Abstract:Incorporating speech understanding capabilities into pretrained large-language models has become a vital research direction (SpeechLLM). The previous architectures can be categorized as: i) GPT-style, prepend speech prompts to the text prompts as a sequence of LLM inputs like a decoder-only model; ii) T5-style, introduce speech cross-attention to each layer of the pretrained LLMs. We propose BESTOW architecture to bring the BESt features from TwO Worlds into a single model that is highly efficient and has strong multitask capabilities. Moreover, there is no clear streaming solution for either style, especially considering the solution should generalize to speech multitask. We reformulate streamable SpeechLLM as a read-write policy problem and unifies the offline and streaming research with BESTOW architecture. Hence we demonstrate the first open-source SpeechLLM solution that enables Streaming and Multitask at scale (beyond ASR) at the same time. This streamable solution achieves very strong performance on a wide range of speech tasks (ASR, AST, SQA, unseen DynamicSuperb). It is end-to-end optimizable, with lower training/inference cost, and demonstrates LLM knowledge transferability to speech.
Abstract:Recent advances in speech recognition and translation rely on hundreds of thousands of hours of Internet speech data. We argue that state-of-the art accuracy can be reached without relying on web-scale data. Canary - multilingual ASR and speech translation model, outperforms current state-of-the-art models - Whisper, OWSM, and Seamless-M4T on English, French, Spanish, and German languages, while being trained on an order of magnitude less data than these models. Three key factors enables such data-efficient model: (1) a FastConformer-based attention encoder-decoder architecture (2) training on synthetic data generated with machine translation and (3) advanced training techniques: data-balancing, dynamic data blending, dynamic bucketing and noise-robust fine-tuning. The model, weights, and training code will be open-sourced.
Abstract:Self-supervised methods such as Contrastive predictive Coding (CPC) have greatly improved the quality of the unsupervised representations. These representations significantly reduce the amount of labeled data needed for downstream task performance, such as automatic speech recognition. CPC learns representations by learning to predict future frames given current frames. Based on the observation that the acoustic information, e.g., phones, changes slower than the feature extraction rate in CPC, we propose regularization techniques that impose slowness constraints on the features. Here we propose two regularization techniques: Self-expressing constraint and Left-or-Right regularization. We evaluate the proposed model on ABX and linear phone classification tasks, acoustic unit discovery, and automatic speech recognition. The regularized CPC trained on 100 hours of unlabeled data matches the performance of the baseline CPC trained on 360 hours of unlabeled data. We also show that our regularization techniques are complementary to data augmentation and can further boost the system's performance. In monolingual, cross-lingual, or multilingual settings, with/without data augmentation, regardless of the amount of data used for training, our regularized models outperformed the baseline CPC models on the ABX task.
Abstract:In streaming automatic speech recognition (ASR), it is desirable to reduce latency as much as possible while having minimum impact on recognition accuracy. Although a few existing methods are able to achieve this goal, they are difficult to implement due to their dependency on external alignments. In this paper, we propose a simple way to penalize symbol delay in transducer model, so that we can balance the trade-off between symbol delay and accuracy for streaming models without external alignments. Specifically, our method adds a small constant times (T/2 - t), where T is the number of frames and t is the current frame, to all the non-blank log-probabilities (after normalization) that are fed into the two dimensional transducer recursion. For both streaming Conformer models and unidirectional long short-term memory (LSTM) models, experimental results show that it can significantly reduce the symbol delay with an acceptable performance degradation. Our method achieves similar delay-accuracy trade-off to the previously published FastEmit, but we believe our method is preferable because it has a better justification: it is equivalent to penalizing the average symbol delay. Our work is open-sourced and publicly available (https://github.com/k2-fsa/k2).
Abstract:The transducer architecture is becoming increasingly popular in the field of speech recognition, because it is naturally streaming as well as high in accuracy. One of the drawbacks of transducer is that it is difficult to decode in a fast and parallel way due to an unconstrained number of symbols that can be emitted per time step. In this work, we introduce a constrained version of transducer loss to learn strictly monotonic alignments between the sequences; we also improve the standard greedy search and beam search algorithms by limiting the number of symbols that can be emitted per time step in transducer decoding, making it more efficient to decode in parallel with batches. Furthermore, we propose an finite state automaton-based (FSA) parallel beam search algorithm that can run with graphs on GPU efficiently. The experiment results show that we achieve slight word error rate (WER) improvement as well as significant speedup in decoding. Our work is open-sourced and publicly available\footnote{https://github.com/k2-fsa/icefall}.
Abstract:Automatic Speaker Verification (ASV) technology has become commonplace in virtual assistants. However, its performance suffers when there is a mismatch between the train and test domains. Mixed bandwidth training, i.e., pooling training data from both domains, is a preferred choice for developing a universal model that works for both narrowband and wideband domains. We propose complementing this technique by performing neural upsampling of narrowband signals, also known as bandwidth extension. Our main goal is to discover and analyze high-performing time-domain Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based models to improve our downstream state-of-the-art ASV system. We choose GANs since they (1) are powerful for learning conditional distribution and (2) allow flexible plug-in usage as a pre-processor during the training of downstream task (ASV) with data augmentation. Prior works mainly focus on feature-domain bandwidth extension and limited experimental setups. We address these limitations by 1) using time-domain extension models, 2) reporting results on three real test sets, 2) extending training data, and 3) devising new test-time schemes. We compare supervised (conditional GAN) and unsupervised GANs (CycleGAN) and demonstrate average relative improvement in Equal Error Rate of 8.6% and 7.7%, respectively. For further analysis, we study changes in spectrogram visual quality, audio perceptual quality, t-SNE embeddings, and ASV score distributions. We show that our bandwidth extension leads to phenomena such as a shift of telephone (test) embeddings towards wideband (train) signals, a negative correlation of perceptual quality with downstream performance, and condition-independent score calibration.
