Abstract:We propose 3D Congealing, a novel problem of 3D-aware alignment for 2D images capturing semantically similar objects. Given a collection of unlabeled Internet images, our goal is to associate the shared semantic parts from the inputs and aggregate the knowledge from 2D images to a shared 3D canonical space. We introduce a general framework that tackles the task without assuming shape templates, poses, or any camera parameters. At its core is a canonical 3D representation that encapsulates geometric and semantic information. The framework optimizes for the canonical representation together with the pose for each input image, and a per-image coordinate map that warps 2D pixel coordinates to the 3D canonical frame to account for the shape matching. The optimization procedure fuses prior knowledge from a pre-trained image generative model and semantic information from input images. The former provides strong knowledge guidance for this under-constraint task, while the latter provides the necessary information to mitigate the training data bias from the pre-trained model. Our framework can be used for various tasks such as correspondence matching, pose estimation, and image editing, achieving strong results on real-world image datasets under challenging illumination conditions and on in-the-wild online image collections.
Abstract:We present SHINOBI, an end-to-end framework for the reconstruction of shape, material, and illumination from object images captured with varying lighting, pose, and background. Inverse rendering of an object based on unconstrained image collections is a long-standing challenge in computer vision and graphics and requires a joint optimization over shape, radiance, and pose. We show that an implicit shape representation based on a multi-resolution hash encoding enables faster and robust shape reconstruction with joint camera alignment optimization that outperforms prior work. Further, to enable the editing of illumination and object reflectance (i.e. material) we jointly optimize BRDF and illumination together with the object's shape. Our method is class-agnostic and works on in-the-wild image collections of objects to produce relightable 3D assets for several use cases such as AR/VR, movies, games, etc. Project page: https://shinobi.aengelhardt.com Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFENQ6AcYd8&feature=youtu.be
Abstract:Learning 3D models of all animals on the Earth requires massively scaling up existing solutions. With this ultimate goal in mind, we develop 3D-Fauna, an approach that learns a pan-category deformable 3D animal model for more than 100 animal species jointly. One crucial bottleneck of modeling animals is the limited availability of training data, which we overcome by simply learning from 2D Internet images. We show that prior category-specific attempts fail to generalize to rare species with limited training images. We address this challenge by introducing the Semantic Bank of Skinned Models (SBSM), which automatically discovers a small set of base animal shapes by combining geometric inductive priors with semantic knowledge implicitly captured by an off-the-shelf self-supervised feature extractor. To train such a model, we also contribute a new large-scale dataset of diverse animal species. At inference time, given a single image of any quadruped animal, our model reconstructs an articulated 3D mesh in a feed-forward fashion within seconds.
Abstract:We introduce Ponymation, a new method for learning a generative model of articulated 3D animal motions from raw, unlabeled online videos. Unlike existing approaches for motion synthesis, our model does not require any pose annotations or parametric shape models for training, and is learned purely from a collection of raw video clips obtained from the Internet. We build upon a recent work, MagicPony, which learns articulated 3D animal shapes purely from single image collections, and extend it on two fronts. First, instead of training on static images, we augment the framework with a video training pipeline that incorporates temporal regularizations, achieving more accurate and temporally consistent reconstructions. Second, we learn a generative model of the underlying articulated 3D motion sequences via a spatio-temporal transformer VAE, simply using 2D reconstruction losses without relying on any explicit pose annotations. At inference time, given a single 2D image of a new animal instance, our model reconstructs an articulated, textured 3D mesh, and generates plausible 3D animations by sampling from the learned motion latent space.
Abstract:Our understanding of the visual world is centered around various concept axes, characterizing different aspects of visual entities. While different concept axes can be easily specified by language, e.g. color, the exact visual nuances along each axis often exceed the limitations of linguistic articulations, e.g. a particular style of painting. In this work, our goal is to learn a language-informed visual concept representation, by simply distilling large pre-trained vision-language models. Specifically, we train a set of concept encoders to encode the information pertinent to a set of language-informed concept axes, with an objective of reproducing the input image through a pre-trained Text-to-Image (T2I) model. To encourage better disentanglement of different concept encoders, we anchor the concept embeddings to a set of text embeddings obtained from a pre-trained Visual Question Answering (VQA) model. At inference time, the model extracts concept embeddings along various axes from new test images, which can be remixed to generate images with novel compositions of visual concepts. With a lightweight test-time finetuning procedure, it can also generalize to novel concepts unseen at training.
