Abstract:Though pre-trained encoders can be easily accessed online to build downstream machine learning (ML) services quickly, various attacks have been designed to compromise the security and privacy of these encoders. While most attacks target encoders on the upstream side, it remains unknown how an encoder could be threatened when deployed in a downstream ML service. This paper unveils a new vulnerability: the Pre-trained Encoder Inference (PEI) attack, which posts privacy threats toward encoders hidden behind downstream ML services. By only providing API accesses to a targeted downstream service and a set of candidate encoders, the PEI attack can infer which encoder is secretly used by the targeted service based on candidate ones. We evaluate the attack performance of PEI against real-world encoders on three downstream tasks: image classification, text classification, and text-to-image generation. Experiments show that the PEI attack succeeds in revealing the hidden encoder in most cases and seldom makes mistakes even when the hidden encoder is not in the candidate set. We also conducted a case study on one of the most recent vision-language models, LLaVA, to illustrate that the PEI attack is useful in assisting other ML attacks such as adversarial attacks. The code is available at https://github.com/fshp971/encoder-inference.
Abstract:Without direct access to the client's data, federated learning (FL) is well-known for its unique strength in data privacy protection among existing distributed machine learning techniques. However, its distributive and iterative nature makes FL inherently vulnerable to various poisoning attacks. To counteract these threats, extensive defenses have been proposed to filter out malicious clients, using various detection metrics. Based on our analysis of existing attacks and defenses, we find that there is a lack of attention to model redundancy. In neural networks, various model parameters contribute differently to the model's performance. However, existing attacks in FL manipulate all the model update parameters with the same strategy, making them easily detectable by common defenses. Meanwhile, the defenses also tend to analyze the overall statistical features of the entire model updates, leaving room for sophisticated attacks. Based on these observations, this paper proposes a generic and attack-agnostic augmentation approach designed to enhance the effectiveness and stealthiness of existing FL poisoning attacks against detection in FL, pointing out the inherent flaws of existing defenses and exposing the necessity of fine-grained FL security. Specifically, we employ a three-stage methodology that strategically constructs, generates, and injects poison (generated by existing attacks) into a pill (a tiny subnet with a novel structure) during the FL training, named as pill construction, pill poisoning, and pill injection accordingly. Extensive experimental results show that FL poisoning attacks enhanced by our method can bypass all the popular defenses, and can gain an up to 7x error rate increase, as well as on average a more than 2x error rate increase on both IID and non-IID data, in both cross-silo and cross-device FL systems.
Abstract:Machine learning models trained on vast amounts of real or synthetic data often achieve outstanding predictive performance across various domains. However, this utility comes with increasing concerns about privacy, as the training data may include sensitive information. To address these concerns, machine unlearning has been proposed to erase specific data samples from models. While some unlearning techniques efficiently remove data at low costs, recent research highlights vulnerabilities where malicious users could request unlearning on manipulated data to compromise the model. Despite these attacks' effectiveness, perturbed data differs from original training data, failing hash verification. Existing attacks on machine unlearning also suffer from practical limitations and require substantial additional knowledge and resources. To fill the gaps in current unlearning attacks, we introduce the Unlearning Usability Attack. This model-agnostic, unlearning-agnostic, and budget-friendly attack distills data distribution information into a small set of benign data. These data are identified as benign by automatic poisoning detection tools due to their positive impact on model training. While benign for machine learning, unlearning these data significantly degrades model information. Our evaluation demonstrates that unlearning this benign data, comprising no more than 1% of the total training data, can reduce model accuracy by up to 50%. Furthermore, our findings show that well-prepared benign data poses challenges for recent unlearning techniques, as erasing these synthetic instances demands higher resources than regular data. These insights underscore the need for future research to reconsider "data poisoning" in the context of machine unlearning.
Abstract:With the advancement of image-to-image diffusion models guided by text, significant progress has been made in image editing. However, a persistent challenge remains in seamlessly incorporating objects into images based on textual instructions, without relying on extra user-provided guidance. Text and images are inherently distinct modalities, bringing out difficulties in fully capturing the semantic intent conveyed through language and accurately translating that into the desired visual modifications. Therefore, text-guided image editing models often produce generations with residual object attributes that do not fully align with human expectations. To address this challenge, the models should comprehend the image content effectively away from a disconnect between the provided textual editing prompts and the actual modifications made to the image. In our paper, we propose a novel method called Locate and Forget (LaF), which effectively locates potential target concepts in the image for modification by comparing the syntactic trees of the target prompt and scene descriptions in the input image, intending to forget their existence clues in the generated image. Compared to the baselines, our method demonstrates its superiority in text-guided image editing tasks both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Abstract:Federated learning has recently emerged as a decentralized approach to learn a high-performance model without access to user data. Despite its effectiveness, federated learning gives malicious users opportunities to manipulate the model by uploading poisoned model updates to the server. In this paper, we propose a review mechanism called FedReview to identify and decline the potential poisoned updates in federated learning. Under our mechanism, the server randomly assigns a subset of clients as reviewers to evaluate the model updates on their training datasets in each round. The reviewers rank the model updates based on the evaluation results and count the number of the updates with relatively low quality as the estimated number of poisoned updates. Based on review reports, the server employs a majority voting mechanism to integrate the rankings and remove the potential poisoned updates in the model aggregation process. Extensive evaluation on multiple datasets demonstrate that FedReview can assist the server to learn a well-performed global model in an adversarial environment.
