Abstract:Long context capability is a crucial competency for large language models (LLMs) as it mitigates the human struggle to digest long-form texts. This capability enables complex task-solving scenarios such as book summarization, code assistance, and many more tasks that are traditionally manpower-intensive. However, transformer-based LLMs face significant challenges with long context input due to the growing size of the KV cache and the intrinsic complexity of attending to extended inputs; where multiple schools of efficiency-driven approaches -- such as KV cache quantization, token dropping, prompt compression, linear-time sequence models, and hybrid architectures -- have been proposed to produce efficient yet long context-capable models. Despite these advancements, no existing work has comprehensively benchmarked these methods in a reasonably aligned environment. In this work, we fill this gap by providing a taxonomy of current methods and evaluating 10+ state-of-the-art approaches across seven categories of long context tasks. Our work reveals numerous previously unknown phenomena and offers insights -- as well as a friendly workbench -- for the future development of long context-capable LLMs. The source code will be available at https://github.com/henryzhongsc/longctx_bench
Abstract:Efficiently serving large language models (LLMs) requires batching many requests together to reduce the cost per request. Yet, the key-value (KV) cache, which stores attention keys and values to avoid re-computations, significantly increases memory demands and becomes the new bottleneck in speed and memory usage. This memory demand increases with larger batch sizes and longer context lengths. Additionally, the inference speed is limited by the size of KV cache, as the GPU's SRAM must load the entire KV cache from the main GPU memory for each token generated, causing the computational core to be idle during this process. A straightforward and effective solution to reduce KV cache size is quantization, which decreases the total bytes taken by KV cache. However, there is a lack of in-depth studies that explore the element distribution of KV cache to understand the hardness and limitation of KV cache quantization. To fill the gap, we conducted a comprehensive study on the element distribution in KV cache of popular LLMs. Our findings indicate that the key cache should be quantized per-channel, i.e., group elements along the channel dimension and quantize them together. In contrast, the value cache should be quantized per-token. From this analysis, we developed a tuning-free 2bit KV cache quantization algorithm, named KIVI. With the hardware-friendly implementation, KIVI can enable Llama (Llama-2), Falcon, and Mistral models to maintain almost the same quality while using $\mathbf{2.6\times}$ less peak memory usage (including the model weight). This reduction in memory usage enables up to $\mathbf{4\times}$ larger batch size, bringing $\mathbf{2.35\times \sim 3.47\times}$ throughput on real LLM inference workload. The source code is available at https://github.com/jy-yuan/KIVI.
Abstract:This work elicits LLMs' inherent ability to handle long contexts without fine-tuning. The limited length of the training sequence during training may limit the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) on long input sequences for inference. In this work, we argue that existing LLMs themselves have inherent capabilities for handling long contexts. Based on this argument, we suggest extending LLMs' context window by themselves to fully utilize the inherent ability.We propose Self-Extend to stimulate LLMs' long context handling potential. The basic idea is to construct bi-level attention information: the group level and the neighbor level. The two levels are computed by the original model's self-attention, which means the proposed does not require any training. With only four lines of code modification, the proposed method can effortlessly extend existing LLMs' context window without any fine-tuning. We conduct comprehensive experiments and the results show that the proposed method can effectively extend existing LLMs' context window's length.
Abstract:Contrastive Learning (CL) has shown promising performance in collaborative filtering. The key idea is to generate augmentation-invariant embeddings by maximizing the Mutual Information between different augmented views of the same instance. However, we empirically observe that existing CL models suffer from the \textsl{dimensional collapse} issue, where user/item embeddings only span a low-dimension subspace of the entire feature space. This suppresses other dimensional information and weakens the distinguishability of embeddings. Here we propose a non-contrastive learning objective, named nCL, which explicitly mitigates dimensional collapse of representations in collaborative filtering. Our nCL aims to achieve geometric properties of \textsl{Alignment} and \textsl{Compactness} on the embedding space. In particular, the alignment tries to push together representations of positive-related user-item pairs, while compactness tends to find the optimal coding length of user/item embeddings, subject to a given distortion. More importantly, our nCL does not require data augmentation nor negative sampling during training, making it scalable to large datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our nCL.
Abstract:The evolving sophistication and intricacies of Large Language Models (LLMs) yield unprecedented advancements, yet they simultaneously demand considerable computational resources and incur significant costs. To alleviate these challenges, this paper introduces a novel, simple, and effective method named ``\growlength'' to accelerate the pretraining process of LLMs. Our method progressively increases the training length throughout the pretraining phase, thereby mitigating computational costs and enhancing efficiency. For instance, it begins with a sequence length of 128 and progressively extends to 4096. This approach enables models to process a larger number of tokens within limited time frames, potentially boosting their performance. In other words, the efficiency gain is derived from training with shorter sequences optimizing the utilization of resources. Our extensive experiments with various state-of-the-art LLMs have revealed that models trained using our method not only converge more swiftly but also exhibit superior performance metrics compared to those trained with existing methods. Furthermore, our method for LLMs pretraining acceleration does not require any additional engineering efforts, making it a practical solution in the realm of LLMs.
