Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel encoder-decoder architecture, named SABER, to learn the 6D pose of the object in the embedding space by learning shape representation at a given pose. This model enables us to learn pose by performing shape representation at a target pose from RGB image input. We perform shape representation as an auxiliary task which helps us in learning rotations space for an object based on 2D images. An image encoder predicts the rotation in the embedding space and the DeepSDF based decoder learns to represent the object's shape at the given pose. As our approach is shape based, the pipeline is suitable for any type of object irrespective of the symmetry. Moreover, we need only a CAD model of the objects to train SABER. Our pipeline is synthetic data based and can also handle symmetric objects without symmetry labels and, thus, no additional labeled training data is needed. The experimental evaluation shows that our method achieves close to benchmark results for both symmetric objects and asymmetric objects on Occlusion-LineMOD, and T-LESS datasets.
Abstract:Object Pose Estimation is a crucial component in robotic grasping and augmented reality. Learning based approaches typically require training data from a highly accurate CAD model or labeled training data acquired using a complex setup. We address this by learning to estimate pose from weakly labeled data without a known CAD model. We propose to use a NeRF to learn object shape implicitly which is later used to learn view-invariant features in conjunction with CNN using a contrastive loss. While NeRF helps in learning features that are view-consistent, CNN ensures that the learned features respect symmetry. During inference, CNN is used to predict view-invariant features which can be used to establish correspondences with the implicit 3d model in NeRF. The correspondences are then used to estimate the pose in the reference frame of NeRF. Our approach can also handle symmetric objects unlike other approaches using a similar training setup. Specifically, we learn viewpoint invariant, discriminative features using NeRF which are later used for pose estimation. We evaluated our approach on LM, LM-Occlusion, and T-Less dataset and achieved benchmark accuracy despite using weakly labeled data.
Abstract:We present EchoScene, an interactive and controllable generative model that generates 3D indoor scenes on scene graphs. EchoScene leverages a dual-branch diffusion model that dynamically adapts to scene graphs. Existing methods struggle to handle scene graphs due to varying numbers of nodes, multiple edge combinations, and manipulator-induced node-edge operations. EchoScene overcomes this by associating each node with a denoising process and enables collaborative information exchange, enhancing controllable and consistent generation aware of global constraints. This is achieved through an information echo scheme in both shape and layout branches. At every denoising step, all processes share their denoising data with an information exchange unit that combines these updates using graph convolution. The scheme ensures that the denoising processes are influenced by a holistic understanding of the scene graph, facilitating the generation of globally coherent scenes. The resulting scenes can be manipulated during inference by editing the input scene graph and sampling the noise in the diffusion model. Extensive experiments validate our approach, which maintains scene controllability and surpasses previous methods in generation fidelity. Moreover, the generated scenes are of high quality and thus directly compatible with off-the-shelf texture generation. Code and trained models are open-sourced.
Abstract:Estimating the pose of objects through vision is essential to make robotic platforms interact with the environment. Yet, it presents many challenges, often related to the lack of flexibility and generalizability of state-of-the-art solutions. Diffusion models are a cutting-edge neural architecture transforming 2D and 3D computer vision, outlining remarkable performances in zero-shot novel-view synthesis. Such a use case is particularly intriguing for reconstructing 3D objects. However, localizing objects in unstructured environments is rather unexplored. To this end, this work presents Zero123-6D to demonstrate the utility of Diffusion Model-based novel-view-synthesizers in enhancing RGB 6D pose estimation at category-level by integrating them with feature extraction techniques. The outlined method exploits such a novel view synthesizer to expand a sparse set of RGB-only reference views for the zero-shot 6D pose estimation task. Experiments are quantitatively analyzed on the CO3D dataset, showcasing increased performance over baselines, a substantial reduction in data requirements, and the removal of the necessity of depth information.
Abstract:Reconstruction of endoscopic scenes is an important asset for various medical applications, from post-surgery analysis to educational training. Neural rendering has recently shown promising results in endoscopic reconstruction with deforming tissue. However, the setup has been restricted to a static endoscope, limited deformation, or required an external tracking device to retrieve camera pose information of the endoscopic camera. With FLex we adress the challenging setup of a moving endoscope within a highly dynamic environment of deforming tissue. We propose an implicit scene separation into multiple overlapping 4D neural radiance fields (NeRFs) and a progressive optimization scheme jointly optimizing for reconstruction and camera poses from scratch. This improves the ease-of-use and allows to scale reconstruction capabilities in time to process surgical videos of 5,000 frames and more; an improvement of more than ten times compared to the state of the art while being agnostic to external tracking information. Extensive evaluations on the StereoMIS dataset show that FLex significantly improves the quality of novel view synthesis while maintaining competitive pose accuracy.
