Abstract:We introduce Spurfies, a novel method for sparse-view surface reconstruction that disentangles appearance and geometry information to utilize local geometry priors trained on synthetic data. Recent research heavily focuses on 3D reconstruction using dense multi-view setups, typically requiring hundreds of images. However, these methods often struggle with few-view scenarios. Existing sparse-view reconstruction techniques often rely on multi-view stereo networks that need to learn joint priors for geometry and appearance from a large amount of data. In contrast, we introduce a neural point representation that disentangles geometry and appearance to train a local geometry prior using a subset of the synthetic ShapeNet dataset only. During inference, we utilize this surface prior as additional constraint for surface and appearance reconstruction from sparse input views via differentiable volume rendering, restricting the space of possible solutions. We validate the effectiveness of our method on the DTU dataset and demonstrate that it outperforms previous state of the art by 35% in surface quality while achieving competitive novel view synthesis quality. Moreover, in contrast to previous works, our method can be applied to larger, unbounded scenes, such as Mip-NeRF 360.
Abstract:Tracking human object interaction from videos is important to understand human behavior from the rapidly growing stream of video data. Previous video-based methods require predefined object templates while single-image-based methods are template-free but lack temporal consistency. In this paper, we present a method to track human object interaction without any object shape templates. We decompose the 4D tracking problem into per-frame pose tracking and canonical shape optimization. We first apply a single-view reconstruction method to obtain temporally-inconsistent per-frame interaction reconstructions. Then, for the human, we propose an efficient autoencoder to predict SMPL vertices directly from the per-frame reconstructions, introducing temporally consistent correspondence. For the object, we introduce a pose estimator that leverages temporal information to predict smooth object rotations under occlusions. To train our model, we propose a method to generate synthetic interaction videos and synthesize in total 10 hour videos of 8.5k sequences with full 3D ground truth. Experiments on BEHAVE and InterCap show that our method significantly outperforms previous template-based video tracking and single-frame reconstruction methods. Our proposed synthetic video dataset also allows training video-based methods that generalize to real-world videos. Our code and dataset will be publicly released.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce Scribbles for All, a label and training data generation algorithm for semantic segmentation trained on scribble labels. Training or fine-tuning semantic segmentation models with weak supervision has become an important topic recently and was subject to significant advances in model quality. In this setting, scribbles are a promising label type to achieve high quality segmentation results while requiring a much lower annotation effort than usual pixel-wise dense semantic segmentation annotations. The main limitation of scribbles as source for weak supervision is the lack of challenging datasets for scribble segmentation, which hinders the development of novel methods and conclusive evaluations. To overcome this limitation, Scribbles for All provides scribble labels for several popular segmentation datasets and provides an algorithm to automatically generate scribble labels for any dataset with dense annotations, paving the way for new insights and model advancements in the field of weakly supervised segmentation. In addition to providing datasets and algorithm, we evaluate state-of-the-art segmentation models on our datasets and show that models trained with our synthetic labels perform competitively with respect to models trained on manual labels. Thus, our datasets enable state-of-the-art research into methods for scribble-labeled semantic segmentation. The datasets, scribble generation algorithm, and baselines are publicly available at https://github.com/wbkit/Scribbles4All
Abstract:Current visual foundation models are trained purely on unstructured 2D data, limiting their understanding of 3D structure of objects and scenes. In this work, we show that fine-tuning on 3D-aware data improves the quality of emerging semantic features. We design a method to lift semantic 2D features into an efficient 3D Gaussian representation, which allows us to re-render them for arbitrary views. Using the rendered 3D-aware features, we design a fine-tuning strategy to transfer such 3D awareness into a 2D foundation model. We demonstrate that models fine-tuned in that way produce features that readily improve downstream task performance in semantic segmentation and depth estimation through simple linear probing. Notably, though fined-tuned on a single indoor dataset, the improvement is transferable to a variety of indoor datasets and out-of-domain datasets. We hope our study encourages the community to consider injecting 3D awareness when training 2D foundation models. Project page: https://ywyue.github.io/FiT3D.
Abstract:We aim to tackle sparse-view reconstruction of a 360 3D scene using priors from latent diffusion models (LDM). The sparse-view setting is ill-posed and underconstrained, especially for scenes where the camera rotates 360 degrees around a point, as no visual information is available beyond some frontal views focused on the central object(s) of interest. In this work, we show that pretrained 2D diffusion models can strongly improve the reconstruction of a scene with low-cost fine-tuning. Specifically, we present SparseSplat360 (Sp2360), a method that employs a cascade of in-painting and artifact removal models to fill in missing details and clean novel views. Due to superior training and rendering speeds, we use an explicit scene representation in the form of 3D Gaussians over NeRF-based implicit representations. We propose an iterative update strategy to fuse generated pseudo novel views with existing 3D Gaussians fitted to the initial sparse inputs. As a result, we obtain a multi-view consistent scene representation with details coherent with the observed inputs. Our evaluation on the challenging Mip-NeRF360 dataset shows that our proposed 2D to 3D distillation algorithm considerably improves the performance of a regularized version of 3DGS adapted to a sparse-view setting and outperforms existing sparse-view reconstruction methods in 360 scene reconstruction. Qualitatively, our method generates entire 360 scenes from as few as 9 input views, with a high degree of foreground and background detail.
