Abstract:We introduce Diffusion World Model (DWM), a conditional diffusion model capable of predicting multistep future states and rewards concurrently. As opposed to traditional one-step dynamics models, DWM offers long-horizon predictions in a single forward pass, eliminating the need for recursive queries. We integrate DWM into model-based value estimation, where the short-term return is simulated by future trajectories sampled from DWM. In the context of offline reinforcement learning, DWM can be viewed as a conservative value regularization through generative modeling. Alternatively, it can be seen as a data source that enables offline Q-learning with synthetic data. Our experiments on the D4RL dataset confirm the robustness of DWM to long-horizon simulation. In terms of absolute performance, DWM significantly surpasses one-step dynamics models with a $44\%$ performance gain, and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Classifier-free guidance is a key component for enhancing the performance of conditional generative models across diverse tasks. While it has previously demonstrated remarkable improvements for the sample quality, it has only been exclusively employed for diffusion models. In this paper, we integrate classifier-free guidance into Flow Matching (FM) models, an alternative simulation-free approach that trains Continuous Normalizing Flows (CNFs) based on regressing vector fields. We explore the usage of \emph{Guided Flows} for a variety of downstream applications. We show that Guided Flows significantly improves the sample quality in conditional image generation and zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis, boasting state-of-the-art performance. Notably, we are the first to apply flow models for plan generation in the offline reinforcement learning setting, showcasing a 10x speedup in computation compared to diffusion models while maintaining comparable performance.
Abstract:Natural agents can effectively learn from multiple data sources that differ in size, quality, and types of measurements. We study this heterogeneity in the context of offline reinforcement learning (RL) by introducing a new, practically motivated semi-supervised setting. Here, an agent has access to two sets of trajectories: labelled trajectories containing state, action, reward triplets at every timestep, along with unlabelled trajectories that contain only state and reward information. For this setting, we develop a simple meta-algorithmic pipeline that learns an inverse-dynamics model on the labelled data to obtain proxy-labels for the unlabelled data, followed by the use of any offline RL algorithm on the true and proxy-labelled trajectories. Empirically, we find this simple pipeline to be highly successful -- on several D4RL benchmarks \cite{fu2020d4rl}, certain offline RL algorithms can match the performance of variants trained on a fully labeled dataset even when we label only 10\% trajectories from the low return regime. Finally, we perform a large-scale controlled empirical study investigating the interplay of data-centric properties of the labelled and unlabelled datasets, with algorithmic design choices (e.g., inverse dynamics, offline RL algorithm) to identify general trends and best practices for training RL agents on semi-supervised offline datasets.
Abstract:The goal of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is to learn near-optimal policies from static logged datasets, thus sidestepping expensive online interactions. Behavioral cloning (BC) provides a straightforward solution to offline RL by mimicking offline trajectories via supervised learning. Recent advances (Chen et al., 2021; Janner et al., 2021; Emmons et al., 2021) have shown that by conditioning on desired future returns, BC can perform competitively to their value-based counterparts, while enjoying much more simplicity and training stability. However, the distribution of returns in the offline dataset can be arbitrarily skewed and suboptimal, which poses a unique challenge for conditioning BC on expert returns at test time. We propose ConserWeightive Behavioral Cloning (CWBC), a simple and effective method for improving the performance of conditional BC for offline RL with two key components: trajectory weighting and conservative regularization. Trajectory weighting addresses the bias-variance tradeoff in conditional BC and provides a principled mechanism to learn from both low return trajectories (typically plentiful) and high return trajectories (typically few). Further, we analyze the notion of conservatism in existing BC methods, and propose a novel conservative regularize that explicitly encourages the policy to stay close to the data distribution. The regularizer helps achieve more reliable performance, and removes the need for ad-hoc tuning of the conditioning value during evaluation. We instantiate CWBC in the context of Reinforcement Learning via Supervised Learning (RvS) (Emmons et al., 2021) and Decision Transformer (DT) (Chen et al., 2021), and empirically show that it significantly boosts the performance and stability of prior methods on various offline RL benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/tung-nd/cwbc.