Abstract:Large-scale diffusion models, known for their impressive image generation capabilities, have raised concerns among researchers regarding social impacts, such as the imitation of copyrighted artistic styles. In response, existing approaches turn to machine unlearning techniques to eliminate unsafe concepts from pre-trained models. However, these methods compromise the generative performance and neglect the coupling among multi-concept erasures, as well as the concept restoration problem. To address these issues, we propose a Separable Multi-concept Eraser (SepME), which mainly includes two parts: the generation of concept-irrelevant representations and the weight decoupling. The former aims to avoid unlearning substantial information that is irrelevant to forgotten concepts. The latter separates optimizable model weights, making each weight increment correspond to a specific concept erasure without affecting generative performance on other concepts. Specifically, the weight increment for erasing a specified concept is formulated as a linear combination of solutions calculated based on other known undesirable concepts. Extensive experiments indicate the efficacy of our approach in eliminating concepts, preserving model performance, and offering flexibility in the erasure or recovery of various concepts.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the limitations of existing text-to-image diffusion models in generating demographically fair results when given human-related descriptions. These models often struggle to disentangle the target language context from sociocultural biases, resulting in biased image generation. To overcome this challenge, we propose Fair Mapping, a general, model-agnostic, and lightweight approach that modifies a pre-trained text-to-image model by controlling the prompt to achieve fair image generation. One key advantage of our approach is its high efficiency. The training process only requires updating a small number of parameters in an additional linear mapping network. This not only reduces the computational cost but also accelerates the optimization process. We first demonstrate the issue of bias in generated results caused by language biases in text-guided diffusion models. By developing a mapping network that projects language embeddings into an unbiased space, we enable the generation of relatively balanced demographic results based on a keyword specified in the prompt. With comprehensive experiments on face image generation, we show that our method significantly improves image generation performance when prompted with descriptions related to human faces. By effectively addressing the issue of bias, we produce more fair and diverse image outputs. This work contributes to the field of text-to-image generation by enhancing the ability to generate images that accurately reflect the intended demographic characteristics specified in the text.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a promising distributed learning approach that enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a shared global model. However, recent studies show that FL is vulnerable to various poisoning attacks, which can degrade the performance of global models or introduce backdoors into them. In this paper, we first conduct a comprehensive study on prior FL attacks and detection methods. The results show that all existing detection methods are only effective against limited and specific attacks. Most detection methods suffer from high false positives, which lead to significant performance degradation, especially in not independent and identically distributed (non-IID) settings. To address these issues, we propose FLTracer, the first FL attack provenance framework to accurately detect various attacks and trace the attack time, objective, type, and poisoned location of updates. Different from existing methodologies that rely solely on cross-client anomaly detection, we propose a Kalman filter-based cross-round detection to identify adversaries by seeking the behavior changes before and after the attack. Thus, this makes it resilient to data heterogeneity and is effective even in non-IID settings. To further improve the accuracy of our detection method, we employ four novel features and capture their anomalies with the joint decisions. Extensive evaluations show that FLTracer achieves an average true positive rate of over $96.88\%$ at an average false positive rate of less than $2.67\%$, significantly outperforming SOTA detection methods. \footnote{Code is available at \url{https://github.com/Eyr3/FLTracer}.}
Abstract:As a certified defensive technique, randomized smoothing has received considerable attention due to its scalability to large datasets and neural networks. However, several important questions remain unanswered, such as (i) whether the Gaussian mechanism is an appropriate option for certifying $\ell_2$-norm robustness, and (ii) whether there is an appropriate randomized (smoothing) mechanism to certify $\ell_\infty$-norm robustness. To shed light on these questions, we argue that the main difficulty is how to assess the appropriateness of each randomized mechanism. In this paper, we propose a generic framework that connects the existing frameworks in \cite{lecuyer2018certified, li2019certified}, to assess randomized mechanisms. Under our framework, for a randomized mechanism that can certify a certain extent of robustness, we define the magnitude of its required additive noise as the metric for assessing its appropriateness. We also prove lower bounds on this metric for the $\ell_2$-norm and $\ell_\infty$-norm cases as the criteria for assessment. Based on our framework, we assess the Gaussian and Exponential mechanisms by comparing the magnitude of additive noise required by these mechanisms and the lower bounds (criteria). We first conclude that the Gaussian mechanism is indeed an appropriate option to certify $\ell_2$-norm robustness. Surprisingly, we show that the Gaussian mechanism is also an appropriate option for certifying $\ell_\infty$-norm robustness, instead of the Exponential mechanism. Finally, we generalize our framework to $\ell_p$-norm for any $p\geq2$. Our theoretical findings are verified by evaluations on CIFAR10 and ImageNet.
Abstract:Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted increasing attention due to its strong adaptability to dynamic circumstances and potential for broad applications such as autonomous and anonymous surveillance. With the help of deep learning techniques, it has also witnessed substantial progress and currently achieved around 90\% accuracy in benign environment. On the other hand, research on the vulnerability of skeleton-based action recognition under different adversarial settings remains scant, which may raise security concerns about deploying such techniques into real-world systems. However, filling this research gap is challenging due to the unique physical constraints of skeletons and human actions. In this paper, we attempt to conduct a thorough study towards understanding the adversarial vulnerability of skeleton-based action recognition. We first formulate generation of adversarial skeleton actions as a constrained optimization problem by representing or approximating the physiological and physical constraints with mathematical formulations. Since the primal optimization problem with equality constraints is intractable, we propose to solve it by optimizing its unconstrained dual problem using ADMM. We then specify an efficient plug-in defense, inspired by recent theories and empirical observations, against the adversarial skeleton actions. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the attack and defense method under different settings.