Abstract:Radiance fields including NeRFs and 3D Gaussians demonstrate great potential in high-fidelity rendering and scene reconstruction, while they require a substantial number of posed images as inputs. COLMAP is frequently employed for preprocessing to estimate poses, while it necessitates a large number of feature matches to operate effectively, and it struggles with scenes characterized by sparse features, large baselines between images, or a limited number of input images. We aim to tackle few-view NeRF reconstruction using only 3 to 6 unposed scene images. Traditional methods often use calibration boards but they are not common in images. We propose a novel idea of utilizing everyday objects, commonly found in both images and real life, as "pose probes". The probe object is automatically segmented by SAM, whose shape is initialized from a cube. We apply a dual-branch volume rendering optimization (object NeRF and scene NeRF) to constrain the pose optimization and jointly refine the geometry. Specifically, object poses of two views are first estimated by PnP matching in an SDF representation, which serves as initial poses. PnP matching, requiring only a few features, is suitable for feature-sparse scenes. Additional views are incrementally incorporated to refine poses from preceding views. In experiments, PoseProbe achieves state-of-the-art performance in both pose estimation and novel view synthesis across multiple datasets. We demonstrate its effectiveness, particularly in few-view and large-baseline scenes where COLMAP struggles. In ablations, using different objects in a scene yields comparable performance. Our project page is available at: \href{https://zhirui-gao.github.io/PoseProbe.github.io/}{this https URL}
Abstract:The household rearrangement task involves spotting misplaced objects in a scene and accommodate them with proper places. It depends both on common-sense knowledge on the objective side and human user preference on the subjective side. In achieving such task, we propose to mine object functionality with user preference alignment directly from the scene itself, without relying on human intervention. To do so, we work with scene graph representation and propose LLM-enhanced scene graph learning which transforms the input scene graph into an affordance-enhanced graph (AEG) with information-enhanced nodes and newly discovered edges (relations). In AEG, the nodes corresponding to the receptacle objects are augmented with context-induced affordance which encodes what kind of carriable objects can be placed on it. New edges are discovered with newly discovered non-local relations. With AEG, we perform task planning for scene rearrangement by detecting misplaced carriables and determining a proper placement for each of them. We test our method by implementing a tiding robot in simulator and perform evaluation on a new benchmark we build. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on misplacement detection and the following rearrangement planning.
Abstract:Low-level 3D representations, such as point clouds, meshes, NeRFs, and 3D Gaussians, are commonly used to represent 3D objects or scenes. However, humans usually perceive 3D objects or scenes at a higher level as a composition of parts or structures rather than points or voxels. Representing 3D as semantic parts can benefit further understanding and applications. We aim to solve part-aware 3D reconstruction, which parses objects or scenes into semantic parts. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid representation of superquadrics and 2D Gaussians, trying to dig 3D structural clues from multi-view image inputs. Accurate structured geometry reconstruction and high-quality rendering are achieved at the same time. We incorporate parametric superquadrics in mesh forms into 2D Gaussians by attaching Gaussian centers to faces in meshes. During the training, superquadrics parameters are iteratively optimized, and Gaussians are deformed accordingly, resulting in an efficient hybrid representation. On the one hand, this hybrid representation inherits the advantage of superquadrics to represent different shape primitives, supporting flexible part decomposition of scenes. On the other hand, 2D Gaussians are incorporated to model the complex texture and geometry details, ensuring high-quality rendering and geometry reconstruction. The reconstruction is fully unsupervised. We conduct extensive experiments on data from DTU and ShapeNet datasets, in which the method decomposes scenes into reasonable parts, outperforming existing state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Combinatorial Optimization (CO) problems are fundamentally crucial in numerous practical applications across diverse industries, characterized by entailing enormous solution space and demanding time-sensitive response. Despite significant advancements made by recent neural solvers, their limited expressiveness does not conform well to the multi-modal nature of CO landscapes. While some research has pivoted towards diffusion models, they require simulating a Markov chain with many steps to produce a sample, which is time-consuming and does not meet the efficiency requirement of real applications, especially at scale. We propose DISCO, an efficient DIffusion Solver for Combinatorial Optimization problems that excels in both solution quality and inference speed. DISCO's efficacy is two-pronged: Firstly, it achieves rapid denoising of solutions through an analytically solvable form, allowing for direct sampling from the solution space with very few reverse-time steps, thereby drastically reducing inference time. Secondly, DISCO enhances solution quality by restricting the sampling space to a more constrained, meaningful domain guided by solution residues, while still preserving the inherent multi-modality of the output probabilistic distributions. DISCO achieves state-of-the-art results on very large Traveling Salesman Problems with 10000 nodes and challenging Maximal Independent Set benchmarks, with its per-instance denoising time up to 44.8 times faster. Through further combining a divide-and-conquer strategy, DISCO can be generalized to solve arbitrary-scale problem instances off the shelf, even outperforming models trained specifically on corresponding scales.
Abstract:The insertion of objects into a scene and relighting are commonly utilized applications in augmented reality (AR). Previous methods focused on inserting virtual objects using CAD models or real objects from single-view images, resulting in highly limited AR application scenarios. We propose a novel NeRF-based pipeline for inserting object NeRFs into scene NeRFs, enabling novel view synthesis and realistic relighting, supporting physical interactions like casting shadows onto each other, from two sets of images depicting the object and scene. The lighting environment is in a hybrid representation of Spherical Harmonics and Spherical Gaussians, representing both high- and low-frequency lighting components very well, and supporting non-Lambertian surfaces. Specifically, we leverage the benefits of volume rendering and introduce an innovative approach for efficient shadow rendering by comparing the depth maps between the camera view and the light source view and generating vivid soft shadows. The proposed method achieves realistic relighting effects in extensive experimental evaluations.