Abstract:This paper presents a comprehensive and practical guide for practitioners and end-users working with Large Language Models (LLMs) in their downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks. We provide discussions and insights into the usage of LLMs from the perspectives of models, data, and downstream tasks. Firstly, we offer an introduction and brief summary of current GPT- and BERT-style LLMs. Then, we discuss the influence of pre-training data, training data, and test data. Most importantly, we provide a detailed discussion about the use and non-use cases of large language models for various natural language processing tasks, such as knowledge-intensive tasks, traditional natural language understanding tasks, natural language generation tasks, emergent abilities, and considerations for specific tasks.We present various use cases and non-use cases to illustrate the practical applications and limitations of LLMs in real-world scenarios. We also try to understand the importance of data and the specific challenges associated with each NLP task. Furthermore, we explore the impact of spurious biases on LLMs and delve into other essential considerations, such as efficiency, cost, and latency, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of deploying LLMs in practice. This comprehensive guide aims to provide researchers and practitioners with valuable insights and best practices for working with LLMs, thereby enabling the successful implementation of these models in a wide range of NLP tasks. A curated list of practical guide resources of LLMs, regularly updated, can be found at \url{https://github.com/Mooler0410/LLMsPracticalGuide}.
Abstract:Fairness in machine learning has attracted increasing attention in recent years. The fairness methods improving algorithmic fairness for in-distribution data may not perform well under distribution shift. In this paper, we first theoretically demonstrate the inherent connection between distribution shift, data perturbation, and weight perturbation. Subsequently, we analyze the sufficient conditions to guarantee fairness (i.e., low demographic parity) for the target dataset, including fairness for the source dataset, and low prediction difference between the source and target dataset for each sensitive attribute group. Motivated by these sufficient conditions, we propose robust fairness regularization (RFR) by considering the worst case within the weight perturbation ball for each sensitive attribute group. In this way, the maximization problem can be simplified as two forward and two backward propagations for each update of model parameters. We evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed RFR algorithm on synthetic and real distribution shifts across various datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that RFR achieves better fairness-accuracy trade-off performance compared with several baselines.
Abstract:Demographic parity is the most widely recognized measure of group fairness in machine learning, which ensures equal treatment of different demographic groups. Numerous works aim to achieve demographic parity by pursuing the commonly used metric $\Delta DP$. Unfortunately, in this paper, we reveal that the fairness metric $\Delta DP$ can not precisely measure the violation of demographic parity, because it inherently has the following drawbacks: \textit{i)} zero-value $\Delta DP$ does not guarantee zero violation of demographic parity, \textit{ii)} $\Delta DP$ values can vary with different classification thresholds. To this end, we propose two new fairness metrics, \textsf{A}rea \textsf{B}etween \textsf{P}robability density function \textsf{C}urves (\textsf{ABPC}) and \textsf{A}rea \textsf{B}etween \textsf{C}umulative density function \textsf{C}urves (\textsf{ABCC}), to precisely measure the violation of demographic parity in distribution level. The new fairness metrics directly measure the difference between the distributions of the prediction probability for different demographic groups. Thus our proposed new metrics enjoy: \textit{i)} zero-value \textsf{ABCC}/\textsf{ABPC} guarantees zero violation of demographic parity; \textit{ii)} \textsf{ABCC}/\textsf{ABPC} guarantees demographic parity while the classification threshold adjusted. We further re-evaluate the existing fair models with our proposed fairness metrics and observe different fairness behaviors of those models under the new metrics.
Abstract:Learning informative representations of users and items from the interaction data is of crucial importance to collaborative filtering (CF). Present embedding functions exploit user-item relationships to enrich the representations, evolving from a single user-item instance to the holistic interaction graph. Nevertheless, they largely model the relationships in a uniform manner, while neglecting the diversity of user intents on adopting the items, which could be to pass time, for interest, or shopping for others like families. Such uniform approach to model user interests easily results in suboptimal representations, failing to model diverse relationships and disentangle user intents in representations. In this work, we pay special attention to user-item relationships at the finer granularity of user intents. We hence devise a new model, Disentangled Graph Collaborative Filtering (DGCF), to disentangle these factors and yield disentangled representations. Specifically, by modeling a distribution over intents for each user-item interaction, we iteratively refine the intent-aware interaction graphs and representations. Meanwhile, we encourage independence of different intents. This leads to disentangled representations, effectively distilling information pertinent to each intent. We conduct extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, and DGCF achieves significant improvements over several state-of-the-art models like NGCF, DisenGCN, and MacridVAE. Further analyses offer insights into the advantages of DGCF on the disentanglement of user intents and interpretability of representations. Our codes are available in https://github.com/xiangwang1223/disentangled_graph_collaborative_filtering.