Abstract:Google Vizier has performed millions of optimizations and accelerated numerous research and production systems at Google, demonstrating the success of Bayesian optimization as a large-scale service. Over multiple years, its algorithm has been improved considerably, through the collective experiences of numerous research efforts and user feedback. In this technical report, we discuss the implementation details and design choices of the current default algorithm provided by Open Source Vizier. Our experiments on standardized benchmarks reveal its robustness and versatility against well-established industry baselines on multiple practical modes.
Abstract:Undeniably, Large Language Models (LLMs) have stirred an extraordinary wave of innovation in the machine learning research domain, resulting in substantial impact across diverse fields such as reinforcement learning, robotics, and computer vision. Their incorporation has been rapid and transformative, marking a significant paradigm shift in the field of machine learning research. However, the field of experimental design, grounded on black-box optimization, has been much less affected by such a paradigm shift, even though integrating LLMs with optimization presents a unique landscape ripe for exploration. In this position paper, we frame the field of black-box optimization around sequence-based foundation models and organize their relationship with previous literature. We discuss the most promising ways foundational language models can revolutionize optimization, which include harnessing the vast wealth of information encapsulated in free-form text to enrich task comprehension, utilizing highly flexible sequence models such as Transformers to engineer superior optimization strategies, and enhancing performance prediction over previously unseen search spaces.
Abstract:Undeniably, Large Language Models (LLMs) have stirred an extraordinary wave of innovation in the machine learning research domain, resulting in substantial impact across diverse fields such as reinforcement learning, robotics, and computer vision. Their incorporation has been rapid and transformative, marking a significant paradigm shift in the field of machine learning research. However, the field of experimental design, grounded on black-box optimization, has been much less affected by such a paradigm shift, even though integrating LLMs with optimization presents a unique landscape ripe for exploration. In this position paper, we frame the field of black-box optimization around sequence-based foundation models and organize their relationship with previous literature. We discuss the most promising ways foundational language models can revolutionize optimization, which include harnessing the vast wealth of information encapsulated in free-form text to enrich task comprehension, utilizing highly flexible sequence models such as Transformers to engineer superior optimization strategies, and enhancing performance prediction over previously unseen search spaces.
Abstract:Over the broad landscape of experimental design, regression has been a powerful tool to accurately predict the outcome metrics of a system or model given a set of parameters, but has been traditionally restricted to methods which are only applicable to a specific task. In this paper, we propose OmniPred, a framework for training language models as universal end-to-end regressors over $(x,y)$ evaluation data from diverse real world experiments. Using data sourced from Google Vizier, one of the largest blackbox optimization databases in the world, our extensive experiments demonstrate that through only textual representations of mathematical parameters and values, language models are capable of very precise numerical regression, and if given the opportunity to train over multiple tasks, can significantly outperform traditional regression models.
Abstract:Inspired by fast algorithms in natural language processing, we study low rank approximation in the entrywise transformed setting where we want to find a good rank $k$ approximation to $f(U \cdot V)$, where $U, V^\top \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times r}$ are given, $r = O(\log(n))$, and $f(x)$ is a general scalar function. Previous work in sublinear low rank approximation has shown that if both (1) $U = V^\top$ and (2) $f(x)$ is a PSD kernel function, then there is an $O(nk^{\omega-1})$ time constant relative error approximation algorithm, where $\omega \approx 2.376$ is the exponent of matrix multiplication. We give the first conditional time hardness results for this problem, demonstrating that both conditions (1) and (2) are in fact necessary for getting better than $n^{2-o(1)}$ time for a relative error low rank approximation for a wide class of functions. We give novel reductions from the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) that rely on lower bounding the leverage scores of flat sparse vectors and hold even when the rank of the transformed matrix $f(UV)$ and the target rank are $n^{o(1)}$, and when $U = V^\top$. Furthermore, even when $f(x) = x^p$ is a simple polynomial, we give runtime lower bounds in the case when $U \neq V^\top$ of the form $\Omega(\min(n^{2-o(1)}, \Omega(2^p)))$. Lastly, we demonstrate that our lower bounds are tight by giving an $O(n \cdot \text{poly}(k, 2^p, 1/\epsilon))$ time relative error approximation algorithm and a fast $O(n \cdot \text{poly}(k, p, 1/\epsilon))$ additive error approximation using fast tensor-based sketching. Additionally, since our low rank algorithms rely on matrix-vector product subroutines, our lower bounds extend to show that computing $f(UV)W$, for even a small matrix $W$, requires $\Omega(n^{2-o(1)})$ time.
