Abstract:Benchmarking and co-design are essential for driving optimizations and innovation around ML models, ML software, and next-generation hardware. Full workload benchmarks, e.g. MLPerf, play an essential role in enabling fair comparison across different software and hardware stacks especially once systems are fully designed and deployed. However, the pace of AI innovation demands a more agile methodology to benchmark creation and usage by simulators and emulators for future system co-design. We propose Chakra, an open graph schema for standardizing workload specification capturing key operations and dependencies, also known as Execution Trace (ET). In addition, we propose a complementary set of tools/capabilities to enable collection, generation, and adoption of Chakra ETs by a wide range of simulators, emulators, and benchmarks. For instance, we use generative AI models to learn latent statistical properties across thousands of Chakra ETs and use these models to synthesize Chakra ETs. These synthetic ETs can obfuscate key proprietary information and also target future what-if scenarios. As an example, we demonstrate an end-to-end proof-of-concept that converts PyTorch ETs to Chakra ETs and uses this to drive an open-source training system simulator (ASTRA-sim). Our end-goal is to build a vibrant industry-wide ecosystem of agile benchmarks and tools to drive future AI system co-design.
Abstract:As deep learning models and input data are scaling at an unprecedented rate, it is inevitable to move towards distributed training platforms to fit the model and increase training throughput. State-of-the-art approaches and techniques, such as wafer-scale nodes, multi-dimensional network topologies, disaggregated memory systems, and parallelization strategies, have been actively adopted by emerging distributed training systems. This results in a complex SW/HW co-design stack of distributed training, necessitating a modeling/simulation infrastructure for design-space exploration. In this paper, we extend the open-source ASTRA-sim infrastructure and endow it with the capabilities to model state-of-the-art and emerging distributed training models and platforms. More specifically, (i) we enable ASTRA-sim to support arbitrary model parallelization strategies via a graph-based training-loop implementation, (ii) we implement a parameterizable multi-dimensional heterogeneous topology generation infrastructure with analytical performance estimates enabling simulating target systems at scale, and (iii) we enhance the memory system modeling to support accurate modeling of in-network collective communication and disaggregated memory systems. With such capabilities, we run comprehensive case studies targeting emerging distributed models and platforms. This infrastructure lets system designers swiftly traverse the complex co-design stack and give meaningful insights when designing and deploying distributed training platforms at scale.
Abstract:Building and maintaining large AI fleets to efficiently support the fast-growing DL workloads is an active research topic for modern cloud infrastructure providers. Generating accurate benchmarks plays an essential role in the design and evaluation of rapidly evoloving software and hardware solutions in this area. Two fundamental challenges to make this process scalable are (i) workload representativeness and (ii) the ability to quickly incorporate changes to the fleet into the benchmarks. To overcome these issues, we propose Mystique, an accurate and scalable framework for production AI benchmark generation. It leverages the PyTorch execution graph (EG), a new feature that captures the runtime information of AI models at the granularity of operators, in a graph format, together with their metadata. By sourcing EG traces from the fleet, we can build AI benchmarks that are portable and representative. Mystique is scalable, with its lightweight data collection, in terms of runtime overhead and user instrumentation efforts. It is also adaptive, as the expressiveness and composability of EG format allows flexible user control over benchmark creation. We evaluate our methodology on several production AI workloads, and show that benchmarks generated with Mystique closely resemble original AI models, both in execution time and system-level metrics. We also showcase the portability of the generated benchmarks across platforms, and demonstrate several use cases enabled by the fine-grained composability of the execution graph.
Abstract:RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) has gained significant attraction for datacenter networks due to its compatibility with conventional Ethernet-based fabric. However, the RDMA protocol is efficient only on (nearly) lossless networks, emphasizing the vital role of congestion control on RoCE networks. Unfortunately, the native RoCE congestion control scheme, based on Priority Flow Control (PFC), suffers from many drawbacks such as unfairness, head-of-line-blocking, and deadlock. Therefore, in recent years many schemes have been proposed to provide additional congestion control for RoCE networks to minimize PFC drawbacks. However, these schemes are proposed for general datacenter environments. In contrast to the general datacenters that are built using commodity hardware and run general-purpose workloads, high-performance distributed training platforms deploy high-end accelerators and network components and exclusively run training workloads using collectives (All-Reduce, All-To-All) communication libraries for communication. Furthermore, these platforms usually have a private network, separating their communication traffic from the rest of the datacenter traffic. Scalable topology-aware collective algorithms are inherently designed to avoid incast patterns and balance traffic optimally. These distinct features necessitate revisiting previously proposed congestion control schemes for general-purpose datacenter environments. In this paper, we thoroughly analyze some of the SOTA RoCE congestion control schemes vs. PFC when running on distributed training platforms. Our results indicate that previously proposed RoCE congestion control schemes have little impact on the end-to-end performance of training workloads, motivating the necessity of designing an optimized, yet low-overhead, congestion control scheme based on the characteristics of distributed training platforms and workloads.
Abstract:The continuous growth in both size and training data for modern Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) models has led to training tasks taking days or even months. Distributed training is a solution to reduce training time by splitting the task across multiple NPUs (e.g., GPU/TPU). However, distributed training adds communication overhead between the NPUs in order to synchronize the gradients and/or activation, depending on the parallelization strategy. In today's datacenters, for training at scale, NPUs are connected through multi-dimensional interconnection links with different bandwidth and latency. Hence, keeping all network dimensions busy and maximizing the network BW is a challenging task in such a hybrid network environment, as this work identifies. We propose Themis, a novel collective scheduling scheme that dynamically schedules collectives (divided into chunks) to balance the communication loads across all dimensions, further improving the network BW utilization. Our results show that on average, Themis can improve the network BW utilization of single All-Reduce by 1.88x (2.92x max), and improve the end-to-end training iteration performance of real workloads such as ResNet-50, GNMT, DLRM, and Transformer- 1T by 1.49x (1.96x max), 1.41x (1.81x max), 1.42x (1.80x max), and 1.35x (1.78x max), respectively.
