Abstract:The success of recent text-to-image diffusion models is largely due to their capacity to be guided by a complex text prompt, which enables users to precisely describe the desired content. However, these models struggle to effectively suppress the generation of undesired content, which is explicitly requested to be omitted from the generated image in the prompt. In this paper, we analyze how to manipulate the text embeddings and remove unwanted content from them. We introduce two contributions, which we refer to as $\textit{soft-weighted regularization}$ and $\textit{inference-time text embedding optimization}$. The first regularizes the text embedding matrix and effectively suppresses the undesired content. The second method aims to further suppress the unwanted content generation of the prompt, and encourages the generation of desired content. We evaluate our method quantitatively and qualitatively on extensive experiments, validating its effectiveness. Furthermore, our method is generalizability to both the pixel-space diffusion models (i.e. DeepFloyd-IF) and the latent-space diffusion models (i.e. Stable Diffusion).
Abstract:One of the key components within diffusion models is the UNet for noise prediction. While several works have explored basic properties of the UNet decoder, its encoder largely remains unexplored. In this work, we conduct the first comprehensive study of the UNet encoder. We empirically analyze the encoder features and provide insights to important questions regarding their changes at the inference process. In particular, we find that encoder features change gently, whereas the decoder features exhibit substantial variations across different time-steps. This finding inspired us to omit the encoder at certain adjacent time-steps and reuse cyclically the encoder features in the previous time-steps for the decoder. Further based on this observation, we introduce a simple yet effective encoder propagation scheme to accelerate the diffusion sampling for a diverse set of tasks. By benefiting from our propagation scheme, we are able to perform in parallel the decoder at certain adjacent time-steps. Additionally, we introduce a prior noise injection method to improve the texture details in the generated image. Besides the standard text-to-image task, we also validate our approach on other tasks: text-to-video, personalized generation and reference-guided generation. Without utilizing any knowledge distillation technique, our approach accelerates both the Stable Diffusion (SD) and the DeepFloyd-IF models sampling by 41$\%$ and 24$\%$ respectively, while maintaining high-quality generation performance. Our code is available in \href{https://github.com/hutaiHang/Faster-Diffusion}{FasterDiffusion}.
Abstract:Recently, 3D-aware face editing has witnessed remarkable progress. Although current approaches successfully perform mask-guided or text-based editing, these properties have not been combined into a single method. To address this limitation, we propose \textbf{MaTe3D}: mask-guided text-based 3D-aware portrait editing. First, we propose a new SDF-based 3D generator. To better perform masked-based editing (mainly happening in local areas), we propose SDF and density consistency losses, aiming to effectively model both the global and local representations jointly. Second, we introduce an inference-optimized method. We introduce two techniques based on the SDS (Score Distillation Sampling), including a blending SDS and a conditional SDS. The former aims to overcome the mismatch problem between geometry and appearance, ultimately harming fidelity. The conditional SDS contributes to further producing satisfactory and stable results. Additionally, we create CatMask-HQ dataset, a large-scale high-resolution cat face annotations. We perform experiments on both the FFHQ and CatMask-HQ datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our method generates faithfully a edited 3D-aware face image given a modified mask and a text prompt. Our code and models will be publicly released.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models have showcased their impressive capacity to generate visually striking images. Nevertheless, ensuring a close match between the generated image and the given prompt remains a persistent challenge. In this work, we identify that a crucial factor leading to the text-image mismatch issue is the inadequate cross-modality relation learning between the prompt and the output image. To better align the prompt and image content, we advance the cross-attention with an adaptive mask, which is conditioned on the attention maps and the prompt embeddings, to dynamically adjust the contribution of each text token to the image features. This mechanism explicitly diminishes the ambiguity in semantic information embedding from the text encoder, leading to a boost of text-to-image consistency in the synthesized images. Our method, termed MaskDiffusion, is training-free and hot-pluggable for popular pre-trained diffusion models. When applied to the latent diffusion models, our MaskDiffusion can significantly improve the text-to-image consistency with negligible computation overhead compared to the original diffusion models.
Abstract:Domain adaptation (DA) aims to alleviate the domain shift between source domain and target domain. Most DA methods require access to the source data, but often that is not possible (e.g. due to data privacy or intellectual property). In this paper, we address the challenging source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) problem, where the source pretrained model is adapted to the target domain in the absence of source data. Our method is based on the observation that target data, which might not align with the source domain classifier, still forms clear clusters. We capture this intrinsic structure by defining local affinity of the target data, and encourage label consistency among data with high local affinity. We observe that higher affinity should be assigned to reciprocal neighbors. To aggregate information with more context, we consider expanded neighborhoods with small affinity values. Furthermore, we consider the density around each target sample, which can alleviate the negative impact of potential outliers. In the experimental results we verify that the inherent structure of the target features is an important source of information for domain adaptation. We demonstrate that this local structure can be efficiently captured by considering the local neighbors, the reciprocal neighbors, and the expanded neighborhood. Finally, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on several 2D image and 3D point cloud recognition datasets.
