Abstract:Current autonomous driving systems often struggle to balance decision-making and motion control while ensuring safety and traffic rule compliance, especially in complex urban environments. Existing methods may fall short due to separate handling of these functionalities, leading to inefficiencies and safety compromises. To address these challenges, we introduce UDMC, an interpretable and unified Level 4 autonomous driving framework. UDMC integrates decision-making and motion control into a single optimal control problem (OCP), considering the dynamic interactions with surrounding vehicles, pedestrians, road lanes, and traffic signals. By employing innovative potential functions to model traffic participants and regulations, and incorporating a specialized motion prediction module, our framework enhances on-road safety and rule adherence. The integrated design allows for real-time execution of flexible maneuvers suited to diverse driving scenarios. High-fidelity simulations conducted in CARLA exemplify the framework's computational efficiency, robustness, and safety, resulting in superior driving performance when compared against various baseline models. Our open-source project is available at https://github.com/henryhcliu/udmc_carla.git.
Abstract:This paper introduces a local planner that synergizes the decision making and trajectory planning modules towards autonomous driving. The decision making and trajectory planning tasks are jointly formulated as a nonlinear programming problem with an integrated objective function. However, integrating the discrete decision variables into the continuous trajectory optimization leads to a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem with inherent nonlinearity and nonconvexity. To address the challenge in solving the problem, the original problem is decomposed into two sub-stages, and a two-stage optimization (TSO) based approach is presented to ensure the coherence in outcomes for the two stages. The optimization problem in the first stage determines the optimal decision sequence that acts as an informed initialization. With the outputs from the first stage, the second stage necessitates the use of a high-fidelity vehicle model and strict enforcement of the collision avoidance constraints as part of the trajectory planning problem. We evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed planner across diverse multi-lane scenarios. The results demonstrate that the proposed planner simultaneously generates a sequence of optimal decisions and the corresponding trajectory that significantly improves driving performance in terms of driving safety and traveling efficiency as compared to alternative methods. Additionally, we implement the closed-loop simulation in CARLA, and the results showcase the effectiveness of the proposed planner to adapt to changing driving situations with high computational efficiency.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce GS-LIVM, a real-time photo-realistic LiDAR-Inertial-Visual mapping framework with Gaussian Splatting tailored for outdoor scenes. Compared to existing methods based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), our approach enables real-time photo-realistic mapping while ensuring high-quality image rendering in large-scale unbounded outdoor environments. In this work, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is employed to mitigate the issues resulting from sparse and unevenly distributed LiDAR observations. The voxel-based 3D Gaussians map representation facilitates real-time dense mapping in large outdoor environments with acceleration governed by custom CUDA kernels. Moreover, the overall framework is designed in a covariance-centered manner, where the estimated covariance is used to initialize the scale and rotation of 3D Gaussians, as well as update the parameters of the GPR. We evaluate our algorithm on several outdoor datasets, and the results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of mapping efficiency and rendering quality. The source code is available on GitHub.
Abstract:Due to the intricate of real-world road topologies and the inherent complexity of autonomous vehicles, cooperative decision-making for multiple connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) remains a significant challenge. Currently, most methods are tailored to specific scenarios, and the efficiency of existing optimization and learning methods applicable to diverse scenarios is hindered by the complexity of modeling and data dependency, which limit their real-world applicability. To address these issues, this paper proposes a universal multi-vehicle cooperative decision-making method in structured roads with game theory. We transform the decision-making problem into a graph path searching problem within a way-point graph framework. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem (MILP) first and transformed into a mixed-integer potential game (MIPG), which reduces the scope of problem and ensures that no player needs to sacrifice for the overall cost. Two Gauss-Seidel algorithms for cooperative decision-making are presented to solve the MIPG problem and obtain the Nash equilibrium solutions. Specifically, the sequential Gauss-Seidel algorithm for cooperative decision-making considers the varying degrees of CAV interactions and flexibility in adjustment strategies to determine optimization priorities, which reduces the frequency of ineffective optimizations. Experimental evaluations across various urban traffic scenarios with different topological structures demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method compared with MILP and comparisons of different optimization sequences validate the efficiency of the sequential Gauss-Seidel algorithm for cooperative decision-making.
