Abstract:In this paper, we present the design and benchmark of an innovative sensor, ViTacTip, which fulfills the demand for advanced multi-modal sensing in a compact design. A notable feature of ViTacTip is its transparent skin, which incorporates a `see-through-skin' mechanism. This mechanism aims at capturing detailed object features upon contact, significantly improving both vision-based and proximity perception capabilities. In parallel, the biomimetic tips embedded in the sensor's skin are designed to amplify contact details, thus substantially augmenting tactile and derived force perception abilities. To demonstrate the multi-modal capabilities of ViTacTip, we developed a multi-task learning model that enables simultaneous recognition of hardness, material, and textures. To assess the functionality and validate the versatility of ViTacTip, we conducted extensive benchmarking experiments, including object recognition, contact point detection, pose regression, and grating identification. To facilitate seamless switching between various sensing modalities, we employed a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based approach. This method enhances the applicability of the ViTacTip sensor across diverse environments by enabling cross-modality interpretation.
Abstract:For tendon-driven multi-fingered robotic hands, ensuring grasp adaptability while minimizing the number of actuators needed to provide human-like functionality is a challenging problem. Inspired by the Pisa/IIT SoftHand, this paper introduces a 3D-printed, highly-underactuated, five-finger robotic hand named the Tactile SoftHand-A, which features only two actuators. The dual-tendon design allows for the active control of specific (distal or proximal interphalangeal) joints to adjust the hand's grasp gesture. We have also developed a new design of fully 3D-printed tactile sensor that requires no hand assembly and is printed directly as part of the robotic finger. This sensor is integrated into the fingertips and combined with the antagonistic tendon mechanism to develop a human-hand-guided tactile feedback grasping system. The system can actively mirror human hand gestures, adaptively stabilize grasp gestures upon contact, and adjust grasp gestures to prevent object movement after detecting slippage. Finally, we designed four different experiments to evaluate the novel fingers coupled with the antagonistic mechanism for controlling the robotic hand's gestures, adaptive grasping ability, and human-hand-guided tactile feedback grasping capability. The experimental results demonstrate that the Tactile SoftHand-A can adaptively grasp objects of a wide range of shapes and automatically adjust its gripping gestures upon detecting contact and slippage. Overall, this study points the way towards a class of low-cost, accessible, 3D-printable, underactuated human-like robotic hands, and we openly release the designs to facilitate others to build upon this work. This work is Open-sourced at github.com/SoutheastWind/Tactile_SoftHand_A
Abstract:In-hand manipulation is an integral component of human dexterity. Our hands rely on tactile feedback for stable and reactive motions to ensure objects do not slip away unintentionally during manipulation. For a robot hand, this level of dexterity requires extracting and utilizing rich contact information for precise motor control. In this paper, we present AnyRotate, a system for gravity-invariant multi-axis in-hand object rotation using dense featured sim-to-real touch. We construct a continuous contact feature representation to provide tactile feedback for training a policy in simulation and introduce an approach to perform zero-shot policy transfer by training an observation model to bridge the sim-to-real gap. Our experiments highlight the benefit of detailed contact information when handling objects with varying properties. In the real world, we demonstrate successful sim-to-real transfer of the dense tactile policy, generalizing to a diverse range of objects for various rotation axes and hand directions and outperforming other forms of low-dimensional touch. Interestingly, despite not having explicit slip detection, rich multi-fingered tactile sensing can implicitly detect object movement within grasp and provide a reactive behavior that improves the robustness of the policy, highlighting the importance of information-rich tactile sensing for in-hand manipulation.
Abstract:Grasping object,whether they are flat, round, or narrow and whether they have regular or irregular shapes,introduces difficulties in determining the ideal grasping posture, even for the most state-of-the-art grippers. In this article, we presented a reconfigurable pneumatic gripper with fingers that could be set in various configurations, such as hooking, supporting, closuring, and pinching. Each finger incorporates a dexterous joint, a rotating joint, and a customized plug-and-play visuotactile sensor, the DigiTac-v1.5, to control manipulation in real time. We propose a tactile kernel density manipulation strategy for simple and versatile control, including detecting grasp stability, responding to disturbances and guiding dexterous manipulations. We develop a double closed-loop control system that separately focuses on secure grasping and task management, demonstrated with tasks that highlight the capabilities above. The gripper is relatively easy to fabricate and customize, offering a promising and extensible way to combine soft dexterity and tactile sensing for diverse applications in robotic manipulation.
Abstract:Touch and vision go hand in hand, mutually enhancing our ability to understand the world. From a research perspective, the problem of mixing touch and vision is underexplored and presents interesting challenges. To this end, we propose Tactile-Informed 3DGS, a novel approach that incorporates touch data (local depth maps) with multi-view vision data to achieve surface reconstruction and novel view synthesis. Our method optimises 3D Gaussian primitives to accurately model the object's geometry at points of contact. By creating a framework that decreases the transmittance at touch locations, we achieve a refined surface reconstruction, ensuring a uniformly smooth depth map. Touch is particularly useful when considering non-Lambertian objects (e.g. shiny or reflective surfaces) since contemporary methods tend to fail to reconstruct with fidelity specular highlights. By combining vision and tactile sensing, we achieve more accurate geometry reconstructions with fewer images than prior methods. We conduct evaluation on objects with glossy and reflective surfaces and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, offering significant improvements in reconstruction quality.