Abstract:The stunning qualitative improvement of recent text-to-image models has led to their widespread attention and adoption. However, we lack a comprehensive quantitative understanding of their capabilities and risks. To fill this gap, we introduce a new benchmark, Holistic Evaluation of Text-to-Image Models (HEIM). Whereas previous evaluations focus mostly on text-image alignment and image quality, we identify 12 aspects, including text-image alignment, image quality, aesthetics, originality, reasoning, knowledge, bias, toxicity, fairness, robustness, multilinguality, and efficiency. We curate 62 scenarios encompassing these aspects and evaluate 26 state-of-the-art text-to-image models on this benchmark. Our results reveal that no single model excels in all aspects, with different models demonstrating different strengths. We release the generated images and human evaluation results for full transparency at https://crfm.stanford.edu/heim/v1.1.0 and the code at https://github.com/stanford-crfm/helm, which is integrated with the HELM codebase.
Abstract:We introduce a 3D-aware diffusion model, ZeroNVS, for single-image novel view synthesis for in-the-wild scenes. While existing methods are designed for single objects with masked backgrounds, we propose new techniques to address challenges introduced by in-the-wild multi-object scenes with complex backgrounds. Specifically, we train a generative prior on a mixture of data sources that capture object-centric, indoor, and outdoor scenes. To address issues from data mixture such as depth-scale ambiguity, we propose a novel camera conditioning parameterization and normalization scheme. Further, we observe that Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) tends to truncate the distribution of complex backgrounds during distillation of 360-degree scenes, and propose "SDS anchoring" to improve the diversity of synthesized novel views. Our model sets a new state-of-the-art result in LPIPS on the DTU dataset in the zero-shot setting, even outperforming methods specifically trained on DTU. We further adapt the challenging Mip-NeRF 360 dataset as a new benchmark for single-image novel view synthesis, and demonstrate strong performance in this setting. Our code and data are at http://kylesargent.github.io/zeronvs/
Abstract:We introduce Stanford-ORB, a new real-world 3D Object inverse Rendering Benchmark. Recent advances in inverse rendering have enabled a wide range of real-world applications in 3D content generation, moving rapidly from research and commercial use cases to consumer devices. While the results continue to improve, there is no real-world benchmark that can quantitatively assess and compare the performance of various inverse rendering methods. Existing real-world datasets typically only consist of the shape and multi-view images of objects, which are not sufficient for evaluating the quality of material recovery and object relighting. Methods capable of recovering material and lighting often resort to synthetic data for quantitative evaluation, which on the other hand does not guarantee generalization to complex real-world environments. We introduce a new dataset of real-world objects captured under a variety of natural scenes with ground-truth 3D scans, multi-view images, and environment lighting. Using this dataset, we establish the first comprehensive real-world evaluation benchmark for object inverse rendering tasks from in-the-wild scenes, and compare the performance of various existing methods.
Abstract:Human-designed visual manuals are crucial components in shape assembly activities. They provide step-by-step guidance on how we should move and connect different parts in a convenient and physically-realizable way. While there has been an ongoing effort in building agents that perform assembly tasks, the information in human-design manuals has been largely overlooked. We identify that this is due to 1) a lack of realistic 3D assembly objects that have paired manuals and 2) the difficulty of extracting structured information from purely image-based manuals. Motivated by this observation, we present IKEA-Manual, a dataset consisting of 102 IKEA objects paired with assembly manuals. We provide fine-grained annotations on the IKEA objects and assembly manuals, including decomposed assembly parts, assembly plans, manual segmentation, and 2D-3D correspondence between 3D parts and visual manuals. We illustrate the broad application of our dataset on four tasks related to shape assembly: assembly plan generation, part segmentation, pose estimation, and 3D part assembly.
Abstract:What is a rose, visually? A rose comprises its intrinsics, including the distribution of geometry, texture, and material specific to its object category. With knowledge of these intrinsic properties, we may render roses of different sizes and shapes, in different poses, and under different lighting conditions. In this work, we build a generative model that learns to capture such object intrinsics from a single image, such as a photo of a bouquet. Such an image includes multiple instances of an object type. These instances all share the same intrinsics, but appear different due to a combination of variance within these intrinsics and differences in extrinsic factors, such as pose and illumination. Experiments show that our model successfully learns object intrinsics (distribution of geometry, texture, and material) for a wide range of objects, each from a single Internet image. Our method achieves superior results on multiple downstream tasks, including intrinsic image decomposition, shape and image generation, view synthesis, and relighting.