Abstract:Modeling the interaction between traffic agents is a key issue in designing safe and non-conservative maneuvers in autonomous driving. This problem can be challenging when multi-modality and behavioral uncertainties are engaged. Existing methods either fail to plan interactively or consider unimodal behaviors that could lead to catastrophic results. In this paper, we introduce an integrated decision-making and trajectory planning framework based on Bayesian game (i.e., game of incomplete information). Human decisions inherently exhibit discrete characteristics and therefore are modeled as types of players in the game. A general solver based on no-regret learning is introduced to obtain a corresponding Bayesian Coarse Correlated Equilibrium, which captures the interaction between traffic agents in the multimodal context. With the attained equilibrium, decision-making and trajectory planning are performed simultaneously, and the resulting interactive strategy is shown to be optimal over the expectation of rivals' driving intentions. Closed-loop simulations on different traffic scenarios are performed to illustrate the generalizability and the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
Abstract:To address the intricate challenges of decentralized cooperative scheduling and motion planning in Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand (AMoD) systems, this paper introduces LMMCoDrive, a novel cooperative driving framework that leverages a Large Multimodal Model (LMM) to enhance traffic efficiency in dynamic urban environments. This framework seamlessly integrates scheduling and motion planning processes to ensure the effective operation of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). The spatial relationship between CAVs and passenger requests is abstracted into a Bird's-Eye View (BEV) to fully exploit the potential of the LMM. Besides, trajectories are cautiously refined for each CAV while ensuring collision avoidance through safety constraints. A decentralized optimization strategy, facilitated by the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) within the LMM framework, is proposed to drive the graph evolution of CAVs. Simulation results demonstrate the pivotal role and significant impact of LMM in optimizing CAV scheduling and enhancing decentralized cooperative optimization process for each vehicle. This marks a substantial stride towards achieving practical, efficient, and safe AMoD systems that are poised to revolutionize urban transportation. The code is available at https://github.com/henryhcliu/LMMCoDrive.
Abstract:Structure from Motion (SfM) and visual localization in indoor texture-less scenes and industrial scenarios present prevalent yet challenging research topics. Existing SfM methods designed for natural scenes typically yield low accuracy or map-building failures due to insufficient robust feature extraction in such settings. Visual markers, with their artificially designed features, can effectively address these issues. Nonetheless, existing marker-assisted SfM methods encounter problems like slow running speed and difficulties in convergence; and also, they are governed by the strong assumption of unique marker size. In this paper, we propose a novel SfM framework that utilizes planar markers and multiple cameras with known extrinsics to capture the surrounding environment and reconstruct the marker map. In our algorithm, the initial poses of markers and cameras are calculated with Perspective-n-Points (PnP) in the front-end, while bundle adjustment methods customized for markers and camera groups are designed in the back-end to optimize the 6-DOF pose directly. Our algorithm facilitates the reconstruction of large scenes with different marker sizes, and its accuracy and speed of map building are shown to surpass existing methods. Our approach is suitable for a wide range of scenarios, including laboratories, basements, warehouses, and other industrial settings. Furthermore, we incorporate representative scenarios into simulations and also supply our datasets with pose labels to address the scarcity of quantitative ground-truth datasets in this research field. The datasets and source code are available on GitHub.
Abstract:This paper investigates a cooperative motion planning problem for large-scale connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) under limited communications, which addresses the challenges of high communication and computing resource requirements. Our proposed methodology incorporates a parallel optimization algorithm with improved consensus ADMM considering a more realistic locally connected topology network, and time complexity of O(N) is achieved by exploiting the sparsity in the dual update process. To further enhance the computational efficiency, we employ a lightweight evolution strategy for the dynamic connectivity graph of CAVs, and each sub-problem split from the consensus ADMM only requires managing a small group of CAVs. The proposed method implemented with the receding horizon scheme is validated thoroughly, and comparisons with existing numerical solvers and approaches demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. Also, simulations on large-scale cooperative driving tasks involving 80 vehicles are performed in the high-fidelity CARLA simulator, which highlights the remarkable computational efficiency, scalability, and effectiveness of our proposed development. Demonstration videos are available at https://henryhcliu.github.io/icadmm_cmp_carla.
Abstract:Cooperative decision-making of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) presents a longstanding challenge due to its inherent nonlinearity, non-convexity, and discrete characteristics, compounded by the diverse road topologies encountered in real-world traffic scenarios. The majority of current methodologies are only applicable to a single and specific scenario, predicated on scenario-specific assumptions. Consequently, their application in real-world environments is restricted by the innumerable nature of traffic scenarios. In this study, we propose a unified optimization approach that exhibits the potential to address cooperative decision-making problems related to traffic scenarios with generic road topologies. This development is grounded in the premise that the topologies of various traffic scenarios can be universally represented as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). Particularly, the reference paths and time profiles for all involved CAVs are determined in a fully cooperative manner, taking into account factors such as velocities, accelerations, conflict resolutions, and overall traffic efficiency. The cooperative decision-making of CAVs is approximated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem building on the DAGs of road topologies. This favorably facilitates the use of standard numerical solvers and the global optimality can be attained through the optimization. Case studies corresponding to different multi-lane traffic scenarios featuring diverse topologies are scheduled as the test itineraries, and the efficacy of our proposed methodology is corroborated.
Abstract:In urban driving scenarios, autonomous vehicles are expected to conform to traffic rules covering traffic lights, traversable and non-traversable traffic lines, etc. In this article, we propose an optimization-based integrated decision-making and control scheme for urban autonomous driving. Inherently, to ensure the compliance with traffic rules, an innovative design of potential functions (PFs) is presented to characterize various traffic rules that are commonly encountered in urban driving scenarios, and these PFs are further incorporated as part of the model predictive control (MPC) formulation. In this sense, it circumvents the necessity of typical hand-crafted rule design, and high-level decision-making is attained implicitly along with control as an integrated architecture, facilitating flexible maneuvers with safety guarantees. As demonstrated from a series of simulations in CARLA, it is noteworthy that the proposed framework admits real-time performance and high generalizability.