Syracuse University, USA
Abstract:Differential equations (DE) constrained optimization plays a critical role in numerous scientific and engineering fields, including energy systems, aerospace engineering, ecology, and finance, where optimal configurations or control strategies must be determined for systems governed by ordinary or stochastic differential equations. Despite its significance, the computational challenges associated with these problems have limited their practical use. To address these limitations, this paper introduces a learning-based approach to DE-constrained optimization that combines techniques from proxy optimization and neural differential equations. The proposed approach uses a dual-network architecture, with one approximating the control strategies, focusing on steady-state constraints, and another solving the associated DEs. This combination enables the approximation of optimal strategies while accounting for dynamic constraints in near real-time. Experiments across problems in energy optimization and finance modeling show that this method provides full compliance with dynamic constraints and it produces results up to 25 times more precise than other methods which do not explicitly model the system's dynamic equations.
Abstract:The Predict-Then-Optimize framework uses machine learning models to predict unknown parameters of an optimization problem from exogenous features before solving. This setting is common to many real-world decision processes, and recently it has been shown that decision quality can be substantially improved by solving and differentiating the optimization problem within an end-to-end training loop. However, this approach requires significant computational effort in addition to handcrafted, problem-specific rules for backpropagation through the optimization step, challenging its applicability to a broad class of optimization problems. This paper proposes an alternative method, in which optimal solutions are learned directly from the observable features by joint predictive models. The approach is generic, and based on an adaptation of the Learning-to-Optimize paradigm, from which a rich variety of existing techniques can be employed. Experimental evaluations show the ability of several Learning-to-Optimize methods to provide efficient and accurate solutions to an array of challenging Predict-Then-Optimize problems.
Abstract:Statistical agencies rely on sampling techniques to collect socio-demographic data crucial for policy-making and resource allocation. This paper shows that surveys of important societal relevance introduce sampling errors that unevenly impact group-level estimates, thereby compromising fairness in downstream decisions. To address these issues, this paper introduces an optimization approach modeled on real-world survey design processes, ensuring sampling costs are optimized while maintaining error margins within prescribed tolerances. Additionally, privacy-preserving methods used to determine sampling rates can further impact these fairness issues. The paper explores the impact of differential privacy on the statistics informing the sampling process, revealing a surprising effect: not only the expected negative effect from the addition of noise for differential privacy is negligible, but also this privacy noise can in fact reduce unfairness as it positively biases smaller counts. These findings are validated over an extensive analysis using datasets commonly applied in census statistics.
Abstract:Speculative decoding has emerged as a widely adopted method to accelerate large language model inference without sacrificing the quality of the model outputs. While this technique has facilitated notable speed improvements by enabling parallel sequence verification, its efficiency remains inherently limited by the reliance on incremental token generation in existing draft models. To overcome this limitation, this paper proposes an adaptation of speculative decoding which uses discrete diffusion models to generate draft sequences. This allows parallelization of both the drafting and verification steps, providing significant speed-ups to the inference process. Our proposed approach, \textit{Speculative Diffusion Decoding (SpecDiff)}, is validated on standard language generation benchmarks and empirically demonstrated to provide a \textbf{up to 8.7x speed-up over standard generation processes and up to 2.5x speed-up over existing speculative decoding approaches.}
Abstract:Networks are crucial components of many sectors, including telecommunications, healthcare, finance, energy, and transportation.The information carried in such networks often contains sensitive user data, like location data for commuters and packet data for online users. Therefore, when considering data release for networks, one must ensure that data release mechanisms do not leak information about individuals, quantified in a precise mathematical sense. Differential Privacy (DP) is the widely accepted, formal, state-of-the-art technique, which has found use in a variety of real-life settings including the 2020 U.S. Census, Apple users' device data, or Google's location data. Yet, the use of DP comes with new challenges, as the noise added for privacy introduces inaccuracies or biases and further, DP techniques can also distribute these biases disproportionately across different populations, inducing fairness issues. The goal of this paper is to characterize the impact of DP on bias and unfairness in the context of releasing information about networks, taking a departure from previous work which has studied these effects in the context of private population counts release (such as in the U.S. Census). To this end, we consider a network release problem where the network structure is known to all, but the weights on edges must be released privately. We consider the impact of this private release on a simple downstream decision-making task run by a third-party, which is to find the shortest path between any two pairs of nodes and recommend the best route to users. This setting is of highly practical relevance, mirroring scenarios in transportation networks, where preserving privacy while providing accurate routing information is crucial. Our work provides theoretical foundations and empirical evidence into the bias and unfairness arising due to privacy in these networked decision problems.