Abstract:Generating realistic hand motion sequences in interaction with objects has gained increasing attention with the growing interest in digital humans. Prior work has illustrated the effectiveness of employing occupancy-based or distance-based virtual sensors to extract hand-object interaction features. Nonetheless, these methods show limited generalizability across object categories, shapes and sizes. We hypothesize that this is due to two reasons: 1) the limited expressiveness of employed virtual sensors, and 2) scarcity of available training data. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a novel joint-centered sensor designed to reason about local object geometry near potential interaction regions. The sensor queries for object surface points in the neighbourhood of each hand joint. As an important step towards mitigating the learning complexity, we transform the points from global frame to hand template frame and use a shared module to process sensor features of each individual joint. This is followed by a spatio-temporal transformer network aimed at capturing correlation among the joints in different dimensions. Moreover, we devise simple heuristic rules to augment the limited training sequences with vast static hand grasping samples. This leads to a broader spectrum of grasping types observed during training, in turn enhancing our model's generalization capability. We evaluate on two public datasets, GRAB and InterCap, where our method shows superiority over baselines both quantitatively and perceptually.
Abstract:Time series forecasting has attracted significant attention in recent decades. Previous studies have demonstrated that the Channel-Independent (CI) strategy improves forecasting performance by treating different channels individually, while it leads to poor generalization on unseen instances and ignores potentially necessary interactions between channels. Conversely, the Channel-Dependent (CD) strategy mixes all channels with even irrelevant and indiscriminate information, which, however, results in oversmoothing issues and limits forecasting accuracy. There is a lack of channel strategy that effectively balances individual channel treatment for improved forecasting performance without overlooking essential interactions between channels. Motivated by our observation of a correlation between the time series model's performance boost against channel mixing and the intrinsic similarity on a pair of channels, we developed a novel and adaptable Channel Clustering Module (CCM). CCM dynamically groups channels characterized by intrinsic similarities and leverages cluster identity instead of channel identity, combining the best of CD and CI worlds. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that CCM can (1) boost the performance of CI and CD models by an average margin of 2.4% and 7.2% on long-term and short-term forecasting, respectively; (2) enable zero-shot forecasting with mainstream time series forecasting models; (3) uncover intrinsic time series patterns among channels and improve interpretability of complex time series models.
Abstract:We present latentSplat, a method to predict semantic Gaussians in a 3D latent space that can be splatted and decoded by a light-weight generative 2D architecture. Existing methods for generalizable 3D reconstruction either do not enable fast inference of high resolution novel views due to slow volume rendering, or are limited to interpolation of close input views, even in simpler settings with a single central object, where 360-degree generalization is possible. In this work, we combine a regression-based approach with a generative model, moving towards both of these capabilities within the same method, trained purely on readily available real video data. The core of our method are variational 3D Gaussians, a representation that efficiently encodes varying uncertainty within a latent space consisting of 3D feature Gaussians. From these Gaussians, specific instances can be sampled and rendered via efficient Gaussian splatting and a fast, generative decoder network. We show that latentSplat outperforms previous works in reconstruction quality and generalization, while being fast and scalable to high-resolution data.
Abstract:Reconstructing models of the real world, including 3D geometry, appearance, and motion of real scenes, is essential for computer graphics and computer vision. It enables the synthesizing of photorealistic novel views, useful for the movie industry and AR/VR applications. It also facilitates the content creation necessary in computer games and AR/VR by avoiding laborious manual design processes. Further, such models are fundamental for intelligent computing systems that need to interpret real-world scenes and actions to act and interact safely with the human world. Notably, the world surrounding us is dynamic, and reconstructing models of dynamic, non-rigidly moving scenes is a severely underconstrained and challenging problem. This state-of-the-art report (STAR) offers the reader a comprehensive summary of state-of-the-art techniques with monocular and multi-view inputs such as data from RGB and RGB-D sensors, among others, conveying an understanding of different approaches, their potential applications, and promising further research directions. The report covers 3D reconstruction of general non-rigid scenes and further addresses the techniques for scene decomposition, editing and controlling, and generalizable and generative modeling. More specifically, we first review the common and fundamental concepts necessary to understand and navigate the field and then discuss the state-of-the-art techniques by reviewing recent approaches that use traditional and machine-learning-based neural representations, including a discussion on the newly enabled applications. The STAR is concluded with a discussion of the remaining limitations and open challenges.
Abstract:Faithfully modeling the space of articulations is a crucial task that allows recovery and generation of realistic poses, and remains a notorious challenge. To this end, we introduce Neural Riemannian Distance Fields (NRDFs), data-driven priors modeling the space of plausible articulations, represented as the zero-level-set of a neural field in a high-dimensional product-quaternion space. To train NRDFs only on positive examples, we introduce a new sampling algorithm, ensuring that the geodesic distances follow a desired distribution, yielding a principled distance field learning paradigm. We then devise a projection algorithm to map any random pose onto the level-set by an adaptive-step Riemannian optimizer, adhering to the product manifold of joint rotations at all times. NRDFs can compute the Riemannian gradient via backpropagation and by mathematical analogy, are related to Riemannian flow matching, a recent generative model. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of NRDF against other pose priors in various downstream tasks, i.e., pose generation, image-based pose estimation, and solving inverse kinematics, highlighting NRDF's superior performance. Besides humans, NRDF's versatility extends to hand and animal poses, as it can effectively represent any articulation.