Abstract:Many application domains, e.g., in medicine and manufacturing, can greatly benefit from pneumatic Soft Robots (SRs). However, the accurate control of SRs has remained a significant challenge to date, mainly due to their nonlinear dynamics and viscoelastic material properties. Conventional control design methods often rely on either complex system modeling or time-intensive manual tuning, both of which require significant amounts of human expertise and thus limit their practicality. In recent works, the data-driven method, Automatic Neural ODE Control (ANODEC) has been successfully used to -- fully automatically and utilizing only input-output data -- design controllers for various nonlinear systems in silico, and without requiring prior model knowledge or extensive manual tuning. In this work, we successfully apply ANODEC to automatically learn to perform agile, non-repetitive reference tracking motion tasks in a real-world SR and within a finite time horizon. To the best of the authors' knowledge, ANODEC achieves, for the first time, performant control of a SR with hysteresis effects from only 30 seconds of input-output data and without any prior model knowledge. We show that for multiple, qualitatively different and even out-of-training-distribution reference signals, a single feedback controller designed by ANODEC outperforms a manually tuned PID baseline consistently. Overall, this contribution not only further strengthens the validity of ANODEC, but it marks an important step towards more practical, easy-to-use SRs that can automatically learn to perform agile motions from minimal experimental interaction time.
Abstract:Test set contamination, wherein test data from a benchmark ends up in a newer model's training set, is a well-documented obstacle for fair LLM evaluation and can quickly render benchmarks obsolete. To mitigate this, many recent benchmarks crowdsource new prompts and evaluations from human or LLM judges; however, these can introduce significant biases, and break down when scoring hard questions. In this work, we introduce a new benchmark for LLMs designed to be immune to both test set contamination and the pitfalls of LLM judging and human crowdsourcing. We release LiveBench, the first benchmark that (1) contains frequently-updated questions from recent information sources, (2) scores answers automatically according to objective ground-truth values, and (3) contains a wide variety of challenging tasks, spanning math, coding, reasoning, language, instruction following, and data analysis. To achieve this, LiveBench contains questions that are based on recently-released math competitions, arXiv papers, news articles, and datasets, and it contains harder, contamination-free versions of tasks from previous benchmarks such as Big-Bench Hard, AMPS, and IFEval. We evaluate many prominent closed-source models, as well as dozens of open-source models ranging from 0.5B to 110B in size. LiveBench is difficult, with top models achieving below 65% accuracy. We release all questions, code, and model answers. Questions will be added and updated on a monthly basis, and we will release new tasks and harder versions of tasks over time so that LiveBench can distinguish between the capabilities of LLMs as they improve in the future. We welcome community engagement and collaboration for expanding the benchmark tasks and models.
Abstract:When using large language models (LLMs) in high-stakes applications, we need to know when we can trust their predictions. Some works argue that prompting high-performance LLMs is sufficient to produce calibrated uncertainties, while others introduce sampling methods that can be prohibitively expensive. In this work, we first argue that prompting on its own is insufficient to achieve good calibration and then show that fine-tuning on a small dataset of correct and incorrect answers can create an uncertainty estimate with good generalization and small computational overhead. We show that a thousand graded examples are sufficient to outperform baseline methods and that training through the features of a model is necessary for good performance and tractable for large open-source models when using LoRA. We also investigate the mechanisms that enable reliable LLM uncertainty estimation, finding that many models can be used as general-purpose uncertainty estimators, applicable not just to their own uncertainties but also the uncertainty of other models. Lastly, we show that uncertainty estimates inform human use of LLMs in human-AI collaborative settings through a user study.
Abstract:Direct Preference Optimisation (DPO) is effective at significantly improving the performance of large language models (LLMs) on downstream tasks such as reasoning, summarisation, and alignment. Using pairs of preferred and dispreferred data, DPO models the \textit{relative} probability of picking one response over another. In this work, first we show theoretically that the standard DPO loss can lead to a \textit{reduction} of the model's likelihood of the preferred examples, as long as the relative probability between the preferred and dispreferred classes increases. We then show empirically that this phenomenon occurs when fine-tuning LLMs on common datasets, especially datasets in which the edit distance between pairs of completions is low. Using these insights, we design DPO-Positive (DPOP), a new loss function and training procedure which avoids this failure mode. Surprisingly, we also find that DPOP significantly outperforms DPO across a wide variety of datasets and downstream tasks, including datasets with high edit distances between completions. By fine-tuning with DPOP, we create and release Smaug-34B and Smaug-72B, which achieve state-of-the-art open-source performance. Notably, Smaug-72B is nearly 2\% better than any other open-source model on the HuggingFace Open LLM Leaderboard and becomes the first open-source LLM to surpass an average accuracy of 80\%.
