Abstract:High-content phenotypic screening, including high-content imaging (HCI), has gained popularity in the last few years for its ability to characterize novel therapeutics without prior knowledge of the protein target. When combined with deep learning techniques to predict and represent molecular-phenotype interactions, these advancements hold the potential to significantly accelerate and enhance drug discovery applications. This work focuses on the novel task of HCI-guided molecular design. Generative models for molecule design could be guided by HCI data, for example with a supervised model that links molecules to phenotypes of interest as a reward function. However, limited labeled data, combined with the high-dimensional readouts, can make training these methods challenging and impractical. We consider an alternative approach in which we leverage an unsupervised multimodal joint embedding to define a latent similarity as a reward for GFlowNets. The proposed model learns to generate new molecules that could produce phenotypic effects similar to those of the given image target, without relying on pre-annotated phenotypic labels. We demonstrate that the proposed method generates molecules with high morphological and structural similarity to the target, increasing the likelihood of similar biological activity, as confirmed by an independent oracle model.
Abstract:Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets; GFNs) are a family of reward/energy-based generative methods for combinatorial objects, capable of generating diverse and high-utility samples. However, biasing GFNs towards producing high-utility samples is non-trivial. In this work, we leverage connections between GFNs and reinforcement learning (RL) and propose to combine the GFN policy with an action-value estimate, $Q$, to create greedier sampling policies which can be controlled by a mixing parameter. We show that several variants of the proposed method, QGFN, are able to improve on the number of high-reward samples generated in a variety of tasks without sacrificing diversity.