Abstract:Training Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR) models using pixel-based regression losses can achieve high distortion metrics scores (e.g., PSNR and SSIM), but often results in blurry images due to insufficient recovery of high-frequency details. Conversely, using GAN or perceptual losses can produce sharp images with high perceptual metric scores (e.g., LPIPS), but may introduce artifacts and incorrect textures. Balancing these two types of losses can help achieve a trade-off between distortion and perception, but the challenge lies in tuning the loss function weights. To address this issue, we propose a novel method that incorporates Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) into the training process of SISR models to balance perceptual quality and distortion. We conceptualize the relationship between loss weights and image quality assessment (IQA) metrics as black-box objective functions to be optimized within our Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization Super-Resolution (MOBOSR) framework. This approach automates the hyperparameter tuning process, reduces overall computational cost, and enables the use of numerous loss functions simultaneously. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MOBOSR outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of both perceptual quality and distortion, significantly advancing the perception-distortion Pareto frontier. Our work points towards a new direction for future research on balancing perceptual quality and fidelity in nearly all image restoration tasks. The source code and pretrained models are available at: https://github.com/ZhuKeven/MOBOSR.
Abstract:Analysis of human actions in videos demands understanding complex human dynamics, as well as the interaction between actors and context. However, these interaction relationships usually exhibit large intra-class variations from diverse human poses or object manipulations, and fine-grained inter-class differences between similar actions. Thus the performance of existing methods is severely limited. Motivated by the observation that interactive actions can be decomposed into actor dynamics and participating objects or humans, we propose to investigate the composite property of them. In this paper, we present a novel Grammatical Compositional Model (GCM) for action detection based on typical And-Or graphs. Our model exploits the intrinsic structures and latent relationships of actions in a hierarchical manner to harness both the compositionality of grammar models and the capability of expressing rich features of DNNs. The proposed model can be readily embodied into a neural network module for efficient optimization in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments are conducted on the AVA dataset and the Something-Else task to demonstrate the superiority of our model, meanwhile the interpretability is enhanced through an inference parsing procedure.
Abstract:It is broadly known that deep neural networks are susceptible to being fooled by adversarial examples with perturbations imperceptible by humans. Various defenses have been proposed to improve adversarial robustness, among which adversarial training methods are most effective. However, most of these methods treat the training samples independently and demand a tremendous amount of samples to train a robust network, while ignoring the latent structural information among these samples. In this work, we propose a novel Local Structure Preserving (LSP) regularization, which aims to preserve the local structure of the input space in the learned embedding space. In this manner, the attacking effect of adversarial samples lying in the vicinity of clean samples can be alleviated. We show strong empirical evidence that with or without adversarial training, our method consistently improves the performance of adversarial robustness on several image classification datasets compared to the baselines and some state-of-the-art approaches, thus providing promising direction for future research.
Abstract:It is critical that the models pay attention not only to accuracy but also to the certainty of prediction. Uncertain predictions of deep models caused by noisy data raise significant concerns in trustworthy AI areas. To explore and handle uncertainty due to intrinsic data noise, we propose a novel method called ALUM to simultaneously handle the model uncertainty and data uncertainty in a unified scheme. Rather than solely modeling data uncertainty in the ultimate layer of a deep model based on randomly selected training data, we propose to explore mined adversarial triplets to facilitate data uncertainty modeling and non-parametric uncertainty estimations to compensate for the insufficiently trained latent model layers. Thus, the critical data uncertainty and model uncertainty caused by noisy data can be readily quantified for improving model robustness. Our proposed ALUM is model-agnostic which can be easily implemented into any existing deep model with little extra computation overhead. Extensive experiments on various noisy learning tasks validate the superior robustness and generalization ability of our method. The code is released at https://github.com/wwzjer/ALUM.
Abstract:In unsupervised person Re-ID, peer-teaching strategy leveraging two networks to facilitate training has been proven to be an effective method to deal with the pseudo label noise. However, training two networks with a set of noisy pseudo labels reduces the complementarity of the two networks and results in label noise accumulation. To handle this issue, this paper proposes a novel Dual Clustering Co-teaching (DCCT) approach. DCCT mainly exploits the features extracted by two networks to generate two sets of pseudo labels separately by clustering with different parameters. Each network is trained with the pseudo labels generated by its peer network, which can increase the complementarity of the two networks to reduce the impact of noises. Furthermore, we propose dual clustering with dynamic parameters (DCDP) to make the network adaptive and robust to dynamically changing clustering parameters. Moreover, Consistent Sample Mining (CSM) is proposed to find the samples with unchanged pseudo labels during training for potential noisy sample removal. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised person Re-ID methods by a considerable margin and surpasses most methods utilizing camera information.
Abstract:Existing popular unsupervised embedding learning methods focus on enhancing the instance-level local discrimination of the given unlabeled images by exploring various negative data. However, the existed sample outliers which exhibit large intra-class divergences or small inter-class variations severely limit their learning performance. We justify that the performance limitation is caused by the gradient vanishing on these sample outliers. Moreover, the shortage of positive data and disregard for global discrimination consideration also pose critical issues for unsupervised learning but are always ignored by existing methods. To handle these issues, we propose a novel solution to explicitly model and directly explore the uncertainty of the given unlabeled learning samples. Instead of learning a deterministic feature point for each sample in the embedding space, we propose to represent a sample by a stochastic Gaussian with the mean vector depicting its space localization and covariance vector representing the sample uncertainty. We leverage such uncertainty modeling as momentum to the learning which is helpful to tackle the outliers. Furthermore, abundant positive candidates can be readily drawn from the learned instance-specific distributions which are further adopted to mitigate the aforementioned issues. Thorough rationale analyses and extensive experiments are presented to verify our superiority.
Abstract:Recent deep learning based video synthesis approaches, in particular with applications that can forge identities such as "DeepFake", have raised great security concerns. Therefore, corresponding deep forensic methods are proposed to tackle this problem. However, existing methods are either based on unexplainable deep networks which greatly degrades the principal interpretability factor to media forensic, or rely on fragile image statistics such as noise pattern, which in real-world scenarios can be easily deteriorated by data compression. In this paper, we propose an fully-interpretable video forensic method that is designed specifically to expose deep-faked videos. To enhance generalizability on videos with various content, we model the temporal motion of multiple specific spatial locations in the videos to extract a robust and reliable representation, called Co-Motion Pattern. Such kind of conjoint pattern is mined across local motion features which is independent of the video contents so that the instance-wise variation can also be largely alleviated. More importantly, our proposed co-motion pattern possesses both superior interpretability and sufficient robustness against data compression for deep-faked videos. We conduct extensive experiments to empirically demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our approach under both classification and anomaly detection evaluation settings against the state-of-the-art deep forensic methods.
Abstract:Assessing action quality from videos has attracted growing attention in recent years. Most existing approaches usually tackle this problem based on regression algorithms, which ignore the intrinsic ambiguity in the score labels caused by multiple judges or their subjective appraisals. To address this issue, we propose an uncertainty-aware score distribution learning (USDL) approach for action quality assessment (AQA). Specifically, we regard an action as an instance associated with a score distribution, which describes the probability of different evaluated scores. Moreover, under the circumstance where fine-grained score labels are available (e.g., difficulty degree of an action or multiple scores from different judges), we further devise a multi-path uncertainty-aware score distributions learning (MUSDL) method to explore the disentangled components of a score. We conduct experiments on three AQA datasets containing various Olympic actions and surgical activities, where our approaches set new state-of-the-arts under the Spearman's Rank Correlation.