Abstract:This work investigates stepsize-based acceleration of gradient descent with {\em anytime} convergence guarantees. For smooth (non-strongly) convex optimization, we propose a stepsize schedule that allows gradient descent to achieve convergence guarantees of $O(T^{-1.03})$ for any stopping time $T$, where the stepsize schedule is predetermined without prior knowledge of the stopping time. This result provides an affirmative answer to a COLT open problem \citep{kornowski2024open} regarding whether stepsize-based acceleration can yield anytime convergence rates of $o(T^{-1})$. We further extend our theory to yield anytime convergence guarantees of $\exp(-\Omega(T/\kappa^{0.97}))$ for smooth and strongly convex optimization, with $\kappa$ being the condition number.
Abstract:Training agents that can coordinate zero-shot with humans is a key mission in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Current algorithms focus on training simulated human partner policies which are then used to train a Cooperator agent. The simulated human is produced either through behavior cloning over a dataset of human cooperation behavior, or by using MARL to create a population of simulated agents. However, these approaches often struggle to produce a Cooperator that can coordinate well with real humans, since the simulated humans fail to cover the diverse strategies and styles employed by people in the real world. We show \emph{learning a generative model of human partners} can effectively address this issue. Our model learns a latent variable representation of the human that can be regarded as encoding the human's unique strategy, intention, experience, or style. This generative model can be flexibly trained from any (human or neural policy) agent interaction data. By sampling from the latent space, we can use the generative model to produce different partners to train Cooperator agents. We evaluate our method -- \textbf{G}enerative \textbf{A}gent \textbf{M}odeling for \textbf{M}ulti-agent \textbf{A}daptation (GAMMA) -- on Overcooked, a challenging cooperative cooking game that has become a standard benchmark for zero-shot coordination. We conduct an evaluation with real human teammates, and the results show that GAMMA consistently improves performance, whether the generative model is trained on simulated populations or human datasets. Further, we propose a method for posterior sampling from the generative model that is biased towards the human data, enabling us to efficiently improve performance with only a small amount of expensive human interaction data.
Abstract:Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has emerged as a stable, scalable, and efficient solution for language model alignment. Despite its empirical success, the $\textit{optimization}$ properties, particularly the impact of samplers on its convergence rates, remain underexplored. In this paper, we provide a rigorous analysis of DPO's $\textit{convergence rates}$ with different sampling strategies under the exact gradient setting, revealing a surprising separation: uniform sampling achieves $\textit{linear}$ convergence, while our proposed online sampler achieves $\textit{quadratic}$ convergence. We further adapt the sampler to practical settings by incorporating posterior distributions and $\textit{logit mixing}$, demonstrating significant improvements over previous approaches. On Safe-RLHF dataset, our method exhibits a $4.5$% improvement over vanilla DPO and a $3.0$% improvement over on-policy DPO; on Iterative-Prompt, our approach outperforms vanilla DPO, on-policy DPO, and Hybrid GSHF by over $4.2$%. Our results not only offer insights into the theoretical standing of DPO but also pave the way for potential algorithm designs in the future.
Abstract:We initiate the study of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (MARLHF), exploring both theoretical foundations and empirical validations. We define the task as identifying Nash equilibrium from a preference-only offline dataset in general-sum games, a problem marked by the challenge of sparse feedback signals. Our theory establishes the upper complexity bounds for Nash Equilibrium in effective MARLHF, demonstrating that single-policy coverage is inadequate and highlighting the importance of unilateral dataset coverage. These theoretical insights are verified through comprehensive experiments. To enhance the practical performance, we further introduce two algorithmic techniques. (1) We propose a Mean Squared Error (MSE) regularization along the time axis to achieve a more uniform reward distribution and improve reward learning outcomes. (2) We utilize imitation learning to approximate the reference policy, ensuring stability and effectiveness in training. Our findings underscore the multifaceted approach required for MARLHF, paving the way for effective preference-based multi-agent systems.
Abstract:Self-Distillation is a special type of knowledge distillation where the student model has the same architecture as the teacher model. Despite using the same architecture and the same training data, self-distillation has been empirically observed to improve performance, especially when applied repeatedly. For such a process, there is a fundamental question of interest: How much gain is possible by applying multiple steps of self-distillation? To investigate this relative gain, we propose studying the simple but canonical task of linear regression. Our analysis shows that the excess risk achieved by multi-step self-distillation can significantly improve upon a single step of self-distillation, reducing the excess risk by a factor as large as $d$, where $d$ is the input dimension. Empirical results on regression tasks from the UCI repository show a reduction in the learnt model's risk (MSE) by up to 47%.
