Stanford University
Abstract:Testing controllers in safety-critical systems is vital for ensuring their safety and preventing failures. In this paper, we address the falsification problem within learning-based closed-loop control systems through simulation. This problem involves the identification of counterexamples that violate system safety requirements and can be formulated as an optimization task based on these requirements. Using full-fidelity simulator data in this optimization problem can be computationally expensive. To improve efficiency, we propose a multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization falsification framework that harnesses simulators with varying levels of accuracy. Our proposed framework can transition between different simulators and establish meaningful relationships between them. Through multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization, we determine both the optimal system input likely to be a counterexample and the appropriate fidelity level for assessment. We evaluated our approach across various Gym environments, each featuring different levels of fidelity. Our experiments demonstrate that multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization is more computationally efficient than full-fidelity Bayesian optimization and other baseline methods in detecting counterexamples. A Python implementation of the algorithm is available at
Abstract:Environment prediction frameworks are critical for the safe navigation of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in dynamic settings. LiDAR-generated occupancy grid maps (L-OGMs) offer a robust bird's-eye view for the scene representation, enabling self-supervised joint scene predictions while exhibiting resilience to partial observability and perception detection failures. Prior approaches have focused on deterministic L-OGM prediction architectures within the grid cell space. While these methods have seen some success, they frequently produce unrealistic predictions and fail to capture the stochastic nature of the environment. Additionally, they do not effectively integrate additional sensor modalities present in AVs. Our proposed framework performs stochastic L-OGM prediction in the latent space of a generative architecture and allows for conditioning on RGB cameras, maps, and planned trajectories. We decode predictions using either a single-step decoder, which provides high-quality predictions in real-time, or a diffusion-based batch decoder, which can further refine the decoded frames to address temporal consistency issues and reduce compression losses. Our experiments on the nuScenes and Waymo Open datasets show that all variants of our approach qualitatively and quantitatively outperform prior approaches.
Abstract:This paper addresses the challenge of probabilistic parameter estimation given measurement uncertainty in real-time. We provide a general formulation and apply this to pose estimation for an autonomous visual landing system. We present three probabilistic parameter estimators: a least-squares sampling approach, a linear approximation method, and a probabilistic programming estimator. To evaluate these estimators, we introduce novel closed-form expressions for measuring calibration and sharpness specifically for multivariate normal distributions. Our experimental study compares the three estimators under various noise conditions. We demonstrate that the linear approximation estimator can produce sharp and well-calibrated pose predictions significantly faster than the other methods but may yield overconfident predictions in certain scenarios. Additionally, we demonstrate that these estimators can be integrated with a Kalman filter for continuous pose estimation during a runway approach where we observe a 50\% improvement in sharpness while maintaining marginal calibration. This work contributes to the integration of data-driven computer vision models into complex safety-critical aircraft systems and provides a foundation for developing rigorous certification guidelines for such systems.
Abstract:Typical schemes for automated red-teaming large language models (LLMs) focus on discovering prompts that trigger a frozen language model (the defender) to generate toxic text. This often results in the prompting model (the adversary) producing text that is unintelligible and unlikely to arise. Here, we propose a reinforcement learning formulation of the LLM red-teaming task which allows us to discover prompts that both (1) trigger toxic outputs from a frozen defender and (2) have low perplexity as scored by the defender. We argue these cases are most pertinent in a red-teaming setting because of their likelihood to arise during normal use of the defender model. We solve this formulation through a novel online and weakly supervised variant of Identity Preference Optimization (IPO) on GPT-2 and GPT-2 XL defenders. We demonstrate that our policy is capable of generating likely prompts that also trigger toxicity. Finally, we qualitatively analyze learned strategies, trade-offs of likelihood and toxicity, and discuss implications. Source code is available for this project at:
Abstract:Validating safety-critical autonomous systems in high-dimensional domains such as robotics presents a significant challenge. Existing black-box approaches based on Markov chain Monte Carlo may require an enormous number of samples, while methods based on importance sampling often rely on simple parametric families that may struggle to represent the distribution over failures. We propose to sample the distribution over failures using a conditional denoising diffusion model, which has shown success in complex high-dimensional problems such as robotic task planning. We iteratively train a diffusion model to produce state trajectories closer to failure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on high-dimensional robotic validation tasks, improving sample efficiency and mode coverage compared to existing black-box techniques.
