Abstract:In manipulation tasks like plug insertion or assembly that have low tolerance to errors in pose estimation (errors of the order of 2mm can cause task failure), the utilization of touch/contact modality can aid in accurately localizing the object of interest. Motivated by this, in this work we model high-precision insertion tasks as planning problems under pose uncertainty, where we effectively utilize the occurrence of contacts (or the lack thereof) as observations to reduce uncertainty and reliably complete the task. We present a preprocessing-based planning framework for high-precision insertion in repetitive and time-critical settings, where the set of initial pose distributions (identified by a perception system) is finite. The finite set allows us to enumerate the possible planning problems that can be encountered online and preprocess a database of policies. Due to the computational complexity of constructing this database, we propose a general experience-based POMDP solver, E-RTDP-Bel, that uses the solutions of similar planning problems as experience to speed up planning queries and use it to efficiently construct the database. We show that the developed algorithm speeds up database creation by over a factor of 100, making the process computationally tractable. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in a real-world plug insertion task in the presence of port position uncertainty and a pipe assembly task in simulation in the presence of pipe pose uncertainty.
Abstract:With the advent of machine learning, there have been several recent attempts to learn effective and generalizable heuristics. Local Heuristic A* (LoHA*) is one recent method that instead of learning the entire heuristic estimate, learns a "local" residual heuristic that estimates the cost to escape a region (Veerapaneni et al 2023). LoHA*, like other supervised learning methods, collects a dataset of target values by querying an oracle on many planning problems (in this case, local planning problems). This data collection process can become slow as the size of the local region increases or if the domain requires expensive collision checks. Our main insight is that when an A* search solves a start-goal planning problem it inherently ends up solving multiple local planning problems. We exploit this observation to propose an efficient data collection framework that does <1/10th the amount of work (measured by expansions) to collect the same amount of data in comparison to baselines. This idea also enables us to run LoHA* in an online manner where we can iteratively collect data and improve our model while solving relevant start-goal tasks. We demonstrate the performance of our data collection and online framework on a 4D $(x, y, \theta, v)$ navigation domain.
Abstract:We are interested in studying sports with robots and starting with the problem of intercepting a projectile moving toward a robot manipulator equipped with a shield. To successfully perform this task, the robot needs to (i) detect the incoming projectile, (ii) predict the projectile's future motion, (iii) plan a minimum-time rapid trajectory that can evade obstacles and intercept the projectile, and (iv) execute the planned trajectory. These four steps must be performed under the manipulator's dynamic limits and extreme time constraints (<350ms in our setting) to successfully intercept the projectile. In addition, we want these trajectories to be smooth to reduce the robot's joint torques and the impulse on the platform on which it is mounted. To this end, we propose a kinodynamic motion planning framework that preprocesses smooth trajectories offline to allow real-time collision-free executions online. We present an end-to-end pipeline along with our planning framework, including perception, prediction, and execution modules. We evaluate our framework experimentally in simulation and show that it has a higher blocking success rate than the baselines. Further, we deploy our pipeline on a robotic system comprising an industrial arm (ABB IRB-1600) and an onboard stereo camera (ZED 2i), which achieves a 78% success rate in projectile interceptions.
Abstract:Graph search planning algorithms for navigation typically rely heavily on heuristics to efficiently plan paths. As a result, while such approaches require no training phase and can directly plan long horizon paths, they often require careful hand designing of informative heuristic functions. Recent works have started bypassing hand designed heuristics by using machine learning to learn heuristic functions that guide the search algorithm. While these methods can learn complex heuristic functions from raw input, they i) require a significant training phase and ii) do not generalize well to new maps and longer horizon paths. Our contribution is showing that instead of learning a global heuristic estimate, we can define and learn local heuristics which results in a significantly smaller learning problem and improves generalization. We show that using such local heuristics can reduce node expansions by 2-20x while maintaining bounded suboptimality, are easy to train, and generalize to new maps & long horizon plans.
Abstract:In this work we tackle the path planning problem for a 21-dimensional snake robot-like manipulator, navigating a cluttered gas turbine for the purposes of inspection. Heuristic search based approaches are effective planning strategies for common manipulation domains. However, their performance on high dimensional systems is heavily reliant on the effectiveness of the action space and the heuristics chosen. The complex nature of our system, reachability constraints, and highly cluttered turbine environment renders naive choices of action spaces and heuristics ineffective. To this extent we have developed i) a methodology for dynamically generating actions based on online optimization that help the robot navigate narrow spaces, ii) a technique for lazily generating these computationally expensive optimization actions to effectively utilize resources, and iii) heuristics that reason about the homotopy classes induced by the blades of the turbine in the robot workspace and a Multi-Heuristic framework which guides the search along the relevant classes. The impact of our contributions is presented through an experimental study in simulation, where the 21 DOF manipulator navigates towards regions of inspection within a turbine.
Abstract:Robot manipulation in cluttered scenes often requires contact-rich interactions with objects. It can be more economical to interact via non-prehensile actions, for example, push through other objects to get to the desired grasp pose, instead of deliberate prehensile rearrangement of the scene. For each object in a scene, depending on its properties, the robot may or may not be allowed to make contact with, tilt, or topple it. To ensure that these constraints are satisfied during non-prehensile interactions, a planner can query a physics-based simulator to evaluate the complex multi-body interactions caused by robot actions. Unfortunately, it is infeasible to query the simulator for thousands of actions that need to be evaluated in a typical planning problem as each simulation is time-consuming. In this work, we show that (i) manipulation tasks (specifically pick-and-place style tasks from a tabletop or a refrigerator) can often be solved by restricting robot-object interactions to adaptive motion primitives in a plan, (ii) these actions can be incorporated as subgoals within a multi-heuristic search framework, and (iii) limiting interactions to these actions can help reduce the time spent querying the simulator during planning by up to 40x in comparison to baseline algorithms. Our algorithm is evaluated in simulation and in the real-world on a PR2 robot using PyBullet as our physics-based simulator. Supplementary video: \url{https://youtu.be/ABQc7JbeJPM}.
Abstract:Use of physics-based simulation as a planning model enables a planner to reason and generate plans that involve non-trivial interactions with the world. For example, grasping a milk container out of a cluttered refrigerator may involve moving a robot manipulator in between other objects, pushing away the ones that are movable and avoiding interactions with certain fragile containers. A physics-based simulator allows a planner to reason about the effects of interactions with these objects and to generate a plan that grasps the milk container successfully. The use of physics-based simulation for planning however is underutilized. One of the reasons for it being that physics-based simulations are typically way too slow for being used within a planning loop that typically requires tens of thousands of actions to be evaluated within a matter of a second or two. In this work, we develop a planning algorithm that tries to address this challenge. In particular, it builds on the observation that only a small number of actions actually need to be simulated using physics, and the remaining set of actions, such as moving an arm around obstacles, can be evaluated using a much simpler internal planning model, e.g., a simple collision-checking model. Motivated by this, we develop an algorithm called Planning with Selective Physics-based Simulation that automatically discovers what should be simulated with physics and what can utilize an internal planning model for pick-and-place tasks.