Abstract:Generative Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant strides across various tasks, but they remain vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where specific triggers in the prompt cause the LLM to generate adversary-desired responses. While most backdoor research has focused on vision or text classification tasks, backdoor attacks in text generation have been largely overlooked. In this work, we introduce \textit{BackdoorLLM}, the first comprehensive benchmark for studying backdoor attacks on LLMs. \textit{BackdoorLLM} features: 1) a repository of backdoor benchmarks with a standardized training pipeline, 2) diverse attack strategies, including data poisoning, weight poisoning, hidden state attacks, and chain-of-thought attacks, 3) extensive evaluations with over 200 experiments on 8 attacks across 7 scenarios and 6 model architectures, and 4) key insights into the effectiveness and limitations of backdoors in LLMs. We hope \textit{BackdoorLLM} will raise awareness of backdoor threats and contribute to advancing AI safety. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/bboylyg/BackdoorLLM}.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have shown their potential in long-context understanding and mathematical reasoning. In this paper, we study the problem of using LLMs to detect tabular anomalies and show that pre-trained LLMs are zero-shot batch-level anomaly detectors. That is, without extra distribution-specific model fitting, they can discover hidden outliers in a batch of data, demonstrating their ability to identify low-density data regions. For LLMs that are not well aligned with anomaly detection and frequently output factual errors, we apply simple yet effective data-generating processes to simulate synthetic batch-level anomaly detection datasets and propose an end-to-end fine-tuning strategy to bring out the potential of LLMs in detecting real anomalies. Experiments on a large anomaly detection benchmark (ODDS) showcase i) GPT-4 has on-par performance with the state-of-the-art transductive learning-based anomaly detection methods and ii) the efficacy of our synthetic dataset and fine-tuning strategy in aligning LLMs to this task.
Abstract:Egocentric sensors such as AR/VR devices capture human-object interactions and offer the potential to provide task-assistance by recalling 3D locations of objects of interest in the surrounding environment. This capability requires instance tracking in real-world 3D scenes from egocentric videos (IT3DEgo). We explore this problem by first introducing a new benchmark dataset, consisting of RGB and depth videos, per-frame camera pose, and instance-level annotations in both 2D camera and 3D world coordinates. We present an evaluation protocol which evaluates tracking performance in 3D coordinates with two settings for enrolling instances to track: (1) single-view online enrollment where an instance is specified on-the-fly based on the human wearer's interactions. and (2) multi-view pre-enrollment where images of an instance to be tracked are stored in memory ahead of time. To address IT3DEgo, we first re-purpose methods from relevant areas, e.g., single object tracking (SOT) -- running SOT methods to track instances in 2D frames and lifting them to 3D using camera pose and depth. We also present a simple method that leverages pretrained segmentation and detection models to generate proposals from RGB frames and match proposals with enrolled instance images. Perhaps surprisingly, our extensive experiments show that our method (with no finetuning) significantly outperforms SOT-based approaches. We conclude by arguing that the problem of egocentric instance tracking is made easier by leveraging camera pose and using a 3D allocentric (world) coordinate representation.
Abstract:Instance detection (InsDet) is a long-lasting problem in robotics and computer vision, aiming to detect object instances (predefined by some visual examples) in a cluttered scene. Despite its practical significance, its advancement is overshadowed by Object Detection, which aims to detect objects belonging to some predefined classes. One major reason is that current InsDet datasets are too small in scale by today's standards. For example, the popular InsDet dataset GMU (published in 2016) has only 23 instances, far less than COCO (80 classes), a well-known object detection dataset published in 2014. We are motivated to introduce a new InsDet dataset and protocol. First, we define a realistic setup for InsDet: training data consists of multi-view instance captures, along with diverse scene images allowing synthesizing training images by pasting instance images on them with free box annotations. Second, we release a real-world database, which contains multi-view capture of 100 object instances, and high-resolution (6k x 8k) testing images. Third, we extensively study baseline methods for InsDet on our dataset, analyze their performance and suggest future work. Somewhat surprisingly, using the off-the-shelf class-agnostic segmentation model (Segment Anything Model, SAM) and the self-supervised feature representation DINOv2 performs the best, achieving >10 AP better than end-to-end trained InsDet models that repurpose object detectors (e.g., FasterRCNN and RetinaNet).