Abstract:Considering the abundance of unlabeled speech data and the high labeling costs, unsupervised learning methods can be essential for better system development. One of the most successful methods is contrastive self-supervised methods, which require negative sampling: sampling alternative samples to contrast with the current sample (anchor). However, it is hard to ensure if all the negative samples belong to classes different from the anchor class without labels. This paper applies a non-contrastive self-supervised learning method on an unlabeled speech corpus to learn utterance-level embeddings. We used DIstillation with NO labels (DINO), proposed in computer vision, and adapted it to the speech domain. Unlike the contrastive methods, DINO does not require negative sampling. These embeddings were evaluated on speaker verification and emotion recognition. In speaker verification, the unsupervised DINO embedding with cosine scoring provided 4.38% EER on the VoxCeleb1 test trial. This outperforms the best contrastive self-supervised method by 40% relative in EER. An iterative pseudo-labeling training pipeline, not requiring speaker labels, further improved the EER to 1.89%. In emotion recognition, the DINO embedding performed 60.87, 79.21, and 56.98% in micro-f1 score on IEMOCAP, Crema-D, and MSP-Podcast, respectively. The results imply the generality of the DINO embedding to different speech applications.
Abstract:The high cost of data acquisition makes Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model training problematic for most existing languages, including languages that do not even have a written script, or for which the phone inventories remain unknown. Past works explored multilingual training, transfer learning, as well as zero-shot learning in order to build ASR systems for these low-resource languages. While it has been shown that the pooling of resources from multiple languages is helpful, we have not yet seen a successful application of an ASR model to a language unseen during training. A crucial step in the adaptation of ASR from seen to unseen languages is the creation of the phone inventory of the unseen language. The ultimate goal of our work is to build the phone inventory of a language unseen during training in an unsupervised way without any knowledge about the language. In this paper, we 1) investigate the influence of different factors (i.e., model architecture, phonotactic model, type of speech representation) on phone recognition in an unknown language; 2) provide an analysis of which phones transfer well across languages and which do not in order to understand the limitations of and areas for further improvement for automatic phone inventory creation; and 3) present different methods to build a phone inventory of an unseen language in an unsupervised way. To that end, we conducted mono-, multi-, and crosslingual experiments on a set of 13 phonetically diverse languages and several in-depth analyses. We found a number of universal phone tokens (IPA symbols) that are well-recognized cross-linguistically. Through a detailed analysis of results, we conclude that unique sounds, similar sounds, and tone languages remain a major challenge for phonetic inventory discovery.
Abstract:Speech data is notoriously difficult to work with due to a variety of codecs, lengths of recordings, and meta-data formats. We present Lhotse, a speech data representation library that draws upon lessons learned from Kaldi speech recognition toolkit and brings its concepts into the modern deep learning ecosystem. Lhotse provides a common JSON description format with corresponding Python classes and data preparation recipes for over 30 popular speech corpora. Various datasets can be easily combined together and re-purposed for different tasks. The library handles multi-channel recordings, long recordings, local and cloud storage, lazy and on-the-fly operations amongst other features. We introduce Cut and CutSet concepts, which simplify common data wrangling tasks for audio and help incorporate acoustic context of speech utterances. Finally, we show how Lhotse leverages PyTorch data API abstractions and adopts them to handle speech data for deep learning.
Abstract:Typically, unsupervised segmentation of speech into the phone and word-like units are treated as separate tasks and are often done via different methods which do not fully leverage the inter-dependence of the two tasks. Here, we unify them and propose a technique that can jointly perform both, showing that these two tasks indeed benefit from each other. Recent attempts employ self-supervised learning, such as contrastive predictive coding (CPC), where the next frame is predicted given past context. However, CPC only looks at the audio signal's frame-level structure. We overcome this limitation with a segmental contrastive predictive coding (SCPC) framework to model the signal structure at a higher level, e.g., phone level. A convolutional neural network learns frame-level representation from the raw waveform via noise-contrastive estimation (NCE). A differentiable boundary detector finds variable-length segments, which are then used to optimize a segment encoder via NCE to learn segment representations. The differentiable boundary detector allows us to train frame-level and segment-level encoders jointly. Experiments show that our single model outperforms existing phone and word segmentation methods on TIMIT and Buckeye datasets. We discover that phone class impacts the boundary detection performance, and the boundaries between successive vowels or semivowels are the most difficult to identify. Finally, we use SCPC to extract speech features at the segment level rather than at uniformly spaced frame level (e.g., 10 ms) and produce variable rate representations that change according to the contents of the utterance. We can lower the feature extraction rate from the typical 100 Hz to as low as 14.5 Hz on average while still outperforming the MFCC features on the linear phone classification task.