Abstract:We present and tackle the problem of Embodied Question Answering (EQA) with Situational Queries (S-EQA) in a household environment. Unlike prior EQA work tackling simple queries that directly reference target objects and quantifiable properties pertaining them, EQA with situational queries (such as "Is the bathroom clean and dry?") is more challenging, as the agent needs to figure out not just what the target objects pertaining to the query are, but also requires a consensus on their states to be answerable. Towards this objective, we first introduce a novel Prompt-Generate-Evaluate (PGE) scheme that wraps around an LLM's output to create a dataset of unique situational queries, corresponding consensus object information, and predicted answers. PGE maintains uniqueness among the generated queries, using multiple forms of semantic similarity. We validate the generated dataset via a large scale user-study conducted on M-Turk, and introduce it as S-EQA, the first dataset tackling EQA with situational queries. Our user study establishes the authenticity of S-EQA with a high 97.26% of the generated queries being deemed answerable, given the consensus object data. Conversely, we observe a low correlation of 46.2% on the LLM-predicted answers to human-evaluated ones; indicating the LLM's poor capability in directly answering situational queries, while establishing S-EQA's usability in providing a human-validated consensus for an indirect solution. We evaluate S-EQA via Visual Question Answering (VQA) on VirtualHome, which unlike other simulators, contains several objects with modifiable states that also visually appear different upon modification -- enabling us to set a quantitative benchmark for S-EQA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to introduce EQA with situational queries, and also the first to use a generative approach for query creation.
Abstract:Controllable text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models generate images conditioned on both text prompts and semantic inputs of other modalities like edge maps. Nevertheless, current controllable T2I methods commonly face challenges related to efficiency and faithfulness, especially when conditioning on multiple inputs from either the same or diverse modalities. In this paper, we propose a novel Flexible and Efficient method, FlexEControl, for controllable T2I generation. At the core of FlexEControl is a unique weight decomposition strategy, which allows for streamlined integration of various input types. This approach not only enhances the faithfulness of the generated image to the control, but also significantly reduces the computational overhead typically associated with multimodal conditioning. Our approach achieves a reduction of 41% in trainable parameters and 30% in memory usage compared with Uni-ControlNet. Moreover, it doubles data efficiency and can flexibly generate images under the guidance of multiple input conditions of various modalities.
Abstract:Home robots intend to make their users lives easier. Our work assists in this goal by enabling robots to inform their users of dangerous or unsanitary anomalies in their home. Some examples of these anomalies include the user leaving their milk out, forgetting to turn off the stove, or leaving poison accessible to children. To move towards enabling home robots with these abilities, we have created a new dataset, which we call SafetyDetect. The SafetyDetect dataset consists of 1000 anomalous home scenes, each of which contains unsafe or unsanitary situations for an agent to detect. Our approach utilizes large language models (LLMs) alongside both a graph representation of the scene and the relationships between the objects in the scene. Our key insight is that this connected scene graph and the object relationships it encodes enables the LLM to better reason about the scene -- especially as it relates to detecting dangerous or unsanitary situations. Our most promising approach utilizes GPT-4 and pursues a categorization technique where object relations from the scene graph are classified as normal, dangerous, unsanitary, or dangerous for children. This method is able to correctly identify over 90% of anomalous scenarios in the SafetyDetect Dataset. Additionally, we conduct real world experiments on a ClearPath TurtleBot where we generate a scene graph from visuals of the real world scene, and run our approach with no modification. This setup resulted in little performance loss. The SafetyDetect Dataset and code will be released to the public upon this papers publication.
Abstract:To build scalable models for challenging real-world tasks, it is important to learn from diverse, multi-modal data in various forms (e.g., videos, text, and images). Among the existing works, a plethora of them have focused on leveraging large but cumbersome cross-modal architectures. Regardless of their effectiveness, larger architectures unavoidably prevent the models from being extended to real-world applications, so building a lightweight VL architecture and an efficient learning schema is of great practical value. In this paper, we propose an Efficient Video-Language Model (dubbed as E-ViLM) and a masked video modeling (MVM) schema, assisted with a semantic vector-quantized tokenizer. In particular, our E-ViLM learns to reconstruct the semantic labels of masked video regions, produced by the pre-trained vector-quantized tokenizer, which discretizes the continuous visual signals into labels. We show that with our simple MVM task and regular VL pre-training modelings, our E-ViLM, despite its compactness, is able to learn expressive representations from Video-Language corpus and generalize well to extensive Video-Language tasks including video question answering, text-to-video retrieval, etc. In particular, our E-ViLM obtains obvious efficiency improvements by reaching competing performances with faster inference speed, i.e., our model reaches $39.3$% Top-$1$ accuracy on the MSRVTT benchmark, retaining $91.4$% of the accuracy of state-of-the-art larger VL architecture with only $15%$ parameters and $94.8%$ fewer GFLOPs. We also provide extensive ablative studies that validate the effectiveness of our proposed learning schema for E-ViLM.
