Abstract:Due to its efficiency, Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) has been widely adopted for compressing Vision Transformers (ViTs). However, when quantized into low-bit representations, there is often a significant performance drop compared to their full-precision counterparts. To address this issue, reconstruction methods have been incorporated into the PTQ framework to improve performance in low-bit quantization settings. Nevertheless, existing related methods predefine the reconstruction granularity and seldom explore the progressive relationships between different reconstruction granularities, which leads to sub-optimal quantization results in ViTs. To this end, in this paper, we propose a Progressive Fine-to-Coarse Reconstruction (PFCR) method for accurate PTQ, which significantly improves the performance of low-bit quantized vision transformers. Specifically, we define multi-head self-attention and multi-layer perceptron modules along with their shortcuts as the finest reconstruction units. After reconstructing these two fine-grained units, we combine them to form coarser blocks and reconstruct them at a coarser granularity level. We iteratively perform this combination and reconstruction process, achieving progressive fine-to-coarse reconstruction. Additionally, we introduce a Progressive Optimization Strategy (POS) for PFCR to alleviate the difficulty of training, thereby further enhancing model performance. Experimental results on the ImageNet dataset demonstrate that our proposed method achieves the best Top-1 accuracy among state-of-the-art methods, particularly attaining 75.61% for 3-bit quantized ViT-B in PTQ. Besides, quantization results on the COCO dataset reveal the effectiveness and generalization of our proposed method on other computer vision tasks like object detection and instance segmentation.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated strong capabilities in processing structured data. While traditional GNNs typically treat each feature dimension equally during graph convolution, we raise an important question: Is the graph convolution operation equally beneficial for each feature? If not, the convolution operation on certain feature dimensions can possibly lead to harmful effects, even worse than the convolution-free models. In prior studies, to assess the impacts of graph convolution on features, people proposed metrics based on feature homophily to measure feature consistency with the graph topology. However, these metrics have shown unsatisfactory alignment with GNN performance and have not been effectively employed to guide feature selection in GNNs. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel metric, Topological Feature Informativeness (TFI), to distinguish between GNN-favored and GNN-disfavored features, where its effectiveness is validated through both theoretical analysis and empirical observations. Based on TFI, we propose a simple yet effective Graph Feature Selection (GFS) method, which processes GNN-favored and GNN-disfavored features separately, using GNNs and non-GNN models. Compared to original GNNs, GFS significantly improves the extraction of useful topological information from each feature with comparable computational costs. Extensive experiments show that after applying GFS to 8 baseline and state-of-the-art (SOTA) GNN architectures across 10 datasets, 83.75% of the GFS-augmented cases show significant performance boosts. Furthermore, our proposed TFI metric outperforms other feature selection methods. These results validate the effectiveness of both GFS and TFI. Additionally, we demonstrate that GFS's improvements are robust to hyperparameter tuning, highlighting its potential as a universal method for enhancing various GNN architectures.
Abstract:To improve the performance of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), Graph Structure Learning (GSL) has been extensively applied to reconstruct or refine original graph structures, effectively addressing issues like heterophily, over-squashing, and noisy structures. While GSL is generally thought to improve GNN performance, it often leads to longer training times and more hyperparameter tuning. Besides, the distinctions among current GSL methods remain ambiguous from the perspective of GNN training, and there is a lack of theoretical analysis to quantify their effectiveness. Recent studies further suggest that, under fair comparisons with the same hyperparameter tuning, GSL does not consistently outperform baseline GNNs. This motivates us to ask a critical question: is GSL really useful for GNNs? To address this question, this paper makes two key contributions. First, we propose a new GSL framework, which includes three steps: GSL base (the representation used for GSL) construction, new structure construction, and view fusion, to better understand the effectiveness of GSL in GNNs. Second, after graph convolution, we analyze the differences in mutual information (MI) between node representations derived from the original topology and those from the newly constructed topology. Surprisingly, our empirical observations and theoretical analysis show that no matter which type of graph structure construction methods are used, after feeding the same GSL bases to the newly constructed graph, there is no MI gain compared to the original GSL bases. To fairly reassess the effectiveness of GSL, we conduct ablation experiments and find that it is the pretrained GSL bases that enhance GNN performance, and in most cases, GSL cannot improve GNN performance. This finding encourages us to rethink the essential components in GNNs, such as self-training and structural encoding, in GNN design rather than GSL.