Abstract:Tactile servoing is an important technique because it enables robots to manipulate objects with precision and accuracy while adapting to changes in their environments in real-time. One approach for tactile servo control with high-resolution soft tactile sensors is to estimate the contact pose relative to an object surface using a convolutional neural network (CNN) for use as a feedback signal. In this paper, we investigate how the surface pose estimation model can be extended to include shear, and utilize these combined pose-and-shear models to develop a tactile robotic system that can be programmed for diverse non-prehensile manipulation tasks, such as object tracking, surface following, single-arm object pushing and dual-arm object pushing. In doing this, two technical challenges had to be overcome. Firstly, the use of tactile data that includes shear-induced slippage can lead to error-prone estimates unsuitable for accurate control, and so we modified the CNN into a Gaussian-density neural network and used a discriminative Bayesian filter to improve the predictions with a state dynamics model that utilizes the robot kinematics. Secondly, to achieve smooth robot motion in 3D space while interacting with objects, we used SE(3) velocity-based servo control, which required re-deriving the Bayesian filter update equations using Lie group theory, as many standard assumptions do not hold for state variables defined on non-Euclidean manifolds. In future, we believe that pose and shear-based tactile servoing will enable many object manipulation tasks and the fully-dexterous utilization of multi-fingered tactile robot hands. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVs4hd34ek0
Abstract:Humans rely on their visual and tactile senses to develop a comprehensive 3D understanding of their physical environment. Recently, there has been a growing interest in exploring and manipulating objects using data-driven approaches that utilise high-resolution vision-based tactile sensors. However, 3D shape reconstruction using tactile sensing has lagged behind visual shape reconstruction because of limitations in existing techniques, including the inability to generalise over unseen shapes, the absence of real-world testing, and limited expressive capacity imposed by discrete representations. To address these challenges, we propose TouchSDF, a Deep Learning approach for tactile 3D shape reconstruction that leverages the rich information provided by a vision-based tactile sensor and the expressivity of the implicit neural representation DeepSDF. Our technique consists of two components: (1) a Convolutional Neural Network that maps tactile images into local meshes representing the surface at the touch location, and (2) an implicit neural function that predicts a signed distance function to extract the desired 3D shape. This combination allows TouchSDF to reconstruct smooth and continuous 3D shapes from tactile inputs in simulation and real-world settings, opening up research avenues for robust 3D-aware representations and improved multimodal perception in robotics. Code and supplementary material are available at: https://touchsdf.github.io/
Abstract:High-resolution tactile sensing can provide accurate information about local contact in contact-rich robotic tasks. However, the deployment of such tasks in unstructured environments remains under-investigated. To improve the robustness of tactile robot control in unstructured environments, we propose and study a new concept: \textit{tactile saliency} for robot touch, inspired by the human touch attention mechanism from neuroscience and the visual saliency prediction problem from computer vision. In analogy to visual saliency, this concept involves identifying key information in tactile images captured by a tactile sensor. While visual saliency datasets are commonly annotated by humans, manually labelling tactile images is challenging due to their counterintuitive patterns. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach comprised of three interrelated networks: 1) a Contact Depth Network (ConDepNet), which generates a contact depth map to localize deformation in a real tactile image that contains target and noise features; 2) a Tactile Saliency Network (TacSalNet), which predicts a tactile saliency map to describe the target areas for an input contact depth map; 3) and a Tactile Noise Generator (TacNGen), which generates noise features to train the TacSalNet. Experimental results in contact pose estimation and edge-following in the presence of distractors showcase the accurate prediction of target features from real tactile images. Overall, our tactile saliency prediction approach gives robust sim-to-real tactile control in environments with unknown distractors. Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/tactile-saliency/.
Abstract:Object pushing presents a key non-prehensile manipulation problem that is illustrative of more complex robotic manipulation tasks. While deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods have demonstrated impressive learning capabilities using visual input, a lack of tactile sensing limits their capability for fine and reliable control during manipulation. Here we propose a deep RL approach to object pushing using tactile sensing without visual input, namely tactile pushing. We present a goal-conditioned formulation that allows both model-free and model-based RL to obtain accurate policies for pushing an object to a goal. To achieve real-world performance, we adopt a sim-to-real approach. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to train on a single object and a limited sample of goals to produce precise and reliable policies that can generalize to a variety of unseen objects and pushing scenarios without domain randomization. We experiment with the trained agents in harsh pushing conditions, and show that with significantly more training samples, a model-free policy can outperform a model-based planner, generating shorter and more reliable pushing trajectories despite large disturbances. The simplicity of our training environment and effective real-world performance highlights the value of rich tactile information for fine manipulation. Code and videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/tactile-rl-pushing/.
Abstract:Bimanual manipulation with tactile feedback will be key to human-level robot dexterity. However, this topic is less explored than single-arm settings, partly due to the availability of suitable hardware along with the complexity of designing effective controllers for tasks with relatively large state-action spaces. Here we introduce a dual-arm tactile robotic system (Bi-Touch) based on the Tactile Gym 2.0 setup that integrates two affordable industrial-level robot arms with low-cost high-resolution tactile sensors (TacTips). We present a suite of bimanual manipulation tasks tailored towards tactile feedback: bi-pushing, bi-reorienting and bi-gathering. To learn effective policies, we introduce appropriate reward functions for these tasks and propose a novel goal-update mechanism with deep reinforcement learning. We also apply these policies to real-world settings with a tactile sim-to-real approach. Our analysis highlights and addresses some challenges met during the sim-to-real application, e.g. the learned policy tended to squeeze an object in the bi-reorienting task due to the sim-to-real gap. Finally, we demonstrate the generalizability and robustness of this system by experimenting with different unseen objects with applied perturbations in the real world. Code and videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/bi-touch/.