Abstract:Variable importance plays a pivotal role in interpretable machine learning as it helps measure the impact of factors on the output of the prediction model. Model agnostic methods based on the generation of "null" features via permutation (or related approaches) can be applied. Such analysis is often utilized in pharmaceutical applications due to its ability to interpret black-box models, including tree-based ensembles. A major challenge and significant confounder in variable importance estimation however is the presence of between-feature correlation. Recently, several adjustments to marginal permutation utilizing feature knockoffs were proposed to address this issue, such as the variable importance measure known as conditional predictive impact (CPI). Assessment and evaluation of such approaches is the focus of our work. We first present a comprehensive simulation study investigating the impact of feature correlation on the assessment of variable importance. We then theoretically prove the limitation that highly correlated features pose for the CPI through the knockoff construction. While we expect that there is always no correlation between knockoff variables and its corresponding predictor variables, we prove that the correlation increases linearly beyond a certain correlation threshold between the predictor variables. Our findings emphasize the absence of free lunch when dealing with high feature correlation, as well as the necessity of understanding the utility and limitations behind methods in variable importance estimation.
Abstract:This paper introduces an iterative algorithm designed to train additive models with favorable memory storage and computational requirements. The algorithm can be viewed as the functional counterpart of stochastic gradient descent, applied to the coefficients of a truncated basis expansion of the component functions. We show that the resulting estimator satisfies an oracle inequality that allows for model mispecification. In the well-specified setting, by choosing the learning rate carefully across three distinct stages of training, we prove that its risk is minimax optimal in terms of the dependence on the dimensionality of the data and the size of the training sample.
Abstract:Random forests are popular methods for classification and regression, and many different variants have been proposed in recent years. One interesting example is the Mondrian random forest, in which the underlying trees are constructed according to a Mondrian process. In this paper we give a central limit theorem for the estimates made by a Mondrian random forest in the regression setting. When combined with a bias characterization and a consistent variance estimator, this allows one to perform asymptotically valid statistical inference, such as constructing confidence intervals, on the unknown regression function. We also provide a debiasing procedure for Mondrian random forests which allows them to achieve minimax-optimal estimation rates with $\beta$-H\"older regression functions, for all $\beta$ and in arbitrary dimension, assuming appropriate parameter tuning.
Abstract:This paper addresses challenges in robust transfer learning stemming from ambiguity in Bayes classifiers and weak transferable signals between the target and source distribution. We introduce a novel quantity called the ''ambiguity level'' that measures the discrepancy between the target and source regression functions, propose a simple transfer learning procedure, and establish a general theorem that shows how this new quantity is related to the transferability of learning in terms of risk improvements. Our proposed ''Transfer Around Boundary'' (TAB) model, with a threshold balancing the performance of target and source data, is shown to be both efficient and robust, improving classification while avoiding negative transfer. Moreover, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the TAB model on non-parametric classification and logistic regression tasks, achieving upper bounds which are optimal up to logarithmic factors. Simulation studies lend further support to the effectiveness of TAB. We also provide simple approaches to bound the excess misclassification error without the need for specialized knowledge in transfer learning.
Abstract:Stacking regressions is an ensemble technique that forms linear combinations of different regression estimators to enhance predictive accuracy. The conventional approach uses cross-validation data to generate predictions from the constituent estimators, and least-squares with nonnegativity constraints to learn the combination weights. In this paper, we learn these weights analogously by minimizing an estimate of the population risk subject to a nonnegativity constraint. When the constituent estimators are linear least-squares projections onto nested subspaces separated by at least three dimensions, we show that thanks to a shrinkage effect, the resulting stacked estimator has strictly smaller population risk than best single estimator among them. Here "best" refers to an estimator that minimizes a model selection criterion such as AIC or BIC. In other words, in this setting, the best single estimator is inadmissible. Because the optimization problem can be reformulated as isotonic regression, the stacked estimator requires the same order of computation as the best single estimator, making it an attractive alternative in terms of both performance and implementation.
