Abstract:3D Euclidean symmetry equivariant neural networks have demonstrated notable success in modeling complex physical systems. We introduce a framework for relaxed $E(3)$ graph equivariant neural networks that can learn and represent symmetry breaking within continuous groups. Building on the existing e3nn framework, we propose the use of relaxed weights to allow for controlled symmetry breaking. We show empirically that these relaxed weights learn the correct amount of symmetry breaking.
Abstract:While grasp detection is an important part of any robotic manipulation pipeline, reliable and accurate grasp detection in $SE(3)$ remains a research challenge. Many robotics applications in unstructured environments such as the home or warehouse would benefit a lot from better grasp performance. This paper proposes a novel framework for detecting $SE(3)$ grasp poses based on point cloud input. Our main contribution is to propose an $SE(3)$-equivariant model that maps each point in the cloud to a continuous grasp quality function over the 2-sphere $S^2$ using a spherical harmonic basis. Compared with reasoning about a finite set of samples, this formulation improves the accuracy and efficiency of our model when a large number of samples would otherwise be needed. In order to accomplish this, we propose a novel variation on EquiFormerV2 that leverages a UNet-style backbone to enlarge the number of points the model can handle. Our resulting method, which we name $\textit{OrbitGrasp}$, significantly outperforms baselines in both simulation and physical experiments.
Abstract:Recent work has shown diffusion models are an effective approach to learning the multimodal distributions arising from demonstration data in behavior cloning. However, a drawback of this approach is the need to learn a denoising function, which is significantly more complex than learning an explicit policy. In this work, we propose Equivariant Diffusion Policy, a novel diffusion policy learning method that leverages domain symmetries to obtain better sample efficiency and generalization in the denoising function. We theoretically analyze the $\mathrm{SO}(2)$ symmetry of full 6-DoF control and characterize when a diffusion model is $\mathrm{SO}(2)$-equivariant. We furthermore evaluate the method empirically on a set of 12 simulation tasks in MimicGen, and show that it obtains a success rate that is, on average, 21.9% higher than the baseline Diffusion Policy. We also evaluate the method on a real-world system to show that effective policies can be learned with relatively few training samples, whereas the baseline Diffusion Policy cannot.
Abstract:Controlling robots through natural language instructions in open-vocabulary scenarios is pivotal for enhancing human-robot collaboration and complex robot behavior synthesis. However, achieving this capability poses significant challenges due to the need for a system that can generalize from limited data to a wide range of tasks and environments. Existing methods rely on large, costly datasets and struggle with generalization. This paper introduces Grounded Equivariant Manipulation (GEM), a novel approach that leverages the generative capabilities of pre-trained vision-language models and geometric symmetries to facilitate few-shot and zero-shot learning for open-vocabulary robot manipulation tasks. Our experiments demonstrate GEM's high sample efficiency and superior generalization across diverse pick-and-place tasks in both simulation and real-world experiments, showcasing its ability to adapt to novel instructions and unseen objects with minimal data requirements. GEM advances a significant step forward in the domain of language-conditioned robot control, bridging the gap between semantic understanding and action generation in robotic systems.
Abstract:Humans can imagine goal states during planning and perform actions to match those goals. In this work, we propose Imagination Policy, a novel multi-task key-frame policy network for solving high-precision pick and place tasks. Instead of learning actions directly, Imagination Policy generates point clouds to imagine desired states which are then translated to actions using rigid action estimation. This transforms action inference into a local generative task. We leverage pick and place symmetries underlying the tasks in the generation process and achieve extremely high sample efficiency and generalizability to unseen configurations. Finally, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance across various tasks on the RLbench benchmark compared with several strong baselines.
