Abstract:Open vocabulary 3D object detection (OV3D) allows precise and extensible object recognition crucial for adapting to diverse environments encountered in assistive robotics. This paper presents OpenNav, a zero-shot 3D object detection pipeline based on RGB-D images for smart wheelchairs. Our pipeline integrates an open-vocabulary 2D object detector with a mask generator for semantic segmentation, followed by depth isolation and point cloud construction to create 3D bounding boxes. The smart wheelchair exploits these 3D bounding boxes to identify potential targets and navigate safely. We demonstrate OpenNav's performance through experiments on the Replica dataset and we report preliminary results with a real wheelchair. OpenNav improves state-of-the-art significantly on the Replica dataset at mAP25 (+9pts) and mAP50 (+5pts) with marginal improvement at mAP. The code is publicly available at this link: https://github.com/EasyWalk-PRIN/OpenNav.
Abstract:Reassembling 3D broken objects is a challenging task. A robust solution that generalizes well must deal with diverse patterns associated with different types of broken objects. We propose a method that tackles the pairwise assembly of 3D point clouds, that is agnostic on the type of object, and that relies solely on their geometrical information, without any prior information on the shape of the reconstructed object. The method receives two point clouds as input and segments them into regions using detected closed boundary contours, known as breaking curves. Possible alignment combinations of the regions of each broken object are evaluated and the best one is selected as the final alignment. Experiments were carried out both on available 3D scanned objects and on a recent benchmark for synthetic broken objects. Results show that our solution performs well in reassembling different kinds of broken objects.
Abstract:Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have proven to be a reliable way of structuring data. They can provide a rich source of contextual information about cultural heritage collections. However, cultural heritage KGs are far from being complete. They are often missing important attributes such as geographical location, especially for sculptures and mobile or indoor entities such as paintings. In this paper, we first present a framework for ingesting knowledge about tangible cultural heritage entities from various data sources and their connected multi-hop knowledge into a geolocalized KG. Secondly, we propose a multi-view learning model for estimating the relative distance between a given pair of cultural heritage entities, based on the geographical as well as the knowledge connections of the entities.
Abstract:The success of machine learning is fueled by the increasing availability of computing power and large training datasets. The training data is used to learn new models or update existing ones, assuming that it is sufficiently representative of the data that will be encountered at test time. This assumption is challenged by the threat of poisoning, an attack that manipulates the training data to compromise the model's performance at test time. Although poisoning has been acknowledged as a relevant threat in industry applications, and a variety of different attacks and defenses have been proposed so far, a complete systematization and critical review of the field is still missing. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive systematization of poisoning attacks and defenses in machine learning, reviewing more than 200 papers published in the field in the last 15 years. We start by categorizing the current threat models and attacks, and then organize existing defenses accordingly. While we focus mostly on computer-vision applications, we argue that our systematization also encompasses state-of-the-art attacks and defenses for other data modalities. Finally, we discuss existing resources for research in poisoning, and shed light on the current limitations and open research questions in this research field.
Abstract:Deep metric learning has yielded impressive results in tasks such as clustering and image retrieval by leveraging neural networks to obtain highly discriminative feature embeddings, which can be used to group samples into different classes. Much research has been devoted to the design of smart loss functions or data mining strategies for training such networks. Most methods consider only pairs or triplets of samples within a mini-batch to compute the loss function, which is commonly based on the distance between embeddings. We propose Group Loss, a loss function based on a differentiable label-propagation method that enforces embedding similarity across all samples of a group while promoting, at the same time, low-density regions amongst data points belonging to different groups. Guided by the smoothness assumption that "similar objects should belong to the same group", the proposed loss trains the neural network for a classification task, enforcing a consistent labelling amongst samples within a class. We design a set of inference strategies tailored towards our algorithm, named Group Loss++ that further improve the results of our model. We show state-of-the-art results on clustering and image retrieval on four retrieval datasets, and present competitive results on two person re-identification datasets, providing a unified framework for retrieval and re-identification.
