Abstract:Robust partially observable Markov decision processes (robust POMDPs) extend classical POMDPs to handle additional uncertainty on the transition and observation probabilities via so-called uncertainty sets. Policies for robust POMDPs must not only be memory-based to account for partial observability but also robust against model uncertainty to account for the worst-case instances from the uncertainty sets. We propose the pessimistic iterative planning (PIP) framework, which finds robust memory-based policies for robust POMDPs. PIP alternates between two main steps: (1) selecting an adversarial (non-robust) POMDP via worst-case probability instances from the uncertainty sets; and (2) computing a finite-state controller (FSC) for this adversarial POMDP. We evaluate the performance of this FSC on the original robust POMDP and use this evaluation in step (1) to select the next adversarial POMDP. Within PIP, we propose the rFSCNet algorithm. In each iteration, rFSCNet finds an FSC through a recurrent neural network trained using supervision policies optimized for the adversarial POMDP. The empirical evaluation in four benchmark environments showcases improved robustness against a baseline method in an ablation study and competitive performance compared to a state-of-the-art robust POMDP solver.
Abstract:One of the remaining challenges in reinforcement learning is to develop agents that can generalise to novel scenarios they might encounter once deployed. This challenge is often framed in a multi-task setting where agents train on a fixed set of tasks and have to generalise to new tasks. Recent work has shown that in this setting increased exploration during training can be leveraged to increase the generalisation performance of the agent. This makes sense when the states encountered during testing can actually be explored during training. In this paper, we provide intuition why exploration can also benefit generalisation to states that cannot be explicitly encountered during training. Additionally, we propose a novel method Explore-Go that exploits this intuition by increasing the number of states on which the agent trains. Explore-Go effectively increases the starting state distribution of the agent and as a result can be used in conjunction with most existing on-policy or off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms. We show empirically that our method can increase generalisation performance in an illustrative environment and on the Procgen benchmark.
Abstract:Many modern reinforcement learning algorithms build on the actor-critic (AC) framework: iterative improvement of a policy (the actor) using policy improvement operators and iterative approximation of the policy's value (the critic). In contrast, the popular value-based algorithm family employs improvement operators in the value update, to iteratively improve the value function directly. In this work, we propose a general extension to the AC framework that employs two separate improvement operators: one applied to the policy in the spirit of policy-based algorithms and one applied to the value in the spirit of value-based algorithms, which we dub Value-Improved AC (VI-AC). We design two practical VI-AC algorithms based in the popular online off-policy AC algorithms TD3 and DDPG. We evaluate VI-TD3 and VI-DDPG in the Mujoco benchmark and find that both improve upon or match the performance of their respective baselines in all environments tested.
Abstract:Natural Language Processing (NLP) models optimized for predictive performance often make high confidence errors and suffer from vulnerability to adversarial and out-of-distribution data. Existing work has mainly focused on mitigation of such errors using either humans or an automated approach. In this study, we explore the usage of large language models (LLMs) for data augmentation as a potential solution to the issue of NLP models making wrong predictions with high confidence during classification tasks. We compare the effectiveness of synthetic data generated by LLMs with that of human data obtained via the same procedure. For mitigation, humans or LLMs provide natural language characterizations of high confidence misclassifications to generate synthetic data, which are then used to extend the training set. We conduct an extensive evaluation of our approach on three classification tasks and demonstrate its effectiveness in reducing the number of high confidence misclassifications present in the model, all while maintaining the same level of accuracy. Moreover, we find that the cost gap between humans and LLMs surpasses an order of magnitude, as LLMs attain human-like performance while being more scalable.
