teleoperated fashion. We demonstrated in-vitro needle penetration into a bacon strip and successful suturing of a gauze mesh onto an agar gel mimicking a hernia repair procedure.