Abstract:Recent learning methods for object pose estimation require resource-intensive training for each individual object instance or category, hampering their scalability in real applications when confronted with previously unseen objects. In this paper, we propose MatchU, a Fuse-Describe-Match strategy for 6D pose estimation from RGB-D images. MatchU is a generic approach that fuses 2D texture and 3D geometric cues for 6D pose prediction of unseen objects. We rely on learning geometric 3D descriptors that are rotation-invariant by design. By encoding pose-agnostic geometry, the learned descriptors naturally generalize to unseen objects and capture symmetries. To tackle ambiguous associations using 3D geometry only, we fuse additional RGB information into our descriptor. This is achieved through a novel attention-based mechanism that fuses cross-modal information, together with a matching loss that leverages the latent space learned from RGB data to guide the descriptor learning process. Extensive experiments reveal the generalizability of both the RGB-D fusion strategy as well as the descriptor efficacy. Benefiting from the novel designs, MatchU surpasses all existing methods by a significant margin in terms of both accuracy and speed, even without the requirement of expensive re-training or rendering.
Abstract:Recent advances in neural radiance fields enable novel view synthesis of photo-realistic images in dynamic settings, which can be applied to scenarios with human animation. Commonly used implicit backbones to establish accurate models, however, require many input views and additional annotations such as human masks, UV maps and depth maps. In this work, we propose ParDy-Human (Parameterized Dynamic Human Avatar), a fully explicit approach to construct a digital avatar from as little as a single monocular sequence. ParDy-Human introduces parameter-driven dynamics into 3D Gaussian Splatting where 3D Gaussians are deformed by a human pose model to animate the avatar. Our method is composed of two parts: A first module that deforms canonical 3D Gaussians according to SMPL vertices and a consecutive module that further takes their designed joint encodings and predicts per Gaussian deformations to deal with dynamics beyond SMPL vertex deformations. Images are then synthesized by a rasterizer. ParDy-Human constitutes an explicit model for realistic dynamic human avatars which requires significantly fewer training views and images. Our avatars learning is free of additional annotations such as masks and can be trained with variable backgrounds while inferring full-resolution images efficiently even on consumer hardware. We provide experimental evidence to show that ParDy-Human outperforms state-of-the-art methods on ZJU-MoCap and THUman4.0 datasets both quantitatively and visually.
Abstract:Recent advancements in 3D avatar generation excel with multi-view supervision for photorealistic models. However, monocular counterparts lag in quality despite broader applicability. We propose ReCaLab to close this gap. ReCaLab is a fully-differentiable pipeline that learns high-fidelity 3D human avatars from just a single RGB video. A pose-conditioned deformable NeRF is optimized to volumetrically represent a human subject in canonical T-pose. The canonical representation is then leveraged to efficiently associate viewpoint-agnostic textures using 2D-3D correspondences. This enables to separately generate albedo and shading which jointly compose an RGB prediction. The design allows to control intermediate results for human pose, body shape, texture, and lighting with text prompts. An image-conditioned diffusion model thereby helps to animate appearance and pose of the 3D avatar to create video sequences with previously unseen human motion. Extensive experiments show that ReCaLab outperforms previous monocular approaches in terms of image quality for image synthesis tasks. ReCaLab even outperforms multi-view methods that leverage up to 19x more synchronized videos for the task of novel pose rendering. Moreover, natural language offers an intuitive user interface for creative manipulation of 3D human avatars.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have shown remarkable novel view synthesis capabilities even in large-scale, unbounded scenes, albeit requiring hundreds of views or introducing artifacts in sparser settings. Their optimization suffers from shape-radiance ambiguities wherever only a small visual overlap is available. This leads to erroneous scene geometry and artifacts. In this paper, we propose Re-Nerfing, a simple and general multi-stage approach that leverages NeRF's own view synthesis to address these limitations. With Re-Nerfing, we increase the scene's coverage and enhance the geometric consistency of novel views as follows: First, we train a NeRF with the available views. Then, we use the optimized NeRF to synthesize pseudo-views next to the original ones to simulate a stereo or trifocal setup. Finally, we train a second NeRF with both original and pseudo views while enforcing structural, epipolar constraints via the newly synthesized images. Extensive experiments on the mip-NeRF 360 dataset show the effectiveness of Re-Nerfing across denser and sparser input scenarios, bringing improvements to the state-of-the-art Zip-NeRF, even when trained with all views.
Abstract:This paper proposes the first self-supervised 6D object pose prediction from multimodal RGB+polarimetric images. The novel training paradigm comprises 1) a physical model to extract geometric information of polarized light, 2) a teacher-student knowledge distillation scheme and 3) a self-supervised loss formulation through differentiable rendering and an invertible physical constraint. Both networks leverage the physical properties of polarized light to learn robust geometric representations by encoding shape priors and polarization characteristics derived from our physical model. Geometric pseudo-labels from the teacher support the student network without the need for annotated real data. Dense appearance and geometric information of objects are obtained through a differentiable renderer with the predicted pose for self-supervised direct coupling. The student network additionally features our proposed invertible formulation of the physical shape priors that enables end-to-end self-supervised training through physical constraints of derived polarization characteristics compared against polarimetric input images. We specifically focus on photometrically challenging objects with texture-less or reflective surfaces and transparent materials for which the most prominent performance gain is reported.