Abstract:In this work, we explore the intersection of sparse coding theory and deep learning to enhance our understanding of feature extraction capabilities in advanced neural network architectures. We begin by introducing a novel class of Deep Sparse Coding (DSC) models and establish a thorough theoretical analysis of their uniqueness and stability properties. By applying iterative algorithms to these DSC models, we derive convergence rates for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in their ability to extract sparse features. This provides a strong theoretical foundation for the use of CNNs in sparse feature learning tasks. We additionally extend this convergence analysis to more general neural network architectures, including those with diverse activation functions, as well as self-attention and transformer-based models. This broadens the applicability of our findings to a wide range of deep learning methods for deep sparse feature extraction. Inspired by the strong connection between sparse coding and CNNs, we also explore training strategies to encourage neural networks to learn more sparse features. Through numerical experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches, providing valuable insights for the design of efficient and interpretable deep learning models.
Abstract:In this paper, we explore the approximation theory of functions defined on graphs. Our study builds upon the approximation results derived from the $K$-functional. We establish a theoretical framework to assess the lower bounds of approximation for target functions using Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) and examine the over-smoothing phenomenon commonly observed in these networks. Initially, we introduce the concept of a $K$-functional on graphs, establishing its equivalence to the modulus of smoothness. We then analyze a typical type of GCN to demonstrate how the high-frequency energy of the output decays, an indicator of over-smoothing. This analysis provides theoretical insights into the nature of over-smoothing within GCNs. Furthermore, we establish a lower bound for the approximation of target functions by GCNs, which is governed by the modulus of smoothness of these functions. This finding offers a new perspective on the approximation capabilities of GCNs. In our numerical experiments, we analyze several widely applied GCNs and observe the phenomenon of energy decay. These observations corroborate our theoretical results on exponential decay order.
Abstract:While considerable theoretical progress has been devoted to the study of metric and similarity learning, the generalization mystery is still missing. In this paper, we study the generalization performance of metric and similarity learning by leveraging the specific structure of the true metric (the target function). Specifically, by deriving the explicit form of the true metric for metric and similarity learning with the hinge loss, we construct a structured deep ReLU neural network as an approximation of the true metric, whose approximation ability relies on the network complexity. Here, the network complexity corresponds to the depth, the number of nonzero weights and the computation units of the network. Consider the hypothesis space which consists of the structured deep ReLU networks, we develop the excess generalization error bounds for a metric and similarity learning problem by estimating the approximation error and the estimation error carefully. An optimal excess risk rate is derived by choosing the proper capacity of the constructed hypothesis space. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first-ever-known generalization analysis providing the excess generalization error for metric and similarity learning. In addition, we investigate the properties of the true metric of metric and similarity learning with general losses.
Abstract:We study approximation and learning capacities of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with one-side zero-padding and multiple channels. Our first result proves a new approximation bound for CNNs with certain constraint on the weights. Our second result gives new analysis on the covering number of feed-forward neural networks with CNNs as special cases. The analysis carefully takes into account the size of the weights and hence gives better bounds than the existing literature in some situations. Using these two results, we are able to derive rates of convergence for estimators based on CNNs in many learning problems. In particular, we establish minimax optimal convergence rates of the least squares based on CNNs for learning smooth functions in the nonparametric regression setting. For binary classification, we derive convergence rates for CNN classifiers with hinge loss and logistic loss. It is also shown that the obtained rates for classification are minimax optimal in some common settings.
Abstract:With the rapid development of deep learning in various fields of science and technology, such as speech recognition, image classification, and natural language processing, recently it is also widely applied in the functional data analysis (FDA) with some empirical success. However, due to the infinite dimensional input, we need a powerful dimension reduction method for functional learning tasks, especially for the nonlinear functional regression. In this paper, based on the idea of smooth kernel integral transformation, we propose a functional deep neural network with an efficient and fully data-dependent dimension reduction method. The architecture of our functional net consists of a kernel embedding step: an integral transformation with a data-dependent smooth kernel; a projection step: a dimension reduction by projection with eigenfunction basis based on the embedding kernel; and finally an expressive deep ReLU neural network for the prediction. The utilization of smooth kernel embedding enables our functional net to be discretization invariant, efficient, and robust to noisy observations, capable of utilizing information in both input functions and responses data, and have a low requirement on the number of discrete points for an unimpaired generalization performance. We conduct theoretical analysis including approximation error and generalization error analysis, and numerical simulations to verify these advantages of our functional net.