Abstract:The principle of data minimization aims to reduce the amount of data collected, processed or retained to minimize the potential for misuse, unauthorized access, or data breaches. Rooted in privacy-by-design principles, data minimization has been endorsed by various global data protection regulations. However, its practical implementation remains a challenge due to the lack of a rigorous formulation. This paper addresses this gap and introduces an optimization framework for data minimization based on its legal definitions. It then adapts several optimization algorithms to perform data minimization and conducts a comprehensive evaluation in terms of their compliance with minimization objectives as well as their impact on user privacy. Our analysis underscores the mismatch between the privacy expectations of data minimization and the actual privacy benefits, emphasizing the need for approaches that account for multiple facets of real-world privacy risks.
Abstract:Low-rank approximation techniques have become the de facto standard for fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) due to their reduced computational and memory requirements. This paper investigates the effectiveness of these methods in capturing the shift of fine-tuning datasets from the initial pre-trained data distribution. Our findings reveal that there are cases in which low-rank fine-tuning falls short in learning such shifts. This, in turn, produces non-negligible side effects, especially when fine-tuning is adopted for toxicity mitigation in pre-trained models, or in scenarios where it is important to provide fair models. Through comprehensive empirical evidence on several models, datasets, and tasks, we show that low-rank fine-tuning inadvertently preserves undesirable biases and toxic behaviors. We also show that this extends to sequential decision-making tasks, emphasizing the need for careful evaluation to promote responsible LLMs development.
Abstract:Recent work has shown a variety of ways in which machine learning can be used to accelerate the solution of constrained optimization problems. Increasing demand for real-time decision-making capabilities in applications such as artificial intelligence and optimal control has led to a variety of approaches, based on distinct strategies. This work proposes a novel approach to learning optimization, in which the underlying metric space of a proximal operator splitting algorithm is learned so as to maximize its convergence rate. While prior works in optimization theory have derived optimal metrics for limited classes of problems, the results do not extend to many practical problem forms including general Quadratic Programming (QP). This paper shows how differentiable optimization can enable the end-to-end learning of proximal metrics, enhancing the convergence of proximal algorithms for QP problems beyond what is possible based on known theory. Additionally, the results illustrate a strong connection between the learned proximal metrics and active constraints at the optima, leading to an interpretation in which the learning of proximal metrics can be viewed as a form of active set learning.
Abstract:Learning to Optimize (LtO) is a problem setting in which a machine learning (ML) model is trained to emulate a constrained optimization solver. Learning to produce optimal and feasible solutions subject to complex constraints is a difficult task, but is often made possible by restricting the input space to a limited distribution of related problems. Most LtO methods focus on directly learning solutions to the primal problem, and applying correction schemes or loss function penalties to encourage feasibility. This paper proposes an alternative approach, in which the ML model is trained instead to predict dual solution estimates directly, from which primal estimates are constructed to form dual-feasible solution pairs. This enables an end-to-end training scheme is which the dual objective is maximized as a loss function, and solution estimates iterate toward primal feasibility, emulating a Dual Ascent method. First it is shown that the poor convergence properties of classical Dual Ascent are reflected in poor convergence of the proposed training scheme. Then, by incorporating techniques from practical Augmented Lagrangian methods, we show how the training scheme can be improved to learn highly accurate constrained optimization solvers, for both convex and nonconvex problems.
Abstract:Many decision processes in artificial intelligence and operations research are modeled by parametric optimization problems whose defining parameters are unknown and must be inferred from observable data. The Predict-Then-Optimize (PtO) paradigm in machine learning aims to maximize downstream decision quality by training the parametric inference model end-to-end with the subsequent constrained optimization. This requires backpropagation through the optimization problem using approximation techniques specific to the problem's form, especially for nondifferentiable linear and mixed-integer programs. This paper extends the PtO methodology to optimization problems with nondifferentiable Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) objectives, known for their ability to ensure properties of fairness and robustness in decision models. Through a collection of training techniques and proposed application settings, it shows how optimization of OWA functions can be effectively integrated with parametric prediction for fair and robust optimization under uncertainty.