Abstract:Graph few-shot learning has garnered significant attention for its ability to rapidly adapt to downstream tasks with limited labeled data, sparking considerable interest among researchers. Recent advancements in graph few-shot learning models have exhibited superior performance across diverse applications. Despite their successes, several limitations still exist. First, existing models in the meta-training phase predominantly focus on instance-level features within tasks, neglecting crucial set-level features essential for distinguishing between different categories. Second, these models often utilize query sets directly on classifiers trained with support sets containing only a few labeled examples, overlooking potential distribution shifts between these sets and leading to suboptimal performance. Finally, previous models typically require necessitate abundant labeled data from base classes to extract transferable knowledge, which is typically infeasible in real-world scenarios. To address these issues, we propose a novel model named STAR, which leverages Set funcTions and optimAl tRansport for enhancing unsupervised graph few-shot learning. Specifically, STAR utilizes expressive set functions to obtain set-level features in an unsupervised manner and employs optimal transport principles to align the distributions of support and query sets, thereby mitigating distribution shift effects. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that STAR can capture more task-relevant information and enhance generalization capabilities. Empirically, extensive experiments across multiple datasets validate the effectiveness of STAR. Our code can be found here.
Abstract:Node classification is an essential problem in graph learning. However, many models typically obtain unsatisfactory performance when applied to few-shot scenarios. Some studies have attempted to combine meta-learning with graph neural networks to solve few-shot node classification on graphs. Despite their promising performance, some limitations remain. First, they employ the node encoding mechanism of homophilic graphs to learn node embeddings, even in heterophilic graphs. Second, existing models based on meta-learning ignore the interference of randomness in the learning process. Third, they are trained using only limited labeled nodes within the specific task, without explicitly utilizing numerous unlabeled nodes. Finally, they treat almost all sampled tasks equally without customizing them for their uniqueness. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework for few-shot node classification called Meta-GPS++. Specifically, we first adopt an efficient method to learn discriminative node representations on homophilic and heterophilic graphs. Then, we leverage a prototype-based approach to initialize parameters and contrastive learning for regularizing the distribution of node embeddings. Moreover, we apply self-training to extract valuable information from unlabeled nodes. Additionally, we adopt S$^2$ (scaling & shifting) transformation to learn transferable knowledge from diverse tasks. The results on real-world datasets show the superiority of Meta-GPS++. Our code is available here.
Abstract:Natural Language Inference (NLI) is a crucial task in natural language processing that involves determining the relationship between two sentences, typically referred to as the premise and the hypothesis. However, traditional NLI models solely rely on the semantic information inherent in independent sentences and lack relevant situational visual information, which can hinder a complete understanding of the intended meaning of the sentences due to the ambiguity and vagueness of language. To address this challenge, we propose an innovative ScenaFuse adapter that simultaneously integrates large-scale pre-trained linguistic knowledge and relevant visual information for NLI tasks. Specifically, we first design an image-sentence interaction module to incorporate visuals into the attention mechanism of the pre-trained model, allowing the two modalities to interact comprehensively. Furthermore, we introduce an image-sentence fusion module that can adaptively integrate visual information from images and semantic information from sentences. By incorporating relevant visual information and leveraging linguistic knowledge, our approach bridges the gap between language and vision, leading to improved understanding and inference capabilities in NLI tasks. Extensive benchmark experiments demonstrate that our proposed ScenaFuse, a scenario-guided approach, consistently boosts NLI performance.
Abstract:Activity cliff (AC) is a phenomenon that a pair of similar molecules differ by a small structural alternation but exhibit a large difference in their biochemical activities. The AC of small molecules has been extensively investigated but limited knowledge is accumulated about the AC phenomenon in peptides with canonical amino acids. This study introduces a quantitative definition and benchmarking framework AMPCliff for the AC phenomenon in antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) composed by canonical amino acids. A comprehensive analysis of the existing AMP dataset reveals a significant prevalence of AC within AMPs. AMPCliff quantifies the activities of AMPs by the metric minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and defines 0.9 as the minimum threshold for the normalized BLOSUM62 similarity score between a pair of aligned peptides with at least two-fold MIC changes. This study establishes a benchmark dataset of paired AMPs in Staphylococcus aureus from the publicly available AMP dataset GRAMPA, and conducts a rigorous procedure to evaluate various AMP AC prediction models, including nine machine learning, four deep learning algorithms, four masked language models, and four generative language models. Our analysis reveals that these models are capable of detecting AMP AC events and the pre-trained protein language ESM2 model demonstrates superior performance across the evaluations. The predictive performance of AMP activity cliffs remains to be further improved, considering that ESM2 with 33 layers only achieves the Spearman correlation coefficient=0.50 for the regression task of the MIC values on the benchmark dataset. Source code and additional resources are available at https://www.healthinformaticslab.org/supp/ or https://github.com/Kewei2023/AMPCliff-generation.
Abstract:Event datasets in the financial domain are often constructed based on actual application scenarios, and their event types are weakly reusable due to scenario constraints; at the same time, the massive and diverse new financial big data cannot be limited to the event types defined for specific scenarios. This limitation of a small number of event types does not meet our research needs for more complex tasks such as the prediction of major financial events and the analysis of the ripple effects of financial events. In this paper, a three-stage approach is proposed to accomplish incremental discovery of event types. For an existing annotated financial event dataset, the three-stage approach consists of: for a set of financial event data with a mixture of original and unknown event types, a semi-supervised deep clustering model with anomaly detection is first applied to classify the data into normal and abnormal events, where abnormal events are events that do not belong to known types; then normal events are tagged with appropriate event types and abnormal events are reasonably clustered. Finally, a cluster keyword extraction method is used to recommend the type names of events for the new event clusters, thus incrementally discovering new event types. The proposed method is effective in the incremental discovery of new event types on real data sets.
Abstract:We propose a novel support vector regression approach called e-Distance Weighted Support Vector Regression (e-DWSVR).e-DWSVR specifically addresses two challenging issues in support vector regression: first, the process of noisy data; second, how to deal with the situation when the distribution of boundary data is different from that of the overall data. The proposed e-DWSVR optimizes the minimum margin and the mean of functional margin simultaneously to tackle these two issues. In addition, we use both dual coordinate descent (CD) and averaged stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) strategies to make e-DWSVR scalable to large scale problems. We report promising results obtained by e-DWSVR in comparison with existing methods on several benchmark datasets.