Abstract:Deep learning recommendation models (DLRMs) are used across many business-critical services at Facebook and are the single largest AI application in terms of infrastructure demand in its data-centers. In this paper we discuss the SW/HW co-designed solution for high-performance distributed training of large-scale DLRMs. We introduce a high-performance scalable software stack based on PyTorch and pair it with the new evolution of Zion platform, namely ZionEX. We demonstrate the capability to train very large DLRMs with up to 12 Trillion parameters and show that we can attain 40X speedup in terms of time to solution over previous systems. We achieve this by (i) designing the ZionEX platform with dedicated scale-out network, provisioned with high bandwidth, optimal topology and efficient transport (ii) implementing an optimized PyTorch-based training stack supporting both model and data parallelism (iii) developing sharding algorithms capable of hierarchical partitioning of the embedding tables along row, column dimensions and load balancing them across multiple workers; (iv) adding high-performance core operators while retaining flexibility to support optimizers with fully deterministic updates (v) leveraging reduced precision communications, multi-level memory hierarchy (HBM+DDR+SSD) and pipelining. Furthermore, we develop and briefly comment on distributed data ingestion and other supporting services that are required for the robust and efficient end-to-end training in production environments.
Abstract:The deep neural networks (DNNs) have been enormously successful in tasks that were hitherto in the human-only realm such as image recognition, and language translation. Owing to their success the DNNs are being explored for use in ever more sophisticated tasks. One of the ways that the DNNs are made to scale for the complex undertakings is by increasing their size -- deeper and wider networks can model well the additional complexity. Such large models are trained using model parallelism on multiple compute devices such as multi-GPUs and multi-node systems. In this paper, we develop a compiler-driven approach to achieve model parallelism. We model the computation and communication costs of a dataflow graph that embodies the neural network training process and then, partition the graph using heuristics in such a manner that the communication between compute devices is minimal and we have a good load balance. The hardware scheduling assistants are proposed to assist the compiler in fine tuning the distribution of work at runtime.
Abstract:The state-of-the-art (SOTA) for mixed precision training is dominated by variants of low precision floating point operations, and in particular, FP16 accumulating into FP32 Micikevicius et al. (2017). On the other hand, while a lot of research has also happened in the domain of low and mixed-precision Integer training, these works either present results for non-SOTA networks (for instance only AlexNet for ImageNet-1K), or relatively small datasets (like CIFAR-10). In this work, we train state-of-the-art visual understanding neural networks on the ImageNet-1K dataset, with Integer operations on General Purpose (GP) hardware. In particular, we focus on Integer Fused-Multiply-and-Accumulate (FMA) operations which take two pairs of INT16 operands and accumulate results into an INT32 output.We propose a shared exponent representation of tensors and develop a Dynamic Fixed Point (DFP) scheme suitable for common neural network operations. The nuances of developing an efficient integer convolution kernel is examined, including methods to handle overflow of the INT32 accumulator. We implement CNN training for ResNet-50, GoogLeNet-v1, VGG-16 and AlexNet; and these networks achieve or exceed SOTA accuracy within the same number of iterations as their FP32 counterparts without any change in hyper-parameters and with a 1.8X improvement in end-to-end training throughput. To the best of our knowledge these results represent the first INT16 training results on GP hardware for ImageNet-1K dataset using SOTA CNNs and achieve highest reported accuracy using half-precision
Abstract:The exponential growth in use of large deep neural networks has accelerated the need for training these deep neural networks in hours or even minutes. This can only be achieved through scalable and efficient distributed training, since a single node/card cannot satisfy the compute, memory, and I/O requirements of today's state-of-the-art deep neural networks. However, scaling synchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is still a challenging problem and requires continued research/development. This entails innovations spanning algorithms, frameworks, communication libraries, and system design. In this paper, we describe the philosophy, design, and implementation of Intel Machine Learning Scalability Library (MLSL) and present proof-points demonstrating scaling DL training on 100s to 1000s of nodes across Cloud and HPC systems.
Abstract:This paper presents the first, 15-PetaFLOP Deep Learning system for solving scientific pattern classification problems on contemporary HPC architectures. We develop supervised convolutional architectures for discriminating signals in high-energy physics data as well as semi-supervised architectures for localizing and classifying extreme weather in climate data. Our Intelcaffe-based implementation obtains $\sim$2TFLOP/s on a single Cori Phase-II Xeon-Phi node. We use a hybrid strategy employing synchronous node-groups, while using asynchronous communication across groups. We use this strategy to scale training of a single model to $\sim$9600 Xeon-Phi nodes; obtaining peak performance of 11.73-15.07 PFLOP/s and sustained performance of 11.41-13.27 PFLOP/s. At scale, our HEP architecture produces state-of-the-art classification accuracy on a dataset with 10M images, exceeding that achieved by selections on high-level physics-motivated features. Our semi-supervised architecture successfully extracts weather patterns in a 15TB climate dataset. Our results demonstrate that Deep Learning can be optimized and scaled effectively on many-core, HPC systems.