Abstract:Wide field-of-view (FoV) cameras efficiently capture large portions of the scene, which makes them attractive in multiple domains, such as automotive and robotics. For such applications, estimating depth from multiple images is a critical task, and therefore, a large amount of ground truth (GT) data is available. Unfortunately, most of the GT data is for pinhole cameras, making it impossible to properly train depth estimation models for large-FoV cameras. We propose the first method to train a stereo depth estimation model on the widely available pinhole data, and to generalize it to data captured with larger FoVs. Our intuition is simple: We warp the training data to a canonical, large-FoV representation and augment it to allow a single network to reason about diverse types of distortions that otherwise would prevent generalization. We show strong generalization ability of our approach on both indoor and outdoor datasets, which was not possible with previous methods.
Abstract:Transferring the pose of a reference avatar to stylized 3D characters of various shapes is a fundamental task in computer graphics. Existing methods either require the stylized characters to be rigged, or they use the stylized character in the desired pose as ground truth at training. We present a zero-shot approach that requires only the widely available deformed non-stylized avatars in training, and deforms stylized characters of significantly different shapes at inference. Classical methods achieve strong generalization by deforming the mesh at the triangle level, but this requires labelled correspondences. We leverage the power of local deformation, but without requiring explicit correspondence labels. We introduce a semi-supervised shape-understanding module to bypass the need for explicit correspondences at test time, and an implicit pose deformation module that deforms individual surface points to match the target pose. Furthermore, to encourage realistic and accurate deformation of stylized characters, we introduce an efficient volume-based test-time training procedure. Because it does not need rigging, nor the deformed stylized character at training time, our model generalizes to categories with scarce annotation, such as stylized quadrupeds. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to the state-of-the-art approaches trained with comparable or more supervision. Our project page is available at https://jiashunwang.github.io/ZPT
Abstract:Modern generators render talking-head videos with impressive levels of photorealism, ushering in new user experiences such as videoconferencing under constrained bandwidth budgets. Their safe adoption, however, requires a mechanism to verify if the rendered video is trustworthy. For instance, for videoconferencing we must identify cases in which a synthetic video portrait uses the appearance of an individual without their consent. We term this task avatar fingerprinting. We propose to tackle it by leveraging facial motion signatures unique to each person. Specifically, we learn an embedding in which the motion signatures of one identity are grouped together, and pushed away from those of other identities, regardless of the appearance in the synthetic video. Avatar fingerprinting algorithms will be critical as talking head generators become more ubiquitous, and yet no large scale datasets exist for this new task. Therefore, we contribute a large dataset of people delivering scripted and improvised short monologues, accompanied by synthetic videos in which we render videos of one person using the facial appearance of another. Project page: https://research.nvidia.com/labs/nxp/avatar-fingerprinting/.
Abstract:Rendering articulated objects while controlling their poses is critical to applications such as virtual reality or animation for movies. Manipulating the pose of an object, however, requires the understanding of its underlying structure, that is, its joints and how they interact with each other. Unfortunately, assuming the structure to be known, as existing methods do, precludes the ability to work on new object categories. We propose to learn both the appearance and the structure of previously unseen articulated objects by observing them move from multiple views, with no additional supervision, such as joints annotations, or information about the structure. Our insight is that adjacent parts that move relative to each other must be connected by a joint. To leverage this observation, we model the object parts in 3D as ellipsoids, which allows us to identify joints. We combine this explicit representation with an implicit one that compensates for the approximation introduced. We show that our method works for different structures, from quadrupeds, to single-arm robots, to humans.
Abstract:Unsupervised generation of high-quality multi-view-consistent images and 3D shapes using only collections of single-view 2D photographs has been a long-standing challenge. Existing 3D GANs are either compute-intensive or make approximations that are not 3D-consistent; the former limits quality and resolution of the generated images and the latter adversely affects multi-view consistency and shape quality. In this work, we improve the computational efficiency and image quality of 3D GANs without overly relying on these approximations. For this purpose, we introduce an expressive hybrid explicit-implicit network architecture that, together with other design choices, synthesizes not only high-resolution multi-view-consistent images in real time but also produces high-quality 3D geometry. By decoupling feature generation and neural rendering, our framework is able to leverage state-of-the-art 2D CNN generators, such as StyleGAN2, and inherit their efficiency and expressiveness. We demonstrate state-of-the-art 3D-aware synthesis with FFHQ and AFHQ Cats, among other experiments.
