Abstract:Extremely large aperture array (ELAA) is a promising multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique for next generation mobile networks. In this paper, we propose two novel approaches to accelerate the convergence of current iterative MIMO detectors in ELAA channels. Our approaches exploit the static components of the ELAA channel, which include line of sight (LoS) paths and deterministic non-LoS (NLoS) components due to channel hardening effects. This paper proposes novel convergence acceleration techniques for fast iterative ELAA-MIMO detection by leveraging the static channel component, including the LoS paths and deterministic NLoS components that arise due to channel hardening. Specifically, these static channel components are utilized in two ways: as preconditioning matrices for general iterative algorithms, and as initialization for quasi-Newton (QN) methods. Simulation results show that the proposed approaches converge significantly faster compared to current iterative MIMO detectors, especially under strong LoS conditions with high Rician K-factor. Furthermore, QN methods with the proposed initialization matrix consistently achieve the best convergence performance while maintaining low complexity.
Abstract:Current iterative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detectors suffer from slow convergence when the wireless channel is ill-conditioned. The ill-conditioning is mainly caused by spatial correlation between channel columns corresponding to the same user equipment, known as intra-user interference. In addition, in the emerging MIMO systems using an extremely large aperture array (ELAA), spatial non-stationarity can make the channel even more ill-conditioned. In this paper, user-wise singular value decomposition (UW-SVD) is proposed to accelerate the convergence of iterative MIMO detectors. Its basic principle is to perform SVD on each user's sub-channel matrix to eliminate intra-user interference. Then, the MIMO signal model is effectively transformed into an equivalent signal (e-signal) model, comprising an e-channel matrix and an e-signal vector. Existing iterative algorithms can be used to recover the e-signal vector, which undergoes post-processing to obtain the signal vector. It is proven that the e-channel matrix is better conditioned than the original MIMO channel for spatially correlated (ELAA-)MIMO channels. This implies that UW-SVD can accelerate current iterative algorithms, which is confirmed by our simulation results. Specifically, it can speed up convergence by up to 10 times in both uncoded and coded systems.
Abstract:Wi-Fi sensing has become an attractive option for non-invasive monitoring of human activities and vital signs. This paper explores the feasibility of using state-of-the-art commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices for Wi-Fi sensing applications, particularly respiration monitoring and motion detection. We utilize the Intel AX210 network interface card (NIC) to transmit Wi-Fi signals in both 2.4 GHz and 6 GHz frequency bands. Our experiments rely on channel frequency response (CFR) and received signal strength indicator (RSSI) data, which are processed using a moving average algorithm to extract human behavior patterns. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in capturing and representing human respiration and motion patterns. Furthermore, we compare the performance of Wi-Fi sensing across different frequency bands, highlighting the advantages of using higher frequencies for improved sensitivity and clarity. Our findings showcase the practicality of using COTS devices for Wi-Fi sensing and lay the groundwork for the development of non-invasive, contactless sensing systems. These systems have potential applications in various fields, including healthcare, smart homes, and Metaverse.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models have made a significant breakthrough in generative modeling. The combination of the generative model and semantic communication (SemCom) enables high-fidelity semantic information exchange at ultra-low rates. A novel generative SemCom framework for image tasks is proposed, wherein pre-trained foundation models serve as semantic encoders and decoders for semantic feature extractions and image regenerations, respectively. The mathematical relationship between the transmission reliability and the perceptual quality of the regenerated image and the semantic values of semantic features are modeled, which are obtained by conducting numerical simulations on the Kodak dataset. We also investigate the semantic-aware power allocation problem, with the objective of minimizing the total power consumption while guaranteeing semantic performance. To solve this problem, two semanticaware power allocation methods are proposed by constraint decoupling and bisection search, respectively. Numerical results show that the proposed semantic-aware methods demonstrate superior performance compared to the conventional one in terms of total power consumption.
Abstract:Advancements in satellite technology have made direct-to-device connectivity a viable solution for ensuring global access. This method is designed to provide internet connectivity to remote, rural, or underserved areas where traditional cellular or broadband networks are lacking or insufficient. This paper is a survey providing an in-depth review of multi-satellite Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems as a potential solution for addressing the link budget challenge in direct user-satellite communication. Special attention is given to works considering multi-satellite MIMO systems, both with and without satellite collaboration. In this context, collaboration refers to sharing data between satellites to improve the performance of the system. This survey begins by explaining several fundamental aspects of satellite communications (SatComs), which are vital prerequisites before investigating the multi-satellite MIMO systems. These aspects encompass satellite orbits, the structure of satellite systems, SatCom links, including the inter-satellite links (ISL) which facilitate satellite cooperation, satellite frequency bands, satellite antenna design, and satellite channel models, which should be known or estimated for effective data transmission to and from multiple satellites. Furthermore, this survey distinguishes itself by providing more comprehensive insights in comparison to other surveys. It specifically delves into the Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) within the channel model section. It goes into detail about ISL noise and channel models, and it extends the ISL section by thoroughly investigating hybrid FSO/RF ISLs. Furthermore, analytical comparisons of simulation results from these works are presented to highlight the advantages of employing multi-satellite MIMO systems.