Abstract:In previous literature, backward error analysis was used to find ordinary differential equations (ODEs) approximating the gradient descent trajectory. It was found that finite step sizes implicitly regularize solutions because terms appearing in the ODEs penalize the two-norm of the loss gradients. We prove that the existence of similar implicit regularization in RMSProp and Adam depends on their hyperparameters and the training stage, but with a different "norm" involved: the corresponding ODE terms either penalize the (perturbed) one-norm of the loss gradients or, on the contrary, hinder its decrease (the latter case being typical). We also conduct numerical experiments and discuss how the proven facts can influence generalization.
Abstract:We study the fundamental limits of matching pursuit, or the pure greedy algorithm, for approximating a target function by a sparse linear combination of elements from a dictionary. When the target function is contained in the variation space corresponding to the dictionary, many impressive works over the past few decades have obtained upper and lower bounds on the error of matching pursuit, but they do not match. The main contribution of this paper is to close this gap and obtain a sharp characterization of the decay rate of matching pursuit. Specifically, we construct a worst case dictionary which shows that the existing best upper bound cannot be significantly improved. It turns out that, unlike other greedy algorithm variants, the converge rate is suboptimal and is determined by the solution to a certain non-linear equation. This enables us to conclude that any amount of shrinkage improves matching pursuit in the worst case.
Abstract:Decision tree learning is increasingly being used for pointwise inference. Important applications include causal heterogenous treatment effects and dynamic policy decisions, as well as conditional quantile regression and design of experiments, where tree estimation and inference is conducted at specific values of the covariates. In this paper, we call into question the use of decision trees (trained by adaptive recursive partitioning) for such purposes by demonstrating that they can fail to achieve polynomial rates of convergence in uniform norm, even with pruning. Instead, the convergence may be poly-logarithmic or, in some important special cases, such as honest regression trees, fail completely. We show that random forests can remedy the situation, turning poor performing trees into nearly optimal procedures, at the cost of losing interpretability and introducing two additional tuning parameters. The two hallmarks of random forests, subsampling and the random feature selection mechanism, are seen to each distinctively contribute to achieving nearly optimal performance for the model class considered.
Abstract:This paper shows that decision trees constructed with Classification and Regression Trees (CART) methodology are universally consistent in an additive model context, even when the number of predictor variables scales exponentially with the sample size, under certain $1$-norm sparsity constraints. The consistency is universal in the sense that there are no a priori assumptions on the distribution of the predictor variables. Amazingly, this adaptivity to (approximate or exact) sparsity is achieved with a single tree, as opposed to what might be expected for an ensemble. Finally, we show that these qualitative properties of individual trees are inherited by Breiman's random forests. Another surprise is that consistency holds even when the "mtry" tuning parameter vanishes as a fraction of the number of predictor variables, thus speeding up computation of the forest. A key step in the analysis is the establishment of an oracle inequality, which precisely characterizes the goodness-of-fit and complexity tradeoff for a misspecified model.
Abstract:Decision trees and their ensembles are endowed with a rich set of diagnostic tools for ranking and screening input variables in a predictive model. One of the most commonly used in practice is the Mean Decrease in Impurity (MDI), which calculates an importance score for a variable by summing the weighted impurity reductions over all non-terminal nodes split with that variable. Despite the widespread use of tree based variable importance measures such as MDI, pinning down their theoretical properties has been challenging and therefore largely unexplored. To address this gap between theory and practice, we derive rigorous finite sample performance guarantees for variable ranking and selection in nonparametric models with MDI for a single-level CART decision tree (decision stump). We find that the marginal signal strength of each variable and ambient dimensionality can be considerably weaker and higher, respectively, than state-of-the-art nonparametric variable selection methods. Furthermore, unlike previous marginal screening methods that attempt to directly estimate each marginal projection via a truncated basis expansion, the fitted model used here is a simple, parsimonious decision stump, thereby eliminating the need for tuning the number of basis terms. Thus, surprisingly, even though decision stumps are highly inaccurate for estimation purposes, they can still be used to perform consistent model selection.