Abstract:In recent years, the development of deep learning approaches for the task of person re-identification led to impressive results. However, this comes with a limitation for industrial and practical real-world applications. Firstly, most of the existing works operate on closed-world scenarios, in which the people to re-identify (probes) are compared to a closed-set (gallery). Real-world scenarios often are open-set problems in which the gallery is not known a priori, but the number of open-set approaches in the literature is significantly lower. Secondly, challenges such as multi-camera setups, occlusions, real-time requirements, etc., further constrain the applicability of off-the-shelf methods. This work presents MICRO-TRACK, a Modular Industrial multi-Camera Re_identification and Open-set Tracking system that is real-time, scalable, and easy to integrate into existing industrial surveillance scenarios. Furthermore, we release a novel Re-ID and tracking dataset acquired in an industrial manufacturing facility, dubbed Facility-ReID, consisting of 18-minute videos captured by 8 surveillance cameras.
Abstract:Patterns of human motion in outdoor and indoor environments are substantially different due to the scope of the environment and the typical intentions of people therein. While outdoor trajectory forecasting has received significant attention, indoor forecasting is still an underexplored research area. This paper proposes SITUATE, a novel approach to cope with indoor human trajectory prediction by leveraging equivariant and invariant geometric features and a self-supervised vision representation. The geometric learning modules model the intrinsic symmetries and human movements inherent in indoor spaces. This concept becomes particularly important because self-loops at various scales and rapid direction changes often characterize indoor trajectories. On the other hand, the vision representation module is used to acquire spatial-semantic information about the environment to predict users' future locations more accurately. We evaluate our method through comprehensive experiments on the two most famous indoor trajectory forecasting datasets, i.e., TH\"OR and Supermarket, obtaining state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, we also achieve competitive results in outdoor scenarios, showing that indoor-oriented forecasting models generalize better than outdoor-oriented ones. The source code is available at https://github.com/intelligolabs/SITUATE.
Abstract:This study introduces the Iterative Refinement Process (IRP), a robust anomaly detection methodology designed for high-stakes industrial quality control. The IRP enhances defect detection accuracy through a cyclic data refinement strategy, iteratively removing misleading data points to improve model performance and robustness. We validate the IRP's effectiveness using two benchmark datasets, Kolektor SDD2 (KSDD2) and MVTec AD, covering a wide range of industrial products and defect types. Our experimental results demonstrate that the IRP consistently outperforms traditional anomaly detection models, particularly in environments with high noise levels. This study highlights the IRP's potential to significantly enhance anomaly detection processes in industrial settings, effectively managing the challenges of sparse and noisy data.
Abstract:In the past decade, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) achieved state-of-the-art performance in a broad range of problems, spanning from object classification and action recognition to smart building and healthcare. The flexibility that makes DNNs such a pervasive technology comes at a price: the computational requirements preclude their deployment on most of the resource-constrained edge devices available today to solve real-time and real-world tasks. This paper introduces a novel approach to address this challenge by combining the concept of predefined sparsity with Split Computing (SC) and Early Exit (EE). In particular, SC aims at splitting a DNN with a part of it deployed on an edge device and the rest on a remote server. Instead, EE allows the system to stop using the remote server and rely solely on the edge device's computation if the answer is already good enough. Specifically, how to apply such a predefined sparsity to a SC and EE paradigm has never been studied. This paper studies this problem and shows how predefined sparsity significantly reduces the computational, storage, and energy burdens during the training and inference phases, regardless of the hardware platform. This makes it a valuable approach for enhancing the performance of SC and EE applications. Experimental results showcase reductions exceeding 4x in storage and computational complexity without compromising performance. The source code is available at https://github.com/intelligolabs/sparsity_sc_ee.
Abstract:Split Computing (SC), where a Deep Neural Network (DNN) is intelligently split with a part of it deployed on an edge device and the rest on a remote server is emerging as a promising approach. It allows the power of DNNs to be leveraged for latency-sensitive applications that do not allow the entire DNN to be deployed remotely, while not having sufficient computation bandwidth available locally. In many such embedded systems scenarios, such as those in the automotive domain, computational resource constraints also necessitate Multi-Task Learning (MTL), where the same DNN is used for multiple inference tasks instead of having dedicated DNNs for each task, which would need more computing bandwidth. However, how to partition such a multi-tasking DNN to be deployed within a SC framework has not been sufficiently studied. This paper studies this problem, and MTL-Split, our novel proposed architecture, shows encouraging results on both synthetic and real-world data. The source code is available at https://github.com/intelligolabs/MTL-Split.