Abstract:This study delves into the innovative landscape of metasurfaces, with a particular focus on their role in achieving EM illusion (EMI) a facet of paramount significance. The control of EM waves assumes a pivotal role in mitigating issues such as signal degradation, interference, and reduced communication range. Furthermore, the engineering of waves serves as a foundational element in achieving invisibility or minimized detectability. This survey unravels the theoretical underpinnings and practical designs of EMI coatings, which have been harnessed to develop functional metasurfaces. EMI, practically achieved through engineered coatings, confers a strategic advantage by either reducing the radar cross-section of objects or creating misleading footprints. In addition to illustrating the outstanding achievements in reconfigurable cloaking, this study culminates in the proposal of a novel approach, suggesting the emergence of EMI without the need for physically coating the device to conceal and thus proposing the concept of a smart EMI environment. This groundbreaking work opens a new way for engineers and researchers to unlock exotic and versatile designs that build on reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). Crucially the designs enabled by the proposed approach, present a wide array of applications, encompassing camouflaging, deceptive sensing, radar cognition control, and defence security, among others. In essence, this research stands as a beacon guiding the exploration of uncharted territories in wave control through smart EMI environments, with profound implications spanning basic academic research in RIS through advanced security technologies and communication systems.
Abstract:In a previous paper, we have shown that a recurrent neural network (RNN) can be used to detect cellular network radio signal degradations accurately. We unexpectedly found, though, that accuracy gains diminished as we added layers to the RNN. To investigate this, in this paper, we build a parallel model to illuminate and understand the internal operation of neural networks, such as the RNN, which store their internal state in order to process sequential inputs. This model is widely applicable in that it can be used with any input domain where the inputs can be represented by a Gaussian mixture. By looking at the RNN processing from a probability density function perspective, we are able to show how each layer of the RNN transforms the input distributions to increase detection accuracy. At the same time we also discover a side effect acting to limit the improvement in accuracy. To demonstrate the fidelity of the model we validate it against each stage of RNN processing as well as the output predictions. As a result, we have been able to explain the reasons for the RNN performance limits with useful insights for future designs for RNNs and similar types of neural network.
Abstract:While iterative matrix inversion methods excel in computational efficiency, memory optimization, and support for parallel and distributed computing when managing large matrices, their limitations are also evident in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels. These methods encounter challenges related to slow convergence and diminished accuracy, especially in ill-conditioned scenarios, hindering their application in future MIMO networks such as extra-large aperture array (ELAA). To address these challenges, this paper proposes a novel matrix regularization method termed symmetric rank-$1$ regularization (SR-$1$R). The proposed method functions by augmenting the channel matrix with a symmetric rank-$1$ matrix, with the primary goal of minimizing the condition number of the resultant regularized matrix. This significantly improves the matrix condition, enabling fast and accurate iterative inversion of the regularized matrix. Then, the inverse of the original channel matrix is obtained by applying the Sherman-Morrison transform on the outcome of iterative inversions. Our eigenvalue analysis unveils the best channel condition that can be achieved by an optimized SR-$1$R matrix. Moreover, a power iteration-assisted (PIA) approach is proposed to find the optimum SR-$1$R matrix without need of eigenvalue decomposition. The proposed approach exhibits logarithmic algorithm-depth in parallel computing for MIMO precoding. Finally, computer simulations demonstrate that SR-$1$R has the potential to reduce iterative iterations by up to $33\%$, while also significantly improve symbol error probability by approximately an order of magnitude.
Abstract:Extremely large aperture array (ELAA) is anticipated to serve as a pivotal feature of future multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems in 6G. Near-field (NF) fading channel models are essential for reliable link-level simulation and ELAA system design. In this article, we propose a framework designed to generate NF fading channels for both communication and integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) applications. The framework allows a mixed of line of sight (LoS) and non-LoS (NLoS) links. It also considers spherical wave model and spatially non-stationary shadow fading. Based on this framework, we propose a three-dimensional (3D) fading channel model for ELAA systems deployed with a uniform rectangular array (URA). It can capture the impact of sensing object for ISAC applications. Moreover, all parameters involved in the framework are based on specifications or measurements from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) documents. Therefore, the proposed framework and channel model have the potential to contribute to the standard in various aspects, including ISAC, extra-large (XL-) MIMO, and reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) aided MIMO systems. Finally, future directions for ELAA are presented, including not only NF channel modeling but also the design of next-generation transceivers.
Abstract:The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a non-central $\chi^2$-distributed random variable (RV) is often used when measuring the outage probability of communication systems. For ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC), it is important but mathematically challenging to determine the outage threshold for an extremely small outage target. This motivates us to investigate lower bounds of the outage threshold, and it is found that the one derived from the Chernoff inequality (named Cher-LB) is the most effective lower bound. This finding is associated with three rigorously established properties of the Cher-LB with respect to the mean, variance, reliability requirement, and degrees of freedom of the non-central $\chi^2$-distributed RV. The Cher-LB is then employed to predict the beamforming gain in URLLC for both conventional multi-antenna systems (i.e., MIMO) under first-order Markov time-varying channel and reconfigurable intellgent surface (RIS) systems. It is exhibited that, with the proposed Cher-LB, the pessimistic prediction of the beamforming gain is made sufficiently accurate for guaranteed reliability as well as the transmit-energy efficiency.