Abstract:While the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) reinforcement learning (RL) framework -- often touted for its exploration and robustness capabilities -- is usually motivated from a probabilistic perspective, the use of deep probabilistic models has not gained much traction in practice due to their inherent complexity. In this work, we propose the adoption of latent variable policies within the MaxEnt framework, which we show can provably approximate any policy distribution, and additionally, naturally emerges under the use of world models with a latent belief state. We discuss why latent variable policies are difficult to train, how naive approaches can fail, then subsequently introduce a series of improvements centered around low-cost marginalization of the latent state, allowing us to make full use of the latent state at minimal additional cost. We instantiate our method under the actor-critic framework, marginalizing both the actor and critic. The resulting algorithm, referred to as Stochastic Marginal Actor-Critic (SMAC), is simple yet effective. We experimentally validate our method on continuous control tasks, showing that effective marginalization can lead to better exploration and more robust training.
Abstract:Recent work has shown that offline reinforcement learning (RL) can be formulated as a sequence modeling problem (Chen et al., 2021; Janner et al., 2021) and solved via approaches similar to large-scale language modeling. However, any practical instantiation of RL also involves an online component, where policies pretrained on passive offline datasets are finetuned via taskspecific interactions with the environment. We propose Online Decision Transformers (ODT), an RL algorithm based on sequence modeling that blends offline pretraining with online finetuning in a unified framework. Our framework uses sequence-level entropy regularizers in conjunction with autoregressive modeling objectives for sample-efficient exploration and finetuning. Empirically, we show that ODT is competitive with the state-of-the-art in absolute performance on the D4RL benchmark but shows much more significant gains during the finetuning procedure.
Abstract:A widely recognized difficulty in federated learning arises from the statistical heterogeneity among clients: local datasets often come from different but not entirely unrelated distributions, and personalization is, therefore, necessary to achieve optimal results from each individual's perspective. In this paper, we show how the excess risks of personalized federated learning with a smooth, strongly convex loss depend on data heterogeneity from a minimax point of view. Our analysis reveals a surprising theorem of the alternative for personalized federated learning: there exists a threshold such that (a) if a certain measure of data heterogeneity is below this threshold, the FedAvg algorithm [McMahan et al., 2017] is minimax optimal; (b) when the measure of heterogeneity is above this threshold, then doing pure local training (i.e., clients solve empirical risk minimization problems on their local datasets without any communication) is minimax optimal. As an implication, our results show that the presumably difficult (infinite-dimensional) problem of adapting to client-wise heterogeneity can be reduced to a simple binary decision problem of choosing between the two baseline algorithms. Our analysis relies on a new notion of algorithmic stability that takes into account the nature of federated learning.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is a training paradigm where the clients collaboratively learn models by repeatedly sharing information without compromising much on the privacy of their local sensitive data. In this paper, we introduce federated $f$-differential privacy, a new notion specifically tailored to the federated setting, based on the framework of Gaussian differential privacy. Federated $f$-differential privacy operates on record level: it provides the privacy guarantee on each individual record of one client's data against adversaries. We then propose a generic private federated learning framework {PriFedSync} that accommodates a large family of state-of-the-art FL algorithms, which provably achieves federated $f$-differential privacy. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the trade-off between privacy guarantee and prediction performance for models trained by {PriFedSync} in computer vision tasks.
Abstract:Many inference problems, such as sequential decision problems like A/B testing, adaptive sampling schemes like bandit selection, are often online in nature. The fundamental problem for online inference is to provide a sequence of confidence intervals that are valid uniformly over the growing-into-infinity sample sizes. To address this question, we provide a near-optimal confidence sequence for bounded random variables by utilizing Bentkus' concentration results. We show that it improves on the existing approaches that use the Cram{\'e}r-Chernoff technique such as the Hoeffding, Bernstein, and Bennett inequalities. The resulting confidence sequence is confirmed to be favorable in both synthetic coverage problems and an application to adaptive stopping algorithms.
Abstract:Datasets containing sensitive information are often sequentially analyzed by many algorithms. This raises a fundamental question in differential privacy regarding how the overall privacy bound degrades under composition. To address this question, we introduce a family of analytical and sharp privacy bounds under composition using the Edgeworth expansion in the framework of the recently proposed f-differential privacy. In contrast to the existing composition theorems using the central limit theorem, our new privacy bounds under composition gain improved tightness by leveraging the refined approximation accuracy of the Edgeworth expansion. Our approach is easy to implement and computationally efficient for any number of compositions. The superiority of these new bounds is confirmed by an asymptotic error analysis and an application to quantifying the overall privacy guarantees of noisy stochastic gradient descent used in training private deep neural networks.