Abstract:Reference-guided image inpainting restores image pixels by leveraging the content from another reference image. The previous state-of-the-art, TransFill, warps the source image with multiple homographies, and fuses them together for hole filling. Inspired by structure from motion pipelines and recent progress in monocular depth estimation, we propose a more principled approach that does not require heuristic planar assumptions. We leverage a monocular depth estimate and predict relative pose between cameras, then align the reference image to the target by a differentiable 3D reprojection and a joint optimization of relative pose and depth map scale and offset. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on both RealEstate10K and MannequinChallenge dataset with large baselines, complex geometry and extreme camera motions. We experimentally verify our approach is also better at handling large holes.
Abstract:Monocular depth prediction is a highly underdetermined problem and recent progress has relied on high-capacity CNNs to effectively learn scene statistics that disambiguate estimation. However, we observe that such models are strongly biased by the distribution of camera poses seen during training and fail to generalize to novel viewpoints, even when the scene geometry distribution remains fixed. To address this challenge, we propose a factored approach that estimates pose first, followed by a conditional depth estimation model that takes an encoding of the camera pose prior (CPP) as input. In many applications, a strong test-time pose prior comes for free, e.g., from inertial sensors or static camera deployment. A factored approach also allows for adapting pose prior estimation to new test domains using only pose supervision, without the need for collecting expensive ground-truth depth required for end-to-end training. We evaluate our pose-conditional depth predictor (trained on synthetic indoor scenes) on a real-world test set. Our factored approach, which only requires camera pose supervision for training, outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods trained with full scene depth supervision on 10x more data.
Abstract:Leveraging synthetically rendered data offers great potential to improve monocular depth estimation, but closing the synthetic-real domain gap is a non-trivial and important task. While much recent work has focused on unsupervised domain adaptation, we consider a more realistic scenario where a large amount of synthetic training data is supplemented by a small set of real images with ground-truth. In this setting we find that existing domain translation approaches are difficult to train and offer little advantage over simple baselines that use a mix of real and synthetic data. A key failure mode is that real-world images contain novel objects and clutter not present in synthetic training. This high-level domain shift isn't handled by existing image translation models. Based on these observations, we develop an attentional module that learns to identify and remove (hard) out-of-domain regions in real images in order to improve depth prediction for a model trained primarily on synthetic data. We carry out extensive experiments to validate our attend-remove-complete approach (ARC) and find that it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods for depth prediction. Visualizing the removed regions provides interpretable insights into the synthetic-real domain gap.
Abstract:Natural images contain many variations such as illumination differences, affine transformations, and shape distortions. Correctly classifying these variations poses a long standing problem. The most commonly adopted solution is to build large-scale datasets that contain objects under different variations. However, this approach is not ideal since it is computationally expensive and it is hard to cover all variations in one single dataset. Towards addressing this difficulty, we propose the spatial transformer introspective neural network (ST-INN) that explicitly generates samples with the unseen affine transformation variations in the training set. Experimental results indicate ST-INN achieves classification accuracy improvements on several benchmark datasets, including MNIST, affNIST, SVHN and CIFAR-10. We further extend our method to cross dataset classification tasks and few-shot learning problems to verify our method under extreme conditions and observe substantial improvements from experiment results.
Abstract:While deep learning has led to significant advances in visual recognition over the past few years, such advances often require a lot of annotated data. While unsupervised domain adaptation has emerged as an alternative approach that doesn't require as much annotated data, prior evaluations of domain adaptation have been limited to relatively simple datasets. This work pushes the state of the art in unsupervised domain adaptation through an in depth evaluation of AlexNet, DenseNet and Residual Transfer Networks (RTN) on multimodal benchmark datasets that shows and identifies which layers more effectively transfer features across different domains. We also modify the existing RTN architecture and propose a novel domain adaptation architecture called "Deep MagNet" that combines Deep Convolutional Blocks with multiple Maximum Mean Discrepancy losses. Our experiments show quantitative and qualitative improvements in performance of our method on benchmarking datasets for complex data domains.