Abstract:Single hyperspectral image super-resolution (single-HSI-SR) aims to improve the resolution of a single input low-resolution HSI. Due to the bottleneck of data scarcity, the development of single-HSI-SR lags far behind that of RGB natural images. In recent years, research on RGB SR has shown that models pre-trained on large-scale benchmark datasets can greatly improve performance on unseen data, which may stand as a remedy for HSI. But how can we transfer the pre-trained RGB model to HSI, to overcome the data-scarcity bottleneck? Because of the significant difference in the channels between the pre-trained RGB model and the HSI, the model cannot focus on the correlation along the spectral dimension, thus limiting its ability to utilize on HSI. Inspired by the HSI spatial-spectral decoupling, we propose a new framework that first fine-tunes the pre-trained model with the spatial components (known as eigenimages), and then infers on unseen HSI using an iterative spectral regularization (ISR) to maintain the spectral correlation. The advantages of our method lie in: 1) we effectively inject the spatial texture processing capabilities of the pre-trained RGB model into HSI while keeping spectral fidelity, 2) learning in the spectral-decorrelated domain can improve the generalizability to spectral-agnostic data, and 3) our inference in the eigenimage domain naturally exploits the spectral low-rank property of HSI, thereby reducing the complexity. This work bridges the gap between pre-trained RGB models and HSI via eigenimages, addressing the issue of limited HSI training data, hence the name EigenSR. Extensive experiments show that EigenSR outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in both spatial and spectral metrics. Our code will be released.
Abstract:Graph homophily refers to the phenomenon that connected nodes tend to share similar characteristics. Understanding this concept and its related metrics is crucial for designing effective Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The most widely used homophily metrics, such as edge or node homophily, quantify such "similarity" as label consistency across the graph topology. These metrics are believed to be able to reflect the performance of GNNs, especially on node-level tasks. However, many recent studies have empirically demonstrated that the performance of GNNs does not always align with homophily metrics, and how homophily influences GNNs still remains unclear and controversial. Then, a crucial question arises: What is missing in our current understanding of homophily? To figure out the missing part, in this paper, we disentangle the graph homophily into $3$ aspects: label, structural, and feature homophily, providing a more comprehensive understanding of GNN performance. To investigate their synergy, we propose a Contextual Stochastic Block Model with $3$ types of Homophily (CSBM-3H), where the topology and feature generation are controlled by the $3$ metrics. Based on the theoretical analysis of CSBM-3H, we derive a new composite metric, named Tri-Hom, that considers all $3$ aspects and overcomes the limitations of conventional homophily metrics. The theoretical conclusions and the effectiveness of Tri-Hom have been verified through synthetic experiments on CSBM-3H. In addition, we conduct experiments on $31$ real-world benchmark datasets and calculate the correlations between homophily metrics and model performance. Tri-Hom has significantly higher correlation values than $17$ existing metrics that only focus on a single homophily aspect, demonstrating its superiority and the importance of homophily synergy. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/zylMozart/Disentangle_GraphHom}.
Abstract:Under circumstances of heterophily, where nodes with different labels tend to be connected based on semantic meanings, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) often exhibit suboptimal performance. Current studies on graph heterophily mainly focus on aggregation calibration or neighbor extension and address the heterophily issue by utilizing node features or structural information to improve GNN representations. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate that the valuable semantic information inherent in heterophily can be utilized effectively in graph learning by investigating the distribution of neighbors for each individual node within the graph. The theoretical analysis is carried out to demonstrate the efficacy of the idea in enhancing graph learning. Based on this analysis, we propose HiGNN, an innovative approach that constructs an additional new graph structure, that integrates heterophilous information by leveraging node distribution to enhance connectivity between nodes that share similar semantic characteristics. We conduct empirical assessments on node classification tasks using both homophilous and heterophilous benchmark datasets and compare HiGNN to popular GNN baselines and SoTA methods, confirming the effectiveness in improving graph representations. In addition, by incorporating heterophilous information, we demonstrate a notable enhancement in existing GNN-based approaches, and the homophily degree across real-world datasets, thus affirming the efficacy of our approach.