Abstract:Policy gradient methods are widely adopted reinforcement learning algorithms for tasks with continuous action spaces. These methods succeeded in many application domains, however, because of their notorious sample inefficiency their use remains limited to problems where fast and accurate simulations are available. A common way to improve sample efficiency is to modify their objective function to be computable from off-policy samples without importance sampling. A well-established off-policy objective is the excursion objective. This work studies the difference between the excursion objective and the traditional on-policy objective, which we refer to as the on-off gap. We provide the first theoretical analysis showing conditions to reduce the on-off gap while establishing empirical evidence of shortfalls arising when these conditions are not met.
Abstract:Safety is critical to broadening the application of reinforcement learning (RL). Often, we train RL agents in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory, before deploying them in the real world. However, the real-world target task might be unknown prior to deployment. Reward-free RL trains an agent without the reward to adapt quickly once the reward is revealed. We consider the constrained reward-free setting, where an agent (the guide) learns to explore safely without the reward signal. This agent is trained in a controlled environment, which allows unsafe interactions and still provides the safety signal. After the target task is revealed, safety violations are not allowed anymore. Thus, the guide is leveraged to compose a safe behaviour policy. Drawing from transfer learning, we also regularize a target policy (the student) towards the guide while the student is unreliable and gradually eliminate the influence of the guide as training progresses. The empirical analysis shows that this method can achieve safe transfer learning and helps the student solve the target task faster.
Abstract:In contrast to classical reinforcement learning, distributional reinforcement learning algorithms aim to learn the distribution of returns rather than their expected value. Since the nature of the return distribution is generally unknown a priori or arbitrarily complex, a common approach finds approximations within a set of representable, parametric distributions. Typically, this involves a projection of the unconstrained distribution onto the set of simplified distributions. We argue that this projection step entails a strong inductive bias when coupled with neural networks and gradient descent, thereby profoundly impacting the generalization behavior of learned models. In order to facilitate reliable uncertainty estimation through diversity, this work studies the combination of several different projections and representations in a distributional ensemble. We establish theoretical properties of such projection ensembles and derive an algorithm that uses ensemble disagreement, measured by the average $1$-Wasserstein distance, as a bonus for deep exploration. We evaluate our algorithm on the behavior suite benchmark and find that diverse projection ensembles lead to significant performance improvements over existing methods on a wide variety of tasks with the most pronounced gains in directed exploration problems.
Abstract:In reinforcement learning (RL), key components of many algorithms are the exploration strategy and replay buffer. These strategies regulate what environment data is collected and trained on and have been extensively studied in the RL literature. In this paper, we investigate the impact of these components in the context of generalisation in multi-task RL. We investigate the hypothesis that collecting and training on more diverse data from the training environment will improve zero-shot generalisation to new environments/tasks. We motivate mathematically and show empirically that generalisation to states that are "reachable" during training is improved by increasing the diversity of transitions in the replay buffer. Furthermore, we show empirically that this same strategy also shows improvement for generalisation to similar but "unreachable" states and could be due to improved generalisation of latent representations.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning agents may sometimes develop habits that are effective only when specific policies are followed. After an initial exploration phase in which agents try out different actions, they eventually converge toward a particular policy. When this occurs, the distribution of state-action trajectories becomes narrower, and agents start experiencing the same transitions again and again. At this point, spurious correlations may arise. Agents may then pick up on these correlations and learn state representations that do not generalize beyond the agent's trajectory distribution. In this paper, we provide a mathematical characterization of this phenomenon, which we refer to as policy confounding, and show, through a series of examples, when and how it occurs in practice.
Abstract:Due to its high sample complexity, simulation is, as of today, critical for the successful application of reinforcement learning. Many real-world problems, however, exhibit overly complex dynamics, which makes their full-scale simulation computationally slow. In this paper, we show how to decompose large networked systems of many agents into multiple local components such that we can build separate simulators that run independently and in parallel. To monitor the influence that the different local components exert on one another, each of these simulators is equipped with a learned model that is periodically trained on real trajectories. Our empirical results reveal that distributing the simulation among different processes not only makes it possible to train large multi-agent systems in just a few hours but also helps mitigate the negative effects of simultaneous learning.