Abstract:Many algorithms and observed phenomena in deep learning appear to be affected by parameter symmetries -- transformations of neural network parameters that do not change the underlying neural network function. These include linear mode connectivity, model merging, Bayesian neural network inference, metanetworks, and several other characteristics of optimization or loss-landscapes. However, theoretical analysis of the relationship between parameter space symmetries and these phenomena is difficult. In this work, we empirically investigate the impact of neural parameter symmetries by introducing new neural network architectures that have reduced parameter space symmetries. We develop two methods, with some provable guarantees, of modifying standard neural networks to reduce parameter space symmetries. With these new methods, we conduct a comprehensive experimental study consisting of multiple tasks aimed at assessing the effect of removing parameter symmetries. Our experiments reveal several interesting observations on the empirical impact of parameter symmetries; for instance, we observe linear mode connectivity between our networks without alignment of weight spaces, and we find that our networks allow for faster and more effective Bayesian neural network training.
Abstract:Despite the advancements in learning governing differential equations from observations of dynamical systems, data-driven methods are often unaware of fundamental physical laws, such as frame invariance. As a result, these algorithms may search an unnecessarily large space and discover equations that are less accurate or overly complex. In this paper, we propose to leverage symmetry in automated equation discovery to compress the equation search space and improve the accuracy and simplicity of the learned equations. Specifically, we derive equivariance constraints from the time-independent symmetries of ODEs. Depending on the types of symmetries, we develop a pipeline for incorporating symmetry constraints into various equation discovery algorithms, including sparse regression and genetic programming. In experiments across a diverse range of dynamical systems, our approach demonstrates better robustness against noise and recovers governing equations with significantly higher probability than baselines without symmetry.
Abstract:The intrinsic alignments (IA) of galaxies, regarded as a contaminant in weak lensing analyses, represents the correlation of galaxy shapes due to gravitational tidal interactions and galaxy formation processes. As such, understanding IA is paramount for accurate cosmological inferences from weak lensing surveys; however, one limitation to our understanding and mitigation of IA is expensive simulation-based modeling. In this work, we present a deep learning approach to emulate galaxy position-position ($\xi$), position-orientation ($\omega$), and orientation-orientation ($\eta$) correlation function measurements and uncertainties from halo occupation distribution-based mock galaxy catalogs. We find strong Pearson correlation values with the model across all three correlation functions and further predict aleatoric uncertainties through a mean-variance estimation training procedure. $\xi(r)$ predictions are generally accurate to $\leq10\%$. Our model also successfully captures the underlying signal of the noisier correlations $\omega(r)$ and $\eta(r)$, although with a lower average accuracy. We find that the model performance is inhibited by the stochasticity of the data, and will benefit from correlations averaged over multiple data realizations. Our code will be made open source upon journal publication.
Abstract:We introduce topox, a Python software suite that provides reliable and user-friendly building blocks for computing and machine learning on topological domains that extend graphs: hypergraphs, simplicial, cellular, path and combinatorial complexes. topox consists of three packages: toponetx facilitates constructing and computing on these domains, including working with nodes, edges and higher-order cells; topoembedx provides methods to embed topological domains into vector spaces, akin to popular graph-based embedding algorithms such as node2vec; topomodelx is built on top of PyTorch and offers a comprehensive toolbox of higher-order message passing functions for neural networks on topological domains. The extensively documented and unit-tested source code of topox is available under MIT license at https://github.com/pyt-team.
Abstract:Many complex robotic manipulation tasks can be decomposed as a sequence of pick and place actions. Training a robotic agent to learn this sequence over many different starting conditions typically requires many iterations or demonstrations, especially in 3D environments. In this work, we propose Fourier Transporter (\ours{}) which leverages the two-fold $\SE(d)\times\SE(d)$ symmetry in the pick-place problem to achieve much higher sample efficiency. \ours{} is an open-loop behavior cloning method trained using expert demonstrations to predict pick-place actions on new environments. \ours{} is constrained to incorporate symmetries of the pick and place actions independently. Our method utilizes a fiber space Fourier transformation that allows for memory-efficient construction. We test our proposed network on the RLbench benchmark and achieve state-of-the-art results across various tasks.