Abstract:This paper considers a novel application of deep AUC maximization (DAM) for multi-instance learning (MIL), in which a single class label is assigned to a bag of instances (e.g., multiple 2D slices of a CT scan for a patient). We address a neglected yet non-negligible computational challenge of MIL in the context of DAM, i.e., bag size is too large to be loaded into {GPU} memory for backpropagation, which is required by the standard pooling methods of MIL. To tackle this challenge, we propose variance-reduced stochastic pooling methods in the spirit of stochastic optimization by formulating the loss function over the pooled prediction as a multi-level compositional function. By synthesizing techniques from stochastic compositional optimization and non-convex min-max optimization, we propose a unified and provable muli-instance DAM (MIDAM) algorithm with stochastic smoothed-max pooling or stochastic attention-based pooling, which only samples a few instances for each bag to compute a stochastic gradient estimator and to update the model parameter. We establish a similar convergence rate of the proposed MIDAM algorithm as the state-of-the-art DAM algorithms. Our extensive experiments on conventional MIL datasets and medical datasets demonstrate the superiority of our MIDAM algorithm.
Abstract:A significant research effort is focused on exploiting the amazing capacities of pretrained diffusion models for the editing of images. They either finetune the model, or invert the image in the latent space of the pretrained model. However, they suffer from two problems: (1) Unsatisfying results for selected regions, and unexpected changes in nonselected regions. (2) They require careful text prompt editing where the prompt should include all visual objects in the input image. To address this, we propose two improvements: (1) Only optimizing the input of the value linear network in the cross-attention layers, is sufficiently powerful to reconstruct a real image. (2) We propose attention regularization to preserve the object-like attention maps after editing, enabling us to obtain accurate style editing without invoking significant structural changes. We further improve the editing technique which is used for the unconditional branch of classifier-free guidance, as well as the conditional one as used by P2P. Extensive experimental prompt-editing results on a variety of images, demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively that our method has superior editing capabilities than existing and concurrent works.
Abstract:Recent advances in 3D-aware generative models (3D-aware GANs) combined with Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have achieved impressive results. However no prior works investigate 3D-aware GANs for 3D consistent multi-class image-to-image (3D-aware I2I) translation. Naively using 2D-I2I translation methods suffers from unrealistic shape/identity change. To perform 3D-aware multi-class I2I translation, we decouple this learning process into a multi-class 3D-aware GAN step and a 3D-aware I2I translation step. In the first step, we propose two novel techniques: a new conditional architecture and an effective training strategy. In the second step, based on the well-trained multi-class 3D-aware GAN architecture, that preserves view-consistency, we construct a 3D-aware I2I translation system. To further reduce the view-consistency problems, we propose several new techniques, including a U-net-like adaptor network design, a hierarchical representation constrain and a relative regularization loss. In extensive experiments on two datasets, quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that we successfully perform 3D-aware I2I translation with multi-view consistency.
Abstract:Domain generalization in semantic segmentation aims to alleviate the performance degradation on unseen domains through learning domain-invariant features. Existing methods diversify images in the source domain by adding complex or even abnormal textures to reduce the sensitivity to domain specific features. However, these approaches depend heavily on the richness of the texture bank, and training them can be time-consuming. In contrast to importing textures arbitrarily or augmenting styles randomly, we focus on the single source domain itself to achieve generalization. In this paper, we present a novel adaptive texture filtering mechanism to suppress the influence of texture without using augmentation, thus eliminating the interference of domain-specific features. Further, we design a hierarchical guidance generalization network equipped with structure-guided enhancement modules, which purpose is to learn the domain-invariant generalized knowledge. Extensive experiments together with ablation studies on widely-used datasets are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, and reveal its superiority over other state-of-the-art alternatives.
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate $\textit{open-set recognition}$ with domain shift, where the final goal is to achieve $\textit{Source-free Universal Domain Adaptation}$ (SF-UNDA), which addresses the situation where there exist both domain and category shifts between source and target domains. Under the SF-UNDA setting, the model cannot access source data anymore during target adaptation, which aims to address data privacy concerns. We propose a novel training scheme to learn a ($n$+1)-way classifier to predict the $n$ source classes and the unknown class, where samples of only known source categories are available for training. Furthermore, for target adaptation, we simply adopt a weighted entropy minimization to adapt the source pretrained model to the unlabeled target domain without source data. In experiments, we show: $\textbf{1)}$ After source training, the resulting source model can get excellent performance for $\textit{open-set single domain generalization}$ and also $\textit{open-set recognition}$ tasks; $\textbf{2)}$ After target adaptation, our method surpasses current UNDA approaches which demand source data during adaptation on several benchmarks. The versatility to several different tasks strongly proves the efficacy and generalization ability of our method. $\textbf{3)}$ When augmented with a closed-set domain adaptation approach during target adaptation, our source-free method further outperforms the current state-of-the-art UNDA method by 2.5%, 7.2% and 13% on Office-31, Office-Home and VisDA respectively. Code will be available in https://github.com/Albert0147/OneRing.