Abstract:In Video Question Answering, videos are often processed as a full-length sequence of frames to ensure minimal loss of information. Recent works have demonstrated evidence that sparse video inputs are sufficient to maintain high performance. However, they usually discuss the case of single frame selection. In our work, we extend the setting to multiple number of inputs and other modalities. We characterize the task with different input sparsity and provide a tool for doing that. Specifically, we use a Gumbel-based learnable selection module to adaptively select the best inputs for the final task. In this way, we experiment over public VideoQA benchmarks and provide analysis on how sparsified inputs affect the performance. From our experiments, we have observed only 5.2%-5.8% loss of performance with only 10% of video lengths, which corresponds to 2-4 frames selected from each video. Meanwhile, we also observed the complimentary behaviour between visual and textual inputs, even under highly sparsified settings, suggesting the potential of improving data efficiency for video-and-language tasks.
Abstract:In a Human-in-the-Loop paradigm, a robotic agent is able to act mostly autonomously in solving a task, but can request help from an external expert when needed. However, knowing when to request such assistance is critical: too few requests can lead to the robot making mistakes, but too many requests can overload the expert. In this paper, we present a Reinforcement Learning based approach to this problem, where a semi-autonomous agent asks for external assistance when it has low confidence in the eventual success of the task. The confidence level is computed by estimating the variance of the return from the current state. We show that this estimate can be iteratively improved during training using a Bellman-like recursion. On discrete navigation problems with both fully- and partially-observable state information, we show that our method makes effective use of a limited budget of expert calls at run-time, despite having no access to the expert at training time.
Abstract:Household robots operate in the same space for years. Such robots incrementally build dynamic maps that can be used for tasks requiring remote object localization. However, benchmarks in robot learning often test generalization through inference on tasks in unobserved environments. In an observed environment, locating an object is reduced to choosing from among all object proposals in the environment, which may number in the 100,000s. Armed with this intuition, using only a generic vision-language scoring model with minor modifications for 3d encoding and operating in an embodied environment, we demonstrate an absolute performance gain of 9.84% on remote object grounding above state of the art models for REVERIE and of 5.04% on FAO. When allowed to pre-explore an environment, we also exceed the previous state of the art pre-exploration method on REVERIE. Additionally, we demonstrate our model on a real-world TurtleBot platform, highlighting the simplicity and usefulness of the approach. Our analysis outlines a "bag of tricks" essential for accomplishing this task, from utilizing 3d coordinates and context, to generalizing vision-language models to large 3d search spaces.
Abstract:Household environments are visually diverse. Embodied agents performing Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) in the wild must be able to handle this diversity, while also following arbitrary language instructions. Recently, Vision-Language models like CLIP have shown great performance on the task of zero-shot object recognition. In this work, we ask if these models are also capable of zero-shot language grounding. In particular, we utilize CLIP to tackle the novel problem of zero-shot VLN using natural language referring expressions that describe target objects, in contrast to past work that used simple language templates describing object classes. We examine CLIP's capability in making sequential navigational decisions without any dataset-specific finetuning, and study how it influences the path that an agent takes. Our results on the coarse-grained instruction following task of REVERIE demonstrate the navigational capability of CLIP, surpassing the supervised baseline in terms of both success rate (SR) and success weighted by path length (SPL). More importantly, we quantitatively show that our CLIP-based zero-shot approach generalizes better to show consistent performance across environments when compared to SOTA, fully supervised learning approaches when evaluated via Relative Change in Success (RCS).
Abstract:In Video Question Answering (VideoQA), answering general questions about a video requires its visual information. Yet, video often contains redundant information irrelevant to the VideoQA task. For example, if the task is only to answer questions similar to "Is someone laughing in the video?", then all other information can be discarded. This paper investigates how many bits are really needed from the video in order to do VideoQA by introducing a novel Few-Bit VideoQA problem, where the goal is to accomplish VideoQA with few bits of video information (e.g., 10 bits). We propose a simple yet effective task-specific feature compression approach to solve this problem. Specifically, we insert a lightweight Feature Compression Module (FeatComp) into a VideoQA model which learns to extract task-specific tiny features as little as 10 bits, which are optimal for answering certain types of questions. We demonstrate more than 100,000-fold storage efficiency over MPEG4-encoded videos and 1,000-fold over regular floating point features, with just 2.0-6.6% absolute loss in accuracy, which is a surprising and novel finding. Finally, we analyze what the learned tiny features capture and demonstrate that they have eliminated most of the non-task-specific information, and introduce a Bit Activation Map to visualize what information is being stored. This decreases the privacy risk of data by providing k-anonymity and robustness to feature-inversion techniques, which can influence the machine learning community, allowing us to store data with privacy guarantees while still performing the task effectively.
Abstract:Physically rearranging objects is an important capability for embodied agents. Visual room rearrangement evaluates an agent's ability to rearrange objects in a room to a desired goal based solely on visual input. We propose a simple yet effective method for this problem: (1) search for and map which objects need to be rearranged, and (2) rearrange each object until the task is complete. Our approach consists of an off-the-shelf semantic segmentation model, voxel-based semantic map, and semantic search policy to efficiently find objects that need to be rearranged. On the AI2-THOR Rearrangement Challenge, our method improves on current state-of-the-art end-to-end reinforcement learning-based methods that learn visual rearrangement policies from 0.53% correct rearrangement to 16.56%, using only 2.7% as many samples from the environment.