Abstract:This paper focuses on training a robust RGB-D registration model without ground-truth pose supervision. Existing methods usually adopt a pairwise training strategy based on differentiable rendering, which enforces the photometric and the geometric consistency between the two registered frames as supervision. However, this frame-to-frame framework suffers from poor multi-view consistency due to factors such as lighting changes, geometry occlusion and reflective materials. In this paper, we present NeRF-UR, a novel frame-to-model optimization framework for unsupervised RGB-D registration. Instead of frame-to-frame consistency, we leverage the neural radiance field (NeRF) as a global model of the scene and use the consistency between the input and the NeRF-rerendered frames for pose optimization. This design can significantly improve the robustness in scenarios with poor multi-view consistency and provides better learning signal for the registration model. Furthermore, to bootstrap the NeRF optimization, we create a synthetic dataset, Sim-RGBD, through a photo-realistic simulator to warm up the registration model. By first training the registration model on Sim-RGBD and later unsupervisedly fine-tuning on real data, our framework enables distilling the capability of feature extraction and registration from simulation to reality. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art counterparts on two popular indoor RGB-D datasets, ScanNet and 3DMatch. Code and models will be released for paper reproduction.
Abstract:This paper introduces MultiBooth, a novel and efficient technique for multi-concept customization in image generation from text. Despite the significant advancements in customized generation methods, particularly with the success of diffusion models, existing methods often struggle with multi-concept scenarios due to low concept fidelity and high inference cost. MultiBooth addresses these issues by dividing the multi-concept generation process into two phases: a single-concept learning phase and a multi-concept integration phase. During the single-concept learning phase, we employ a multi-modal image encoder and an efficient concept encoding technique to learn a concise and discriminative representation for each concept. In the multi-concept integration phase, we use bounding boxes to define the generation area for each concept within the cross-attention map. This method enables the creation of individual concepts within their specified regions, thereby facilitating the formation of multi-concept images. This strategy not only improves concept fidelity but also reduces additional inference cost. MultiBooth surpasses various baselines in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, showcasing its superior performance and computational efficiency. Project Page: https://multibooth.github.io/
Abstract:This work focuses on the dual-arm object rearrangement problem abstracted from a realistic industrial scenario of Cartesian robots. The goal of this problem is to transfer all the objects from sources to targets with the minimum total completion time. To achieve the goal, the core idea is to develop an effective object-to-arm task assignment strategy for minimizing the cumulative task execution time and maximizing the dual-arm cooperation efficiency. One of the difficulties in the task assignment is the scalability problem. As the number of objects increases, the computation time of traditional offline-search-based methods grows strongly for computational complexity. Encouraged by the adaptability of reinforcement learning (RL) in long-sequence task decisions, we propose an online task assignment decision method based on RL, and the computation time of our method only increases linearly with the number of objects. Further, we design an attention-based network to model the dependencies between the input states during the whole task execution process to help find the most reasonable object-to-arm correspondence in each task assignment round. In the experimental part, we adapt some search-based methods to this specific setting and compare our method with them. Experimental result shows that our approach achieves outperformance over search-based methods in total execution time and computational efficiency, and also verifies the generalization of our method to different numbers of objects. In addition, we show the effectiveness of our method deployed on the real robot in the supplementary video.
Abstract:Learning-based surface reconstruction based on unsigned distance functions (UDF) has many advantages such as handling open surfaces. We propose SuperUDF, a self-supervised UDF learning which exploits a learned geometry prior for efficient training and a novel regularization for robustness to sparse sampling. The core idea of SuperUDF draws inspiration from the classical surface approximation operator of locally optimal projection (LOP). The key insight is that if the UDF is estimated correctly, the 3D points should be locally projected onto the underlying surface following the gradient of the UDF. Based on that, a number of inductive biases on UDF geometry and a pre-learned geometry prior are devised to learn UDF estimation efficiently. A novel regularization loss is proposed to make SuperUDF robust to sparse sampling. Furthermore, we also contribute a learning-based mesh extraction from the estimated UDFs. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that SuperUDF outperforms the state of the arts on several public datasets in terms of both quality and efficiency. Code will be released after accteptance.
Abstract:The commonly adopted detect-then-match approach to registration finds difficulties in the cross-modality cases due to the incompatible keypoint detection and inconsistent feature description. We propose, 2D3D-MATR, a detection-free method for accurate and robust registration between images and point clouds. Our method adopts a coarse-to-fine pipeline where it first computes coarse correspondences between downsampled patches of the input image and the point cloud and then extends them to form dense correspondences between pixels and points within the patch region. The coarse-level patch matching is based on transformer which jointly learns global contextual constraints with self-attention and cross-modality correlations with cross-attention. To resolve the scale ambiguity in patch matching, we construct a multi-scale pyramid for each image patch and learn to find for each point patch the best matching image patch at a proper resolution level. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks demonstrate that 2D3D-MATR outperforms the previous state-of-the-art P2-Net by around $20$ percentage points on inlier ratio and over $10$ points on registration recall. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/minhaolee/2D3DMATR.