Abstract:Autonomous robots deployed in the real world will need control policies that rapidly adapt to environmental changes. To this end, we propose AutoRobotics-Zero (ARZ), a method based on AutoML-Zero that discovers zero-shot adaptable policies from scratch. In contrast to neural network adaption policies, where only model parameters are optimized, ARZ can build control algorithms with the full expressive power of a linear register machine. We evolve modular policies that tune their model parameters and alter their inference algorithm on-the-fly to adapt to sudden environmental changes. We demonstrate our method on a realistic simulated quadruped robot, for which we evolve safe control policies that avoid falling when individual limbs suddenly break. This is a challenging task in which two popular neural network baselines fail. Finally, we conduct a detailed analysis of our method on a novel and challenging non-stationary control task dubbed Cataclysmic Cartpole. Results confirm our findings that ARZ is significantly more robust to sudden environmental changes and can build simple, interpretable control policies.
Abstract:Vizier is the de-facto blackbox and hyperparameter optimization service across Google, having optimized some of Google's largest products and research efforts. To operate at the scale of tuning thousands of users' critical systems, Google Vizier solved key design challenges in providing multiple different features, while remaining fully fault-tolerant. In this paper, we introduce Open Source (OSS) Vizier, a standalone Python-based interface for blackbox optimization and research, based on the Google-internal Vizier infrastructure and framework. OSS Vizier provides an API capable of defining and solving a wide variety of optimization problems, including multi-metric, early stopping, transfer learning, and conditional search. Furthermore, it is designed to be a distributed system that assures reliability, and allows multiple parallel evaluations of the user's objective function. The flexible RPC-based infrastructure allows users to access OSS Vizier from binaries written in any language. OSS Vizier also provides a back-end ("Pythia") API that gives algorithm authors a way to interface new algorithms with the core OSS Vizier system. OSS Vizier is available at
Abstract:Meta-learning hyperparameter optimization (HPO) algorithms from prior experiments is a promising approach to improve optimization efficiency over objective functions from a similar distribution. However, existing methods are restricted to learning from experiments sharing the same set of hyperparameters. In this paper, we introduce the OptFormer, the first text-based Transformer HPO framework that provides a universal end-to-end interface for jointly learning policy and function prediction when trained on vast tuning data from the wild. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the OptFormer can imitate at least 7 different HPO algorithms, which can be further improved via its function uncertainty estimates. Compared to a Gaussian Process, the OptFormer also learns a robust prior distribution for hyperparameter response functions, and can thereby provide more accurate and better calibrated predictions. This work paves the path to future extensions for training a Transformer-based model as a general HPO optimizer.
Abstract:The combination of Reinforcement Learning (RL) with deep learning has led to a series of impressive feats, with many believing (deep) RL provides a path towards generally capable agents. However, the success of RL agents is often highly sensitive to design choices in the training process, which may require tedious and error-prone manual tuning. This makes it challenging to use RL for new problems, while also limits its full potential. In many other areas of machine learning, AutoML has shown it is possible to automate such design choices and has also yielded promising initial results when applied to RL. However, Automated Reinforcement Learning (AutoRL) involves not only standard applications of AutoML but also includes additional challenges unique to RL, that naturally produce a different set of methods. As such, AutoRL has been emerging as an important area of research in RL, providing promise in a variety of applications from RNA design to playing games such as Go. Given the diversity of methods and environments considered in RL, much of the research has been conducted in distinct subfields, ranging from meta-learning to evolution. In this survey we seek to unify the field of AutoRL, we provide a common taxonomy, discuss each area in detail and pose open problems which would be of interest to researchers going forward.
Abstract:Approximate bi-level optimization (ABLO) consists of (outer-level) optimization problems, involving numerical (inner-level) optimization loops. While ABLO has many applications across deep learning, it suffers from time and memory complexity proportional to the length $r$ of its inner optimization loop. To address this complexity, an earlier first-order method (FOM) was proposed as a heuristic that omits second derivative terms, yielding significant speed gains and requiring only constant memory. Despite FOM's popularity, there is a lack of theoretical understanding of its convergence properties. We contribute by theoretically characterizing FOM's gradient bias under mild assumptions. We further demonstrate a rich family of examples where FOM-based SGD does not converge to a stationary point of the ABLO objective. We address this concern by proposing an unbiased FOM (UFOM) enjoying constant memory complexity as a function of $r$. We characterize the introduced time-variance tradeoff, demonstrate convergence bounds, and find an optimal UFOM for a given ABLO problem. Finally, we propose an efficient adaptive UFOM scheme.