Shandong University of Science and Technology
Abstract:Implicit Neural Representation (INR) has gained increasing popularity as a data representation method, serving as a prerequisite for innovative generation models. Unlike gradient-based methods, which exhibit lower efficiency in inference, the adoption of hyper-network for generating parameters in Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP), responsible for executing INR functions, has surfaced as a promising and efficient alternative. However, as a global continuous function, MLP is challenging in modeling highly discontinuous signals, resulting in slow convergence during the training phase and inaccurate reconstruction performance. Moreover, MLP requires massive representation parameters, which implies inefficiencies in data representation. In this paper, we propose a novel Attention-based Localized INR (ANR) composed of a localized attention layer (LAL) and a global MLP that integrates coordinate features with data features and converts them to meaningful outputs. Subsequently, we design an instance representation framework that delivers a transformer-like hyper-network to represent data instances as a compact representation vector. With instance-specific representation vector and instance-agnostic ANR parameters, the target signals are well reconstructed as a continuous function. We further address aliasing artifacts with variational coordinates when obtaining the super-resolution inference results. Extensive experimentation across four datasets showcases the notable efficacy of our ANR method, e.g. enhancing the PSNR value from 37.95dB to 47.25dB on the CelebA dataset. Code is released at
Abstract:Motif scaffolding seeks to design scaffold structures for constructing proteins with functions derived from the desired motif, which is crucial for the design of vaccines and enzymes. Previous works approach the problem by inpainting or conditional generation. Both of them can only scaffold motifs with fixed positions, and the conditional generation cannot guarantee the presence of motifs. However, prior knowledge of the relative motif positions in a protein is not readily available, and constructing a protein with multiple functions in one protein is more general and significant because of the synergies between functions. We propose a Floating Anchor Diffusion (FADiff) model. FADiff allows motifs to float rigidly and independently in the process of diffusion, which guarantees the presence of motifs and automates the motif position design. Our experiments demonstrate the efficacy of FADiff with high success rates and designable novel scaffolds. To the best of our knowledge, FADiff is the first work to tackle the challenge of scaffolding multiple motifs without relying on the expertise of relative motif positions in the protein. Code is available at
Abstract:Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) has achieved remarkable success, leading to rapid advancements in multimodal studies. However, CLIP faces a notable challenge in terms of inefficient data utilization. It relies on a single contrastive supervision for each image-text pair during representation learning, disregarding a substantial amount of valuable information that could offer richer supervision. Additionally, the retention of non-informative tokens leads to increased computational demands and time costs, particularly in CLIP's ViT image encoder. To address these issues, we propose Multi-Perspective Language-Image Pretraining (MLIP). In MLIP, we leverage the frequency transform's sensitivity to both high and low-frequency variations, which complements the spatial domain's sensitivity limited to low-frequency variations only. By incorporating frequency transforms and token-level alignment, we expand CILP's single supervision into multi-domain and multi-level supervision, enabling a more thorough exploration of informative image features. Additionally, we introduce a token merging method guided by comprehensive semantics from the frequency and spatial domains. This allows us to merge tokens to multi-granularity tokens with a controllable compression rate to accelerate CLIP. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our design.
Abstract:In this paper, we employ the long-short-term memory model (LSTM) to predict the real-time go-around probability as an arrival flight is approaching JFK airport and within 10 nm of the landing runway threshold. We further develop methods to examine the causes to go-around occurrences both from a global view and an individual flight perspective. According to our results, in-trail spacing, and simultaneous runway operation appear to be the top factors that contribute to overall go-around occurrences. We then integrate these pre-trained models and analyses with real-time data streaming, and finally develop a demo web-based user interface that integrates the different components designed previously into a real-time tool that can eventually be used by flight crews and other line personnel to identify situations in which there is a high risk of a go-around.
Abstract:Ground Delay Programs (GDPs) have been widely used to resolve excessive demand-capacity imbalances at arrival airports by shifting foreseen airborne delay to pre-departure ground delay. While offering clear safety and efficiency benefits, GDPs may also create additional delay because of imperfect execution and uncertainty in predicting arrival airport capacity. This paper presents a methodology for measuring excess delay resulting from individual GDPs and investigates factors that influence excess delay using regularized regression models. We measured excess delay for 1210 GDPs from 33 U.S. airports in 2019. On a per-restricted flight basis, the mean excess delay is 35.4 min with std of 20.6 min. In our regression analysis of the variation in excess delay, ridge regression is found to perform best. The factors affecting excess delay include time variations during gate out and taxi out for flights subject to the GDP, program rate setting and revisions, and GDP time duration.