Abstract:Defect detection is the task of identifying defects in production samples. Usually, defect detection classifiers are trained on ground-truth data formed by normal samples (negative data) and samples with defects (positive data), where the latter are consistently fewer than normal samples. State-of-the-art data augmentation procedures add synthetic defect data by superimposing artifacts to normal samples to mitigate problems related to unbalanced training data. These techniques often produce out-of-distribution images, resulting in systems that learn what is not a normal sample but cannot accurately identify what a defect looks like. In this work, we introduce DIAG, a training-free Diffusion-based In-distribution Anomaly Generation pipeline for data augmentation. Unlike conventional image generation techniques, we implement a human-in-the-loop pipeline, where domain experts provide multimodal guidance to the model through text descriptions and region localization of the possible anomalies. This strategic shift enhances the interpretability of results and fosters a more robust human feedback loop, facilitating iterative improvements of the generated outputs. Remarkably, our approach operates in a zero-shot manner, avoiding time-consuming fine-tuning procedures while achieving superior performance. We demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of DIAG with respect to state-of-the-art data augmentation approaches on the challenging KSDD2 dataset, with an improvement in AP of approximately 18% when positive samples are available and 28% when they are missing. The source code is available at https://github.com/intelligolabs/DIAG.
Abstract:In the Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments (VLN-CE) task, the human user guides an autonomous agent to reach a target goal via a series of low-level actions following a textual instruction in natural language. However, most existing methods do not address the likely case where users may make mistakes when providing such instruction (e.g. "turn left" instead of "turn right"). In this work, we address a novel task of Interactive VLN in Continuous Environments (IVLN-CE), which allows the agent to interact with the user during the VLN-CE navigation to verify any doubts regarding the instruction errors. We propose an Interactive Instruction Error Detector and Localizer (I2EDL) that triggers the user-agent interaction upon the detection of instruction errors during the navigation. We leverage a pre-trained module to detect instruction errors and pinpoint them in the instruction by cross-referencing the textual input and past observations. In such way, the agent is able to query the user for a timely correction, without demanding the user's cognitive load, as we locate the probable errors to a precise part of the instruction. We evaluate the proposed I2EDL on a dataset of instructions containing errors, and further devise a novel metric, the Success weighted by Interaction Number (SIN), to reflect both the navigation performance and the interaction effectiveness. We show how the proposed method can ask focused requests for corrections to the user, which in turn increases the navigation success, while minimizing the interactions.
Abstract:In this study, we show that diffusion models can be used in industrial scenarios to improve the data augmentation procedure in the context of surface defect detection. In general, defect detection classifiers are trained on ground-truth data formed by normal samples (negative data) and samples with defects (positive data), where the latter are consistently fewer than normal samples. For these reasons, state-of-the-art data augmentation procedures add synthetic defect data by superimposing artifacts to normal samples. This leads to out-of-distribution augmented data so that the classification system learns what is not a normal sample but does not know what a defect really is. We show that diffusion models overcome this situation, providing more realistic in-distribution defects so that the model can learn the defect's genuine appearance. We propose a novel approach for data augmentation that mixes out-of-distribution with in-distribution samples, which we call In&Out. The approach can deal with two data augmentation setups: i) when no defects are available (zero-shot data augmentation) and ii) when defects are available, which can be in a small number (few-shot) or a large one (full-shot). We focus the experimental part on the most challenging benchmark in the state-of-the-art, i.e., the Kolektor Surface-Defect Dataset 2, defining the new state-of-the-art classification AP score under weak supervision of .782. The code is available at https://github.com/intelligolabs/in_and_out.
Abstract:We introduce HARPER, a novel dataset for 3D body pose estimation and forecast in dyadic interactions between users and Spot, the quadruped robot manufactured by Boston Dynamics. The key-novelty is the focus on the robot's perspective, i.e., on the data captured by the robot's sensors. These make 3D body pose analysis challenging because being close to the ground captures humans only partially. The scenario underlying HARPER includes 15 actions, of which 10 involve physical contact between the robot and users. The Corpus contains not only the recordings of the built-in stereo cameras of Spot, but also those of a 6-camera OptiTrack system (all recordings are synchronized). This leads to ground-truth skeletal representations with a precision lower than a millimeter. In addition, the Corpus includes reproducible benchmarks on 3D Human Pose Estimation, Human Pose Forecasting, and Collision Prediction, all based on publicly available baseline approaches. This enables future HARPER users to rigorously compare their results with those we provide in this work.
Abstract:Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments (VLN-CE) is one of the most intuitive yet challenging embodied AI tasks. Agents are tasked to navigate towards a target goal by executing a set of low-level actions, following a series of natural language instructions. All VLN-CE methods in the literature assume that language instructions are exact. However, in practice, instructions given by humans can contain errors when describing a spatial environment due to inaccurate memory or confusion. Current VLN-CE benchmarks do not address this scenario, making the state-of-the-art methods in VLN-CE fragile in the presence of erroneous instructions from human users. For the first time, we propose a novel benchmark dataset that introduces various types of instruction errors considering potential human causes. This benchmark provides valuable insight into the robustness of VLN systems in continuous environments. We observe a noticeable performance drop (up to -25%) in Success Rate when evaluating the state-of-the-art VLN-CE methods on our benchmark. Moreover, we formally define the task of Instruction Error Detection and Localization, and establish an evaluation protocol on top of our benchmark dataset. We also propose an effective method, based on a cross-modal transformer architecture, that achieves the best performance in error detection and localization, compared to baselines. Surprisingly, our proposed method has revealed errors in the validation set of the two commonly used datasets for VLN-CE, i.e., R2R-CE and RxR-CE, demonstrating the utility of our technique in other tasks. Code and dataset will be made available upon acceptance at https://intelligolabs.github.io/R2RIE-CE