Abstract:This paper proposes JiGAN, a GAN-based method for solving Jigsaw puzzles with eroded or missing borders. Missing borders is a common real-world situation, for example, when dealing with the reconstruction of broken artifacts or ruined frescoes. In this particular condition, the puzzle's pieces do not align perfectly due to the borders' gaps; in this situation, the patches' direct match is unfeasible due to the lack of color and line continuations. JiGAN, is a two-steps procedure that tackles this issue: first, we repair the eroded borders with a GAN-based image extension model and measure the alignment affinity between pieces; then, we solve the puzzle with the relaxation labeling algorithm to enforce consistency in pieces positioning, hence, reconstructing the puzzle. We test the method on a large dataset of small puzzles and on three commonly used benchmark datasets to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.
Abstract:Backdoor attacks inject poisoning samples during training, with the goal of enforcing a machine-learning model to output an attacker-chosen class when presented a specific trigger at test time. Although backdoor attacks have been demonstrated in a variety of settings and against different models, the factors affecting their success are not yet well understood. In this work, we provide a unifying framework to study the process of backdoor learning under the lens of incremental learning and influence functions. We show that the success of backdoor attacks inherently depends on (i) the complexity of the learning algorithm, controlled by its hyperparameters, and (ii) the fraction of backdoor samples injected into the training set. These factors affect how fast a machine-learning model learns to correlate the presence of a backdoor trigger with the target class. Interestingly, our analysis shows that there exists a region in the hyperparameter space in which the accuracy on clean test samples is still high while backdoor attacks become ineffective, thereby suggesting novel criteria to improve existing defenses.
Abstract:One of the most concerning threats for modern AI systems is data poisoning, where the attacker injects maliciously crafted training data to corrupt the system's behavior at test time. Availability poisoning is a particularly worrisome subset of poisoning attacks where the attacker aims to cause a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. However, the state-of-the-art algorithms are computationally expensive because they try to solve a complex bi-level optimization problem (the "hammer"). We observed that in particular conditions, namely, where the target model is linear (the "nut"), the usage of computationally costly procedures can be avoided. We propose a counter-intuitive but efficient heuristic that allows contaminating the training set such that the target system's performance is highly compromised. We further suggest a re-parameterization trick to decrease the number of variables to be optimized. Finally, we demonstrate that, under the considered settings, our framework achieves comparable, or even better, performances in terms of the attacker's objective while being significantly more computationally efficient.
Abstract:Verb Sense Disambiguation is a well-known task in NLP, the aim is to find the correct sense of a verb in a sentence. Recently, this problem has been extended in a multimodal scenario, by exploiting both textual and visual features of ambiguous verbs leading to a new problem, the Visual Verb Sense Disambiguation (VVSD). Here, the sense of a verb is assigned considering the content of an image paired with it rather than a sentence in which the verb appears. Annotating a dataset for this task is more complex than textual disambiguation, because assigning the correct sense to a pair of $<$image, verb$>$ requires both non-trivial linguistic and visual skills. In this work, differently from the literature, the VVSD task will be performed in a transductive semi-supervised learning (SSL) setting, in which only a small amount of labeled information is required, reducing tremendously the need for annotated data. The disambiguation process is based on a graph-based label propagation method which takes into account mono or multimodal representations for $<$image, verb$>$ pairs. Experiments have been carried out on the recently published dataset VerSe, the only available dataset for this task. The achieved results outperform the current state-of-the-art by a large margin while using only a small fraction of labeled samples per sense. Code available: https://github.com/GiBg1aN/TVVSD.
Abstract:DSLib is an open-source implementation of the Dominant Set (DS) clustering algorithm written entirely in Matlab. The DS method is a graph-based clustering technique rooted in the evolutionary game theory that starts gaining lots of interest in the computer science community. Thanks to its duality with game theory and its strict relation to the notion of maximal clique, has been explored in several directions not only related to clustering problems. Applications in graph matching, segmentation, classification and medical imaging are common in literature. This package provides an implementation of the original DS clustering algorithm since no code has been officially released yet, together with a still growing collection of methods and variants related to it. Our library is integrable into a Matlab pipeline without dependencies, it is simple to use and easily extendable for upcoming works. The latest source code, the documentation and some examples can be downloaded from https://xwasco.github.io/DominantSetLibrary.