Abstract:We study the gradient Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) in the over-parameterized setting, where a general GMM with $n>1$ components learns from data that are generated by a single ground truth Gaussian distribution. While results for the special case of 2-Gaussian mixtures are well-known, a general global convergence analysis for arbitrary $n$ remains unresolved and faces several new technical barriers since the convergence becomes sub-linear and non-monotonic. To address these challenges, we construct a novel likelihood-based convergence analysis framework and rigorously prove that gradient EM converges globally with a sublinear rate $O(1/\sqrt{t})$. This is the first global convergence result for Gaussian mixtures with more than $2$ components. The sublinear convergence rate is due to the algorithmic nature of learning over-parameterized GMM with gradient EM. We also identify a new emerging technical challenge for learning general over-parameterized GMM: the existence of bad local regions that can trap gradient EM for an exponential number of steps.
Abstract:Sequential decision-making algorithms such as reinforcement learning (RL) in real-world scenarios inevitably face environments with partial observability. This paper scrutinizes the effectiveness of a popular architecture, namely Transformers, in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) and reveals its theoretical limitations. We establish that regular languages, which Transformers struggle to model, are reducible to POMDPs. This poses a significant challenge for Transformers in learning POMDP-specific inductive biases, due to their lack of inherent recurrence found in other models like RNNs. This paper casts doubt on the prevalent belief in Transformers as sequence models for RL and proposes to introduce a point-wise recurrent structure. The Deep Linear Recurrent Unit (LRU) emerges as a well-suited alternative for Partially Observable RL, with empirical results highlighting the sub-optimal performance of the Transformer and considerable strength of LRU.
Abstract:A recent line of works showed regret bounds in reinforcement learning (RL) can be (nearly) independent of planning horizon, a.k.a.~the horizon-free bounds. However, these regret bounds only apply to settings where a polynomial dependency on the size of transition model is allowed, such as tabular Markov Decision Process (MDP) and linear mixture MDP. We give the first horizon-free bound for the popular linear MDP setting where the size of the transition model can be exponentially large or even uncountable. In contrast to prior works which explicitly estimate the transition model and compute the inhomogeneous value functions at different time steps, we directly estimate the value functions and confidence sets. We obtain the horizon-free bound by: (1) maintaining multiple weighted least square estimators for the value functions; and (2) a structural lemma which shows the maximal total variation of the inhomogeneous value functions is bounded by a polynomial factor of the feature dimension.
Abstract:Intelligent agents must be generalists - showing the ability to quickly adapt and generalize to varying tasks. Within the framework of reinforcement learning (RL), model-based RL algorithms learn a task-agnostic dynamics model of the world, in principle allowing them to generalize to arbitrary rewards. However, one-step models naturally suffer from compounding errors, making them ineffective for problems with long horizons and large state spaces. In this work, we propose a novel class of models - generalized occupancy models (GOMs) - that retain the generality of model-based RL while avoiding compounding error. The key idea behind GOMs is to model the distribution of all possible long-term outcomes from a given state under the coverage of a stationary dataset, along with a policy that realizes a particular outcome from the given state. These models can then quickly be used to select the optimal action for arbitrary new tasks, without having to redo policy optimization. By directly modeling long-term outcomes, GOMs avoid compounding error while retaining generality across arbitrary reward functions. We provide a practical instantiation of GOMs using diffusion models and show its efficacy as a new class of transferable models, both theoretically and empirically across a variety of simulated robotics problems. Videos and code at
Abstract:As language models (LMs) demonstrate their capabilities in various fields, their application to tasks requiring multi-round interactions has become increasingly popular. These tasks usually have complex dynamics, so supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on a limited offline dataset does not yield good performance. However, only a few works attempted to directly train the LMs within interactive decision-making environments. We aim to create an effective mechanism to fine-tune LMs with online reinforcement learning (RL) in these environments. We propose Reflect-RL, a two-player system to fine-tune an LM using online RL, where a frozen reflection model assists the policy model. To generate data for the warm-up SFT stage, we use negative example generation to enhance the error-correction ability of the reflection model. Furthermore, we designed single-prompt action enumeration and applied curriculum learning to allow the policy model to learn more efficiently. Empirically, we verify that Reflect-RL outperforms SFT and online RL without reflection. Testing results indicate GPT-2-xl after Reflect-RL also outperforms those of untuned pre-trained LMs, such as Mistral 7B.