Abstract:Min-max problems are important in multi-agent sequential decision-making because they improve the performance of the worst-performing agent in the network. However, solving the multi-agent min-max problem is challenging. We propose a modular, distributed, online planning-based algorithm that is able to approximate the solution of the min-max objective in networked Markov games, assuming that the agents communicate within a network topology and the transition and reward functions are neighborhood-dependent. This set-up is encountered in the multi-robot setting. Our method consists of two phases at every planning step. In the first phase, each agent obtains sample returns based on its local reward function, by performing online planning. Using the samples from online planning, each agent constructs a concave approximation of its underlying local return as a function of only the action of its neighborhood at the next planning step. In the second phase, the agents deploy a distributed optimization framework that converges to the optimal immediate next action for each agent, based on the function approximations of the first phase. We demonstrate our algorithm's performance through formation control simulations.
Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of object-goal navigation in autonomous inspections in real-world environments. Object-goal navigation is crucial to enable effective inspections in various settings, often requiring the robot to identify the target object within a large search space. Current object inspection methods fall short of human efficiency because they typically cannot bootstrap prior and common sense knowledge as humans do. In this paper, we introduce a framework that enables robots to use semantic knowledge from prior spatial configurations of the environment and semantic common sense knowledge. We propose SEEK (Semantic Reasoning for Object Inspection Tasks) that combines semantic prior knowledge with the robot's observations to search for and navigate toward target objects more efficiently. SEEK maintains two representations: a Dynamic Scene Graph (DSG) and a Relational Semantic Network (RSN). The RSN is a compact and practical model that estimates the probability of finding the target object across spatial elements in the DSG. We propose a novel probabilistic planning framework to search for the object using relational semantic knowledge. Our simulation analyses demonstrate that SEEK outperforms the classical planning and Large Language Models (LLMs)-based methods that are examined in this study in terms of efficiency for object-goal inspection tasks. We validated our approach on a physical legged robot in urban environments, showcasing its practicality and effectiveness in real-world inspection scenarios.
Abstract:To plan safely in uncertain environments, agents must balance utility with safety constraints. Safe planning problems can be modeled as a chance-constrained partially observable Markov decision process (CC-POMDP) and solutions often use expensive rollouts or heuristics to estimate the optimal value and action-selection policy. This work introduces the ConstrainedZero policy iteration algorithm that solves CC-POMDPs in belief space by learning neural network approximations of the optimal value and policy with an additional network head that estimates the failure probability given a belief. This failure probability guides safe action selection during online Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS). To avoid overemphasizing search based on the failure estimates, we introduce $\Delta$-MCTS, which uses adaptive conformal inference to update the failure threshold during planning. The approach is tested on a safety-critical POMDP benchmark, an aircraft collision avoidance system, and the sustainability problem of safe CO$_2$ storage. Results show that by separating safety constraints from the objective we can achieve a target level of safety without optimizing the balance between rewards and costs.
Abstract:Adaptive informative path planning (AIPP) is important to many robotics applications, enabling mobile robots to efficiently collect useful data about initially unknown environments. In addition, learning-based methods are increasingly used in robotics to enhance adaptability, versatility, and robustness across diverse and complex tasks. Our survey explores research on applying robotic learning to AIPP, bridging the gap between these two research fields. We begin by providing a unified mathematical framework for general AIPP problems. Next, we establish two complementary taxonomies of current work from the perspectives of (i) learning algorithms and (ii) robotic applications. We explore synergies, recent trends, and highlight the benefits of learning-based methods in AIPP frameworks. Finally, we discuss key challenges and promising future directions to enable more generally applicable and robust robotic data-gathering systems through learning. We provide a comprehensive catalogue of papers reviewed in our survey, including publicly available repositories, to facilitate future studies in the field.
Abstract:Lagrangian-guided Monte Carlo tree search with global dual ascent has been applied to solve large constrained partially observable Markov decision processes (CPOMDPs) online. In this work, we demonstrate that these global dual parameters can lead to myopic action selection during exploration, ultimately leading to suboptimal decision making. To address this, we introduce history-dependent dual variables that guide local action selection and are optimized with recursive dual ascent. We empirically compare the performance of our approach on a motivating toy example and two large CPOMDPs, demonstrating improved exploration, and ultimately, safer outcomes.