Abstract:Recent approaches to render photorealistic views from a limited set of photographs have pushed the boundaries of our interactions with pictures of static scenes. The ability to recreate moments, that is, time-varying sequences, is perhaps an even more interesting scenario, but it remains largely unsolved. We introduce DCT-NeRF, a coordinatebased neural representation for dynamic scenes. DCTNeRF learns smooth and stable trajectories over the input sequence for each point in space. This allows us to enforce consistency between any two frames in the sequence, which results in high quality reconstruction, particularly in dynamic regions.
Abstract:Deep-learning-based algorithms have led to impressive results in visual-saliency prediction, but the impact of noise in training gaze data has been largely overlooked. This issue is especially relevant for videos, where the gaze data tends to be incomplete, and thus noisier, compared to images. Therefore, we propose a noise-aware training (NAT) paradigm for visual-saliency prediction that quantifies the uncertainty arising from gaze data incompleteness and inaccuracy, and accounts for it in training. We demonstrate the advantage of NAT independently of the adopted model architecture, loss function, or training dataset. Given its robustness to the noise in incomplete training datasets, NAT ushers in the possibility of designing gaze datasets with fewer human subjects. We also introduce the first dataset that offers a video-game context for video-saliency research, with rich temporal semantics, and multiple gaze attractors per frame.
Abstract:Time-to-contact (TTC), the time for an object to collide with the observer's plane, is a powerful tool for path planning: it is potentially more informative than the depth, velocity, and acceleration of objects in the scene -- even for humans. TTC presents several advantages, including requiring only a monocular, uncalibrated camera. However, regressing TTC for each pixel is not straightforward, and most existing methods make over-simplifying assumptions about the scene. We address this challenge by estimating TTC via a series of simpler, binary classifications. We predict with low latency whether the observer will collide with an obstacle within a certain time, which is often more critical than knowing exact, per-pixel TTC. For such scenarios, our method offers a temporal geofence in 6.4 ms -- over 25x faster than existing methods. Our approach can also estimate per-pixel TTC with arbitrarily fine quantization (including continuous values), when the computational budget allows for it. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first to offer TTC information (binary or coarsely quantized) at sufficiently high frame-rates for practical use.
Abstract:Content creation, central to applications such as virtual reality, can be a tedious and time-consuming. Recent image synthesis methods simplify this task by offering tools to generate new views from as little as a single input image, or by converting a semantic map into a photorealistic image. We propose to push the envelope further, and introduce \emph{Generative View Synthesis} (GVS), which can synthesize multiple photorealistic views of a scene given a single semantic map. We show that the sequential application of existing techniques, e.g., semantics-to-image translation followed by monocular view synthesis, fail at capturing the scene's structure. In contrast, we solve the semantics-to-image translation in concert with the estimation of the 3D layout of the scene, thus producing geometrically consistent novel views that preserve semantic structures. We first lift the input 2D semantic map onto a 3D layered representation of the scene in feature space, thereby preserving the semantic labels of 3D geometric structures. We then project the layered features onto the target views to generate the final novel-view images. We verify the strengths of our method and compare it with several advanced baselines on three different datasets. Our approach also allows for style manipulation and image editing operations, such as the addition or removal of objects, with simple manipulations of the input style images and semantic maps respectively. Visit the project page at https://gvsnet.github.io.
Abstract:Stereo-based depth estimation is a cornerstone of computer vision, with state-of-the-art methods delivering accurate results in real time. For several applications such as autonomous navigation, however, it may be useful to trade accuracy for lower latency. We present Bi3D, a method that estimates depth via a series of binary classifications. Rather than testing if objects are at a particular depth $D$, as existing stereo methods do, it classifies them as being closer or farther than $D$. This property offers a powerful mechanism to balance accuracy and latency. Given a strict time budget, Bi3D can detect objects closer than a given distance in as little as a few milliseconds, or estimate depth with arbitrarily coarse quantization, with complexity linear with the number of quantization levels. Bi3D can also use the allotted quantization levels to get continuous depth, but in a specific depth range. For standard stereo (i.e., continuous depth on the whole range), our method is close to or on par with state-of-the-art, finely tuned stereo methods.