Abstract:Modern large language models (LLMs) that rely on attention mechanisms are typically trained with fixed context lengths which enforce upper limits on the length of input sequences that they can handle at evaluation time. To use these models on sequences longer than the train-time context length, one might employ techniques from the growing family of context length extrapolation methods -- most of which focus on modifying the system of positional encodings used in the attention mechanism to indicate where tokens or activations are located in the input sequence. We conduct a wide survey of existing methods of context length extrapolation on a base LLaMA or LLaMA 2 model, and introduce some of our own design as well -- in particular, a new truncation strategy for modifying the basis for the position encoding. We test these methods using three new evaluation tasks (FreeFormQA, AlteredNumericQA, and LongChat-Lines) as well as perplexity, which we find to be less fine-grained as a measure of long context performance of LLMs. We release the three tasks publicly as datasets on HuggingFace. We discover that linear scaling is the best method for extending context length, and show that further gains can be achieved by using longer scales at evaluation time. We also discover promising extrapolation capabilities in the truncated basis. To support further research in this area, we release three new 13B parameter long-context models which we call Giraffe: 4k and 16k context models trained from base LLaMA-13B, and a 32k context model trained from base LLaMA2-13B. We also release the code to replicate our results.
Abstract:The seemingly infinite diversity of the natural world arises from a relatively small set of coherent rules, such as the laws of physics or chemistry. We conjecture that these rules give rise to regularities that can be discovered through primarily unsupervised experiences and represented as abstract concepts. If such representations are compositional and hierarchical, they can be recombined into an exponentially large set of new concepts. This paper describes SCAN (Symbol-Concept Association Network), a new framework for learning such abstractions in the visual domain. SCAN learns concepts through fast symbol association, grounding them in disentangled visual primitives that are discovered in an unsupervised manner. Unlike state of the art multimodal generative model baselines, our approach requires very few pairings between symbols and images and makes no assumptions about the form of symbol representations. Once trained, SCAN is capable of multimodal bi-directional inference, generating a diverse set of image samples from symbolic descriptions and vice versa. It also allows for traversal and manipulation of the implicit hierarchy of visual concepts through symbolic instructions and learnt logical recombination operations. Such manipulations enable SCAN to break away from its training data distribution and imagine novel visual concepts through symbolically instructed recombination of previously learnt concepts.
Abstract:Domain adaptation is an important open problem in deep reinforcement learning (RL). In many scenarios of interest data is hard to obtain, so agents may learn a source policy in a setting where data is readily available, with the hope that it generalises well to the target domain. We propose a new multi-stage RL agent, DARLA (DisentAngled Representation Learning Agent), which learns to see before learning to act. DARLA's vision is based on learning a disentangled representation of the observed environment. Once DARLA can see, it is able to acquire source policies that are robust to many domain shifts - even with no access to the target domain. DARLA significantly outperforms conventional baselines in zero-shot domain adaptation scenarios, an effect that holds across a variety of RL environments (Jaco arm, DeepMind Lab) and base RL algorithms (DQN, A3C and EC).
Abstract:We present new intuitions and theoretical assessments of the emergence of disentangled representation in variational autoencoders. Taking a rate-distortion theory perspective, we show the circumstances under which representations aligned with the underlying generative factors of variation of data emerge when optimising the modified ELBO bound in $\beta$-VAE, as training progresses. From these insights, we propose a modification to the training regime of $\beta$-VAE, that progressively increases the information capacity of the latent code during training. This modification facilitates the robust learning of disentangled representations in $\beta$-VAE, without the previous trade-off in reconstruction accuracy.
Abstract:Automated discovery of early visual concepts from raw image data is a major open challenge in AI research. Addressing this problem, we propose an unsupervised approach for learning disentangled representations of the underlying factors of variation. We draw inspiration from neuroscience, and show how this can be achieved in an unsupervised generative model by applying the same learning pressures as have been suggested to act in the ventral visual stream in the brain. By enforcing redundancy reduction, encouraging statistical independence, and exposure to data with transform continuities analogous to those to which human infants are exposed, we obtain a variational autoencoder (VAE) framework capable of learning disentangled factors. Our approach makes few assumptions and works well across a wide variety of datasets. Furthermore, our solution has useful emergent properties, such as zero-shot inference and an intuitive understanding of "objectness".