Abstract:Since flight delay hurts passengers, airlines, and airports, its prediction becomes crucial for the decision-making of all stakeholders in the aviation industry and thus has been attempted by various previous research. However, previous delay predictions are often categorical and at a highly aggregated level. To improve that, this study proposes to apply the novel Temporal Fusion Transformer model and predict numerical airport arrival delays at quarter hour level for U.S. top 30 airports. Inputs to our model include airport demand and capacity forecasts, historic airport operation efficiency information, airport wind and visibility conditions, as well as enroute weather and traffic conditions. The results show that our model achieves satisfactory performance measured by small prediction errors on the test set. In addition, the interpretability analysis of the model outputs identifies the important input factors for delay prediction.
Abstract:Decoding natural visual scenes from brain activity has flourished, with extensive research in single-subject tasks and, however, less in cross-subject tasks. Reconstructing high-quality images in cross-subject tasks is a challenging problem due to profound individual differences between subjects and the scarcity of data annotation. In this work, we proposed MindTuner for cross-subject visual decoding, which achieves high-quality and rich-semantic reconstructions using only 1 hour of fMRI training data benefiting from the phenomena of visual fingerprint in the human visual system and a novel fMRI-to-text alignment paradigm. Firstly, we pre-train a multi-subject model among 7 subjects and fine-tune it with scarce data on new subjects, where LoRAs with Skip-LoRAs are utilized to learn the visual fingerprint. Then, we take the image modality as the intermediate pivot modality to achieve fMRI-to-text alignment, which achieves impressive fMRI-to-text retrieval performance and corrects fMRI-to-image reconstruction with fine-tuned semantics. The results of both qualitative and quantitative analyses demonstrate that MindTuner surpasses state-of-the-art cross-subject visual decoding models on the Natural Scenes Dataset (NSD), whether using training data of 1 hour or 40 hours.
Abstract:This paper considers image change detection with only a small number of samples, which is a significant problem in terms of a few annotations available. A major impediment of image change detection task is the lack of large annotated datasets covering a wide variety of scenes. Change detection models trained on insufficient datasets have shown poor generalization capability. To address the poor generalization issue, we propose using simple image processing methods for generating synthetic but informative datasets, and design an early fusion network based on object detection which could outperform the siamese neural network. Our key insight is that the synthetic data enables the trained model to have good generalization ability for various scenarios. We compare the model trained on the synthetic data with that on the real-world data captured from a challenging dataset, CDNet, using six different test sets. The results demonstrate that the synthetic data is informative enough to achieve higher generalization ability than the insufficient real-world data. Besides, the experiment shows that utilizing a few (often tens of) samples to fine-tune the model trained on the synthetic data will achieve excellent results.
Abstract:$\textit{Implicit neural representations}$ (INRs) aim to learn a $\textit{continuous function}$ (i.e., a neural network) to represent an image, where the input and output of the function are pixel coordinates and RGB/Gray values, respectively. However, images tend to consist of many objects whose colors are not perfectly consistent, resulting in the challenge that image is actually a $\textit{discontinuous piecewise function}$ and cannot be well estimated by a continuous function. In this paper, we empirically investigate that if a neural network is enforced to fit a discontinuous piecewise function to reach a fixed small error, the time costs will increase exponentially with respect to the boundaries in the spatial domain of the target signal. We name this phenomenon the $\textit{exponential-increase}$ hypothesis. Under the $\textit{exponential-increase}$ hypothesis, learning INRs for images with many objects will converge very slowly. To address this issue, we first prove that partitioning a complex signal into several sub-regions and utilizing piecewise INRs to fit that signal can significantly speed up the convergence. Based on this fact, we introduce a simple partition mechanism to boost the performance of two INR methods for image reconstruction: one for learning INRs, and the other for learning-to-learn INRs. In both cases, we partition an image into different sub-regions and dedicate smaller networks for each part. In addition, we further propose two partition rules based on regular grids and semantic segmentation maps, respectively. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed partitioning methods in terms of learning INR for a single image (ordinary learning framework) and the learning-to-learn framework.
Abstract:Matrix factorization (MF) is a classical collaborative filtering algorithm for recommender systems. It decomposes the user-item interaction matrix into a product of low-dimensional user representation matrix and item representation matrix. In typical recommendation scenarios, the user-item interaction paradigm is usually a two-stage process and requires static clustering analysis of the obtained user and item representations. The above process, however, is time and computationally intensive, making it difficult to apply in real-time to e-commerce or Internet of Things environments with billions of users and trillions of items. To address this, we propose a unified matrix factorization method based on dynamic multi-view clustering (MFDMC) that employs an end-to-end training paradigm. Specifically, in each view, a user/item representation is regarded as a weighted projection of all clusters. The representation of each cluster is learnable, enabling the dynamic discarding of bad clusters. Furthermore, we employ multi-view clustering to represent multiple roles of users/items, effectively utilizing the representation space and improving the interpretability of the user/item representations for downstream tasks. Extensive experiments show that our proposed MFDMC achieves state-of-the-art performance on real-world recommendation datasets. Additionally, comprehensive visualization and ablation studies interpretably confirm that our method provides meaningful representations for downstream tasks of users/items.