Abstract:This paper proposes the DistillCSE framework, which performs contrastive learning under the self-training paradigm with knowledge distillation. The potential advantage of DistillCSE is its self-enhancing feature: using a base model to provide additional supervision signals, a stronger model may be learned through knowledge distillation. However, the vanilla DistillCSE through the standard implementation of knowledge distillation only achieves marginal improvements due to severe overfitting. The further quantitative analyses demonstrate the reason that the standard knowledge distillation exhibits a relatively large variance of the teacher model's logits due to the essence of contrastive learning. To mitigate the issue induced by high variance, this paper accordingly proposed two simple yet effective solutions for knowledge distillation: a Group-P shuffling strategy as an implicit regularization and the averaging logits from multiple teacher components. Experiments on standard benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed DistillCSE outperforms many strong baseline methods and yields a new state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Back translation (BT) is one of the most significant technologies in NMT research fields. Existing attempts on BT share a common characteristic: they employ either beam search or random sampling to generate synthetic data with a backward model but seldom work studies the role of synthetic data in the performance of BT. This motivates us to ask a fundamental question: {\em what kind of synthetic data contributes to BT performance?} Through both theoretical and empirical studies, we identify two key factors on synthetic data controlling the back-translation NMT performance, which are quality and importance. Furthermore, based on our findings, we propose a simple yet effective method to generate synthetic data to better trade off both factors so as to yield a better performance for BT. We run extensive experiments on WMT14 DE-EN, EN-DE, and RU-EN benchmark tasks. By employing our proposed method to generate synthetic data, our BT model significantly outperforms the standard BT baselines (i.e., beam and sampling based methods for data generation), which proves the effectiveness of our proposed methods.
Abstract:Hyperspectral anomaly detection (HAD) aims to recognize a minority of anomalies that are spectrally different from their surrounding background without prior knowledge. Deep neural networks (DNNs), including autoencoders (AEs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs), have shown remarkable performance in this field due to their powerful ability to model the complicated background. However, for reconstruction tasks, DNNs tend to incorporate both background and anomalies into the estimated background, which is referred to as the identical mapping problem (IMP) and leads to significantly decreased performance. To address this limitation, we propose a model-independent binary mask-guided separation training strategy for DNNs, named BiGSeT. Our method introduces a separation training loss based on a latent binary mask to separately constrain the background and anomalies in the estimated image. The background is preserved, while the potential anomalies are suppressed by using an efficient second-order Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) operator, generating a pure background estimate. In order to maintain separability during training, we periodically update the mask using a robust proportion threshold estimated before the training. In our experiments, We adopt a vanilla AE as the network to validate our training strategy on several real-world datasets. Our results show superior performance compared to some state-of-the-art methods. Specifically, we achieved a 90.67% AUC score on the HyMap Cooke City dataset. Additionally, we applied our training strategy to other deep network structures, achieving improved detection performance compared to their original versions, demonstrating its effective transferability. The code of our method will be available at https://github.com/enter-i-username/BiGSeT.
Abstract:Neural network pruning is a practical way for reducing the size of trained models and the number of floating-point operations. One way of pruning is to use the relative Hessian trace to calculate sensitivity of each channel, as compared to the more common magnitude pruning approach. However, the stochastic approach used to estimate the Hessian trace needs to iterate over many times before it can converge. This can be time-consuming when used for larger models with many millions of parameters. To address this problem, we modify the existing approach by estimating the Hessian trace using FP16 precision instead of FP32. We test the modified approach (EHAP) on ResNet-32/ResNet-56/WideResNet-28-8 trained on CIFAR10/CIFAR100 image classification tasks and achieve faster computation of the Hessian trace. Specifically, our modified approach can achieve speed ups ranging from 17% to as much as 44% during our experiments on different combinations of model architectures and GPU devices. Our modified approach also takes up around 40% less GPU memory when pruning ResNet-32 and ResNet-56 models, which allows for a larger Hessian batch size to be used for estimating the Hessian trace. Meanwhile, we also present the results of pruning using both FP16 and FP32 Hessian trace calculation and show that there are no noticeable accuracy differences between the two. Overall, it is a simple and effective way to compute the relative Hessian trace faster without sacrificing on pruned model performance. We also present a full pipeline using EHAP and quantization aware training (QAT), using INT8 QAT to compress the network further after pruning. In particular, we use symmetric quantization for the weights and asymmetric quantization for the activations.