Picture for Qimei Cui

Qimei Cui

ContextBLIP: Doubly Contextual Alignment for Contrastive Image Retrieval from Linguistically Complex Descriptions

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May 29, 2024
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Uncovering What, Why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Causation Understanding of Video Anomaly

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Apr 30, 2024
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Semantic Entropy Can Simultaneously Benefit Transmission Efficiency and Channel Security of Wireless Semantic Communications

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Feb 07, 2024
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Refining Latent Homophilic Structures over Heterophilic Graphs for Robust Graph Convolution Networks

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Dec 27, 2023
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DocMSU: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Document-level Multimodal Sarcasm Understanding

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Dec 26, 2023
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UAV-Aided Lifelong Learning for AoI and Energy Optimization in Non-Stationary IoT Networks

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Dec 01, 2023
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Physical-layer Adversarial Robustness for Deep Learning-based Semantic Communications

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May 12, 2023
Figure 1 for Physical-layer Adversarial Robustness for Deep Learning-based Semantic Communications
Figure 2 for Physical-layer Adversarial Robustness for Deep Learning-based Semantic Communications
Figure 3 for Physical-layer Adversarial Robustness for Deep Learning-based Semantic Communications
Figure 4 for Physical-layer Adversarial Robustness for Deep Learning-based Semantic Communications
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Boosting Physical Layer Black-Box Attacks with Semantic Adversaries in Semantic Communications

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Mar 30, 2023
Figure 1 for Boosting Physical Layer Black-Box Attacks with Semantic Adversaries in Semantic Communications
Figure 2 for Boosting Physical Layer Black-Box Attacks with Semantic Adversaries in Semantic Communications
Figure 3 for Boosting Physical Layer Black-Box Attacks with Semantic Adversaries in Semantic Communications
Figure 4 for Boosting Physical Layer Black-Box Attacks with Semantic Adversaries in Semantic Communications
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