Picture for Xia Liu

Xia Liu

RepoMasterEval: Evaluating Code Completion via Real-World Repositories

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Aug 07, 2024
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Mitigating barren plateaus of variational quantum eigensolvers

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May 26, 2022
Figure 1 for Mitigating barren plateaus of variational quantum eigensolvers
Figure 2 for Mitigating barren plateaus of variational quantum eigensolvers
Figure 3 for Mitigating barren plateaus of variational quantum eigensolvers
Figure 4 for Mitigating barren plateaus of variational quantum eigensolvers
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Approximation smooth and sparse functions by deep neural networks without saturation

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Jan 13, 2020
Figure 1 for Approximation smooth and sparse functions by deep neural networks without saturation
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Greedy Criterion in Orthogonal Greedy Learning

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Apr 20, 2016
Figure 1 for Greedy Criterion in Orthogonal Greedy Learning
Figure 2 for Greedy Criterion in Orthogonal Greedy Learning
Figure 3 for Greedy Criterion in Orthogonal Greedy Learning
Figure 4 for Greedy Criterion in Orthogonal Greedy Learning
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Is Extreme Learning Machine Feasible? A Theoretical Assessment (Part II)

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Jan 24, 2014
Figure 1 for Is Extreme Learning Machine Feasible? A Theoretical Assessment (Part II)
Figure 2 for Is Extreme Learning Machine Feasible? A Theoretical Assessment (Part II)
Figure 3 for Is Extreme Learning Machine Feasible? A Theoretical Assessment (Part II)
Figure 4 for Is Extreme Learning Machine Feasible? A Theoretical Assessment (Part II)
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