Abstract:With the help of massive data and rich computational resources, deep Q-learning has been widely used in operations research and management science and has contributed to great success in numerous applications, including recommender systems, supply chains, games, and robotic manipulation. However, the success of deep Q-learning lacks solid theoretical verification and interpretability. The aim of this paper is to theoretically verify the power of depth in deep Q-learning. Within the framework of statistical learning theory, we rigorously prove that deep Q-learning outperforms its traditional version by demonstrating its good generalization error bound. Our results reveal that the main reason for the success of deep Q-learning is the excellent performance of deep neural networks (deep nets) in capturing the special properties of rewards namely, spatial sparseness and piecewise constancy, rather than their large capacities. In this paper, we make fundamental contributions to the field of reinforcement learning by answering to the following three questions: Why does deep Q-learning perform so well? When does deep Q-learning perform better than traditional Q-learning? How many samples are required to achieve a specific prediction accuracy for deep Q-learning? Our theoretical assertions are verified by applying deep Q-learning in the well-known beer game in supply chain management and a simulated recommender system.
Abstract:Data silos, mainly caused by privacy and interoperability, significantly constrain collaborations among different organizations with similar data for the same purpose. Distributed learning based on divide-and-conquer provides a promising way to settle the data silos, but it suffers from several challenges, including autonomy, privacy guarantees, and the necessity of collaborations. This paper focuses on developing an adaptive distributed kernel ridge regression (AdaDKRR) by taking autonomy in parameter selection, privacy in communicating non-sensitive information, and the necessity of collaborations in performance improvement into account. We provide both solid theoretical verification and comprehensive experiments for AdaDKRR to demonstrate its feasibility and effectiveness. Theoretically, we prove that under some mild conditions, AdaDKRR performs similarly to running the optimal learning algorithms on the whole data, verifying the necessity of collaborations and showing that no other distributed learning scheme can essentially beat AdaDKRR under the same conditions. Numerically, we test AdaDKRR on both toy simulations and two real-world applications to show that AdaDKRR is superior to other existing distributed learning schemes. All these results show that AdaDKRR is a feasible scheme to defend against data silos, which are highly desired in numerous application regions such as intelligent decision-making, pricing forecasting, and performance prediction for products.
Abstract:Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have been demonstrated to be efficient in solving partial differential equations (PDEs) from a variety of experimental perspectives. Some recent studies have also proposed PINN algorithms for PDEs on surfaces, including spheres. However, theoretical understanding of the numerical performance of PINNs, especially PINNs on surfaces or manifolds, is still lacking. In this paper, we establish rigorous analysis of the physics-informed convolutional neural network (PICNN) for solving PDEs on the sphere. By using and improving the latest approximation results of deep convolutional neural networks and spherical harmonic analysis, we prove an upper bound for the approximation error with respect to the Sobolev norm. Subsequently, we integrate this with innovative localization complexity analysis to establish fast convergence rates for PICNN. Our theoretical results are also confirmed and supplemented by our experiments. In light of these findings, we explore potential strategies for circumventing the curse of dimensionality that arises when solving high-dimensional PDEs.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) trained with the logistic loss (i.e., the cross entropy loss) have made impressive advancements in various binary classification tasks. However, generalization analysis for binary classification with DNNs and logistic loss remains scarce. The unboundedness of the target function for the logistic loss is the main obstacle to deriving satisfying generalization bounds. In this paper, we aim to fill this gap by establishing a novel and elegant oracle-type inequality, which enables us to deal with the boundedness restriction of the target function, and using it to derive sharp convergence rates for fully connected ReLU DNN classifiers trained with logistic loss. In particular, we obtain optimal convergence rates (up to log factors) only requiring the H\"older smoothness of the conditional class probability $\eta$ of data. Moreover, we consider a compositional assumption that requires $\eta$ to be the composition of several vector-valued functions of which each component function is either a maximum value function or a H\"older smooth function only depending on a small number of its input variables. Under this assumption, we derive optimal convergence rates (up to log factors) which are independent of the input dimension of data. This result explains why DNN classifiers can perform well in practical high-dimensional classification problems. Besides the novel oracle-type inequality, the sharp convergence rates given in our paper also owe to a tight error bound for approximating the natural logarithm function near zero (where it is unbounded) by ReLU DNNs. In addition, we justify our claims for the optimality of rates by proving corresponding minimax lower bounds. All these results are new in the literature and will deepen our theoretical understanding of classification with DNNs.
Abstract:This paper studies the performance of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) with zero-padding in feature extraction and learning. After verifying the roles of zero-padding in enabling translation-equivalence, and pooling in its translation-invariance driven nature, we show that with similar number of free parameters, any deep fully connected networks (DFCNs) can be represented by DCNNs with zero-padding. This demonstrates that DCNNs with zero-padding is essentially better than DFCNs in feature extraction. Consequently, we derive universal consistency of DCNNs with zero-padding and show its translation-invariance in the learning process. All our theoretical results are verified by numerical experiments including both toy simulations and real-data running.